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<br /> .. _ . . . ���-���,�'t�3, _�_ - - .
<br /> _----- - - - _. _ �8 ��1�4iT�ID� - - --.�- -- . "�
<br /> , - ' , (Y Year?ce��iades—lt�.ts CapS—F'us�l It�u Coa�er�fon E�ptinn)� . �
<br /> • , . r � , , .
<br /> TY3IS AiD�J[J�'�iB�RA'TE RIDER is made this 22� �y a� Adarch , . 1 Q95 , .'� ...
<br /> aad is incorporatcd`into an� shalt be deemed tio araenrl and supplement the�Vlortga�e, Deed af Trt�st
<br /> or S�urity D�ed(the"SsturIty Instrume�t"j of the same date givea by t8e undersigned(the"Bononer") .:
<br /> w sensre�c+r�owe�'__s Ai�us�tabI��tJat�e{�`l�t,t��ta .
<br /> Q�Id�1
<br /> ' (the.••Lenctss"�ltitilhe:
<br /> same date and cavering ti�e progerty described in the Secyrity Iastrumeat aad tocated at: � •
<br /> . ,.
<br /> 4338 N S"� PA�JL �i�TA�3 � ' C�tAND.ISLAND, I+I� 688t9� ':. _
<br /> . [Pmpaty Addressl , .
<br /> " THE NO'fE COl1iTAINS�6€.�V(SIQlIYS ALLQ�N[11tQ FOR CHANGES 1N_T�iE IN1'ERF$�: .
<br /> EiATE AND Tli� M0:1f'�HtY PAYM�NT. Ttl�I�OtE UMRS TFt�.AMflUiI{'���:
<br /> '63fE MAXlMUiV�f RATE THg BOAROWER MtdSV��Y.ft1E NO'iE 6�l.SO CON?l�i�-
<br /> �D?iTiS}�tA�. �x3i�iAN'I'S. � actd�t3-r ta the caveaants an� a;reemQn+_s *_nade.iii�tl�d���rity -
<br /> � ����; ' . InstnmReni.Borro:��u r°.ad Lender further cor-aant,and agee as fo.ta?�:�;.:�•.
<br /> - ;��
<br /> � A. ADJUSTABI.��tA1T A1�3�1ic�mNTHL9t�PAY11�N7f t�.1�ATt� � . ��;. .
<br />:`"°- . T6e Note provides fa=an�iQ,t�:�s rate,of. . � . ��`',�'.�,�`'�.Y�.:;.isTa'�e�sror�ides for,e�anges �� .
<br /> _ . �. .. . in the adjustahle interesf sate and�g ate�l:v't�a,Yme�t�S �f�as:w �: . . .. .. .
<br /> " 4. ADd[TSTABLIE�n"35ERC5T.RA'�'E ANIlD�!AI�dH.11 L��a��'�'G.�t.���:� . .
<br /> , . , , • ,•�. , .
<br /> ��� ��D.�fange Dates • : . .:.." . . �. '.. , •� •.<r�� • . _
<br />, 'Rsiz adjustabte interest rate I u�paY maK.��aSe on tlze first day af �l�ri� ,.,. 8�fl� ,
<br /> ansi oa that day every 12th month thereafter.�n date on which my adjnstable interesb�rase�a�E3 c�ange
<br /> is calleal a"Change Date." -•
<br /> (B)Ttie tadea
<br /> Beginning with the firsi Chang�Date,my adjustabte lntecest rate will be based on an ir�ct2:a T�ra"Iadex"
<br /> is the weekty aKerage yieid on United States Treasary securtttes adjusted to a const$at m�stiasiiy.of I yeat.
<br /> as made availa6le by the Federal Reserve Board.The most Fecent Index figure avaiIable as o5 tk�s d�te 45 days
<br /> before each Chaage Date.is calted the"Current Index:' . � .
<br /> If the Index is no ton�ez available,the Note Holder�vill chaose a ne�v index that is based up�n compazab2e
<br /> . information. The Nate Holder wiU give me notice of this choice. -
<br /> � (G7 CaleWatioa of Ci�aegss
<br /> Before eaah Changa Date.the Note Holder wilt calculate my ne�v interest rate by ad�ag •
<br /> Z1�ro.atrd Seven-E3QDths , geraentage point(s)( , 2:8�6U� %)to
<br /> 'the Current Index.The Note Holder will then mund the result of this addition to the n�prestion,a�eigl�th os
<br /> one percentage point(0.12i�1o).Subject to the limits stated in Sectian 4(D)below,t�►:�r�l..r�dd'asnount wiU
<br /> be my new.4nterest rate until the next Change Date. �
<br /> The Note HoIder will then determine the amount of the monthly payment that wott�ib�siafflcient to �
<br /> repay the unpaid principa➢that 1 am expected to owe at the Change Date in full on ih�SVi2�trrity:Date at my
<br /> new interest rate in substantially equal payments.The result oF this ca2culation wii�tx�itbz�Racu•am�unt of °
<br /> .my momhly payment. . �°
<br /> (D)Idmits oa iaterest Rate C6anges � :
<br /> The interest rate I am required to �ay at the �rst Change Date �vi}1M:rcv�� Is: �reater
<br /> than 9•Z��� %or tes9 than 5.2500 �/o.Thereafter,m�nd�t:��da interest rate -
<br /> wi11 never be increased or decreased on any simgle C¢ange Date by more than �
<br /> �4 percentage point(s) ( •'' Ii.ODEJ� 010)
<br /> ftom the rate af i •:r t 1 have been paying far ttus preceding 12 months.l�iy interest rate wit�ia,avee•bc�eater =.
<br /> �� �O:��rDD %,which is calla,�the"Maximum Rate." °
<br /> (E)EttccUve I�te of Cbsiages _
<br /> • My na�v interest rate ariU became effective on eacb Chaa�e Date.1 will pay the amaunt of m�naw rnonsmiy .
<br /> . paynient beginning on the first mqnthly payment date aTter ti�e Change Date until the amownt o�tcyrniiont�iy
<br /> pa3+ment changes again.
<br /> lE� Na1ke of Change9 � -
<br /> The Note Hotder wiU deliver or mail to me a notice ot any changes in my adjustabte interest rat:�ancl •
<br /> the amount of my monthty payment before the effective date of any chan�e.The notice cv�l include infotmau�n
<br /> required by law to be givea me anfl�lso the title and tetephone number of a person who�os!�c�nswer any qu�st3on�
<br /> 1 may have regarding the notice.
<br /> MIriTIS7AiE CaTiVEtt419l.E AAIUSTAtiIE RAtE(iiDFJt—taD'Q fhmM-1 Yaar Ueasury Indoxf�ta«las Unifarm bstrirtnent =
<br /> �.eussA�9�.� Pago/ot 3 Form 3118 alG'�3 • � � -
<br /> . Y1t:P1.tORTGA6Ei0Rtd5 •IB00)52t•729� (►�
<br /> �R4r.t0ta�ReeYtHOFape► , ����(�"����' . �.
<br /> LY
<br />