_ __ _ _ . __ ._ _ _ _. . .
<br /> __ ___ _ _ __ � . �
<br /> t .
<br /> Y ` ' • � . • /�p���l�_�,.�__ '�— _
<br /> _—'_'TT_� f� �1S` —_ _
<br /> . ` � � • � � v� -
<br /> ' Tt3G�I�1'�C'i H a!f tke�mpmvements nosvor.h�tea4�¢r e�cte�on tk0 prope�ty,un6 al�<eFsem�r.n�purtest�.�s,�d �
<br /> � i��i��s aaw ar'i�,re�t�r.`a�part.of t�e paopeaty: Ebti repiabgments �d �Slit'co�s �att s�iso 6e�covered hy,tnis Se�urity �
<br /> `_�r.:tm����rF th��areb�nii�g is refesrcd t�in¢his Sec,�rity Instxum�a as tfle'F�operty." - . --
<br />_ .I�RRQ�it C�O�i@I�kNT3 tiu�t Barrower,is ta�rf�slly s�iscd of ttie esta*.�hereby coavejrs�und ttas the ri�t t¢g�t a�ti
<br /> -- convey tiie Prc��y an�:h.^.t the Prageray is unra�.►mI��d.exc�gY for e��af r�cun3� Boirs�weL:v�arra�its a�d wiiC- - -� -
<br /> dcfeacl gcr:•.ra![p thc tiatc Eo the l�aqperty�guinst alt cialnls und decna�d�:�ub,ye�at t�any enc�sranec�s 4f recard.
<br /> --TkQIS SE��JRITY�PFSCRUMETJ'T'caIInisines ainifoim cavcrxuts�ar aatia�a2 use.and nan-t�nifomz twveoznts with lim.±�� `--
<br /> vur�t(ons Isy„j�arisdictiui�ta cansiitu:e B unifosm security insttumenf eovering teal pmgerty- . `
<br /> � U;3�F�13l3 COVENAFI'€S.$orra�ver and I.�z:�ier covenant and agme as fottaws: . . :.. ---- -
<br /> 1. P�ymgnt o4 i�nrlpat�d Inter�t: �rcl�Yraeat and Lace.ChZtrges, Bocrovrer shall pmu�P�Y F3}� witsn dRe the
<br /> princip�l of on��iuer�.ss en the de0t evidertced by the Ptote and any Fr�pSyment and iaze c[iars�s du�ur.d�r the Nate. �
<br /> Z. �Por T&��v�ti��. �tsjcct tc►a�l�ste 1ss1 er to a c�ritsa�raiver tiy Lend�s,fioxrnwet�.sBall�y Eo . .�
<br /> Lendcr on�Se d3y arnnihly.Qsymtnts a�e das ur.der tite t�tflte.until the Nnte is paid in full.a sum("Funds"3 f�r�(a�y,e:uiy tmce3
<br /> and:uses�n�ent��rflich rnay atta3n priority avsr this 5ecisrity In.,�evm�ni as a lisn on the Progetty;(�)Yeasiy te�ehold payinenu .—_
<br /> �,r ground rents bn tAe Property.if any:(c)YearE}r h�rd ar property insuranance pr�miums:(d)yearly ftood inswasce P�*�+'+n"n.
<br /> if arry:(e)9e�rly moitgage ir�umnce prertvum:,,i€a::y:•u�i ft}aay s�ns payabte by Bozrower to t.ender,in a.asordance with
<br /> the p;ovisions o€para,�raph 8. iri lieu of the paym:na of mnrtgage ins+�rance pr�mia�.7Tiese itea�s?�;calIed"Fscrow Items.°
<br /> I,en,icr r�y, aL any ticne. coltect And hotd Faads in an amount aot ta exceed the maximum az�aunt a tender for a federally
<br /> tctatcd ucortgage toaii may require tor Borrowei s escrnw accaunt under the f�e�a!Reat Fsfate�ttemeat Procednres Act af __
<br /> 1974 as ame�tded from tirae to dmc, l2 IJ.S.C: �ect�ore 2601 a seq.("RESPA°},unless anather law tmat applies.to the Fuads
<br /> sets a lesser mr•ount. �f so. Lertder may.at tuiy time,oallect aad hold Funds iu an amnunt nnt.to exc�dte lessec amount.
<br /> -Leudee rx�y estitnate the amaunt of Furtds duc on the basis of current dara.aad reasona4le es�mates of expeudimtes of futuce --__
<br /> • Fscrow Items or otherwisc in aca�rd�:te with applicable law. � , �
<br /> The Fuuds shat! 6e held in� institution whuse deposiu are insured,by a fedesal a,�eacy. insuume�talitY. or earity —
<br /> (including.l.ender.if L:eader is such an institution)ar inCan}+FederaE Home Laan Banic.Lender s6a1}appfy Hte Fands to{rny i�e ��_�- _ --
<br /> - Esccour[tems.Leader m3y noi cS�arge Borrower for holding aud apptyirsg the Fuuds.ancually analy�tLe escraw acxoun�oz -
<br /> verifying the Escrow Items,us�less Lender pays Borrower inter�t.an the Fw�s aud a�piicai�le la�v permits L'ender w make s�a�h ___
<br /> a chasbe.KaNtever.Lender may iequire Borrower to pay a onQ-time charge for an insiqsendent real estate tax reporting seFVice �-=-;_-�
<br /> used by LCnder im m�necribn witb this toan, unless applicable taw pravides othenvise. Untess an agreement is made or �!�'
<br /> appticabte!aw tequires intere$t to be paid.L.ender shull not be neqnimd to pay Borrocver any interest os eamings on the Fund.c. : [��'�"—-_
<br /> �,����-
<br /> Barmwer aQd Lender may agree in writing,however,ti�at inierest shall be p�d cm the F�sds. L�nder shal!give to Borrowes, ,�,j;_.�
<br /> wit�out charge.�art annual accuundng of.tde F�aads. s�CO�ring credits and deblts to the_Funds and the pucpase far which each `� `-"'"s'°'""`--=
<br /> dQbit ta the Furtds w�,s made.'i'he Funds are pledged as additional securiry for al!sim�s secured by this Secvrity Inswment• ,
<br /> ��
<br /> If the�unds heid 6y l.ender ezceed the amounts perantted to be h,eld by applirable iaw.Lead�zr shall accaunc to Borrower
<br /> fo�the excess Fun�is in aaordance�vith the requirements of applicable law.if th�amount of the Funds held by l.ender at a�+ . �"-"`"�
<br /> �:���
<br /> time is nat suffccient to pay the Escruw Items when due.Lender rnay so nodfy BouoweT in wriring,and.in s¢ch case Horrower .�,yt
<br /> 'shall pay to L.ender the amouat necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shail makc up the deficiency in no more than ""',.,, . ,
<br /> nvetve monthty payments.at I.cnder's sale discretion. •
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secur�d by ttris Security Instrument. Lender shaU.pmmptly refund to Horrawer any ;,�-� <- !
<br /> Funds hetd by E.ender.If.urtder paragraph 21.[ender shall acquire or seU the Praperty.Leader.prIor to th�acquisition or sale �:Y ,��
<br /> of the Property.shali apply any Funds heid by l.encier at the a�ne of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by .'i� `'��
<br /> this Sacurity Instrument. � ��•,:y'�;•�i�rs,
<br /> �. �!r••.-
<br /> 3.Apglic.3tion of Fayments.Unless apglicable law provides otherwise.all paymears received by I.ender under para�raphs `.s'�r
<br /> `�t��" ,'�:�5.
<br /> � 1 and 2 shall be a plied:first,to an ayment charges due wlder the Note;second,to alnounts a able under sua h 2; C�`,'�.:� -���.�°-
<br /> P Y P�P a n P Y P S� ,�I:,,:_�z,_
<br /> third,to interest due;fwrth.to pr�ncipal dae;and last,to an�late charges d�te under the Note. ` , r�.;�
<br /> es fines xnd im si6ons attributahie to the Property �` ��" ` .�
<br /> 4,.Ch�tges;Lienv.Borrower shall pay ali taxes.assessmenu.chatg , po .,.1:��;�„�!��"
<br /> which may attain priority over this Securiry Inswment,anc�IeaSehold payments or grauud rents.if any. Barraarer shall pny ���=.-�_:_--_-_--__
<br /> � these abligations in the manner proviQed in paragiaph 2,or if nat paid in.tI�at marmer.Borro�ver st�all•pay the�cn time direexly ^�Yr���
<br /> ro the person owed Qayment. Boaower shsll promptly fumish to Lender all_notiiazs of amounts to he paid uc�der this p�h. 1`�%���x:�;,,�
<br /> ,�.�W=.�-_:.�.=•-
<br /> •i,:=.:..
<br /> If Sorraner makes these paymenu directly.Boaower shall prompdy furnish to Lender receipts evidencing che payments. ����_ .'.f£ �,.
<br /> Borrawer sha0 promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrnment unless Bormwer:(a)ag�rees in j� S � 'u'
<br /> wsidng to the payment of the obligauon secured by the lien in a manner aoceptable to l.ender:(b)eontests in good faith the lien �). � ,,.;�°�;
<br /> by. ar defends against enforcement of tha lien in..legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the "�'�`�-`"� �'�
<br /> t� ;'%, .�.•-_.,
<br /> enfonement of the lien:or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agmemem satisfactory.ta I.ender subordinating the lien to , . ,:_,
<br /> this Securiry Instrument. if l,ender detemunes that any part of the Property is subject to a li�r+which ma.q�ttain priority over . .
<br /> this Securiry insUVment. Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the Jien.Banawcr shal!satisfy tft�lien or tuke one or ��• �
<br /> more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of.rtotice. 3�i• � •
<br /> Fortn 3029 9l90 ' • .
<br /> :� , - .
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