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<br /> ---,_:��;;.u- . an�a�o� fusther encumbr�re�e of all or �arey part o€ or � , , �:.,,<',` .``,`,.''•r,`;.`
<br /> =��=:. an� 3.aterest �� the Progesty. efther eolusstarily os , . , : • < <•:,�� -_
<br /> ����y. ,_. • • T�1 - . . �-��
<br /> �- inuoluntaril�, cvittsdut tbe eupreae w�i�tea cbnaen� of � �
<br />_.�.�_7-�::*,: Le�dare_ � , � ` ' . `�,
<br /> ` '�'�?�.: 11� Fte�e�.es A�c��esafi�3an �J ea De�ault. IA the event N � � .
<br /> 4 =4�
<br /> �,� � of any �eat of Defau t, bea e�c may., w aut no� ce, except as � �•
<br /> -'��%�: -• reqnfred by law, declar�. all indebtedneas secured hereby: to be .
<br /> =,��,t.:--� .: . � , -
<br /> �, 1����, due aa� payable and ,tt►e. same shall the�x��pon lbecom� due and .
<br />:.-�-t�����.���: payable ��#.hout any presentment, dernattd► protes� or noic#.ce of any .� i ,�� ., :
<br /> , ,'�.; kiade: Th��e.a£ter, Lettd�r maYs. , .�
<br /> ��•�,p,.,.�,_�� . - ',-
<br /> -_ _�`— taI tlemam�::�ha� Trustee exescise the PoW��.,:. :;:,4 . ,°s,,
<br />__ .�.,,�.v�.�= . � �..
<br /> -``�-�� , pF SAI,E qraated he�e�n.,:, and Trustee sha21 �hereafter•. .
<br /> ,�: <;,�r� • • � �%�
<br />_...�.�:;��_,�. cause �oraower s fa�pxest in tDse Prop�rty.to be soad _
<br /> r�_�:=����. . and the praceeds �q.,�e distributed, all in tlze marner -
<br /> ���=;�, provided in the NeEiraeka Trust Deeds Actt �:;,�
<br /> ���'�� b 8xercise an�t. an d a l l r iq h ts pr on i d e d f a r � •. . -
<br /> X � ., ,
<br />--- r_;.�- .. ( l , � - . �� '•.
<br /> �-.-�?>�.��_;{�::.� in any of �tas �Loan 2nstrcunaea►�s or by law npoa� occur- . , , .
<br /> �.
<br />��--'�� � ; aence af any Ever�t of Defau2ti artd , , _'�.`.`."„`--::
<br /> ��-�f�`. . , ;. �, � .,. .�
<br /> v',_ .. � , . (c) Commence aa aatiow tv foreclose thie ' ��
<br /> :'��;:��'�'�J � Deed of Trust as a mortgaqe, aPPoint a seceiver, or � _ , L , �.
<br /> ':.�_.._� _'� epecifically eaforae aaip ot tlse covenatzfcs he�eof._ � . , --:_'"'�"'r-
<br /> �.,-
<br /> r �- �
<br /> � .� T� j .
<br />'�' ?°,:,�� � No remea3y herein conferred upon os resegved to Trustee or Lender _ _ 'x ��:
<br /> f.a int�nded t� be exclasive of any o�he� remedy herefa� in the � ` � ' '`''`
<br /> :.:r'`�. �h �_= :'- :
<br /> _ ;°•:'���' Loan 2nstruments vr by 2aw protti.ded o� parn�3tted, bnt each s��all �• t. .<i,, ; :. • �
<br /> �� be cwnulative, sEaall be 3n add�tivn to every other remedy giv�re � � ��g_•_
<br /> ,. , r�
<br /> `�:'�`:`=-:r,.""� herennder in the Loan Instrumer��'or ttow or laereafter existing at .`, }�;,� .
<br /> �5�� ,.�: � .Iaw ar in equfty or by �talaiCe� and m�g� be exercised can�ur- '�; �'� � .
<br /> ��-"'m`� rentl�, fndepera8ently or ��ccesaively. � . � �'�;-
<br /> �y,:�,.�;,,_; � .
<br /> �t
<br /> _--=_�,'�'_�' , • 12. Truetee. The Trustee may resign at any ti,m$ with- � � .�� ':�.`�. N' ��
<br />_'���.�..'.ti` t. .+w��� :��:.'. jt .4
<br />_:�,F,��;��r out cause, and Leader �aay at any time anid without cause appoint a , ��r.� �:�p
<br /> ,�,,;,,�-,�„ successor or substitute Truetee. Trustee aha21 not be liable to
<br />:�.�:: -�r�� any party, including, without limitation, Lender, Borrawer or any . : ' `� '��
<br />- _" ---�- purchaeer of the Preperty, for any loss or damage unless due to � ;;r�',�=�.,�
<br /> -- �.:�� ���kless or �:illful.mis�ondtact, and shall nat be required to take _s�._
<br /> - �ny aati.on in connection with the enfoscement caf this Deeci of ���'�� :
<br /> --_--_ Trast ua�less indemnified, i� writinq, far all costs, aompensation � � � -
<br /> --_-__-- ar elcgea���s whsc� may be associated therewith. In addi�ian, , .
<br />- -�_ - Trustee �►ay become a purchaser at a�ay aale of the �smperty ,. � ��.,;;`,
<br />� '�^'�}3� [3ud3oial or under the power of sale� granted herein)t postpoae � : -
<br /> �_t=� . ``:
<br /> ���= the sa2e of �Il. or any portion of the�Property, aa provtded by . . `:� � :�
<br /> --' ,.�„
<br />==-,:�i���; � ].ar�t or sell the Property a�s a whole, or in separate parcels or • � `�:
<br />" -"-"'��� lots. � • .
<br /> —--_-�..��x-_i . � .
<br />�T�;-_=.:u::_-s`�:-.-�.,, - . . .
<br /> —="�'""-��"�r� � 13. Fees and Ex �nsea. In the event Trustee aells �Ize • �
<br /> r"='"'�''=h-��� Praperty by eRe�se of power o sale, Trustee shall be entitlesl . �. :
<br /> "'"����' to apply any sale proceeds firat to paytrtent of all costs and �
<br /> �_'�'�"� expensea of exercising pawer of sale, inc1uc73ng a11 Trustee's .
<br /> - ������� fee�., a�'L�zaily incu�xed. In tha event Borrower exeraiaes any .
<br /> _v°:����� � zight psoyided b� law to cure an Event of Default, Lendes shall - � . ,, �
<br /> ��. �, ,�; . Fse ent�.t].ed tm �eaover from Horrower all coats and expenses
<br /> �,,��t_,,,� ; a�tnally inaurse8 as a result o£ 8orrawer's default, frcalud�.nq, , '��
<br /> ��- =�1-�� � �withou� limi.tatian, aI2 Trustee•s- ancl attorney�a fees� in �e
<br /> -�=R'�� maxi� azaaunt aliowed by Isw. It� add£�ion, in the ever�� ag each .�
<br /> '. =+P 4'}„�z . .
<br /> --�=�:�-".. auch ouse, Lender sha].1 be entitS.eB 'Ev � iEinn�atement €�e �F Ome .
<br />=��.z�����., Eiundrec� and No/1�0 Dollars (�100.00) . ,
<br /> :�—___—._. .
<br />...fiblfM�__�•.��Ty . � - .
<br />;:;..�,���:: 14. Future AB�rances. Upon r�queat of Borrower, Lender .
<br /> ir�����-w` ma at S.ts o t on, m e a itional and future advan�es and �
<br /> ::��F�►�;.a,�; Y, P . .
<br />��x" •° �� :�� ra-advances to Horsower. Such advancea and readvanaes, �oith .
<br /> � =- � fnterest thereon, shall be eecured by this Deed of Tstast. At no f • :
<br /> --��>;,",g{! � � time ehall the pxincipal amount of tJie indebtedneas secured by , � ..
<br /> --4=�:;��;�:�t this Deed of Trnst, not including sums advanced to protecti the � . :
<br /> =Kx'~�c securi�y of thi.s Deed of T�ust, excEed the oxfgina]. principal ��' .
<br /> - • amaun� stated herefn. � � .
<br /> . . i �
<br /> _ _--- - -_-� . ; . - . � _
<br /> __. . . . . -- =�- -------
<br /> . . �.
<br /> _ .. . . �5tl . ., . .
<br />� . _ ,
<br /> .. � . . , . . ..
<br /> �„ . .�.__ ..,. ,. . . .
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