. _. .. . _ _ _
<br /> � . �_' �: ' c ._ � � , .�`�r� � . . .� .� .�",�L�,,�_
<br /> —.•:• � . , �z - �f- .. •' . =. .� . `:- . _ ` -`'` �,��.. _ -
<br /> �- � -� � ...:�..����e "jS;''` _ . . .< .. _ - _ .s'. -� � r:.;.t.t�x�-��� .--��� -—
<br /> —�:. x Z'i"-� "�. .t�'�' ..� .�a��:��-.G.. `,y�'�'. z'"�s''`- - ---- _.
<br /> r s: .3�..�p.:r• ' r x _
<br /> — 'r �.�t`s C '• .. _ . �, ; �.- _ _
<br /> f �Y�' , ..�, '
<br />_ ��1a 4 t'� . . "� �. —
<br /> _ r ` � � ` . . � � ���� `�, }___ryt��.a�
<br /> - � E . � �� .��5� � {� ,��;..�. -
<br /> 6 c �. _
<br /> s �.; ti i �t� � • t.P�Y�eirt��Scrtcwet pqteos.to�rifnlpi�e0 ptYrntn�attJthe sec�ued deEE wAnn chte:lhdeas Barioxret an9 LendES ag�ee otharwiaey entt, ' .•,. � '1 �
<br /> - � �- . asyateafs�er�r ra�ivt trafi 6ortoMrft�►:ter H�tra�'a�enaflt�1 Ee sDlz+�"ad first to anl/�rcmmta 8orrowrr n+�as an ffia secured daht - . _
<br /> �'4��� " ' e�csAtsivs a4lnt�rai ot pr�nelDs4.�eCdrtd#i�ett�,md thet�to PrLteiRsl.if O�N�i�D�Otrt tlf the`Seeurnd debt aec�us f�emy t�a�san.it v�ru"} �.�: : <��,c,x r�_
<br /> ;=�- •r �tmE ta�sts ar extt��ssilt�P�Y���t.:euPed da6t ia pa!d in dCU. � •
<br /> —�;ti::;;-<��# ��?��.z_
<br /> c ,.�,�.Ct�4na A4�T►ti.8arrowar wiD pay aA tax�.s.esaeesmertta.and othar�ae atu�utahTa ta tFteproA�1'wAen due enG�Qetan�h'�s. ° < , s -
<br /> ,,3,����- '�`'�`e w ths�►o�ya�'nat aRV etaims w71eeA wasdd ItnDalr tAe Oan o!tNs deed of trus4.Leeeer may re4�emrower to assl8n anY dghte,ctaUna�r `<� 4 �
<br /> ��,�, ; Q�Mniea wAteA 8arro�vu may hivs agatnst OaNds wmo euOCN feRor or�natarlat�to fmprovs dr malntain t�e pro�tyl. � `r:ti, ,�` --
<br /> �� 1 �, . �.�.@arrower wtll keeD the GroCenY Uutva�usrder tarmm occeDtaate w Lender et Barrawe�'e a�enae and tar tertdar�tsecs�fi6 At! � .�` t-
<br /> . . , irs��anee Qo�ciss shall[n�iude a ct¢rtQsrB mortgage etausa irt fa�iwr o!L'ende►.Lend�w7t 6c nained a�tasa payse or as the i�ued on.�syr s�tat► . . •
<br /> �f<, ir�s�ance Da�Y.6�ny insuraN.e 6ucceeds may 6mspD."ia0.witfiica LenBer'e digyrotim�.to eitha�the resmratinn ar repss af tAs damaBm�D�Ds�Y � '�N �
<br /> � � jz or tp the ee�urad dthi.If tender reQubrea marig�n insurartee.Borrawcr a�eea to matrnain suet�Insivanea!or ao ter�as Lander ro4utree. . _ •
<br /> - -- � ^�"�'��'_ •4.8rz,:.�,t P.asra�ra Yr':!ise�ti�s�ia ga�t!cfln�lfian and mako a1J re,aira�esaonabty netessary. _'•� - .. s
<br /> 4 a.,�t�-�-�.,,�--; °� - — -
<br />- +- �ic r• - - � ER E�as.Barrowar agtees to aay+d71.�ndero e�enses inciu�'ie0 reasonabie atmrrteys'taes.it Sorrowe�breake arry cavenarts in this Qesd . .;z , .
<br /> ' y of trust at[n atry obtigaUon secured by ttds Qe:d o}truEt.�ottowet wtU pay thess emovnm m le�tQei as a�rovid9d In Covertam 9 at ths daed of ' � � +
<br /> , , - '�; .?�' WsA ;f. ��.
<br /> . , `�. ef:� ' �• . .
<br /> - -�-�-" `'' S.RB�r G�atfl�l A�bnsta,U�eaa Bbrmxat flrt oGtelns tenQt�s uvritten eansest.BaTroutei wiA nat mafce or permit acry changes to enY prinr , _
<br /> . .;•�; :�•`�', • • ittCht�d-'u:g�Bar�a�wts'� 7�1NIU�ta m�a3ce payma�s�whe�d a�6tfgstions undet eaY Pflos mortgage.doe9 of vust ar othar securiq►eS���. Y ' , t-
<br /> � .. . . • ` .h'L �..
<br />� ;.'�.:'.' '. • ''. 7.Aa�tn�rt af R�IS a�d Pmlft�.8arrovuer essiGns to dertde►tha reirts and ptoftta of the propariy.Untess Hnttow�artd tender hava agreed ~�, , .
<br /> �:�__ •, . ,,,%�.::�•`• �hererj U►��. Ba�mwet may collaet and�etain the re�sts as(ang es Borrawe►i��.ot in defaidt.[f Bormwer defaufts,ler.Ear,lan�et's ���� ` . ' „�F�- "
<br /> ager►L at a cawt appafide0 receivsr mgy tako pess j and manage tho praperty and caCact tho�ents:RnY rerts Lender mitects shaD�e ,. . ,
<br /> ,.�,r;,� �'.. ' 'r��1 e�ed fiTSt to tha c6bffi of ��q tlto O�P�Y,�y��eouR eosts and attomeYS'feos. wmmissions to re�e1 age� en0 etty other •. • •
<br /> b'.-. :<:-'-;, �� � necessa�ry retated axpensas.Them reinain§sg amaa�t of rer�ta wIlt than apM►ta Raymertts an the secured debt as ptoviQed in Covsreant 1. � � "°""'-
<br /> � , ��A 8.Lws�ld�:Cm�4xN��1kY3�SoROrler a8rees to eompfy wiU�t}re pmvisions of anY teass if thls deed ot Vust ts on '.4�:;°�=x`��s
<br /> �:.� . f 3, e Ieasehotd.t?Ws deed ot trisst is on a unit in a wndaminium or e pfanrtad unit devetopmenL Borrower wHl perfarm aD of BorroweYS duties. : _ �-:...r�` ,"_.
<br /> , ur�tet the eavenuris.0ydaws,of�g�ilatans of tho cortdominium at ptarmed unit QsvefoymeiR. . � ,: ,.,' a ..
<br /> �e` • �.AuS�ePt9 0?t�to Partaret�f�Bexrawe. tf_Barmwer failx m oerfarm any o!8orrower'�dutles under tNs deed.of UusL Lender mal► `'�'. �, 'Y i � o:
<br /> '` _ � . • p�rform tho dWes or e�sa ti�em to bo performed.Lender malf stgn Bnrtowefa nama orpay anY amouM N necessa.�i�perfarmanee.B�y _..
<br />-- -_- �- c�nstrucHon an thaprape�ly ia Qiacortinued or not carried att in a re�anabfe m8rmer,tertder may do whaLever is ns�to prOtect LenQs�e ,- -�- _�.
<br /> ' �+r-�--�- �saatty int�est bt tfee prapertlt.Ttds�rea�►ine�e compie�the eensuueti�►. _.,. __:_'!ry.3+, :a_
<br />-- . .k. . � � - , , •*tiL:.i?��F
<br /> = . .�"�- . Leridet's(a8ure to perform wIli aot prechlde LonQer from a�rdsing er►y of its othar rtghts under the taw ar Ws ReeO of ut�t. • - --
<br /> _ , . . , . ;yc�_
<br /> � � Am�aniou�paid by LenQat to protect Lerefiefs seauitV Irtterest wli Oe sewred by this dead a!uast.SucH amouMS w�16e due oa demartd � � �
<br /> , r�d will 6e�irtenest trom tha data ofr the paymertt untit paid in tuU at the icrterest rate in eHeet an the seaffed deDt ' ,
<br /> c�� .,
<br /> ___._>.__.:.r.__ �td Acr.�S�.tf Borrower Ia� ta mak�anY D�Ymcrty�an du0 or Er�s am�cov�under ttds Qce4 ot uust or mtY ;�'�:';::�,;�=
<br /> ; ' '•"•7f. �" a�Al'fga�L'an�secvred by this Qe3�of trust or any prim mottgage ot 60ed a�wst.lender cray aecste:ate the maduity oF the secure8 deIIi and . ;•-• - '
<br /> :. � .. Qamar[d immad'i�te paymam m�d enay imroke the pawer af sate end arry ather remedies perm�xed by appficaDta law.
<br /> �� • r.'r'�." • 11.Rlq�est tar NoHctaE O�fa�It is Rereby requested that coptes af the notices of Aafauti arM sate 60 sartt to eacA person who is e party =s {
<br /> a ' • heiem.et�address ot eacfi sueh person,at�sat forth herein. € „„' s� �; -
<br /> '';,t; .` � E.��.�� a •;
<br />- �<� �' ' - - ti 2.Paw�s of Sis.tf tha t$�er invaYes th9 pawer of s25�tha tn�stoe shall fitst reaa:a in tho cHice o!the reg(sier o�deeds ot ead�caur�y � "
<br /> <�r�:• � � • vvharesn the trust proyerty or same part ar,parcef thereof i3 situated a�oUce of Aefauit crcctafning the iMarmation req�c?d bY taw.The T�stee (�' . •�=�:.�' �
<br /> ��' . . shaU aiso maN eoDies of thn notiee of Qefatctt ta the 8�¢m�.m eash petson who is a party herem,and to othet�eu aspresuiD80 by �
<br /> �• ' aDDr�e fatv.Not tesa than one rrwnU�after tha Trust�a c'eeor d s t h e r.o t lce o f Qe 4 a�,�'t,or two mon t h a i f t he L rt n!x�e rt y 1 s n o t i n e r ry `, �; , ,�_
<br /> •incorporate��ty ar viitaga end is usaif in farrning operatiorts r,a:riod on by Uts uustor,the Trustet�shaD give pub6C nGtFt�c`.Safe to th3 9ersons � ,
<br /> U
<br /> • ' and in the mrcmr ptesaibe0 hy_appD�cahle(aw.Trustea,without de;n�cn Bortawer,sha0 sell the propertV at puA'�auctton to tivs�,ighest '• °•�" ,
<br />. _' " EG'.Glr.lf ra�eA by tho�arm fcomestead Protet�n AcL Trustee sh���tho praparry in two separato safes as�ATed bY eA�xuGfia(aw. t 1 ' .,:'�� �
<br /> . , ' � � Tnra��may postyane eale of aU or at�y parcoi ot tfne pro�eitf►b{r puDfic�auneement at the time artd pL;�w of arry rraa�rtuuty sclx�r;�i�9 sato. � ..�„.
<br /> `... � � . . I.endsr or its designse maY Purchasa tho properly at anV sate. :, . ';.. � 'L ."�a
<br /> �x ^r . Upon recetpt of paym ont ot U►a pric0 Oid,Trustee shali defiver to Ma purehaser Tnmte2's drs�wmreyin tha propercy.lTtw recitiats costtafied In � •:
<br /> . Tnistee's deeU 6ha11 be prhna fecio avi�ert�ot the Uuth of the statemems earttoLh.*d tP.ec�Ur:Trustee s�ian appty tha�rr�eds ot the sate tn the ; � �:.:
<br /> .�_.r. ,• to6owu� arder. (a? to ail e�ens� of tho :ate. ind¢dL�g, hut noa fim�„a�to:reas:•r,�•a Tnrstee's faes, reasonaDla 6ttama}rs.taea a� .� ,�•`i-
<br /> �•:i :, reinstatement fees:(bl to at1 sums seturoA W t h i s Qoe d o!wst.an d(e 1 t h a t s±3 nco,�f anr,t o t he perc�,.r�d a g e t t y o rt i tl e d m�e c e i v e i t. • +°�..;�v�.�
<br /> :�;�•'; . =��'�• 78.Fapefoi+a�.At Len08r's optton,thia de3d ot trust may be foreeto�ed ca tRa marar3 esm.de bY�C�►e faw tar toreciosure o!m . "� ��
<br /> � a ortgages s,-���
<br /> on real proyerN• �. . . ••:
<br />��_� ' 14.6a�c�an.�ender may ertitet tl�a proA�tY to insyact R ft Lender glves Boraower nc�as beforehand.Tha rtotica�state the�easonabte � , ' " .
<br /> �':. :-��"?i -�
<br /> � ':
<br /> �:,-_.�.••� ca�us tor Lendera inspecUan. , �, :.'-
<br /> -_,--��.�.r::,.:',L.r��k.' " . ,- .; .
<br /> � ��
<br /> 96.�Lortawer ass to Les�dar the proceeQs ot arry av�rard c�r clatm tor Eamages connectvd w+U�a a.^r•�3r.�natlon or aCw takIng � r-•' �'^"s �'
<br /> � . O}00 dr 8fry pazt O!tt10 piOQElly�uth prec88Qs will be epplied as Drav:dr�Ci in Covenam 1.This assi��cnrnacA is suDjeet 2�tfi9 terme aG'a:ty ptPO� } � \.j ,,
<br />��J'l � , ' 6941IIILY 8QElL'rt18Plt. a ' � - 1� '�.,:r� . .
<br /> - � - ,}. - .. � ...
<br /> r . t ' . �
<br />- , 1tt�LYai�r.Sy exereising arry remedy avaitab;e to Lendar,Lertdar does not ghre up any rtghts to fater useam►oth�raavedy.By�not exercising (. � `��'�.� �' �-.
<br /> - � .. . any reiaed�r upon Bortowere defeutt.Lendor does aot waive any rigM io leter wnsiQar t1�a ovent a de?autt if lt haDDens nC�sin. . .
<br /> �� tT.Ja�rt axf S�v�r���.Co�f�aa: Suee� md As�t�s Bound.A11 duttas Lmde�thts dee0 at trusrt srrt g,:int a�severaf.A�yr � • �
<br />�: .�:i�.,.•"_:' . Borrowes wF�o co-sigro thta doed of ttust but does �ot co-sign ths unde�g debt inswmeM(s)daes so onry to grant and wmrey thet .. • _
<br />� _;�,�',,;, � , 8crrowers ics^.erest in ttie property to the Trustee under tha terms ot tfiis deaQ of trust.ln aQOition,s�c�t ta Borrowe►e�eas that tfie Ltmder and . � .� ..
<br />-��. . . amr otRer Borrower unQes this deed of wst may eut�md,madi�or mako srty other ehangos in ttie tecm5 of this deed of trust or the secured
<br /> , . •. debt without that BonoweYe consant and without reisasing fhat ortower f►om tho tmms af this deed of trust. ,
<br />- '` . _,...:';:
<br /> :'_ .' . �• �;, The duUes and benefita of tfi(s dee0 ot trust st�atl bind aad benetit tho succassore and���a of Londer snd Botrawe�. � � . •.
<br /> :°.N:_
<br /> `�-•_. '� 1A.Hc�tic�.Unteaa otherwise�epuUed by taw,any noUce to Barrawer sha11 tre gtven by daTnrer(ng it or bY,maiiing it by c�f!ed mail aQdrossed to
<br />' ' • .�� • 8orcower et the pro Ry aQdress bratry othet aQdrass that Borrower hr3 t3iv�an to LenOer.8orrowar wdl piva any rtaacg To LenQar gH cerUileO ' � , ' . -
<br /> «•' mail to lender's�as on pa�1 of thls dee0 of trust,m to amr oiher oc�ress wlUch lenGer has Qestqr�ated.Arry a�ter noUce to LaroQer shall
<br /> - 6s sam to Lendsra eddresa as stateA on paye t o1 tNs deed of 4rust. �
<br />_� ':;�.>;' '.: '..
<br />-- "T:�; ' My AotJse th�il be deemed to have been given to BorrawFr or Londer when 81ven in tra r-,a�ar steted ahove. • •
<br />_.,��.y:�z .:::;.,_. � , •
<br /> :��.,.
<br />���i`> ���:-'; . '� : 19 Transfw ot 1M RopRry w�tws�9�td Irrt�nst fn tM Qarrowar.H aU ar any p�t ct�e proprrty or arry irtterest in tt Is sotd ar transferted . � : :
<br /> ��� � wtd�.,ut Lertdefs prtor rvrtttun cwisoM. t�nder may Qomarb lmmed?ate paYme.mt ot tf:e coc�ad deDt LenQm may afso deman0 immodiate
<br /> _ '��•� o.`m'u,a a�mn�'e,n�`ineJ6anovs°:t�a�uo�n�d0v on�ie d o°y oflee ai rr�"�+`s���i o da�e o tWt+i�s d ad o wat�sferred. Kowevar, t,andm may not !��::•,,..
<br />� ���� ,=:�?,•,i;:.:-'k�.
<br /> 20.R�tonwy�ne�.When tAe obligatton secvred by this Qeed o!uust hza bQan pa1d,end LenQar haa no tUtttf�t onL'g�tlon to mate ndvaneea
<br />�'�'.:. ,.� un4er th�instrumerrts or eme�encured by this deed ot t�ust tne Trustae shav,upon wrnton requast bv tho londet,r000nvey tho vust
<br />-�-��:`� prop�ty TM Usxfe�shall�itver to the 8onowar,ar to Honower's suczessot in interast,tho trust desd and the rtoto m other evldmieo of tho
<br /> ''�'�`�' e31T ntlon s�aatiafIed.Bortowav 6haf1 pay aay roeordaUon eoata.
<br /> _,,_ 9
<br /> .�.=-�.��.;,��^.��..:�`• .
<br /> - - �--, n . - 21,Seaec�q�or TnntM. Lertder, et Lender's o�on, maY remova Trustee and appoiM a suecessor trustea by tiraL maiting a eopy of tho
<br /> �' suDstitWon ot trustee aa�eautrad Dy sppllca�te aw,end tnen,b�fifin�Uie substitution ot tntsteo tor raCOrd in Ufe oft'iCe ot tho rCgistEt of Qee�
<br /> _��-,•,�;.'.:, �.7,'t�� of e�eA eountY in wt�JeA the trust DrayeRy.ar some vsut thern0l,i9 611UBtRd.The suceassor vusteo,without corrveysnCO of tAo ptoperty,&hall � �•
<br /> � . sueeneA to a0 tho power,dutlea,authorhy andtitio oi ths Trustee nomed In the doed of trust art4 of arry succCSSar t►vsteo.
<br /> r.y} Afl��i� 1•f•2�•T�� . . � . . �' ,..
<br /> - �r' :.(• . I _
<br /> ' • t
<br /> _'' '.�1� f. .
<br />_;:. , . . , - ! ' .
<br /> .. � . ' , . ' . . .
<br /> �,�' . .
<br /> .' � • . (pt�7s 101?1 l
<br /> 1 --
<br /> _'."`��-T�,-=��,--7 B/U�f96YFiTpAg WC.,ST.Cl0I1D hQ168901f1300.197.Z33UiOR5lOCR116Ttit�B//7At i " - .
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