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<br /> ' i -, . .. . , ,
<br /> �'r '�, � -`_ _ t - i.f . . . � . . � L.'^'�i� {�F Q 9;��' �- .
<br /> �i` , , .
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<br /> _ ., ` _�
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<br /> -- �' ` �,; t � __
<br /> — . • `" �° 3� =�'-
<br /> ti�..�•. �
<br /> � `'� � - Q{� �y • .�
<br /> . .. . • . � . . '. ' i ��RP V° �!l �.:�..� �� ,� `�e :
<br /> - ` i6.aerrawr�a�ap . 8aaowes s�tte oaeaanfommedmgy af therI�e as�af th�s Se�y� . { ` '`'�
<br /> - �. g�. . 17.Tsan.�c�trg6�e��a��1�I�t�est in�or�srer. If�a��y�t df��capatp a��ny mi�Q�n it is t = � � __
<br /> as
<br /> _ ,�., -- soLi�r nass�erad(or if a �iat ii►t�'izs Bvaawtt is sal�ar ereasfet���d B�umwea�s nai a aat�u21p�on)wittcmii y`;` , - ,� --
<br /> si
<br /> `-� . : L�atd�'s px�wri'�at oanseat,l�ada maY•ai its a�ttun.requa�i�eiti�e pa�mca�t m faII af sI!sams saeuird by�his Sd�iry , ,
<br /> - ��,:�` �'(� Instaua�L Iiowev�.tLia�pti�n sbaII n�t aa e�c�ccsed by�eatder if exe�cise�s ps�bi6ii�by federal taw as of dte da�of tlus . -.
<br /> J ; . . gec�ity yns0�eai; . ` _
<br /> i ' ' If Le�sder eus�tses�s L,ender sbaII giv�Bmmw�noti�e of��.�e aotloe s�siipmvi�e e ' of not Iess v
<br /> _``�` `` ` �''. � � than 30 daya fc+�ch8��aotiDe ts dsldv�ar m�e�wit5in which Baanwpr amaai p�y all sams by t�is 3ectuit�► ` .� -�
<br /> -- � .. rnstr�r�nt.If�a�oar�fa�s m��se s�t+as grissr m me e�aa�on or 6t�padua,Ir�d�a�►mvo1�auy re�nedi�s p�misrea ��: � : � .'�;�
<br /> iry tIIis S�ri�y�nment�ots��n�eeor de�ma�si an B�ower. � . . � ' . _
<br /> � �4 �7
<br /> ,, ; 18.�orrovre�'s�H�i�lb�� If Bamrowra m� aeit�am o� Bunoarea �ha31 have the �ut m h,�ve .
<br /> �,..�=` caf�s.ui of�s Sx�.•tm7trs��i�si�y ta��w t I��t�(�S d�}i s(a r s v�h o t h e a p e a i o�s s ' � �{
<br /> ' a
<br /> ° , app2�able Faw may speefy�er•�`I�tr.ca't)befm�sal+z of th�Pmp�ly Pmsaans Lo aay�rrea af sate wutauced€n tbis�c�irit r x
<br /> mESa+
<br />�� �� ; � Tnelmm�t 6!N3�t1UY Qf S jll1���f��L[Q$lIIL4 S�IQS�IAL'AL�IO�CCOIl��S ffi0�I?i BQIIOSY�:(8} �dt{{�l a11 . ,,e ` `.�:
<br />- � . s�ns Rfiich th:a w�n2�}be dua�Qai9�tisa�S�a�y'�aad tht I�oia as if aa�a h2d�N3��I/
<br /> sa� ':
<br /> .�. ' , . .� ` de�mlt of�y od[�s wvet�ut�as a�r.�(c)PaYs all e�e�es in�re.�in�fa�g t1a�Sereiry�ns�ameat,mc�m8�b� . . -� ' -
<br /> . �. ` not I�m.te�anable efL¢aao*,:t?.fQc�au�(�tat�s s�h&Ct#�ps�d�a ma�r e a.m n a b l Y re4�e t a assare t h a t d�e l i r�e f� ,. :,: "�,
<br />_- . `�� � get,�urny $*��++,m�z LEUdsr's r�tsm:in��t�Fropeaty aabd Baao�'s ob� t4 p�y tf�.s� secured try tI�Soa�iry "
<br /> u `
<br /> ' Inst�ttt�t sLaI!wn�iva �c�ge�:��U�pn m�s�2�Y hy Basoss►e�tlns S Instru�t ffica th�ob .s� �
<br /> �}� . sL ':,
<br /> - - . , he�eby shaD reoaais L�y'e�CtivG asri�i�t�ede�ati4n had oocanted.Hawcve�this n�' t ta reinst2�s�nt�2�`d�c�se of N;
<br /> ' ' eo�imdst�gb:l i:• � " �
<br /> ,'� - � L9.S�fe of Nelai�a�1Ln��rrbc'cr. 'Iqce l�iote ar e part�ial iafs�.st m tl� Nose (tog� wkb tLis S� `"�� ,,,
<br /> , � , ` Y , .,
<br /> Ins�3)aray be sa3d au�s cffi mrae�rita��p�nnri�e m Bo.rmwer.A�Ie rnay raquEt im a c,aaag�in t!�c�(Imawa `�`;.
<br /> �-.
<br /> ,o •��� t .•. ' 591�.°j d�.S��CB�CC�97Q�p• �QfI�4`I 1�.HOIPi��3.S��C�1t.�1�'.8150 ID3y�7P.OIIC OI t t' F `�t
<br /> �.'` s �. . msie c�aa�es of Q�i+aiu Secwieer�ma Ri�sa2e of th�N�If the�e is a c6an8e aff tS�Is�e Seavicxa Baaowra wU be ,;1 F°�'`,, ;. �.
<br /> ci� ��i
<br /> 4 g�vea w�rn notice o€the d�sa ecoa�with��h t4 a��ove aadspplicable�:.'iti�nQ�e sn'il srate d�e aame�d ' -
<br />-- -` - � aQ�rrsv of ths uew Laaa lecri��ihia�itd�,�u�w�h�ym�shonL3 be m�'!*:��Yn�ioe�'gt.m�tam�sy a�ez . -- s"_
<br /> �-° e h,o it , �.` ,-
<br />_ � ' infamoa8an requ�d bY e�pplfcebfa ia°r=" � . :' � . t �-
<br /> ."'.''�` ..,,.`° t4.R�tr.u�rsus Sa�. $�'s�aII aoi�se ar p�l tb�e picse�ce. �.�po�1.st�iag�tff�leasa af aay . �:�.,�. .?`
<br /> �""� Na�zdous Substauces�.�in;eh�Ftv�spiiy.B�ower shaII ani du�.a�r altaw anyiaue elsr�r�o.anYdSng affect�g Qie Pmpedry � „ - � . °�. -
<br /> 7' • - � .L�,�.
<br /> ' � ; t�is In vinlatian c►��1F�ia�uaa�J,taw.7t�e preced'mg ew��ces s1�I1 nat agpbp�o tt�pres�ce,us�or.swiage on the �, .
<br /> ,. . � p�capeaty of�a1I qa�o of!H�us Subsiances d�i�e gea�ai�y mca�W 6�appmgiiare w nora�al n�ideutial uses : � '�'. �' • .
<br />`�r --� �- aad to m�ance Qf Yts Pl��tEy".�. -- . , � r✓ ,�_
<br /> ...,-_ .. Harnnwer�aII.yaomptiy;gtv�e:J�ndet wrFta�nnure af mry u►vesti�,claan.demand,iaws�r'3�orhra action by.a�► �;,.� .. `�'! � �
<br /> invotvin the Pmperly�d eny HsuctL�-,,r�s Snbslaace or&avaam�ntal Iaw • `r�
<br /> ' gove�tnmenml mc iegatatd� ,sa , .
<br /> �Y � of�ich Bauower 1�as a�.. �Bor�rawe.r leafn�or is notifiCA bY�l+8�`���S�IY��7►•��Y � : . .. ' '�`.
<br />-- � � �.:, . �navat or ather re�edFs�on�if.�� a�SabsKanae affecting We PcopeRy is u��,Boiraw�shaU pmmpsly taice aD : �,��, �-
<br /> _ ` � .�" . ne¢essffiyrrernedinlaCta��.vin wittaTc�coamentallaw. �. y��,At��`. �: ;. �.
<br /> . ;, � As ased ia tdin�ysnug���2€'�;°Ffaz�ai���nbst�ces"�those sutu�nce,a defraed as tnxic or�ndons snbstances by '`�, . '�" <�,;;�
<br /> � .. '' `.'-�' Euvimnme�tal Lavi and t�a fO1Ha�g sWss� 6asoline.Icemsene. othca flatnmable or toxic pet�o2eum prodar�,WAic .. . . `�':� ';,,
<br /> '. aso ,
<br /> . • pes7icLles and heabictd�.�.ap'i�t�L�,mts.mafaials coatais�a►g asbe�tos or f o m�a i d e h y d�an d z a d i oadive m�t r s i a Z s.A,s a s e d in ,� ,;•_ �� ,
<br /> •� �" � � tlus h�A,°Envacmm�amllaw"me�s f e d e r a l laws�l aws o f t hs j u r l�d i:.a on w�s t h e P m p�e y is l o c�+�a t m l a r,� ,.. ,,, ,
<br />-- r�r�s� ' W b4�1Uh�ety 13mtectian. rr4...
<br /> _ ,, ;.r��„�."xl,�:.
<br /> n�.;i OI eIIY�UJII� '
<br /> - � �:�S�n4°;i . � . . � • ' '� �'y 2 5c4:
<br /> ' .'. _ NON IJ�ffi��tM CU�'�1VAi�'1S.B�rawa�d I.endar fiuthes emve�aat�zd ag�ee a9 foilomrs: . . �' .,` `���S . •
<br /> arrs �.� :,t ;. .
<br /> � , � Zi.Aceeterat�n;lRt�e*��L�der s4aQ g�ve notke to Barmw�r pru�r to aoceieraHasi PoBawing Bore�er'a breaci�o! : .�' .:t �.',
<br /> . ,.r'.
<br /> _, :' ",'��, aay wvmant or agrecmm0�tm thi�Secarity Instrament tbnt not priar to acceterumcm �der p�grayb 17 nni�ss .. -. ,',; .
<br /> ''��F�S` apecjf9s(t�)the dNaaI�(b)t6e actlon r+rq�red W aue thc dsfanit;(e)
<br />��:�� .. �„���1;' . .�.,,�, aDAlkable iaw provides oh7�e).The not�ae sl,a� . ,.��'�-
<br />- ` 4 datA not le�t�3U daqg t'mm tDe dah tlae nofke is given to Bonower.by wbk�the defnnIt mast be carcd;and(d) . . ,%:`--`.: :
<br /> � •
<br /> ;.�,.��:
<br />-��` . • f��:.�.;s;�, tHa!fi�!!b CuSE t�QS�u1t O`.i as bCTO�'E th8 dAtt 6pCCif'1!d iII t6�QOti�e II18y rPSUIt 31!YtCCl2letitAlOf tlie SOm.q SCA�Ed . 'y�'*;*;��r��•,J
<br /> ;�:-, ?�°!��';;�t"
<br />�. �. '�._...-�. �.�s . b t6is Secarity I�omcat and s�i�e of the Pra The notioe sha0 farthes dnfosm Borra�v�a�R th�right to rsiastate �. � �� ..
<br />�,�. ��.;::. Y �• ��"�;�,�
<br /> - . � alter aoceleratkia�d ttc�ti�ht W brtag�amut ac8on to�t t�e nan�ce of a 8d�t�T aay athv dt�ense oi •
<br /> •'•.`'�,� � Bor�er W�ooetaat�oa�a�sd&a!�V the defauIt b aot earea oa or betan ths d�tr�d in tTie natic�L��at tts
<br /> _, -.�� < ..
<br /> � .,•�;�,�:�', ., � '_ ' ..
<br /> �•�:`.' opt�nn,�sy eeqmre im�edi�fit�u9m�t in fnD ot al!sum�sec�ed bg tLi�Sec�rtt�T.m�mcn2 withont f��emaad . �. . . ,-
<br /> �• �� smd may invoke tha��a�t~�tCe and any offier remedtes peemittod by rapp}3eab1e�s�c�t be entittetJ to eoltec! . . '� '- •�,..
<br /> the rtme�ies pmvlded in tbi4 � 3 21,ind�tT'mg,b�nea�to,re,a5ona6le �. r��� r
<br /> •:� :,.;�
<br />`�f . ��. aII exPeusey�acarrod�m Dac�q?s�g, �ie p� ��:: ;f.;r�:a;;
<br /> , e�a
<br /> -.., : � aftoraeys'fees and cosSs m���vWenc+a � �� ;,�;,5.�
<br /> II� ,. �"n`:
<br /> .:�,,'..�� , . �.•- ,';'
<br />-- �r .;s�,i�,'�,;� . If the power nf sale iv YavaliWl,'17rostle s�reaard a not�ce ot ddanit in ers���onnty in wLic6 any part of the ,'Fj:j:,: . . .
<br /> �� "`;�y�,-:- Praptrty f�iorat=d and[�uII mnt��bogks ot sac6 notloe in the manner rescribed b le law to Borrower aad to Wa ' '{'�';:`, ..
<br /> :: -.�hL;_,.,,. D 7�b '. 4;�;,6::;.; ,
<br />-,.� other persoas prescr�ic9 by a�pltt�ab[d iaw Aitar tDe t�me required by applkable�^�v,9Yustee s�.0 give pnbtk ao8ce of .. . ,:;,�,.
<br />-• � s�k to the persanfl and in�ha mntancr pr�ibed 6y ep�1�CaDIe taw.lYnstee,withant dem�nd on Bamower,sl�11 se0 the .�
<br />'.�• ' � Pmptrty at pnDti�anetioa Ea�t�n hlgh�st 6idQe�et the tims aad p/�oe and ander t6t 4erms designated in the not�Oe ot ss�Ie
<br /> :� . : �
<br /> _ :.��;, �� ,;' '���,�'
<br /> _� .�.� �• Formaozo sreo ;�•:,�:t;�;`�,.
<br /> _ 'v � IMIAtf: I.�'•;"
<br /> ..,. •eR(HE►tatt2., vnp•sme I� : .
<br /> � ' .;,::. .
<br /> �.r;��`' .:; .. �:?i;i:� '
<br /> �- . :.�:.� �,, ...,..,
<br />_ , .,. 'r;:f'r,., .
<br /> '' ' '�: ! '`�I',v.:
<br /> f• s ;;�'.i. �' �.� _ `�'''� . .
<br /> - � - .,..�T.t Yf�n++�.rww�� _ w.�-M.rav—�-------. . _ .,
<br />�.. - v'�''�y1�j.�,y, ` / `� _1 . . ' . ti' {Y � _• . � +,1` 1' , i`- � .,:,�. . .
<br /> _ �..�`�'4� {- 1- . . ' - .. ' t " .' � - , 1� { . • .. . � .
<br /> '. -- •. - � .. . � � � ' ... , ��4t l�'•�,:'. ... '_ � ' � ,� � . • .
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