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<br /> � � f ��`� that tlse �orra�oer is abont tu execute is a Desd of �rust an8 nat f '
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<br /> V=,:.i�.,';�.-�. �rust pYOVides substantia}.Iy different r�qhts and obligations to ;
<br /> _`-`,�°•:=-. � ` �e Ho�raHrer. fhan a mortgag� � the event af a def�ult or breach ,,� ' .:
<br /> , ��;; of obl3gation under the Deed of Trnst, iaa�str�ing, b�t no� lfmited , �:
<br /> '"�}� -��`,;- ` �or the Lender's riqht to have the. Proper�j{-�`s�ld by the Tsustee . .
<br /> �tY•f..`+.hY�} . .
<br /> _ ��. � withont aiay judicial preceeding:.� :: Borrower repregents, ausl . 4
<br /> `� ` �-: warraats that th�e acknowledgemc-�n.�,ts�as sxecatec3 bp it befvre� 4h� ;�, ; , .•
<br /> �'�' �execntion af the Deed of �'sust. . . ' ;
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<br /> � '� ;•'��` � antending to create. a Con�:t�action Securit�r Iaterest� fn ' � . _
<br /> � � � accosdance w�eth the Nebraska.Cv�l�uction Lien A�tio thi�s i]EED QE ' . ,. - �;�.
<br /> t �� '� '' TRUST is rnade as of the I4T� r'��r of �2AR(:A . 19._9St;�tS�����'rtrIFE f..�. ��;
<br /> , .� rr � '!' .
<br /> � '� � autonq tlte Trusto= ['IiARTF: � t+�TTiJi�oN AND noj�'�'RV r AIIBIISAQ2�s_,_�ok o$ '� ' � ��,�.
<br /> ,,�3;=-�c=''f; • �...... .. �... �IS AUBUSH4N, . �
<br /> ��'� -� �aailing adclress is 392I . �: - �pl�. �
<br /> r]�.4:Y r .' _ .__.dir�.� .
<br /> :-#!`�:=y, � �V� (�I�reia "�orrawer", w eth�r �o�c� a� �ore , e Trustee, �g,- ��
<br /> �.;�: ; .., :��� � , Z�tGcc�ney at Law, whose m-a�.ling � � �
<br />_`";;i�w,�.--:;�..=. . . � , � � Ihere�n� . . Tl
<br />-_�;-. , .,... a sess � P 0 BOB 790 GRANlD, S
<br /> _,_ r �...'�:
<br />,i`��""`:•:'°.`� "� ,. , "Trastee°$ e�. and the H�ne�' �ay, THB OVERLAND NATiONAL HANR OF ;'a*-
<br /> >Sn,
<br />���;-��'s-���'-��.� GRAND ISLt�E.i�, whose ntaib�� ad,s���ss is 304 ��Teat ThirB Street. . . .: . .
<br />�-_�;;'r�;�'�;:'�: � . P. O. �ox i688,. �Grand Is��a�io.• t��ebraeka 68802-2688 Iherein � ���,.���
<br /> --.-.,,?#,•.•-;.r.•,: � , .
<br /> •- - �`..�,�- °LB11t19�M)• , .
<br /> --=- ,�,��3' � . - - —.
<br /> � � FbR_���7ALOABLE CONSTUI"aRATION, including the indebteanesa .,- . �
<br /> � er
<br />:'�?`•v � identified herein ana trrz�3t herein createa for the purpose of �
<br />-_=:.�''°�.'� makinq improvesnents to the real eatate hereinafter describe8, the . '�� �
<br /> _ �...._k._; �
<br /> ��-±�r;.,,,.,.� receipt of which is hereby acknowledqed, Borr�wer hereby :-�� : '�
<br />- .:�:�� :.,_ � irrevocably graats, tranafers, conveys and assigr�Q to Truatee, It�t� � :�,
<br />.��:%•��;-�'.��,�?�'`,... TRUST, WITH POWER OF SAI,E, for the be�efit and secnrity of . . ,�
<br /> '��'`� `�� � Lender, under anS subject to the tesms and conditions h�einafEex
<br /> -�-�,:��; _...:.-,�.
<br /> ;;,_ .���,...�F-,' �at forth, �15� real property, 8�scribed as follews:
<br /> ' �°y��'�t��'����� . " LOT T41EDiTY TWO__L22Ly nmsmn�rn r e • ��
<br /> Rt T CITATT!11TC211�L
<br /> n�i� w�����r
<br /> -`:t;y°•� + ' HALL COUIJT.Y. NE9RASRA_.A�C11R�?�. Pi A�1°i!R11 A1�m AF:.A,RDED .. . .
<br /> - � . Vl�,� • • . . . - •
<br /> -,;,-r•� ;h14filfi'Y!�'' ' .. � .
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<br /> _ a.�:rhda,�.�,�.�� M. .
<br /> ,;�' , ,.: � ., .. '. , .:. . : . , . ,
<br /> _ '�. Taqefi�.9ter with a1L : jsu31dc3��, impa�GVeiaents• fixtures, � , �
<br /> `.• �. : '�`�� streeti9, alleys. Passagecva�s�o e�a�ments, rights. Prfvil�ges and
<br /> ��
<br /> �%��`;,:``'�'�``�� � urtenances laaated thereon aL�.�n a�ycvfse ge�tafafng ich�reto. . - �� � .� � . .
<br /> �c_� i�P
<br /> '::;;�.{,. ;. �r�d the rents, isaues and pro�3��, reversiona a�cl remafndera .,
<br /> --�°�Ya � thereof� and such personal pr�g�erty that is a��a��ea to the . �
<br /> _ f`.}..:� �� � ,
<br /> -'="�_'�"'�""�'`� � " impronements so as to caaatitute a fixture, fnclu8ing, but not .
<br /> .� : � ..�;.._ limite8 to, hea�ing and aoalinq ec�nip�aent; and together with the � �•
<br />- � � � �. homEStead or marital interests, if any, tvhich interests are �
<br /> - � `�� � hereby released and waived� all of which, includinq replacemen�s . � . • �
<br /> '±1 t ' anct adc7itions� thereto, fs hezeby declared to be a pauct of the . �
<br /> � � • �� resl eatate secured by the lfen of this Deed of Tr�ast and �11 of f
<br /> � the foregoing being referred �o herefn as the "Property". • �
<br /> . ; � �„ .
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