�._.� ._ - ____ _ — _ __ _ ,
<br /> : __
<br /> � —
<br /> : . .. : .. _ .
<br /> .. <• . _
<br /> . . . . - . .. . .._ ..
<br /> . . .. . ` . _ ; . .. • . . ' - � ` ' �- . ` . }`:
<br /> .� � . � " - . : , °. ' � 3•����a�'��'�' . ,
<br /> , . v; �,�r t�ragerty. �c�-`Boar'avaer shai! �,p che imps�vements'an�r,ex9..`r:ag ur�a c�stc�! on.t� �
<br /> , C'mpc`rty�irisir�rcd againss iass 6y fire>.�atds in�ludgd°�nthin the ter�°�d�casrera�°si�:�y os�t�fiu�rds,incIusl4ng .
<br /> _._ , . . �s br ft�,foa'whic�E:�ndi�ti�ai�insut�i�e.-1�iis i�ut�rsc�s6�lttis raaiafaiaed int�c�ar��a�#'a�i��i-�-----.°-- -
<br /> tn3t Leqd:r reiy�aires.'E'k�ansnrauc�d�ajier p3oviding t�e insuraace s�all 6s ci�osen bp Borrowex snD,�c�t to I�niier's.a�pprotiai .
<br /> � ' wiuch sltall cmt he un,neasonabiy wi#hheld.�If Borrawer�aiIs m maintaia coverdge describ'e�above. l.ender ma,Y.at t�'t[der's ' _
<br /> aptIat�,obtain epverage to�rote�c bendet's tighis in the F'rogertg in accardance with ga�aph 7. . . .
<br /> � , . �tt ixicn:�,nsn.g�lisies.ar�rea�°�vals shalt be aax��bie tu I�emdei aad shalE inclade a stan�ard�mortg.�ge ciause'_ Lercd�r
<br /> s&all have ttte tighi to hold the polic"ses a�ed r�cewals. f Lendee r�uires.Sbirower`shall promptly give to�dea ail rrceipta of
<br />• ' ',Paid premiums an�ren�wai noiices.In the event of to���o�rower sha11 give grompt notioe to the insuranbe carcier and Leadee.
<br /> � ' � ���ap��roof of Ioss if rtcu made FromgtlY by Bnaawer. . • ' - .� . . : _--
<br /> �, ` Unless Ixader attd 8wrocvet o�erwise agmx ia wr�ting,insara�¢c$Praceeds sJ�al!he appfied to r�storatia�n or�paira�'tfi� =- __ �_
<br /> Pro�ettq c�a�ed,if tl�e cestaration or repair is e�nomicaily feasible and Lender's securiry is r�oi less�ned.ff thc r�stnrdsi�:ar - ____------- ------
<br /> . r�gai;is rxit economirally feasibte or Leader�S S�ty�YO�1W��eII�uli-.RIC9ITATISE'prooeeds shall be agplied fi.t�:��•;;',.:;:�'��:'�--
<br /> � � s�cused tsy ttu�S�uity In,-trurnent,whether or aat then dne, with any exc�s paid to Borrawer. if Borro�rer�.Ua�s�w�. ` =----- -
<br /> P�aperry,or daes not aaswec�cviWia 30 days a aotice from Lender that the inswanoe carsies.�?ss ofFered to settte a cta�i2�..f�as . ' ,` --- ---
<br /> Lender may calIert the in5vraitce proceeds. LendEr raay use the proczeds to repair os nestore the Pmperty or to p�y�,.snms c"';:?-;
<br /> secored[ry.this Se�vuity insteument.+Ht�ttier or aot then due.Tha 30-day period will6sgin when the nodce is pven. .
<br /> Uniess Leader and Borrowet othetwise agret in writin8, �Y aFPlicaBon of proc�ds to princepal shall nat ea�d`or -
<br /> gostpone the dae date of We manthty paymenu refemed to in praragraphs 1 and 2 or chan��thc amount of the�ay�x�'s. If
<br /> under gara$raph 21 the Froperty is acquired by Lendes.Sormwer's right to any ins�tra��i�l5i:ies and�rac�s r�,�from .
<br /> �'�naage to the Pmpeny prios to the acquisidon sl�all pass to Lender to t6e emeut�ii�,i�'s,nr�'�red by t�S�itity Ia�umeat '
<br /> ;��{iar�ypriorta.tir�acquisit�on. ..::• ,= ,: ... : :.�.. ., ; , .
<br /> ��,�v�Lc!�s R�Painten?��.*+��i'c�!.��::w!!s�Pt���*iQ-„`Ei,�n�'ri,�,'�3n�rpL�aa,f��ici�. - — - -
<br /> Samavre�:$fifi�ctccupy. estal�Eish�ar�3;'at��r fhe Pco 'p�av Ha�uav�'raqrinciga{residgna°�,+ii�rt�tY days after th$e�'�df�i�n oF • -
<br /> , , tbis Ssa�`c{i��'nsuuar�nC.��.s3�,�?sr�ftiiuz w a^�!ti�e,��i�`�Boaaue,�'s�r}acr�'�� r��Sei�ce for at least one S�e��t�fter
<br /> f �' ��e date of cai�aiv� .��isf�`s Letidef oth�rrv�i�'a,�r.c.us i�wciting,�wlrich ca�y�rn:�}�n�k���unteasmrably arithheld,o,r`iti3less � J ' ---
<br /> ��;�,`;� eateanating tir�..*�.'�cist which are bej;unrlr�3r'rcrower's•control. Ecti�+�,�st,a[t;r..gs d'estroy. daipage or im��rr !t� -
<br /> -..�..� �Pmperty,al[ow tIt8.l�i�tty,•to ceteriorate. ar ca�nit tva�te en dte PtopeR•,���rro�r�_,��,J!6e in defanlE if any fe*�t�'tste � '�`..r _..., �.�_.-'--
<br /> ediotear.��iug,�•Wlt�e�r�'sv7:r�i't�minal. 'ss beg�ln th�n#rl.,i�der's gaad�aithyrn�p'sr�'eou[d result in for�'acu.rlt���.�e�,e- . ��`
<br /> ` T�roPertt'��e�;'i�?-i�wi�c�i�ts�s,'`'a11y'i��the li�t ar�k�i 6Y Qu.s�f�x�riizy Is�urumetEC or�,�s secvrity i�etest.��r�fr'ti�.;.jf�` � 4 T
<br /> �� �.0 •
<br /> �j4�'.�cute����azc:�%�ttil,'r uc�t�siate,as p:ovid�td in P�Sz'!i��1��ing�[e a,x�nar�it�dia�g to b�ci�tni,���r{�dit;:Fltkln#�.� ` --�'
<br /> ' t�;�t,.i�a��i�Ni�s`�Qari:lhi:�deiercnidatidR. �t�edis�s'fazfeunr�.���'��e Baim�s�i��t.the �isNerGy�u�ath.�r.�t��= <�
<br /> , . .��.,�'rai�or��u��f the�fiefi��reated�y U�is Securiry Iusnument or L�K°r's seairiry inte,�t.::A�ccir�ver shall also be�'sn,c�fini�L'if��•.,::... .• ��:
<br /> " Botrower,d�}rin�the loan app�ic�tton process.gave mater�nlly false br inarcarate iafaimadozi a�statemeats to Lender(ari'�
<br /> to pxovide��:eadec with any materisl infom�ation)in coaneeiion wltb the loan evidenced by,the Note.including,bnt not iimif�d.
<br /> to,repre,sentations oonceming Boir6�tver's ocatpancy of the Propecty as a principal residenco:If"this Sec�ttity Insdument is on a
<br /> � leasehald. Borrower shali mmply with all the �rovision5 of the lease. if Borrower acqnires fe� title to the Pro�ty. the ,
<br /> teaseh42d s3nnd the fee title shaJ3 nat merge untess i.endcr agrees to the merger in writing. -
<br /> • ?.Pnotertion of Lender's Wg6ts in ihe Froperty.if Borrower fails to perform the oov�nants and agreemer,u contained in
<br /> �his Sectviry Inswment.or there is a legal pmceeding that may significandy affect I.ender's rights in the Propctty(sucb as a
<br /> .proceeding fn banInvptcy.prabate.for oondemnation or forfeiture ot to enforce laws or regulations),then Lertd�r may do and • -_ � � -
<br /> pay for whatever is necessary to pratect the vaSue of the Property und[.ender's righ�s in tfie Pmgerty. l.ettder's uctions may �>''� •r'=`_
<br /> include paying any sa�tns'secured by a lien v+hich has prioriry aver this Security Instrument, appearing in court. pay;ng —�:==-�—
<br /> L;���.�.�-
<br /> � reasonkzble attomeys'fees and entering on the Praperty to mak�:repairs.Although Lender may take:iction under this paragraph �-.-�-__,�
<br /> 7,LenQer does not have to d�so.
<br /> Any aasaunts dis6ursed by Lender under this paragtaph ? shall become additional debt of Boaower secured by thls �;-.,_____
<br /> Security Instrument.Unless Borcower and Leader agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shal!bear inteTest from the ��.s.�
<br /> dase oP disbursement ad tde Note rate and shall be payable. with irterest. upon notice from I.ender to Bomnwer requestirr� ��;a�"'-'_ =.y
<br /> payment. " �,, -
<br /> 8.Mortgage Insm�ance.If Ler.�er required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security "` � �___"-"�`��-�_
<br /> ":�•-::
<br /> iossrument.Borrower shall pay the premiums required ta maintain ihe mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any reason, the ��Y� •��. *_v�c��V
<br /> mon insurance oovera e r uired b Lender 1 ses or ceases to 6e in effect. Borrower shall a the remiums ired to ��'f:`' �
<br /> S4S� S e4 Y aD P Y P �N • �
<br /> , obtain ooverage substantially eyuivalent to the mortgage insurance previoustyr in effect,at a cast substantiaUy equivalent to the �-�'L`;r'," :_ ',.?;:,,
<br /> r � .:•}��r . :.:�:
<br /> cost to Etsmwer of the mortg�ge in.vrrance previously in effect. fram an altemate mort�e insurer appr�ved by l.ender. If - , •- �
<br /> snbstantIaily equivalert mortgage iasrr�-�zce ooverage is not available.Bomower shall pay to i.�nder each month a sum equal to y��°T"�:"''�"� �.� �
<br /> oae-tavelfth of the yax!�mortgage ia�surauce premitun being paid by BoaowcP wiien the insurancc coverage lapsed or ccased to ��`'�"`' ' "�='=•:� �
<br /> �e in effeci.Lender sv�i acce�t.use and retain�puyments as a loss reserve in lieu of mort�age insurance. Loss reserve •'.::• '
<br /> . ;y�', .�! ..
<br /> Fomn 3dZ3 9/90 ' � �.
<br /> ' Vaqo 3 0l B _
<br /> ..- - �t-a r.:�t.a•s�-t �..k.�.ii�l.._ .t'•k,a:! ...j��.5 . . r''�,cs - . .
<br /> .'
<br /> ..�8�`.'i6-„'�i�� k:�-�,�'�1r;i�.�`_ -:.�.��•�:�.:..°•.S'•' - i ..� 'i� � - • - , ' � .
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<br /> �....L�2� ':_i �-. t L��S' ' i �_ �s 3.n�,. -`_ .. - • - .._ . . :
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