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<br /> ' .__ Tti�fol�o�ng���tothsMmrtg�g�.P�sec�-t�-eap}�sbkai�t�'�Iu�w�m��a4hei�cat�dinio.aa�I-`-�--
<br /> • reao�ded with,�he hlozigags.The temt�Marig�ga"aha'9 be de�ned�O ineti�ta"Ireat of'fiust,"ifapp�ab�.� � � . � -
<br /> � •
<br /> . , � . . `<
<br /> . . x � F�lA and FmIi�A ADDEPIDlJI�4 �� ' � ` , : ._ �
<br /> . - . _ � . . � . � . . . .. . , . 'i,`
<br /> TH�STAX�IEMP�FWAI�CII�G RID�R i�madeth� t��h dayof � Marc� `� ,14 . S�.ac��s � _
<br /> . iaca�orat�i�to end s�al!bt deemed to amen�ead supp'�ment ths�+iodgag�flted ot�'nisi or S�r�y IJ���'S€�rity l�swnnn�oit�e �
<br /> sairedalsgarEabytheandersig�ad�Bar�ow�:'�tasrcareBono��sNate("Nate")to � ', =
<br /> . 00�1�'6tJS �Al. Si�V I hi�aS BAI�6C
<br /> �'Leadef')of lDesamedateandooveriegifie�roQaiy d�n'b�in QteS�rity instrumen�endlocatal a� �
<br /> � 643 WEST 15TH StHE�T t�RAPO� 1 SLAt�iD, t� 65881
<br /> � ' (Properly Addt�} � _
<br /> In ad�ti�on to thea��caanis and agcee�mee�tamade in theSacnrity tnstrumsnt,Bonowe�and t.�er fanherco�ea�at and ag�ce[�a�
<br /> � Paragta�b 9 of t6t M�del Moctgage FomE,e�titl�d"Grounds[or Aoocete�aGon�f Debt"as by adding addiGar.a1 grounds for aaaeletaka�� _-
<br /> ' fol:oaPx � . � __ —
<br /> Lender,ors�ct�af'ilssuaoe�o�soia�i�usa�maybes��apatsi�tumeni��nerespon�ar'�3gfotas�uriugoomp�ianoe���'�BoarBur;t : t�.:,��=.—'-
<br /> . wi0 t�e pm�asof tlusTax-E�esnpt F'manri�Itider,�rra�►�cgaic�imr���apmeni+��ni1 o�ell sum��red by���.-. �; . ;;��___
<br /> Insirumtnt iF. ; ` � . . .�--
<br /> ,
<br /> .. ��
<br /> . �,.,.
<br /> � (a}�Allor pac�of Ihe Propedp is�1d orotheewise trnnsi�recl6y Bonowetto a purc6aser orot�tr Uansfet� .. � " t�:.
<br /> _ . . _ �-.:....��...�_
<br /> ' n Who canuot ceasonably be eapacted to oowny Ihe property as a prinapal cisidenae vrithin�reasonabk Gme attes�the sak aa:� . '�f,_ _ �
<br /> transfer,all as provided ia Se�tian l43(c)an�('�2)oithe Intcenal Revenue Cud�or . =r=`��--�:
<br /> . . ... .,. �::� .
<br /> � (�Who das had a p;�t owtxrsbip interesl in a prinapal residenue daring ang�t af.th�three-yr�r peaad en��a the date �;r,,
<br /> oithe sak or tcaasfer,afl aa provided'm S�tion 143(d)ansl(ix2)of the Initmal Rev�:��finde(exapt that"100 pe�i��"s�aA ba � �
<br /> sub�tituta�fa¢"9S petanlormon'where thefatterap�rs inSe�liu�t��[d}(q};or '. � ���' '�' `'
<br /> �r .
<br /> , .
<br /> , (uijAtanaoquisitionsostwbichisgreaterlAan90pcctx�4ofthcaver�gean�pU�aseprioe(gceaterthanll��nt[or :.��'��. .
<br /> � � .4arget�area residenaes),ail as prarided in Sectioce 143(e)and(}(2)o(the Iatemal Re�:c Cade;or �� - —_
<br /> � � ('rv)Whu has agcoss i'amilyincumein ezassoitheapptiabfe pecue�,��ofappJi�a?:r„�'ian�4�il�iawme asprovided in .� '
<br /> . �,y�✓'`_ �1�,�
<br /> �tctioni43((y and�j{Z)edb'�.�lntemalReveaveCode;ar ., .`.�, -
<br /> ..,;��i,� ..Y�;� .
<br /> � :;�,��''"�" �._�.
<br /> . ' ���ono►�er tnits to a�y�he propuiy deac�ibal in the Sccuriry dnstrument without prior writte�consent ot Lea�caor ils � `•�;_�° '-�
<br /> • suax�sursar�tr desctibed at thc btgi.�c�theTax Esempt Finan�a��ktider,ot � . :::�'.�-�- -:'"`
<br /> x�
<br />. . :, � '..�iir.,�,:�`.
<br /> .: . _(c)Bomawer amitsarn�sa.�:zsentsa fac!that ismat�r:��v��ith respoct to the provisions of 5xtion 143 oithe Intem�;9�teven�eCode : .-•� �
<br /> '��: ;.:- . �
<br /> in'an applialion for the loan s�ured by ihis�ec�rity Instnvneat. �. .' � �.�-� '�°'�� �
<br /> Referencesareto the Intemal RevenueCode as amended�nd in etioclon Ihedateofiss�anceof 6oad�the ptoaeuis ofwhich wiil be , . *::;�;:;�:;,;;
<br /> � usad to CaanaelheSecurity InslcumenteRderedeem�l to inctude the unptementingregulations. � �:.�;�;f,. � '.
<br /> • 1-
<br /> .;.i��;�" .
<br /> . ' - • . . ,�'r:.• . . . .
<br /> � �Y S1t3N1NG BELOW,Borroweraoapts aadageea lo the tertns and prrzc�isions in this Tax-Exempt�aancit�Rider. =
<br /> � ��- �. � �;;;�j::.�:� . . .
<br /> . :,:�.,.�;
<br /> � Borro«et CMI0.D C FuhK �:�5�i.�, �
<br /> .,_ty,,,.
<br /> ,,,t:4:..
<br /> Mmrcfi 17; 1995 . . ' ;,,.
<br /> � Data' B�rro�ver � . . � . .
<br /> ' VA MORTQAQB ADDENDUM 603 wESt �t�N�St��7 •
<br /> atAt� IsLAS�; NC sfl8ol � � : � .
<br /> li,so langas the lNDttgage isoutstanding,nli orany partof Ihe pro�tnp iaga�d'or�nsfetred byBorrou�erwit6ouil.endet'e priarcvrittee�� . �� • �
<br /> ' cansent,other than A iranster by devise,desaenl or 6y ope�ation of i�tvr;lhtl.ehdzrmay,at Ltnder's oplion.declare all the sums stcured 6y the . �� . �
<br /> � Modgage to be u�mediatety due and payabie. � � �
<br /> . � � . Bonowet , . . ��
<br />_ d�-� lT�._4gog . � - . .. . • .
<br /> � �.—_-�,- - - . - _
<br /> . � . Bif�t4i':� —_.-- - -
<br />- ' � . �.
<br />„ , ' • ,
<br />_ � • •'•
<br />