_ _ _ _ _-�- i"3?a�i-• __f�_�f�l�T'-c+lt ���rr _q.Y�±.=_.���-- ___ __._
<br /> _ -- — t�
<br /> __-._ — __'_'_.. _._ _ _ . .._ _ __ _ . .. _.._ ' ' Y .
<br /> � . ������ . . . . . ' . . , t. =`' _
<br /> � . �i��-� . . � . . -- -
<br /> �r • �` _`.^,
<br /> 8. EtcrrowQr s��l!�e��:r!Fs�nrtiC tp Quo4�����not ea�mii ursste os patfn:K irsP�nr►etst ar datesiotat3on of tha PteCercY� , _ __
<br /> 9.1€tFes Barrowar f�Zo to:a?mainatn o:pay ehe prErtauma iw ttta iaqu�red tnsuranco oi tAa fYaAeity.or bi D�`Y�t�ra e�i:�zant,oi c)Cfiv�Y . _- - -- __
<br /> '' .�ftl0tett cta�v.�er a pr+srr mv,i�e os erw°t�d 6etor�a Q�i'irs��erct,ot dl encii�tain tHn PtaflotYV�A goad rapair,or ef Fedmm mny orf�ttt rcm�'t��ear3�� ---—=_ -- --
<br /> 6�jTA0lP[EtLS�Ot t�9�TNSZ QQEd.than Ler►�er snay at fts oP�oR Day s:an tnsusrr.ce Ptemiurt:9:tasee.mattRage ar wxt Qaed P3Yssts
<br /> �sd C:sCtiraa tuefi sums an�J tako stsed aotiaa as it dsem9 nsees3aill to praiaet dn interest without wai��ing e�ufteatin9�n d9ht to deciaze o0d�tauit . • _-- _
<br /> �md eccN�ma tt��deDt sacured RssaDy 6acause of�nY sucts faLN�e ef the Bdrraxor.' Ar�y�nounta so dsIluvsed by tha 6crs3sr shrJ conctitu'to �
<br /> ��e�ti,�$cor�RBd in tt�u�pnr��aFt►�`Yi tiegulm lbr�der so make ary suah d�'sn�aementci ortt�e arr�actianewnatsoevcr.�pa���6 under dhe — ^..
<br /> , ,9. f�andct may t�a$o w cmtso to 6�maQe reasonaDte envfe9 aDfln r,nd inspection ot che Ptepsrty. , ` � . �---------
<br /> �8. 4he pracQOds ot any ativard or cia;m tar.damEges._�rect or oonsp�certti�.in eo�nns�n�p�t����etn�n�a�nextent of tho f�e�t�oum�ot t a =_--_
<br /> or�irt Nereof.ar tvr eanttr;�ncs in fieu of eon5amrtatian,ars�{�:3+�� �«_-__--. ..
<br /> rcrte�mng urqss:d ind�to�n�ss seaurad by thfs 7rtut ileacl.• -- --
<br /> lt t4ee Property i��kt�r+danu�UV Bo�wer,or if;atter nadce bY 4ender m Snrrotuerthut i8�a co�ridamrtor affels to rtsake an awarri nr aaYUe a st�rn tm
<br /> ��Qey,gsnqcxs�.fe9s,co rat.Cq�rJ to Lendet witlda 30 aays aftor the date suoh notica is mtrTaaf.IA�Et L9 StithOtiZ6�t0 COIICCt eJ1d 8py��tA6 pSqCCCQ9 _
<br /> co the surtzs 6eeumd bY t�u¢Tn+al Ceed. _
<br /> Cof�amnatior+ptaeeada or av�rardn sfi�l bo cre�tad ta.tho iast maturing Fnstrltmar3n o4 tha indahtedness seeuted and��'1 not axeotisf or{tostp4r.� -
<br /> Iha duQdate of iho irr�tellmerts ratermd to in p4teS�F�,t.end 4 Re�eot or chang�tho amoutR ot su.th�nstal7nnnt0. . .
<br /> 1A If tAe Londer issuos ti partai raWase of MiE T�usa OsotL�ihs Procoeds raut�t�i Meretar shat!be ered;tei¢so�t4tp Insi m4tudng inst�tmanta ot fhe
<br /> indebiedness racured taeneby. � , ,-
<br /> •�M,)��`►,onder eithnr vot�.mtarily ar imrolu�arity 6atames a pay1Y�[o enY suit cr tegal procaeding relating to tho Pro�t�rty�'J�ioto or tPds Trust Qeed,thaa ' -_-
<br /> fl'ntY6NCer wi11 re�uase tDo Lender ior all eosta ar�,to tho estai►t pemtittad by taw,reasanabie attamesy feas im:uRed by tho Le�ar�elateng io suft
<br /> er te�i procead'ings and said sums s►wil eonstituta additiottal ifiCeDta�nass secured by t9us T�ust Oaed and bear interest at the rdte Daifabla uMar the -
<br /> Nate.unt+l pai0. , . ---
<br /> 12. As ed6itional sacuriry�orrorrar daes hereby assign.transfee er.�sat ovet to Lender,in ca�o ot dafa�t in tt�e partormanae of eiry ot tho tcrtns ot _—____ _- _
<br /> conditur�a�th3s Tnrst Qesd.�e Nofe.or the tem+s af amr indabiaQnes9 secure6 t�cmhy.sU of the►arts.ravertues e�efil incame of arry type
<br />• whatsoever to be 4erived from the Proparty,frteiu6�ng land convact paymen�. le�er,in pe+sort,by agent ar by aaceiver,without regarQ eo t11e
<br /> scfuency or insolvency of tha Borcawer ar tho v3fue of tAn Properry,sha(1 ba e�UeO to tata p�ssesstan ot,tepair,�ent a�mana�,a the PtepertY ana
<br /> to eoUect the rents,ravenues and incomotfterefrum�sd it maq0al►eut of sPad income att e�eraas ot rep�r,and costs incutt�4 in�emin9 and manaBinB
<br /> tlta piroyerty acd coIIeeting rantefs and for paymbnt of insutance premiums with arry remaining bat�nce to Ee ayA�ad ta tAe last maturing payments •=
<br /> f � � of the de0t securcd hereEy. upon Dtosonting a capv ot chts T�ust Daed and dareand to anV lassee.te�rant os ca�s purchaser of Uue Propoe�ty.sueh �-.��;
<br /> person s1ta11 pay a11�ents,paYmsMS aad Drofits accrued ot ttieroafter aearuing tu.Ne Leader untit turthar notiae fram tho lende�.
<br /> ti3. N a:l or Any part o1 the PropertY ot any intorest eAerein is deedod,sold by(and contract or othervvise corne�ted,alienated or turther encw�Rered �
<br /> �er votuntarity or imroturttacily vrithout LonQae's prior writtan eansont,ot i1 the Ttustor i9 a wrporatien aaA there ie a ehanga in ownersTup of 5�?b
<br /> � m mnre of tAs carporatton's stock,or if tho Trustor is a pattnershfi and thera is a ct►ange in tfie membarship or a dissoiirtion of ihe paRnorshi�.
<br /> qxcSudiog!�a transfar by oparaticn oi 1aw upon the de�th of a ioint tesv��t ur(b1 t1►e grant of a[ry leasehoIA Irrtesast not contairdng�an option;o -
<br /> puteNasO����a4eass term of two years or tess,or(c)the craation of tha pa�e maney securttY i�tarest in howehotd app@ancas,tho�n Lendw may,
<br /> at its optinn,dealara all sums sewrad by this Tnist Qeed to h0 imrtsedrau:�c�sa and payablo. tn the event the Letxtor consents m a+�y�sa:eh eharige
<br /> in ownership,curttrol ardissofution or uansfs►of atl or any part of the Property,then lartdar may at its oAtian adjust tha interest rato to the prevaiGng
<br /> • cate of intaresttliat is cAar�cd on new socurod toana of the tyFa sacurad by this Trust Oeod at tho Umo of tho changoin o�sn°7shiQ,convol,�lissoSution
<br /> � c5 transfer€r�may charga a transfer tea. �
<br /> � 14.�UDo:►BortawaPsbroacAafanycovenartoragteemortTO96ortowerinthisTrustOoed,inciudinsth¢ca�s¢nj-^�t�toOaYwhenduearrVsumssoeured
<br /> Ey thi9 Tnut Deed,lerrdar at its option may Qeciara atl of tho sums secured by this Trust Oaed to bo immt�Lateiy due and payabie wittsaut.Eurther
<br /> 6em�ancl may imraka the powar of sate endlor any othar remadioc pemsttod by aDp�icabto�aw induda�ttw ri�rt to foraclase thfis Trust Qacd in
<br /> c,.*p mannst pravidod by law for tha toreclosuro ot mortgages on real estate. Lender shaU be cntitlad to coflact a!1 reaaon�lo costs artd axpensas ___ _
<br /> �+ttr.�ttad an pursuing suc�ramedfaa.inctuQing,6ut not limited to,anQ to tho extent permitted Dy lar�,roasonable attomey teas. _
<br /> .�
<br /> !'-
<br /> 'i!the pawar o!sato is imroked.7rustee shafl record a notiee cf aefeutt in eacA eounty in which the Property or somn part thereof is loeated and provide _--"_
<br /> o t i e e r e c�!i�n t h o m n n n e r p r e s o ri b e d b y a D p
<br /> 'iczb{o lari. Aftor ths lapse at aueh timo as may bo required by sp�tipblo law,Tn,stoo snrn�+re pubnc �___ __ --
<br /> a c th - -
<br /> � notica of saSo ra the persons and in tho manner�soscdbed by aqp lie a b fe tax.Yru s tae,ot t ho a tt o m e y t o r t h e T r u s t a e,w R h a u t d o m a n d o n 6�a r r o w e r, �_
<br /> shall sell the Praperty at publlo aaation to tho tc�est DiQBe�at tAe 6me and�,iace and under the iorma deslgnated in tha navca oi safe in o:�mar more _ - _
<br /> �xccela and in such order as Trustae may detemdnv. Trwtetrrnay pos�one sata of af1 or any parcef ot�ha Propercy by publio annourtcemartt at the
<br /> ' �h�ie anA 01�0 of arry proviousty scheduled safe. Londet orl.Crsdor�dosignee may purchasa tho proporty at any sate.
<br /> . � � � � jy,y�p��=-
<br /> �. Upon reeeipt of payment of the price bid,Tnistev shafl deSiLxin the purchasar a Tm�tea's Doed,withou4 vrarranry,eomrey.r�g the Roperty sotd.Tho • �-
<br /> racitais in tA0 Trustae's Doed shatl 6o prima facio ovidonca of tre trutA of tho statements mado tt+orain. Tnntes ehall supply the procee0s of the salo S"``� '�%
<br /> ln th�foSlowing ordor: +il to all reasonabte aos:s and o�onscs of tho eato,including,6ut not limito0 to,Yrdsttea�s taes ot not more than F'rve Hurcdred ' ��` � �~��_
<br /> and No/100155Q0.00)Dtus 1!2 of 1�b o!tho smourt socurad horeby and romairring unpaid,and costs of tiUm a��dsnco;b1 to ail sums secured by this � +�;;� -�--
<br /> -. �( s�±.
<br /> ' Tntst Deesd;afd c1 the excos9.it any,to the porso:�or parsors tegatty ontiUad thetato. ' �:� :'�'� �� ��
<br /> �•�;�.�.�i .�„�__
<br /> � ."� ��r1'�i`"I,
<br /> �1�. Any forbearanae by tsr:�'9t 1n oxotcising any right or remeQy horoundor,or otAerrr':o eitorQnd by appfiaabte law,:lw(�eet bo a waiver of or ; '��;A.�'3: - r;•%
<br /> preeluda tho enterciao oi any suah rigfit or►emedy in tho ovant of continu�ng_or tuture 6roacheo by tho Borrowor. . � , � _
<br /> 16.Afl ce, a3provided 1n thlsTrust Don�are distinct and curt:ulatiVe to sny'pthar right or remody undo+this Trust Oeed or aftorded ty inwnr nAuity, :_ ,�<<:` . _
<br /> and rn� e tcisad coneurronUy,independentiy or saccassively.tf Borrower has glven Lertder a ch�ttet mortgago,�t security agreeme^t cn personal '� . -,-
<br /> �y.tioyetty 'arr�f securlty for tha debt secutad hore4y,imMo avont of detault haroundor or thereunde►,LanQer shatl hava tho right and option to -. •
<br /> ittst�oroctos , eid parsortal propeRy witAout prejudiea ta6�s rigt�to thoraa4toi sai)or fotectoso tho Property or to�ur�aa atl securiry at the sama •
<br /> �me or to pursua,�0err.vnal praperiy eiter the sald or fe�:olosuro ot tfie Property. � � _ . .
<br /> 17. Upon paymont of e11 aums sacute0 Ey th•t TNst Doed,lortdor shaGl ra�uost Tmstoe to reeomrey the Propertyr and sfiall surrender[his Trust Oeed -� .:.' , .
<br /> and all notes evidencing inQebteQneas socure7�y thi9 Trust Dood to Trusteo. ?rustee shall caconvey t`a�Ptcp�►ty without�varranty to the person or :��.�;•
<br /> parsona tegafJy entitted thereto. Such person or porsons sAall pay aU coats of roecrdation,if.,�.y. • • .
<br /> i8. Lendsr,At Len�e/s c,tc�,ma�/trom timo to timv racr.ero Tn�stoo ond aApolm a succcroi trustoo to any Trusteo appointcd horeunQvr bY an � • �
<br /> ir�strument reeorQcd in the County ia which ttus 7n�st Ceed i9 racordod. Witfiout comreyanco of tho Ptoporty,tlt0 SUCCC33C7 tR19t00 SAOU 6UCC8CQ 10 . . '
<br /> • all tiUe.Doirer and duUee co�errad upon tNa 7rustoo horein and by applicabte low. . . �
<br /> 19.Exceptforacryno6ces,demartds.�aquestsoratl�orcommunicatton�roqulredundarayplic�telawtabegiveninanothersnannor,wttertwrarlondeh , � • �
<br /> Bd�N�wot or 7rusteo pivos or sorves atry notica Gncluding, �vithout limitation,nodco oi Qofm�lt and notico 04 salo).Qemands,requCSis o�other '
<br /> •cammunication with respect to th19 Trust Oeed,eaoh cuch notico,domand,request or other communlcaUon shall bo in vJritirtg a��d sha11 be oNoetivo . . . �
<br /> aniy if tho sarrto is d�livcted by porsonril sorvlce or maJed by cortitiad mai1,posta�jo ptap�iJ,rutum raceipt roquosted,aQdcess¢d to tho aQdtess as set
<br /> forth at thd 6oftinning o}the Trust pead. A capy o!any notico of dofauft,any notice of sato,ro�ired o►pormittod to ba giVen hereurtQo►,shalt bo � . ..
<br /> ti ,
<br /> mIIiled to aach person�•�ho is a party haroto at tho m�drass sot forth ot tho ba�irtning o4 this Trust Oeod. Any party may at any timo chango its aGdrass .
<br /> for cucF+rtotices by dctivering or rrre�ling to tho othar partia9 hocom,as�toroswd,a notico ot such ohango. Any�otico horcundar shnU bo dn�smed to . .
<br /> • havo to bcen{pvon to Borrov�or or LonQor,vrhan givnn in tho mannor dosl«nitta0 hcreln. . ' ,
<br /> 20.Thecovenantscsn0acyocmontshercincantalnerfshatlDfnd.andthorigfitshcreus�daTShatlinurotothbrespeetivohoirs.reprosontatcvos.suceeasors � .
<br />_ . ua�asstgns ot tho partio3. All covcnants und agraomonts o} tto Bonowar sfia�l bo joint nnd sovor.^.1. Whenwar rotomnao is mado to tAo singular ., �
<br /> .hereunder,it shafl includo ttfo plura)and tAO pturol sha11 inctuQo tho singutar. .
<br /> ' . �_ __ .
<br />