. _ ...-_. ' _�, � ��� � �_. � �ir.i. �` .�. rvLL.a4.. �______" —.
<br /> ___ � '�' ' ����1 ._'°�rc�'_�= — —_--_--.
<br /> �f6f.� -_ {¢�•� -- — —_
<br /> ._�— _ . —__ �' . � , . . � ��`i�� r ' . --v--
<br /> � � � , i9.T�s.ster�€t�Ftap�t9 ar a BeaefisiA�iaserest tu�er.�f s�lt ai any qaat of the PrngerE�►or any intet�est in it , - ------
<br /> is so;d or::^.��**��{nr if a.beaefiaal�ir�terest in�areo�er�s sold or cransfemod sucd$oirawer i�not a natarnl persor}cvitAout _ — �
<br /> - ��'s�rior�i�iue.�t�s�nt:L�er ma3►, at ats ogtioa, t�uiee it�ediatc paym2r.t in Ettll bf.ut! sum� secut� by Uus - -------
<br />� ���irity.inssaum,,4ut.Aaurever.this upfinn stLili rtat be exercissd by L�nder if exesise is pivhibit�k by�'eder�!!aw as of t�aaze _-_- --_--__
<br /> �1hLC S�G91ti!}t-IIL41Tt1SIteR4. � . ' .
<br /> if Le�r exercises ahis�tion.LBnder sha1�give Bomawes notite of acceler,�tion.Ttie notice shall�ide a p�rtad of�ot _�_
<br /> Iess ttiza 3t1 days from the date the natice is delivcred ar mailal witirin ��hlch Bosroaes must pay ull sutm secured by this --.---____-.
<br /> Secur�ty Iqstru�nrnt.If Bonrawer fails t�pay thess sums priQr tp the eRpi�tion uf this period.Y.ertder may in�cofce any cemedtes
<br /> � pzm�itted by this Security Insarvmens w�shouc fusther naaoe or d..�smnd o�Bo�ro�ver. • . , . .
<br />� i$. $a�€@'s R�ght fa Re�tate Tf �orrocver m�ets crstain coa,dittans. Borroiccr sh�ll have tit� right to �tavc =
<br /> ' inctnoment dsSCOntinuad at any tidiY ptiur ta the earlier�f: (a!5 days(or such other�ad as =_.--.-.....___.-----.
<br /> eafarcement af this Sr,�►tY ----- --
<br /> • • applicable paw muy s�cify for reinstatemem) before s31e of th�Praperty pn�svant to any potiti�er of sale coat�ined in this _------_--
<br /> SewIIty Itutnuaent:or f�}�Y t�aJ��at enforcing this Seauity Instnt�ent.Tivose canditions ara that Smmoaer:(a)Pays �.���=�
<br /> i eader a11 sums valuch then woutd b�due under this Security In:-wment aa�the Note as if rs►as�eIeration i�cd c�ccur:ai;@} .�_,__`- -
<br /> cutes any defatilt af any ot6er aove�ts or a�ements;ic)PsYs all expenses iACUmad in enforring this Secauity Iastratn:nt. -_- __-_=__°
<br /> inctuding.but nat t�mir,ed to,�ott�b2e attarneys'fees:and(d)ta�such atuon as.Leuder may teusonably requ�re to a�iva =- _______--
<br /> t12at the�ira of this 3eauity Insu�men�[xader's righss m the Pmpeay aQd Horro�ee's obligation tn pay.the sums seaued by __----=
<br /> this Sec�ity In��uumut2 shali oontim:e�unchaaaed. Upern •��re+�nt by Bomo�re�. th'ss Security Instrument atrJ�the =----__-___
<br /> af�figations ser.ured 6ereby sk�U remain fully effectn+e as if rto aaxteration had amtrrod. Honever.this right to rein�tat�sttu!!" - _ -----___
<br /> anc apply in tt�ase of accele�tian u�der pardgraph 1�. ' • _ -� _ —
<br /> 719:��o?l�tot� �of,Losn Servi�r. Tiie Nate os a panial intrscsc in.the.i�Late (together a�th this Secwit}' -
<br /> gs,,_TM*r.�)maY:be sol�o�c or creora times withuut paor nnuoe to Boirower.A sate�ms}+�ssvit in a char+ge in the eatity l&aou�n� __-___-
<br /> as the'Leacn S�vicer'7 Lt�at coIIects montlily payments due�mder ttte Npte and this�5ecuri�y[�utrument.'[4ieie also may tre one ---- -
<br /> cFrm��e c�sges of ti*.��rr�Setvice�unrelateit co a sale of the Nat�If the�is a�age of the L�n Servicer...Bor�cver wiU:be -------
<br /> given written aa�e2 of r�c8an�•iu acrnrdance avith paiagtapb 2�above�td a�icabie taw.The notic��vill state the naffie mtd ____ -- -
<br /> address df[�.s new Loa�s S�m�icer and the sddress to�vluch paymecus shonId 6e made.Ti�e notice will.atso oontain a�r ot8er ---
<br /> infprmEiicre sequired by agpiicabte faw. . ��
<br /> ' ZtR�tts Sabstan�s.Bornmer sJ�all aot c�se or psrmit t0e presence. ase.disposal. storage.or re[easc of a�y �=��:—�_ -
<br /> �iazarcious c:.bstaaoes an or in the Property. Bormnrer si�all not do. nar allovi anyoae efse ta do. anythiag aff�tiag the -----__-
<br /> � prupe�ty chat is in violation af aay Envimnmental Law•'i'Ete P�ing rno semences shall aot apply to the�ce.ase,or - _
<br /> sWrage oa the Fruperry of small quantiries of Ha�ardaus Sob�ccg that ate genemlIy�eoognized tn be appev�iaie to uormai _____
<br /> resideauial uses an�d ta rrnintenanoe of the Pcaperty
<br /> . (iorroAr¢r shall prompdy give iender written notice of any inv�,-tigation,cfaim:demaad.lawsuit or at�er actean by azry �°°
<br /> govemmental dr regulatoN agency ar Private party involving the Property and�y Hazardoe�s SuUsiance ar Env�romnratal Lac� , -
<br /> . of nrhi�h Baaawer has acx�al kaowledge.If Borro�ver teatns.or is reatif�ed 6y ang gnve�nmentai or t�gulatory aathority.that =
<br /> any reanoval or otl�er reme�iation of any Haraidaus Su6stance aff�ting the Property is neces.sary,Borrotver shall proinpdy tatce -
<br /> all necessary remedial actiuns in accordance witb Enviconmental Laa. � '�,
<br /> As aseo�in this pa�ap6�Q. 'Hazardous Subst�ces"are thos�substa�ces defined as toxic or ha�ardoas substancxs isy
<br /> co
<br /> Enviro�e�!Law aa� che foflawiag substances: gasoline. T��:e, other flammable or toxic �euoleam pmduct�. tax.ic
<br /> pesticides avn�!(�rbicides:volatile solvenrs,materials coara,�.�si�,�aos or for�►�atdeh�de,aad�aliozctive materials.As¢smd�en
<br /> this paragr�p�2p, °F.nvironmetRal Law' means federal laws�G:..-ws of the jurisdiction wi�e the Properry is lecaied ti�at . ��
<br /> retate to health.safery or envimnmenta!protection. ' �-'i��
<br /> NON-LTNIFORM COV�NNANTS.Borrower aad 4.�der further covenant artd agree as fallows: -
<br /> Zi.Aooderatton.Re�a�.I.cnd�siiall giti�rt�tice to Borrawer prior to aoceleration�oEu��a�nv��'s brac6
<br /> g� -
<br /> oY any�ovenant or agre�ent in this SecusIty Insisa�ettt (but aoi prior to arceleratEaa rtt�dar �.t�apL 17 anless -.,.9 .,
<br /> app�ica�te!aw p�v.►vidc�atherwise).'il�e notke s6a11 specafy: (a)t4e defanit; (b)ti:e actIa�evgaired to�e the default; .�;�
<br /> (c)u dat�ant I�'s than 3p days irn�n the date We notFce is given to Bomocser,by tvbtch the defanit mast be cared;and = .' . .�,-
<br /> (�that fa�are to care the defani!on or bef�se the date speclfed in the noUce aiay resvit in aooelerat�on of the s�s •� • t
<br /> ';i- .:-."�-� - I
<br /> se�d by tdis Secarity 1a+�tr�ent and sNe of the Progerty.T6e aotIce shall farther iniosm Borra�r�oi t�e right to •;. ., .•
<br /> r�instate af�er aooeteratton and the rig6t to bring a wutt adIon to assgrt We non-e.�stenoe of a d�t or aa� other �-"'•.'��•� ,i"`
<br /> 1;� .•: . - rJ ��
<br /> aetease or ao���w a�e�a�fln sna�. YP We defaait Is aot calod on or befom the dlute spec�e+al In the notice, ,:�.,•:;. ,�,�-
<br /> I ender,�f�opttoa,may neqoire immedtate payment�n fuli aB all sums seeur�d by this 3ecurity Instrdm�t sithoui �? � - _
<br /> rd
<br /> , Curther de�mand and may im�otce the posser of sate aad a�y astte�mmcdies permntted by a�xlir�le[aw.Lender shalf 6e �.�j;';��.,�,�'�'
<br /> • eaHtled to coileet ati inc�med in. ursning r.he ceme8ies mvlded in tht4 �D,eaduding,'but aot l'unjted �•. •. �, ,
<br /> � P P Pa��P� �Ct'"��-'wT ,_�'_
<br /> � • ;: to.reuatiaMe attarneg� �tes and cQSts of titte e�Ld�tt�. y r��.;
<br /> if tbe i�a'u�er of sa:�r is invotal. 7'�astee s�icc6��cecosd a aoi�oe of detaQlt ia eacb cauuSy 6n+�lii'c:l�•8n9 part n!the �'".�`°
<br /> �':.�•:.-�., -
<br /> � Piepert�+is tocated and sh�ll mafl m.�ic�s of s�c5 nnttce in the manner presesibed by apgliQ9�le 1aw��Borrower and!o �'-�, ��. �l .'.'.-�
<br /> � the other p�soas pse�cTtbe�by appliicu.4te law.Atter the tlme�red by appllrable law.�rustee shaU gfve pablic aattae . :' �.'' .�
<br /> � of saIe to the persons and in the manner prescribed 6y applIcabte law.Trastee.�vithout danand a�Borrower,sha91 sefl �•:�,: :'� �;. .`��'.` �
<br /> �. t�IIe pto�erty N pnblIc�n�on to the Wghest 6fdder at the time und ptuce artd uader t6e terms d e s i g n a J S d jn the notice oY , '��`�
<br /> sale�n one or more pamels and in say order Trostee deter�neg.Trustee muy postpone sale o f a U or any p a r ce 1 o f t 6e . . . ..
<br /> � prppe�ty by pabfir anao�ncxm8nt at the time aQd pince of smy pneviously sshedW�sale. Lender or its designee may , . :. . .
<br /> i punchase tS�Ptoperty at any sale. " ,�;• .
<br /> • • , . • ,;;��s���. .
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