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<br /> • , i�ti-tJ�+iI�RAi'L'�I�VE,IAI�x`iTS: f�Qr�ower and Lcr.d:�furtker cav�rt�^� c&s fo2lQws•.:,-� ,,., `
<br /> A f3 9.d.C.,aa,�� ►
<br /> ' � ��. Fm�doeurt Pru�e�rc [f E�-dern�uires imm+e�at��a ,�E in f�u�deYpara,�t •:,�.�, �'o�+-.'� . ,.
<br /> ` �pawgr o£�Io ar:d�A►►y�r r�ea�"F�itst�by��ii:.i�4,�e,��i�:p���� �+.�•�^�s�leal tQ c�,.�tee�.��t^�v.j,f.<�.t���. ,�s i,z�7redg ,
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<br /> . �allF���i.. ' . . .): ..
<br /> ' ' i�tbepo��e�o�t.s�is feti o�e�,.Trmatee sbat!cc�d a nc�tttce o4'detsvtt:s ewch cae ts�ic'����i EMFt of�.9e' � .
<br /> �
<br /> � �is7cxa�ed af�s�t�fif sogies dF s�cle aat��a t�e m�ner pe�e#Ded bY �6(2 4�t��Q_ �tr suad�
<br /> . t� P�P��'tip��i►. �fi'd�the tim�requireal Dy bia t��-„�'ts►�`F�a•..���� . . _
<br /> � a ce d's�ie to.tAr pes�s�tbr m�a�er prescrlDed� _�y �bk,la�:�. �Ear R��11► �a�n�t .
<br /> e
<br /> : �cs.sl�E se�[3�Ps�ert�at auclioe��t�c 6firghest Es�dder�t�tIme�d Diaet.autt,utt�r t8e ier�ns
<br />. des�a�sd in t��ptke of s� a oaa ur�ar�p�rce�and i$ang uatkr 7tustce dcter��ae� 'it.�rst.ea!�aF� .
<br /> : . sa�e oi�!I or aay pami of Q�t Pe cKurt9 6Y�pubfic a�nouqsemcnt at tQe tUoe ant!pt�i�of QAs�rra�'s,��►6e uk8 --
<br /> s��.�rr�zts dtstgaer n�y eh�st unc Property at�a��y saie ' .
<br /> � . -u�,�� ��e�.'��as�#c'�I°._siQL��tsrc..s* .�. !.�.d�'�d�9�#�E�� -
<br /> prc�pert� '!�e riec�'YYustee s dsed sivtU be prtma facie evtdcrn�af tralh d�the siatemts��a�ABe thea�
<br /> '�tK s�t apgis tLe prar.eedc af�e s��ibe[oitawtr��order: t�) to ail costs� esgra���a��f� ��
<br /> ' power�sale.aa�'ti�e sak, 111c Paymeaat ot tbe;IYasttds fees attaatty[c�u�r�ed.aot W�a��: ,
<br /> oI �E o��e�¢tl�e ifine d the d�ciir�tio��P defa�it,.�reasoni►�e at�t�l���s as
<br /> �(�)ia ali snms saasted dy t63s Security Iasuument:aad(c)an�y�ea�.ss W i5�r�4r P�
<br /> ' b .fi�,
<br /> }��to i�. � ,��;u�t to
<br /> j� Recosv�� Upan payment of atl sums secured by this Securiry Instru�rlsa�L.endr,.s sh�'
<br /> c�omicg t�Pcnpr�ty u�fA sLatl s�ad�er th�Securiry Instea�nem aad aD notes evidR�scmg de�n s�siv3:i�s thi�i�iry
<br /> '� Insmiraent.to'fiarstze. '�ivstee,shaU iecanvey tte Ptapertl►without uaeanty aad wi�iuui charge to th��sQn ar persons
<br /> legaliy easiiled to iL'•Sluh�nn or pe�ens s9a11 gay uny ceoordation casts rat e.''�:tr'�essor trusLQe
<br /> Y9 Sabs�ttnte� E.euder,a�its aptior�.may fiam time to time temcn e't�ste�aud zPP�
<br /> tQ any'IIvst.�e appoi�tecdhereurrdca by an inFUUmen4 recarded in the cauruy in vrhicit:th3s S�uiitl+Insrnt�3;ent is rrcnrded. .
<br /> Withaat oonveyapce af�Pc�iy,the s�ccessor tru�.ez:shall s¢scaed tn atl the�e,PoR-es and du�i�•canfeaed a�on
<br /> 'IIustee herein and�y a�:�:i�icable aw. ' _
<br /> ' TS Requ�s!fdc-Naf3c�. Borrower reqaests thaz wpies of the�atices of dafanit an�•s�l�tm:s�t eo BorraRer's `
<br /> � ad'dress wtush is t�:e��tty Addr�;s. `. _
<br /> R.iders tfl t�Sectuity Ias�vment. If one ar mare ride�s ate execated iry Ht,rsower ssnd tecc�sdZ+.i:tog��thar with tliis
<br /> Sec�ui�y Iru�umeat,ttie cove�nts af eash such rider.shall 6e inc�ated inta;�rxnd shaSl azn�fi��rli�:supP�emem � _ _
<br /> • cove�aad a�eements of this Sec�y inswment as if the*id�sts}wece w a part of this Ser�uin,�Ia�z►rinc�� �
<br /> • [CUeckapplicabteboa�es)I• •. . " - ^_
<br /> ' �Cvndominium Rider �Graduated Pay�nent Rider �Growin�Eq�aiijt ltidbr
<br /> • . Q t�lanned tTniE D►evelapment Rider �Uttter[SP�YI ��..qpp�
<br /> &y�[�MNC��8�.t5W;Borrower acsepts aad agrees to the terms contai�d in pages l thtaugh�.4 of this Sec�ity �
<br /> • Insuu�rrat�tit�in nny ridetls)exerure�l tsY Boisocver and recorded with i� � �
<br /> . � • • . �_.
<br /> w�m��s: : � �
<br /> ' . � �T/ � csea!) �
<br /> Bor�ocser
<br /> V TiiE.JQf , .
<br /> � . (S�1)
<br /> _ _ � eorrowrr
<br /> � . . � PEC�Y A TlZEJI� �
<br /> ' `` � � ' �. r tSeal) -
<br /> . . ,. _:: � • Borto�ra °
<br /> . • . , . . (Seap r
<br /> � Bntmwet I
<br /> � i.
<br /> . �
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA. u��� Couaty ss: . �
<br /> _ . . ' _ iil�ii � , . � F.
<br /> pn this � �r� �.� day of � 199� •bef�re cr.�.th�un�e�.i�aed,a No2uy �
<br /> m�a�y dame �
<br /> ' Rublic daty cammissionecl�ruid qnali�ed fos aaid caunty.peis ' `�
<br /> . .JORf� V,TREJO AND PEC�611 A TR�.A MiSBM1D AAYC► WlFE ' .to me knaam to be th� t
<br /> identical persw�(s)whase name(s)are subscri6ed to the famgoing insmimem nnd acknotst��1►�te execution thereof ta Ire �
<br /> }� . voluntary act and deed. • -
<br /> '�Vi-a c�my hand and notarial sral at ��p 1 SLMO in sai�i county. the _
<br /> d�te afomsaid.�
<br /> . 1 . . �
<br /> � My Co�nmission expires: . ' �oca�y wm;c
<br /> � . ��l�Ndt�it�ljlesrsk+ A L;Rt� .
<br /> ta�Ev�1u�f 30.s9l�.
<br /> T!�undeisigned is the ho2der of thc aate or�tntes sec�ucd i�y this C.:c�of'Ih�st. Said ncs:e mt notes,togeth�r wit0 all
<br /> ofher in6ebtedi�rss sacuied by this Dced of'dust,have 6een paid in full. You ate hereby d'ira:t�3 to rancel said note or .
<br /> . nates and tfus Dctd of'l�usr.which ur�d�Iiveresf hereby.�d tu recanvey.wit�uut�varcuaty.all Wc estate now held vy you
<br /> � under this Dced oS'Ifu.,�t to the person ar perssuns tc�alty enfiKed thereto.
<br /> • , Date: . .
<br /> � , .. . . .. � - . . . . .('r,X¢�4 jurqo�t .. .
<br />