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<br /> . &�R2'1'AL
<br /> . ' ����,` �,�;��1 �. UEED QP tt�'L`�'NVEYAtiCE � ., ' � : � .
<br /> • ' • KttOH f►LL FiBt� 4Y TiI[E9L' PItFSEti'fS: . �, � . . . '-
<br /> • 4 �T1iAT t71[SEZEASt a18 oF tiis inde6tedaees secucecl by the �rust Ueed eaecuted, by `,� ` �
<br /> ' . �fua�as L. � 8 Fiaz� (�s H� & W3ft� ' . . • ' ` �,.
<br /> , . , Tt�setor, to �C;
<br /> �og �.g��� , Trnatee,�Eor Ehe aeaeEit � .
<br /> ' � oi ���+�C o£ W� RSve� _ . ' � . tlie , ._�__ - - --,
<br /> i�en�ficiary named hereia, daeed ���25 , 199 2, an8 record�` ��r �g92
<br /> , ia tite �EEice vf t�ie Register of Deeds�of �'� .
<br /> 4�n�ntyr tlebraska� hA I�oc�mceot !i�►. 9�7.4SL_ � �. leas Geci�• rstt�`.,;. .
<br /> ;ur�l �r:ei�l RrnrCici:ety hnri re��ur.9t�d�in ari[ii��; I.hnt lb�9 ileed af [teco»veynnc�`_tir°, � '" ' ---
<br /> executed' and ctelivered ns conEirmed by its eudorsement below� ' � � . �.
<br /> � ���
<br /> . . • . �,--�—.=
<br /> NOii TIIGREFOR�� in consideration of sucl�. paqment and in accordaace with.tlie -
<br /> .reqirest oE tfte Benefic�ary named therein, tl:e underaigned as Truatee does by these .
<br /> preseaEs� grant� remise, release aad recanvey to the pereoa� or peraoas cnlitled• ' _
<br /> • ttiereta all the interest and esCate derived� to said Trustee by os�through said �rust
<br /> Ueed in•tite tolloNing described premises buC anlp as tct such premisea: , ,
<br /> A.traet crt l�d oom�somising a 1� of,the Southw�sfi tNart�ctf tite Southwest Quaft�i. . �
<br /> (S�I1/4�l'i/9) og se�cti� �aenty-0tje (21}, �a�artship �n (10) N�rth, Ranqe Pleven (19�I West ' .
<br /> o€ 6th P.M., in Hal.l �otmty, Nebraska, mome particul.�rlg de:c.�ed as fallaws'� . . , �
<br /> B�gira� at the sautnwest oarn�r of safd sc�a�e 3�entl►-O�e t21): �oe IJork�ily .
<br /> � aZeng a� upou the West line of saia Secti� Z�enty�-Qne (21). a disfiarcQe of tvio hundred � .
<br /> eigttty-one [281.0) feet: ��deflectfng ari�ght 88° 38' az�d riuu�ing ncafi�sterly.a
<br /> c�istat�e oE four hvndred thlrty-eight �nd fiv� tenths feet (438.5} fee�t �eno� deflecting - -
<br /> � right 92° 59' and z�unriinq saut?raesterly a dfstance of tar� hLU�drod nin�ety-on�e and fas `` �--
<br /> t�ths (291.4) feet, to tbe soutb line of said secti� twer�ty-one t21): thenee runni�g � ,�����------
<br /> weste�Iy ala�g.arr2 upoa the `auth line of said sectian t�nty�ne (29). a dtstanoa of four ==-----
<br /> h� thirLy t930.0) �ee� to the plaQe af begfnningl�d oantaining 2.85 acres, m�re or !:�� .,.�
<br /> ]�ess, o� which O.St aares, ma�e or less, � ��Y �P� �7t oamty�soad xight� - -=
<br /> of Way. E�cc�at�g �fran a ve�ctain tract of }.and more partieularly described in a ���
<br /> Quft Claim Deed =+eoo�ttd� fit Bools.9 64 Page 316. -�_- -
<br /> , . , �
<br /> `.� -
<br /> . . � ���.
<br /> T�C.GTiI[3R tJllli ALG buildings� [ixturea, improvements and appurteqances belonging ��=�,�_'=;�==-,-,,�
<br /> ro suCh premises. � .�•' �.
<br /> ����F... �.�.�
<br /> 3/�a/�s' � .:�,,,�, s�'� �.��:�.
<br /> . DATGDs . O . -. .
<br /> '.;'. _ _:t
<br /> .}...:asi. ;�•_
<br /> V8 �- G'91 '� . .
<br /> s•rn•rr. or• N�:uenstu►1 � ���'
<br /> (so: . ';'°; •
<br /> . caUN'CY UF ��) . �` � ; •.
<br /> ,.:::`:�- •
<br /> . � Def�re me, a Notary Yubli� qual'fied in. a� CG�Yr Pereonally came .
<br /> L`� of �
<br /> � , a corpocation, K[noun ta me to tl�e same � �..
<br /> hud ident c�►i petso�i w110 s gned. tGe foregoin� f»strument, and acknoxledged ta►e eaecution. �
<br /> tl�crevE Eo Ue bas voluntnry nct aad deed ns auch offiner and t�e� volua�tary nct and deed � � • �- •
<br /> �f soid corporation, and that iCs corpnraCa seal was Chereto aEfiRed by iEe aothorily. '
<br /> l�itneas my I�and and Notariol Seal nE �j1jj,�� �/� � 19�. . . •
<br /> -•.p�, �,l.��p �J�. , ' .
<br /> : J � � �' i . /1 iG%A�;/!//'�� �
<br /> �.._
<br /> � ' `- • � GfYEAJI�FlOiAAKSi�alt;t5rt�
<br /> =`; .,, . -� Notary P �c � . .. .
<br /> • � � � � TERAY K iiATHMAJi � .
<br /> ' c,,r{+.., ��;I.. " .r �Y�.ES�QQ.Et.t547i ' � - - -- - -
<br />= rC� -- _ -.r�. - ' - - - - - �
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