- � �-- . . -
<br /> _ . . 4 .� ` , �, ` - ---
<br /> . r �. y :! , ' � . , � ' � ,.. , � ` � . . - 4 `�����,,, .
<br /> _� .. .f.�� � �' . , . ►��,`� , , ' �
<br /> ' . . ' . ,. �?.r�TF�� , ' . ` , . . ; . . :. \ --- _-
<br /> � �� � Thfs� A�ffi�OP �'RIIS3' �s �ac3e as of the 20tb day of M.aacch; .29g5 . � `
<br /> � � by asid �itoag• the Trua�or. MARTIN �ARR� L8L'�S and.I��i�TDFa ' .
<br /> �TSr g�a�ad aud �T3.fe, whbse mai.liang adsl�ess for puzposes o,f • � '
<br /> � � �his Deeal of Tz�ust i� `4�25 Ed�.a D'rive, Grtiad Islattd, I+�� `�66801 . . � , --
<br /> ih�r�in "�Trt19�o�"� whether o�ae or m�re); �� ��atee, �N� It. • ` :.
<br /> . . �.�AC�E. Attara�_e� at LavQ, _�hose m.ai.liag address as P. �. Hox��790, : _
<br /> Graad Ieland, NE 68802-0790 (�ereits °Traetee°�) ; .a�ad th� �efi= .
<br /> whos� mailiag address is P. O.'Box 1009, Grand Island. I�E 6880�- . �
<br /> 10U9 (herein °Lender°) .
<br /> FOR.VALtTAHLE CONSIDBRATION, inclucling Lender�s extens3on of �
<br /> cred�t .�i�tified herein to MARTIN LARL�SE` LEE �HNTS and LINDA
<br /> -�';�'�� .MEBrjTS��r=��rein "Borra�rer°,. whether one�,�� more} , and �he trust
<br /> ����� � ., .::�reiYi�created, the receipt of whicla is �ierel�y acknowledged, _
<br /> • :`;;>�ust�or hereby irresracablY gra�ts, traas£ers. �aveye and assig�. .
<br /> ..
<br /> ' ����t`<wb Tru�icee, IN� TAIIST, t+T�`TH PO� OF SAi,�: for � benefaC and .
<br /> . .• `:; �,security of Lende�, un.� a�d subj�ct ta the,t�xus and �anditibns_
<br /> � .,
<br /> �`��iere9.nafter set:���i-th;_�:'�raga�ly..�descri.loed �s fe�3,o�vs: . , ,- .. _
<br /> ':t..:�,:=.:+ . . . : - ,. ..., .
<br /> Lot One (1��; except the 5"ciuth �ne Hundred� ���n�'r=Five , .... .
<br /> � • • and Six Tenths Feet t175.6'} thereof, in Ba��iman 5� , � '., -
<br /> � � � Lester'e Sub$ivsion, Hall County, Nebraska; .and:. ��:;.;�:. ,
<br /> . . _ ; ,. .
<br /> . � , L�ot �,ro (�). Block One (1) . ia Gosda Subdinision;:::�3a11, � - �__.
<br /> , ' County, Plebraska. .
<br /> . .�',�`<��bge�� with aa.l build�.ngs, icnprovements, fixtures. gi�'eets, • �_ ;_
<br /> . ' � �>�].�e}���,��Passageways, e��m�ats. rights. privileges a�:..a�ppurte- ,
<br /> ` .. �::�ances loGated thereoa'�i in anYwfse pertaining ther��ar, anc� the :�",���i�.. -
<br /> �.;�ents, iesues and profits, reversions and re�aa�.��.�x�:;�hereof� and f.:
<br /> su�ch personal property tha� is attached to the���:'a�rovements so as «...�
<br /> to const3tute a fixture, includi.ng, but not limited to, he�ti.ng . ��;��_
<br /> , and coolf.ng equipment and together with the hotnestead or,taar�tal _,�
<br /> . intereata, if any, which intereets are hereby released and _
<br /> .�:saaived, all o�:.`.�hicb,, including,.rep2acements and additions ��� �
<br /> `;,��aereto, is Yr,�by declared tc���a a• palct of the real eatate '�
<br /> �`secured by th��.lien of �his Deed of Trust aad a12 of the forega- .;-
<br /> , ing being refez`red to, ia�rein as the "PrQperty". _ _� =
<br /> . .�� . THI3 D� 0�� TItIIS7'.!SHALL SECURB: '.• . ' �.. °�-.- _ _
<br /> s �'�,.',, xri�w�__
<br />_ � ' (a)...the payiu�-nt of the princira3 su�. �� ..��rest .R�.-
<br />- �i��denced by a Deed of Trust Note.d�ted March 2a�, '1995, ; .����_.,;.
<br />_ � h�,ving a maturity date of April 1� 2010, ia the o���3i- ° ��_
<br />- � na1 principal amount o� One Hundred Ten Thousand and p��'���-------�--��
<br /> � - .- ----
<br />_ .. :::;:•:
<br />_ • No�100 Dollars ($110,00�:00) , and any and all cnodifica- �� ��^����'",;
<br /> .�..� �.�e��+��
<br /> � � t�ons, extenaions and renewals thereof or thereto �and :,;`;�;���;.�,R_
<br />- ak,-y and all futuxe advances and re-advarxces to Ba�awer � - „ . -
<br /> � .f . . tor any of them �f more than one) hereunder pursu.�t to .• � ;
<br /> � - � one or more pro�u.ssory notea or cre dit agreemen ts `�,r :_ :: ..� �,.��,
<br /> � • � �(herein called "Notie"); � . . ,
<br /> � . - - (b) the paycttent of other sums advanced by Lender .� � �
<br /> td protect the security aE the Note pureuant to this . .-. �
<br /> .;.. Desd of Truat, together with intereat at the highest �� • , . ,
<br />_ �,,,,��� �
<br />- . rate provided fn the netes secured hereby;, �•:�..;;� . � . .
<br /> (c) the payrn�nt of principal and interest on any , .
<br /> �uture advance assmay be ev�denced by promissary notee . . . :
<br />° atati�ag th�y are secured by this Deed of '�rust; pro- .
<br />- � vided; however, that the total principal indebtedneas, •
<br /> � nat. incluciing sums advanced to protect the security or . �
<br />'" iateresfi accrued, shall not excaed the orig3nal grinc�.- .
<br />_ pa1 fndebtedne�s secured hereby; and � . . :
<br />' (d) the perforntance of all covenants and agree- . �
<br /> ments of Trustor set forth, herein. � ." '
<br />�
<br /> - - -.--------�-- ----_ --- - - . ._. —
<br /> . -- ---- -- - _. .
<br /> � - —-- ------ - — -- — — - (�'
<br /> _ E. '•_�
<br />:_:�. , � � '. . '
<br /> .i '
<br /> � . . _ __ _ — — � ,.
<br />