_.__ : _ . . , _—. ___ ,- - ;. . .
<br /> � � , . . .. . �.� ra,.r•. _ . . �' . -
<br /> _. �... .. , r. t. i. . . . ...c . . - . � ' . '• � 4 . . - •
<br /> � .• � . � c` ' , , . � `C' ` � . . � . ` r ,� , . - ���`I���� ` ` ` `� .
<br /> � S, Aaz�1 tsr�x+apetty �uu#'�� �orrower sha4t keep,the ir�iruv�merts nacv e.eistir,� oc hcreaft�z ei�ted cYr� c6c� . .
<br /> � �cge�rty�i�uapct a�azns-t iass bg fire,Q�ran�intiuci�d witkia t�e•term"extend:d can+era�°a�td.�a}�attitri hak�d�.in�iudiag �
<br /> Raxts o��tocxi'sn�,f43 tY{]ICH LCtbj2't ICi;tliTC9 ttl4vtaillf2.'l�is iasruance sh�ll be main&tia�in t���ncau�s�for the�riv�is `�.`
<br /> that Iknd�r rccx{uirts.Tfie insnrance aurfer providing thz�r�suseace�haU he shasen by�omaa�er sufsject ta�.e�der's apgroval
<br /> , °w}uch shaiE aot.be.unreasoa�bly r�ithhc�tl.•If�on�a►wer fv'Is to casfntain wt+erage drssribsd ahovc..r.cnder may.at't.rnder's. .
<br /> optiop.o�biain wverage tri pro�cei Letider's eights in the Ptoperty iu rl�rdance tviEh par.�rap�9:' � ,
<br /> � AIl insuru�cc Fcrizcies ancl rzaewals shal!ts�acceptable to i»ender and sAa[g incIUde a.st,andard.n;ia;t�g�ctarLe. Lendea
<br /> � •skalt J�ave the�rig�t to hold�e Policies aad reaesvals.if Lentier.�eqttiree..�+ormwe�shFil!ptorapfly give to t.ender alj receigis of �
<br /> � paid pre�iams aIId�.;wal aouces.In the e�ient af loss,Boaower sh,[I give prompt nptice to the insurance carder anc3 Lender. . '
<br /> Le�'maY m�ce-praaf�£l3ss if t�tt m�tie pmmgt3y"6 j Enrtae�er. - ' � , .
<br /> • Unless E:eQder and Bomo�ver mherdrise agcee in writing,in�,9arrg pm�eds sfiall b�applied eo r�storation or repaEr of t�e —
<br /> Froperty dam�ged,if.the reswration or repair is eaan,omieatly feasible�l i.end�r's security is aot lessened.I�the restorr�aa or '
<br /> , iepair is aoi ecoaomi�}Iy feasible or Lender's secvritlr woutd t+e lessened.the insuYaace pra�s�a3i t�e agplied to thc s�ims
<br /> secut�i by tius�city zns�eat,cv�edieY or uot then due,cvith any e�ccess paid to Borrawer.If Borrawec ai�andons tfl�;;:... '
<br /> Finpect_v,,qr;�sL�.t�:��nswer within 30 day��•i;�ia�cc,f�+om Lender tbat W�insw�TCe c$a'cer has c���;�fi s�.x�a�m.ih�;:�� t =-
<br /> t���.'"y ,�c�i�d ��.�,�`,�a,-..r��+.�i�,''�'-�'i�:�a�,s��,e��'w`'�rw��c�si�t�ao�r?��'�'•d'�y,ce'tcv�,:{�.a�yr s¢i�a�:
<br /> ��.r�,T�,�fli�;�;i�t��?�'(r�i5t'�tif;�irfiex�:�aC{t��.£"'i.�zt�dtr..1£�.,.}�+..�ha,�jpr�^�n�':i�:rhea�fjxertoti�e is givei�- ' . '. ��` .
<br /> '�iii�s �r an3 �orrowei otherwis��re�e iti wr�ting. anY a�ti�tioa of praceeds to grincipa� sfiaU not exte�d or
<br /> ' pnstpone the due date o€the monthiY gayme�s r�ferr�w in pazagraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of We payments. If �
<br /> ' �der paragrdp5 2t the Pr+operty is acqnired 6y Leuder.Borrower's right to any insurance policies and psoc�eeds resulting from �
<br /> damag�to the Property prior to tfie acquisivan shatl pass to Lender to tt�e extent of the svms secured by this�CUrity Instrument •
<br /> : imirtediately psior tn the arqdisirion. ' .
<br /> , , 6.Oowpanty,Pr�ervatton„Malntenance and Proiecttan ot the Property;�artucver's Lo�n Appficgtton;I.ease6nl�. ` .
<br /> Borrower sha1l occupy,cstablish.and usc thc Propet2y as Bano�ver'6 prirtc3pal residencc within sissry dayg nftet�he executlat�of . ' -
<br /> 'thIs 3ecurity Instrument and shall rnntJnue ta occupy the Phrperty ag 6orrowc�s principal resider�ce foc gt Yeost orte year�'ter
<br /> thQ date of occupancy.untess Lrndcr qthenvisc agrecs in�vriting.which consent�shali not ba unreasanabsy withhcid.nr uNess -
<br /> . extenuating �:ircumst3ners Cxiet �vfiich are 6eyond Borrutser'a cx�mrol. Qorrower eh�lt ,not der.ttay. dams�e or impair th�
<br /> � Properry.nfFow thc Pro�ny ta dctcrtntatc. or eommit wnste on the Praperty. Barro�ver shal)tac in dsfituli if aity faPfcitur� ' -- '�—
<br /> aetion ar proeeedtng.�vhether civil or criminal.is began that in Lender's�ood fahh judgment caulQ resutt jn forfelture of the� , ���'
<br /> , Prapsrty or othenvise materially impair the tien crcated by this Security,lastn�ment or Lender's secu�rty lntet�st.Borrow�r may -
<br /> a�re such a default und reinstate.as pravided ln paragraph 18,by causing the action ar proceeding to be distnissed with a niling • ;
<br /> that. in I,ender's good faith determinatlon. pr�la@es forfeiturQ af the Borrower s intere$t in ths Pruperty or other material �z
<br /> impairment of the lien cmated by this Security Instruir.ent or Ixnder's security interest. Borrower shil! alsa 6e in defaWt if
<br /> Borrower,during the toan apptication process.gave materialiy false or inaccurate information or statemeats tu[.ender(or faited , _
<br /> to provide Lender wiah aay material infamiation)in cannection with the loan evidenced by the Note,incl¢ding,but not limited
<br /> to,representations wnceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property ac a principal residence.If this Securiry Instrument is on a
<br /> leasehold. Borrawer sh�ll caomply with al! the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee titte to the Property, the �
<br /> leasehold and the fae ritte shall not merge untess Lender ag�es to th.e merger in writing. �
<br /> 7.Ptotesffr�4 a�Y Lender's Rigft4s in t�e Property.If Borrower fails to perform the carvenants artd agreemems conusined in
<br /> this Secarity Ic��ent. ar there is a legal proceeding that may significant3y affect Lender's righu.in the Property(such as a
<br /> pcc�ca�iin�ih b.":�+tey,p �+ te,far eoademnation�or forfeiture or to enforee laws or regulatio�), then Lendes may do and �"------ -
<br /> �an���C,�whatever is necesss..��•aa�protect the value of the I�r.a�erty and Lender's rights in the Yroperty. Lender's�ions may. �t�!'-
<br /> ,. . P Y� � anY Y P LY LY PP $ � � �--- -._
<br /> inciade a n sums �:�d b a li�a which has nori over this Secvri Instrument, a earin �n coun, payiu�,� � =�.,
<br /> reasonable attarr�t;�s'.fees��e-.teang on t3�e Properry to make repa�;Atthough Lender tnay take action.under this paraga�'s. �=�-�'1���--
<br /> 7.L,eader doe�+�i4.liave�[o��:;�. ". , = _ -.
<br /> � My amc:�:�s disburs�f�y l.ender ander this paragraph 7 shall become add'stional de6t of Horrow�r secured by this � �.A:��-- __
<br /> Securiry Instru_:.snt. Untess Bonower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest from the ���...d__!—-�
<br /> date of dis6�.,tfirwat at the Note rate and shall be payable. with int��t. upon notice from Lendes to Borrower requestic� . � =.;�
<br /> payment. � . ,��... .' �;,,.
<br /> 8.Mortg�•�Easurn�tce.If Lender required mostgage insurance as a mndition of mzking the loan secured 6y Wis Secur.�• ' � '�'• -�r.j: -���=-
<br /> R��7�,;=:;�
<br /> �w..+�ment.'�oirocver shail�c�r the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. lf. for any reason, the ' ����r�.�.� q
<br /> r:, ?•.•.�;�
<br /> fiaa�Kgage insar�.^.ce covera��,ut^s;��:i�ect by Lender lapses ar ceases to be in effect,Borcower shaU pay the premiums required to � �� �_,;�:•=,j;,�:'?n;
<br /> .,,..
<br /> . obtain coverag���bstantialty eros:vtr^,�t��f�mortgage insurance�r�=f:tiously'in effect,at a cost substantiallg equivalent to the s�i�:�•' `'�' •���t7'`+���°.'
<br /> � c_i,;+-'!;k't.
<br /> cost to�Borrowea of the�mort�:c:��c,cW�a: previously in effect. fr�ah altemate mortgage insvrer approved by Lende,r. dG �������'• ,•� • ;ti?,.'.>:�.
<br /> su6stantiall u�valent mort..;r`�°:�urance covera e is not available.Sorrower shall a to Lender each montfi a sum '`'1'���~'�r=-""�'
<br /> Y e9 � ..- g F Y e4ua:"-a �u�:t��'`..�`':�: ..;;.:, :. .
<br /> one•tweffth of the ycazly maz���e insurance premium beins paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to r,:;``�:::„r' . �
<br /> be in effect.lxnder wlll ac'c.ept;vse and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve �•�' ':• : :
<br /> � . Form 3D28 9/90 '�,;-';,, .
<br /> • Vpgo3ot8 �'-���`-�'-
<br /> i: •'.' �, . -
<br /> . i� . .
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