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<br /> --� tJ���d3g tRit�.�s�s e�r�me 15 �y ot� MAitCN � • � ,t '9���t a�d em� � _
<br /> - �_== tt�eTr��ar. Ja� BlJCK � lIND.� BUCK HUS�ANt� ANYi �iFfE . `. ' ' . --
<br /> -_ , ������ 1619 ZpI.A G7 G��fiiD IStdINa Ng 58803- q2 � , - -
<br /> (3��?�te��ituamr.°vrq�her qne`�rt�er�).
<br /> - --�'�-�1 ` . ttt�Tn�soae� �IiIE POIHYS BAfi�:K' � . . .. =__
<br /> ,"`g�`': � P.O. �mX 1�07 . GRAN� ISLAtSD NE .688�2�. . �rte�e�r:�"��ttea'9.gnd -----
<br /> ��� avhosa+naflingaddre&sfs , • � _ _ —
<br /> --- '�" m�Bs�►eilolary, FIV� PUIt1T� �ANK ----. -- -
<br /> _-_-_�-.}l;� ��g.�d�� 2015 N �ROADNE 4.L GRAHD i S LAfiiO ��E 68603 _���n°d�tde�? - -
<br /> -__= r.�,�v==*�,� . . , --
<br /> ' N' -`` FOR VALUASI.E CON�ERATtON.ino�tQitsg let�def8 e�den3toe►of cradit tdarttifled hereln to �I M Bt1CK &
<br />- -�-_�;�'_-�� . ,
<br /> ---_ = LII�BA 6UCK� maretn"8orrowa�'.whathevoneormare)anOtT�swttP��rilncr�at�0. ,
<br /> - �t�te�ecety�t af which ia hereDy asknowled�.Tru�r haraby(rrevacabiy p�unb.trantisra.camrys and a�st9ns�Tru�he.IH
<br /> ��� Tl4UST�WjTFlP�WEtiOFSALE.[orMebenefliandeacuritYWlendar.underAS►Osubseettothacermf�ndcar�tr_1�n-�!�aina�aE! ��_------
<br /> - ta�.�e re�f OroyeRli.desc�Ibed as totl�wx =__--
<br /> ���`�-��=�`.� LOT NIlbE (9), R �i. B SUBDIV�SION. 6RAN0 ISlAt�D._�HALL COl1H7Y. NEBRA�KI�. � �.��:=�=d-
<br /> --_=—-..i =__-
<br /> __��� -- �.=-------
<br /> �;�`�� r" --- --_ �
<br /> �� ToA647�ar with ell buildtnps,impravemsnb.fixtures.etreete.a11eYs.D�Q�waYg.e�e���9�.p��$rtd a�purf� ���
<br /> : � = ;,�_-� aancas toca�ed tf�ereatt or in atsywtah pertatning et��reto;and the re�,issues and prafita.reversians and remalnders thereo�an� . °� _
<br /> � � sucb peraona!property tl�et le attached tn�sa lmproveme�so aa to cansUtuaa a ft�tur�trtctudlrtg,but not Iimtted tu.he�in�end �,�m __
<br />��;`�:;�I coolingequlpme�sr:dLogeUtetwiththehorrteateadormar{taitnterest�,ifatry.whEchtrtterestsareherebyrefeasedandwahred;a(1 p:t�,��:�- -�_
<br /> "`-•=a.� � ofYxhtch.inetudtngrepfacemeM9artdaQdlUonatfaereio,tsherebyQeclaredtobeapartoftherealestateseeuredb*,�thalienolfhta �-��w.�-
<br /> -- �_,�i�. Oeed of Tvust and ail ot the foregoing beJng reterred to herein aa the"Property�'. • �:�t:;
<br />_ =�:' �� �^�
<br /> I cec e tt�e a t of the dnai af sum anA interest evidenced by a pro:aissory nate ar credit '"""'�``-�""'� .
<br />- -�,.�_�. This Deed o!Trust shai ute( ) P Y� P R �.,, .,-� .
<br /> • �� ��� MARGH 15, 1995 ,havtngomaturityttateot SEPTEMBER 13, 1995 , � :�� _
<br /> ' �:E:•s�a . . D.
<br />' ,•,.:��"� ' in tJ�e aai�tna!prtncipal amaimt af$ �.1 lta 020.54 ar�d anyl and etl modtftaations,extensions an-d�rrea�`,s �',< _,�;
<br /> �° �`�'.� theaeaf a�Ezs�o artd any and ali tuture advances artd readvances to Bosro�ber(or any of them if more than one)h�mr•�
<br /> ;�r. ,,,�,
<br /> •?. -.:x' pwsuant to onQ ar mace promissory notas or credit agreements(herein cai!etA°t�ato'y.@)the paymem o!o t her aums a d v a n a a d b y
<br /> `. . '� '` � LendertapromcttJ�e�rilyrofthefVate;(c)thepaAormanceofallcovenar�tsen0agreemenbofTrustorsettorthhereir�;and(�efl �'� �:":����
<br /> �2;��`-��-�- prel8tttt�s�lu�re indsbtednss9 artd obligattons of Borrower(or any of them if mqre than one)to Lender whefher direc�indlrec� �
<br /> �. �.�o.�•. :.••,t;.�' �,
<br />�'"..�`�';"p�:�;= absoh�er aaMingentand whetner a�lsing by note,9uaraaty.overdraft or otRer�rtse.The Note.this Deed ot Trust artd arty en0 e11 '•�y. :�
<br /> :,t:�=:�...�'.��a' ,: :.,..
<br />-___.�:� ��= . oiherdflcuentetAataecuretlleNoteorqtherwfseexecutedinconnectlontherewifh,tneiudingwithoutlimifattonguarantees�security r >
<br />_=Y�{":' ����� : agreements and asslgnments of teases end rents,shall be�eferred to herein as the°Loan Oocuments". � "
<br /> • `,:, . Trustor covenarns And agrees w11h Lender as tollow� :;:" `�`
<br />`��f`.����:`�'.` 1.Ps�n�nt�inBebadn�.AO tndebta+dnese secured herehy shaJl be paid when dua •'°���.
<br />=.�=-�:-Y•=�:� 2.Ti�M,�rtistor tsihe owrter aP tAa Propary.has the right and autharity to comay the Property.and warr^�:,�lhat tha lisn � .0='`�� ', :
<br /> ;IF,L..
<br /> 4�,,;��,;4 '� created hereby is e firtri end prior lien on tAe Properiy.eacept tor liena and encumbrancea sei forth by Trustor M writtng and � .���'�
<br /> .� ,�,.._-_. Qelivered Ro�ender before�cocuUon of Mis Deed of Trus�an0 ttta ox�cutian and dellvery of this Deed o1 Trust does natvtata��rry �: �•���/�
<br />�t4 . � ��,� cor�ract or other ohitgailon to whicti Trustor is esibject �'�,:"�
<br /> _'r��.;�"�•..}:�� . -- �-r,�•..
<br /> ?--- 9.Ts�,Aat�b.To pay befofe Qettnquertcy all taxes.apecial e�syc�ssments and all other charges againat the�eriy� f
<br /> - ---�-__�� now or heres�ter lev{ed. j{"(���� f
<br /> �v �' 4.fe�suranes TokoepthePropeKyinsuredagalnstdamagebyflre.h�9rtctudedwithintheterm"extea�edcoverecJ�".and ' Y
<br />_``���'ri� _ - ��'� l:.._'`�
<br />- - '-: ,:�. surfi other hazards as Lendsr may require,In amounts and wit�campur::e3�sceptabtsto Lender.naming Lsnder as an 2�anaf . ..r ,:... ... ,
<br /> i� ,� named Insured,wit�toss payabta to the Lende►in case of loss und�r suc�'i pciicies.the Londer is authorized to adjuat cQ:.Fect and �•Jf����`.-;.. . .
<br />_ _ compromise.allclelmatRereunderandshallhavetheopUonotapplyingalcr�nrtoftheinsurancepraceeda(i)toarryindebiedness ��}
<br />-___ securedherabysndinouchorderesl.sndermeydetermine.p�totheTrus;artdtteusedtortherepairorrestoraUOnoi9►ePrcperty ' '� ,.°��
<br />:.:.�`�';.',. .'�,..;•� orpti)torany�lhetpiuposeorobjectaatDstactarytdLenderwithoutaf(ecdngtteellenofthisQaedolTruatforthetutlamountsecared . �- , �
<br /> ;� . ;., � hereb�,�betore such��rnent ever took ptace.My applfcaUOn of proceeda tm nodebtednctss sheil nat extend or pastDone 4;s C�S , . �
<br /> '`'' ' date af azr.�paynt2r:�under the Note.ot cute any Qetault thereunder or hereander.
<br /> ��:°'�: ��� S.�r.11�on written demand Ey Lertder.Trustor chall pay to Lender,in such manner 8s Lender may dssignat��kier,t . • •
<br />°r��r'-''�'� ' � ; sumsqcr-��6ecdQrtopayastheybecomeduaoneormoreofthetotiowir,3(qailtaxe�,assessmontsandothercharg:.��;rs2 • � .. •
<br /> ,-�r;,. .: . ,
<br /> _K the Proge�.G)�o�romiums on the property Insurance requlred hereunC�,and 0��)�e premlums on arry mortgaga u-�.:dzca ,
<br />__-�:.�;'��;.t��
<br /> _="t:rrk•.:e�t requif?�i2y E�t'�'Gt.
<br />_-�_"";'��-'_{�'� 8.�asoo�L��pairs and CanpN�nc�wNh Law�.Truator ehail keep fhe Property In good conditton and re�ir:st�ail .
<br />_�:;,,�;;J�,'"�,;i� . pramF��*�rair.ar ce�lace any Impravemen!yV,tiich may be da.�aged or destrayed;shall nat commit or permlt a�v���te or � , ; �,
<br /> -ti�,.;�.-,.:,-. Qeterlarat�on of the�roporty;ahatl not remav�Osmolisb or su�s�ur�atty atter arry o!the Improvemenb on the Property:sha11 not ., _
<br />-�-���,�-: . commi�suHerorpermitnnyaettobedoneinoruponthaPropertylnvtolaUonofanytaw,ordinance,or�egutaUon:andshallpayand ��:�
<br />-�.�N���__ prompUy discharge at TruBtoPe cast and ex�anso all Ilena.encumbrances and charge9 levled.imposed or assessed agalnst the • . .
<br /> `.-::;j�;,.- PropeRll or ar►Y Oart thereof. .
<br /> � �� �����•' 7.E1rdn�►t Ooma6t.Lender is hereby assigned eJl compenseUon,awards,dam�qe�and other payments or reftet(herelnafter �
<br /> =r:ihY-..'1'�:. .
<br /> �`e�:":�> ` "Proceeday In connec�lon with condemnatian orothertaking oitho Prope►ty ar purtthereot.or tor convoyance in Ileu otcondemna- � ,
<br /> -_�=-=��^���� Uon.Lender sha11 ba entttled at ib optlon to cammence.apDear In t�nd prosecute in Ite awn name any actlon or proceedinpls.and
<br /> "-Y;:,::�. sAall also bA entitted tu make any compromise or setttement fn connecHQn with euch ffiking or damage fn 4he even!any po:4ian of :
<br /> e
<br /> _�-.�. ttre.Property ia so faken or damaged.Lender shatl haye the opUon,fn ita so►e and aDsotute discrettgn.to opyty all such Prooeeda .
<br /> �--�'�° � efterQeQacUngtheretromellcoateandeapenseaincuRedbyitinconnectlonwlthauc!►Proceeds.upanenyindebtednesssecured ,
<br /> =�::- �s��` heroby and In sucb orQer aa Lender may defermine,or to appty ail such FroceeQ9,efter sush daducUona,tb the rostoratlfln o!the �
<br /> =-- -
<br /> "'•'-���'�`� Propertyuponsucheond[ttonsaBLendermsyQetermin�MyappficatlonofProceedetotndebtednsssshaDnbtextenAarpostpono '
<br /> .����.;� • .
<br /> �'�`�`���'���` the due d�ta of arry paymenb Wndar the Note,or cure any defauH thereurtder or hereundea My unapptled funda shall b3 paid to �' -
<br /> �.v-�.r_;�, �
<br /> � • .n5u'. Trusior.
<br /> '"`��;.;;_,�_�,_: 8. P�mtn�by L�rtdu Uaan tha oecurrence ot an EJen!ei Datautt hereunder.ar If eny aet Is tahen or lagal procaeding ' • • .
<br /> -.��.;.�
<br /> �:;�� coinmence�whtcAmateriatlyaitecbLertder'slntero�tlnthePcoperty,Lendermaylnita�wndiscretlon.butwit�outoblig�tio�todo .•
<br /> - ' ="�f''� •, so,er�without noUce to or damand upon Truator and wit�out releasing Tivator tram arry ob►igatlon,dn any ect which Trustor h�s �
<br /> :.�`s't�,,,�lA_. , .
<br /> ;:.;; .• : , aQr�i�lr�lfalis to do and may atso do arry o�2tier act tt dflems�eae�ey to Rrotect the seeuNry hereM Trustnr shaib Immediately
<br /> upar.des�:an�therefor by Lendar.pay to Lenderall costs and�arwcs Irtccc;�ed and sums expended by Lenderin connee�cn with
<br /> thoexetclsebyLer�atolthetoregoingNgMs.togatherwithiMergstt�tet�ar�o,tthedefauftrateprovldadintheNote.whichShaI1G9 � ••
<br /> � ' :�`�• � � ad8ed to the Irtde��dness securod horoby. Lendar shall not Incur any Itablliry becausa of anythirtg it may do or omit to do ' � '
<br /> �...
<br /> _ .- -n-i::.:-.,,� �f111/1�. E_�..:__ --.._.-_ �_
<br /> . , i` ,`* � - _ ._-.-------- - .
<br />