:�__� ' ; . � -- � - ---
<br /> . ' ' ���5'� ���,a�h�3e� . _-
<br /> ' L B�yt�tt of PrtndQal,Yaterest an�d Lale Clta�� Borrower s��.y when due the principal nf.and iater�st ort. . . . __ _
<br /> the dEbt�videacxd 6y ttte Nate aaA 1�e charges dus astder tIte 1Vote. ' ,
<br /> 2.'1:!€°��J��g��s cr�T��s,r�M••�9Tr•g�si Qth�r Ch�.Fa�ves sIu�li include in each�athiy paymeat, �T_
<br /> ' toget�es cvit��t�..pr�nc�pa3 nad'uiterest es set faith in the Yete aad any L�:c�iarges,an insta�llmenr af any,(u)tax�s aast —
<br /> special asses�euts Ievied ar to I�e leyted agaittst the Pmpeny,(b?tease�payments or�ousid tents un tffe Pmpeaty.and
<br /> (c)Prxmiums for�svmace required by Paaagraph 4.
<br /> Fac'�moathly installmeai For items(a).(b)and(c) shall eqaal oc�elfth of tl�e a�ual amounss,as ceason�,6ly � - --
<br /> esrimated by Ler.�r,pIus an amount sufficient to maintaia an add�balauce of nar moie thaa une-s'vstb of th� ___-_--__---
<br /> estia�sted�tmunts.,The fu11 annual amaunt fos eash item sball be ac�Ias�d by Lender within a peri6d ending one . �-T"�`
<br /> moath brfore an itein�vmild becom°delinquenL Lender shall t,ald t�e ai�ouars coltected in t�st to pay uems(a);(b)�ad �__T -
<br /> (c)befare they become detinquen� {:�y-��.<..v_-___
<br /> If at un wne the total of th� a ts hetd b Lender far it�.�s?(b}aud(c).together cvitdt thz futsuae marghlY� � v.
<br /> Y P Y �'=",��--��--
<br /> payments for sach ite�payable to der prior w[he due dates aE:sxh items.exceeds b;more than one-sixth the „�:„�.����
<br /> estia�ated amount af payme�ts requaed to ay such items when dae.a�:ri ifi gaymenu on the l�tot�acs ciuseat,[heu Leader �-�-�=- -
<br /> • shall either refund th°,exa�s over�of the e�nated paymeau�.vr.cre�dit the excess aver oae-sixdi of the est�ated _____ _
<br /> payaients to sabsequertt paymenis�y�Batsower.at the opuon o€Bo�ro�¢r. If the total of ti�e payments made by Boaower
<br /> e
<br /> for item fa).(b�ar(c)u ins�'firient to pay the item wha►due,then Bocsv�er sfiall pay ro Leader any ammmt necessary to _ --- ___--_--
<br /> make�„^s the deficiensy en or before the dai�the item 6ecomes due. • _-_--------
<br /> As used in this Secunty Insmtment,"Sec�eiary"means the Secc°..ta�ca5 Hnusiag and Urbax►Usvelopment ar his or her ; -- ---- - -
<br /> de.s3gnee. In aay yeaz in wttirfi the Lender must gap a mortgage;•rc�+*a^��pc�m{um to the Secretary.each mnntbly payment ==----- -
<br /> shall also inciade either: (i)an jnstallmert a�dze aannal martgage iag�ace psemium to 6e paid Fr,��b�nder W ihe .:;.:i��� -
<br /> � . ' Secretaty.ar(u�a m�tt�ItY�xge inscead of a�vvrtgage insnransp�if this Seasity(nsmurn�C as�Eecld by the :.;.:ps.�-:_�
<br /> Secc�,..t�. Fash�on�3ily ins�talEc��af the.mortga���nsutance Fmszium�I?be in an amount su�cte�G tfr�mti�_t�e .
<br /> fult a�����s*surar��ium with L�der one em.�i�.�.t�zhe date tfte fall annnal��� ���-r-�,
<br /> p�:-um is d;�..ca�^�S�cretary;or nf thia Securi3v Insaument�G�L�trj,l�Sec�etary.each r,iantl�Iy d�rt�sha�.G-�un� „�'--__-
<br /> a�a�e�-�m�aSfth of aae-half percenE�.`t�e outstaad�g pim �c�'hu�aace due on the Note. ' . ": �= --
<br /> �f Sarravra tea�s to Lender the full pay�i of all aums secure3 try this Se�uity Lisa�amen���owes�s a� �-�
<br /> s�be credited with the balance semaining for all mnaltments for i�►-..�.s(a),fb)and(c)andany ma�gage�e ` �::°'_�'-°°_°
<br /> g�aiva�instalIment that Lender has not becaine obligate�tdg�y to t�e Secretary,and Lender shall prom�tiy refvutl�ma9 -__-__-
<br /> eao�ss funds to Barrower: Immediaiely prias to a foseciosu�sfLe of t�,e Ptogerly or its acquisitfon by Lender.Bmiau+��s _______
<br /> accolmt sf�all be Credited with aoy b�ce tem�g foT all ir,��dments f�IteA1s Ia),tb)�cd(c). "°°`'•��.� _
<br /> 3.App�an ot P�yments All payments us►der Faragaphs 1 ar_d 2 shall he applied by Lcrnder as fol3ows:
<br /> �t$T.to the mattgage insurance premium to be paid by Lender t�t'�c Secretary ar to the monthiy charge by the �z_�i��`s
<br /> �E�etary'mstead af the moathly martgage inswrartce pteanum; � , �F�
<br /> 'OND.to aay taaes.special assessments,leasehold payments oc guaad renu,and fue,flood and otheF 6azard "'_
<br /> insutaace p�emiu¢�s,as reyuired: ��'.v
<br /> ' �,D�,to interest due uader the Note; ��'�`'��--.
<br /> �1Jt�!'H.W�arti7ation of die prin�ipal of the Note: _ _
<br /> ¢�,i ta Fr�eat�g.�s dae uader the Note. �.��� -
<br /> 4. �F 3 a o�}�3 O t her 8 a 7 a s d I n s arance. Borrow e r s f i�I L.i n�v i�.u t 3 i m p r o v e m e n t s o n t h e P r a�n:�.y.w h e t h e r n o w e�==_--
<br /> in ex'ssxqnce or subsequendy ere�ted.a8ainsi anY iiazards•ca�'tiuiE£�s;--�contingenc�es.including fcr�fr�which Lender -=""°v
<br /> er
<br /> r�es�nsurance. Thns insurance shall be m�nia�ned in the uin�vnts a:d for the periods that Lender requues. Burrower . --.,-, _z�:�
<br /> sfia?fZ�sn dnsure all impmvemen4s on the Ptoperty,whether m3cu ir�exist�ece or subseqnently erected,against loss by tiands -�`' -',��,__��
<br /> to alse exteat�eq�red by the Sertetary. All mrnmnCe shall�t�ed v/i�:eompa.-ues appTOVed by Lendet 'Ihe msu_�nce "'a� .�r��- _.
<br /> golicies and any renewals shall be held by Lender and shall inclade Wss payable clanses in favor of.and in.a fotm
<br />_ accegtabte w,Lender. -��- :`�""�'�
<br /> �,��,..�_
<br />° Ln the event of loss.Borrovrer shall give Lender immetiate notice ts3r mail. Lender may make proof of lass if nat �;;:r :;a�ersr.�
<br /> ra�a�umFtiy by Borrower. Eac6 insUraace company cer,rrx:�ed is I�.ee:Isy authorized and diretted to make payme�for .;�,`;;Q;-- �
<br />- suct3lcss d�recdy to Lender,instead of to Borrower and to tTr.nda.�s join4y; All or any part of the insurance praceeds taay tse '�•5'�f
<br /> a�p:_ed 6y Lender.at its option,either(a)to the reductiaa af cim indeDa�Ccess nnder the Note and this Secvnry Instrm�nx, ';-s��,t' �
<br />_ fcr�s to aay deL•��n�t amonnts applied in the e�cr ia l�.�r�^�ph 3,and then to prepayment of principal.or(h�tn the <',`-`;'`-,� -
<br /> res:�r�cion or reR�af 43�e damaged pmperty ��^:.pnlic�tz�of the Fr�a:eQs to the principa�shall not extend or�=#pon� ' �;�= x
<br /> ' tte a�:e date of the monthly payinents whicfi�a.':�etred m in ParagaFh,2.or change the amauni of such payment.�. Any �-_�=-' --=
<br /> e�cess iasurance pmcecds over�aa►ount rc,guird to p�y.�1L autsta�i�g mdeDtedness under the Nate and this Secarity v�`�
<br />- Ir�_�+shall be paid to the e.::�y le�ally entit�ed theretv: • 't�";
<br />_ Y�the event of foreclosure of this Secunty Insaument ar other tra�far of title to the Property that extic�af�hr;s the ��-���
<br />- indebtedaess.all righ�title and interest of Boir;�er in and to insursnce Fol:cies in force shall pass to the�...*zhaser. �;.;:��.,;-,J
<br />_ 5. Occupaacq, PreservatIon, Mainte�re and Prolectton ed tte Property; Borrower's l.aan Appfication; �;•'.:,;.r-;y4� .�_,�_.
<br /> Leaseholds. Borrowes shaU occuPY.establis:�,and use the Property a4 Borrower's pruicipal residence within sixty days �;_,��
<br /> after the execution of this Sect.�^i�y�.zswment and shaU continue to occa�f the Ptoperty as 8omawer's principal resixnce � . � • `
<br />- for at teast one year after the dat�oE nccupancy.unless the Secretary deterr�izes this reguirement will cause undue tr�„rd.ship � � •
<br />= far Borrower.or�mtess exter.:a�ng circunti�-^ces eaist a�hich are�epund Borrower's conuol. Borrower shzll aacify •
<br />= I.eatders of any extenuating clrcumstances. Da�sawer shall not commia�casn_or desuoy.damage or substantially c5ange �
<br />= We Progerty or ai2ow the PtaQerty to deterior�,reasonab2e weaz and o�ae eqec-pted. Lender may msDr,a�tiis Ptaperty if the _ .
<br /> Propetty is vacaat or abandoaed or the loaa is us Z"efaut� Lender muy t�[ce reasonable uction to protect::ad preserve sach ; , , . .
<br /> vucant or abartdone3 Ptoperty. Borrower shaJ.also'be e.*�d�auJt if Ecr;�wer,durin�the loan applicaticn process,gave .
<br /> materiaUy false or inaccurate �aformation or state�ztt, to Lender (cr failed to pravide Lender with any m�'nssl , ' ,
<br /> infflrmauon)in connection with the loan evider.ced by the i�ote,incI�ding,but nat limited.to.representatio�s coa:�asrRing �
<br /> Borrowor�s occupancy of the Pmpesty as a pr�isvci�:J res�dena:. If this Socurity Znstrument is an a teaseha:�.Bo:ro:��shall _ �
<br /> wrnply v�ith the�cavisions of the iease. If H6rra�rer acquues fee title tc�tite Property.the leasehold an�fa:titie shall not • • � . • .
<br /> De merged un:ess P..�nder agrees to the�er�i�r�sidn& • • '
<br /> f► CIlarges C,�arrower an�d Tr1ta�m ai 1.enderT�Rights ta t3e Plroperty. Borrower shal!pay all govem:r,cztal •
<br /> or mvnici�ai char;�es.��es zr.d"c�i�icts.�t�t are noi ittcluded in Faram'aFh 2. Hartower shall pay ttiese obLgztiaa3 on <,� . �
<br /> time die�cdy to c::e ea�r� wi•,:��w a:��tfce doaymea� if failute to pu�wouId adversety affect�.ender's intenest ia L*�e ,:,.�,;t.•�:
<br /> Ptoperty.upan f✓tader'� e.�t 8ezrovier siuill �m furnish to I.eadar receipts evidencin these a ents. �. .-`t`!"i:'r�: .
<br /> � � Y�- Pt►Y � P Ym '.rp,:��,....
<br /> If Borrouer gaLS to m32te ihese payments ns the payments requ3t�d by P�ra�aph 2.or fails to�farm any other
<br /> ,,.._.�,; ,�.
<br /> wvenanu and ngreements cantaiaed in this 5ei�usi.y Instrwnent,or the�ns w a tegal proceeding that may,�rgnificaady affect , `,,«•. � .
<br /> L,cader's ti ts in the p P�]'• �,�r�,�.;` ••.
<br />- gh Plraperly(s�ch as a rocc�ding in bankra t far condemnadon or to enforce laws or regulations),
<br /> then Leader may do ea�d pay wt�arever is necessary to pmtect the value of the Property aad Lender's rights in the P�operty. .,.-�r.
<br /> iacIuding payment of taxes,ha�ard insutaace and other ttems meatiuned in Para�ruph 2 , , ,
<br /> � Any amounis disbwsed by l.ender uader this Parepraph shall become an addldonal debt of Borrower and be secured
<br /> = by Ihis Seciuiry Insvumeat These arnounts shall beas mterest from the date of dlsbursement.at the Note rate.and at the �
<br />- option of I.ender.shall be immediately due ami payab2e. .. �
<br /> �. Condtmnadoa.74te pioceeds of any award or claim for damages.direet or consequenrissl.in ecmnection witt�any .. .
<br /> - candemnation or other taking aY eny part of the Propercy.or far conveyance in place of coadsmnation,aze hereby assigtted � �-` � .
<br /> = tutd shall be paid to Lender to the extent of the fiill arnount of thc indebtedness that remains wtpaid under the Note and tJ�is . . •.
<br />= Security lnsuument Lender shall appIy sacB pmceeds to the reducdon of the indebtedness under the Not�sad this Seciuity � '
<br /> - inswment. first to any delinquent amo�u�t�ed in the order provided in Pamgraph 3. and then toprepayment of
<br />- � principni. �nyr applicadan of the proceeu3 tv•��e plincepai shaii nut extend or postpwe �he due date of the monthly . .
<br /> . fDage 2 nj4 pages► .
<br />