____, � , . _ _ _
<br /> .
<br /> : , _ .
<br /> . . , r � . � �� .__. �'��°"'��s��b� : --
<br /> • �l�.'q'ransfgr of t�,Pr�ty ar.�F�eaefcdai Hat�sE�aa Bn�sosrz�r.If all ar any part of the Pro�e�r or a�y ittt�res�In it� `. `
<br /> �� is sa2d ar t►snsf�4ar if a be�sfic�interest ia l�pmnwer is sold�r tr�msfe.rced�8azroiver is not a a�g=.��sn�)`.u�iaha�---.:
<br /> ta�er's piior writte� oonseat,�Lender.:may,,at ic`s a�nn, re�ir imm�iate P3Yr�nt in..fiilI.of al!_ sum�s s�b,�I t6is_ ,��_ . '.
<br /> : ; ' Secuzit}s•Instcuraent:,Haw�v�r��ihis optian�hait�iot be acercised hy i.ender if exer�is��gmtt�ited by federai Iaw aa vf tbc das� ' ___
<br /> � ° +ufflusSeourityLns3rau�e,nt.' - - -- -.--- -- — —-- - — — -=---------_..- -
<br /> � T€IEIIdyZ efi.erc�3ss tbis ogtian,Lende�sllali giva Bnrmcver notice of aoceleradon.'E'f�a notice sl�all proviti�a p:ria3 of r�i�
<br /> � Iess at�n 30 days fro�a thz c�ata 4Iie aotice is•delivered�ar�iled witbin whicb Borrawer mt�t PaY�[t siurs sc�3rer3.by tIu'3 �
<br /> Sccurit�i Iastnicuent.Tf Boir4wPr faits ta pay tl�se sttms prior to tke expirattoa oF this periad.L�ndet may invake a�y renr�ies'
<br /> 'gerrnitted.by tf�is S�Y tnstrua�nt without fartHer aarioe or demand on Borrdwer. �
<br /> T8. �f .., .er's Rig#�i ttt ' a If Borcower�meeis certain conditions. Bormwer shail have the right ta•6ave —
<br /> t
<br /> �. e�ffprce.cneK���.�',�,`.r 3erarity in n, nt ' ' at any time ppiar w the earLer of• (a)5 days(or sc�other•p.r�a3 as , ,
<br /> ��..:.z, n,:nSi:,r[at,e
<br /> applirabl�1';�acs „ ;s�ci�r for .,nt) 6efoce sale af•the Property pursuwt to any p�sver of sute oon:ti:n�1 u� t�is ,
<br /> _�.�i��iaisc�;'`;or��o�a judgrne�t e�cisg tl�s S�c�uity Im�tr��t-Th�e cot�:iiions a�th�t 8cs�n�sti:r_(ep pags - . .. .
<br /> . �cuder ak4 stt��r�ich tt�eu«outd Ue due wider this S�ecurity Instsun�eni and tlte Note as if nn ar,c�lerati�n•f�d•o3etart'ed:(b): .
<br /> � : �agy defav2c of any other caversants or agrcements;(cy pays alt eapenses incumed'in enforcing this Security Itutnamen� ._
<br /> inc�uding,but not�imit�d to,reasoaabfe a�omeys° fees;and(d)tak�,such aziion as i.�nder may reasonably require to assure
<br /> that t�e lien�of this Security Tnsmim�:nt,.Lender s rights in the Property and Bnrmwer's apli�atinn to pay th.sums secuced hy
<br /> .this�Securi,ty Inst�unt�stt shal! cantinu� uncfianged. Upoa reInst2tement by Borrouer. this Security Instn�m�1 and thc
<br /> o�iligattions secut�d 8ereby sSiali remain fully effective as�f n�t acceleration hsd ocxurred.Raa�:ihis ss;t►3 to r�ln�s�sltal!
<br /> nat apply in the casc of aoceleratian under Qara�raph 17.
<br /> ri. Swte ot Nate: Ct�ange.oY Q.oan Servfcer.The Note ur a partial intcr�st in the Nate (together with tti(s Sccurity
<br /> " Instcument)may be soId one or�or�tirnes wi�hout ptior'noti�:e to Borrower.A sate may result in a cttange in the entity(kr.own
<br /> as the'Losn SetvEccr">that rnll�cis month3y payments�ue under the lVote act�this Serurity tns4tvmeitt.There nl�u msy be one
<br /> ur more c�anges of the Loan�ervicer urttelated to a sale of thc Notc. If then:is a change of tiie Lo�n S�rvicer.Bms�otiv�r e�rtli bc ,
<br /> give��urIaen nrstice of the cbange in acrardazcce with paragra�h 14 above nr�d applicable taw.The na3ice wi11 sta+.o tl��namc ond _.
<br /> . nddr�ss of the new l.aan Servicct and the address eo whicb payrhents shauld 6e made. 77ie notice wili utso conuun any otNar�
<br /> i�amsattan�eqnirad 6y applicabte law. .� . '
<br /> Z0:�ous Sul�t.wc,�s. Borrawer shall not cause or pemut the pnseucx. use.disposal.siar.g°...or sc2�ss ai nny
<br /> I3arrrQoua Substances un or in t4e Progerty. Borrawer shall.not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affectin�the E-'--
<br /> i�raperty that is in violation of any Environmental Iaav.The preceding twu sentences shall not apply to the prese�x,use,Qr
<br /> stnrage on th�Ptoperty of small qaantities of fIa7anious Substances that are generalty recogtized to be appropriute to aormal
<br /> ' �esidemial�ses aad to maintenance of the Property. �
<br /> Borro�ver shall promptty give Lender written notice of any investiga6on,claim, demand,tawsuit or other action by any
<br /> govemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Propeny and any HaTardaus Su6stance or Saviinnmental.Law _
<br /> of which Borrower has actdai knawiedge.If Bortoarer�`�.or is notified by afly gove►tunefltai or regulatory authosity,that --
<br /> any removal or ather renaediaiion of any Hazardaus�s't�tance affecting she Proprnq is necessary.Borrower sha33 promptly take
<br /> ' a11 n�cessar�remedia!actions in accordausewith E��a�cnmental Law: ----
<br /> . � As asad�tt this paragraph 20. "�a,�,-daus Su�sra�cces" are those substaaces defned as Qo.�e ar h�:.'zta,:s subsfances by =
<br /> '� .F.nvironmem.al Law and the foilowimm.�ail��2nres:, �asoline, kemsene. other flammable a�w�G�petto'�m produ�ts..toxic
<br /> peS�iicides an@ herUicides,volatit�sol��.,<.u�eri,:.fscoritaining asbestos or formaidehyde,ancft�ad.it,:sce�e�r.�t�sials.As used in =
<br /> slus.paragraph 20, "Environmental I.aw"`r..sa.�fc-.�i�;1 laws•and Iaws of the jurisdicdon w[�ere the Pro��ty is located that •—
<br /> ��;elate to health,safery or enviranmetttai profeciiai. - ,
<br /> , ' NON-UNSFORM�OVENANTS.Boriawer�:E�der�further covenant artd agree as fattows: r'�
<br /> �. 21.Asr�s!_`eratfon;Remedtes.Lender shall giFC:otice to Bnrrozver prtor to ac�oelera3u�foBowing Barso�rer's�a�acb �
<br /> � of any cab?�at or agreement in this Secm�ctq L^.str+�ent (but not prtor to acxeleration nndPS paray�apb 17 untess �_
<br /> . appl�cuble 18�v gro�ides othercvise).The rtatice��pecify: (a3 the defaalt; (b)the action reqnired to c�the defaWt;
<br /> , �,)a date,.not less t6aa�atays from t6e date¢IIr�tc��tice Lg given to BorroRr�,F�y�vbtct�the defautt mt�Y be cared;an8 .
<br /> • �i:dy that fallure to core•c�¢efault on or 6efo�`U��date speciFed in the nm�tdi�cuay result in acceC�nti�on oY the sams =--
<br /> . secvred by this Seairity irislrument..:sl safe oY t8e Property.The notice shuIit'fnrthec inforrn Ho ��},er of the ri�rt to =_---
<br /> reinstate after aocelerntion and the��S�W brIng a coort s�ct[on to assert the rta�.�ce of a defu�nit os any other „v.,�,
<br /> detease of Borcower to aoceleratiom Smdi s��. If the defauit is not cnred on or before vTiu�Ye specifled ia the aottce. �_-
<br /> Lender,aC its optlon,may reqaim t��-a��z,.yment in fulf of all sums secured'oy d��ecardty IQ.�ci'mnEnt withoat w-
<br /> farthes demand and may irrvoke the power es;s�e and any other remedles pemnitied As�Hrabie ti��..Len�ler sha91 be
<br /> . entitle�to cottect ali expenses incurred 1n pam�1;he remedies pnavIded in thi5 pa��Zl,incEu�,bat not limlted .
<br /> w,reasonable attotsneys'fees and ca.�':s oY titte es3rlence. ' -_-
<br /> If the power of sale is lnvokt�;�'rustee shall recu�d a notice of default tp eacti vr¢�iy In�vhft�t aay pa��the =_
<br /> propesty is tacated and shall mail cu�,;�o�sach notice in the mmmer prescribed 6y applirab2e law to Borrawes and to -_=
<br /> the other pecsaras presa3bed by app:ra�Ie tacv.A..�ier the ttme reqWred by apBSicabte Iaw,Trastee shall give pnblic nolice '°=�
<br /> at sale to the peraoas aad3 r�the maffier press�ss'1 by appllcable[Aw.Tru��s,withoat demand os�qrrower, shall se9j ���
<br /> ;We Property at pnbfic a�n to t(.�f�ghest E�.^�ktE+t at the time and ptace and�der the terms d�at�in t6e noike of •�:;`-=�
<br /> ��:'.
<br /> : sute In one or�ore parcels and in w�,q arQer�c�stee deternilnes.Tnutee m�y postpo�s�e oS 213 eT any pareef oY the �,
<br /> Property by publie announcer�tent �u t�e tir��aad piace of any prevtously schedaled�:. �.ea�or�tta desigaee may
<br /> pmchase the Pcoperty at atry s2tle. , `
<br /> ' ;.;;�.
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