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<br /> _��A��,.°�---- . THtSOE�DQFTRUsT,laenadaasa4th� 'IStD ►�yo� �lar. �t�.�dYertdamar0 . `�`';�r.`, �.n;:.:.. �
<br /> �-' � � . �� e : -f ,��y-__.
<br /> .�,,, °�`� "�z ;�, tE9 Trus!c►. Kalvin �} Heyrgr E Ja Anr l�eif-r . hu4�and an��e .
<br /> t,_: � . � ���rtg��� 471@ Gunbarrel Pl Grand Islaa� i�e,�88�-6504 � . , �
<br /> 8T@1i1'TN5 T, Wh8 6t Ori8�fT16f@
<br /> ,. `v `�:. �
<br /> . � < ' �T� Five Point Bank a Nebraeka C�yrooratfon L�,^,� . '
<br /> .
<br /> � •"'.� ��` . ������ P.O. Bo3� 1507 Grand Island, tiE 68802 ��„�� ° �
<br /> _ _ -��� tfia�anaQClary Five Fofnts Bank • �<. ` '
<br /> • .} .
<br /> �
<br /> ' y�����d�� 2id15 t3. Hrnadvell Grand Ieland. HE. 6882l2-1507 (herein"L�tder'2 ' ` . _,' .. �>
<br /> � 4 !le2din Y fieyer z �:`:�•�'`:-;..�riTM��
<br /> `�' 1 FOA VAWA6LE CANSIDBiATEON.indading lends�s extsnsion.ot'cr�dR.tdeirPIfred heretn t� - ' `.`;.�: , _.
<br /> ,� �j�j�r'. 8 Jo Ana tEeyer . � t'��}' �-
<br /> � f�.� ` �; (hvrc�irt `t�omaw�u'.wAoihoratte or more)end the vusth�etn�xee'�a4 �
<br /> S ,��� �''�" iRc�rt�e�Ip4 0�whtch ts herehy ecimowtedg�.TntsOOr ist3toby Irtt�vot�ly.gr�ts,�trftrt�ers.�onveys artd ass'gns�Trustee�[N �� �t_
<br /> ,' `�5`1�•. '�� ��',fji T1�J�7'.tMTHPt1WEFi0F8A1E,tartlsabenet[tartdsecurityaft.r�eia�rumtrsr.endwbJ�ttothetermaertdcan�tianshereirtaR�ssei �,`��-��?��:
<br /> F�, �6,<Y�u�;'<, fa�tft.fito rt�ai�descriDed as falt�vtr� . :. f "�;�- -
<br /> °� ��`'`i� Gat Un� L•„ ack Fcur l 4):,. IIxcntvaad SuSdiv�an. �a thq City of Grand . , . �f � ---
<br /> — ,��'.��'``�.'� ;F� � rsi�. H�I:S. CouxitY. tiebrgs3ss._ . ' : _ _
<br /> t}�� ,.�,� . U _ , ' � . }�Y;r --
<br /> -�7� . ,r`�f . '-:' �. _ '�., :.�.��..�. - �' _ � ' �� , �,. ..LI" , � ' .. 'r�f. � .. . �� ._- —_
<br /> .- �, �:�.'C�nB�her ar�t att 6utiding�:Im�srpv�`i€tt�res.s�seL�sUey�u lm�tWf�,,�aasemente;dq�t�47ttii�aitd App!stt�
<br /> . � `'' ,i:� .. ` :.'tral�s tocated ih�n ortasrsy.vei#� r�.Uiereto.endthe rei►t�l�essd�,reveratorta and�emataderathereai.� =
<br /> ` � �uWilty�srson�ipro�ertythstis�llr�c!'ied�It�raver►es�tasoastocas�tsefm�trt�(udtng,butrtotlimibdta,hea�n�a�0 �--_--.
<br /> ' '. �' 'r�,: '�'•, . �ifii�gequtpmantart�ftoflatlsRrwtfflthe4tertrasteadarmlufa�flrtteresta.i4arry.wlUc4aa�s�araherebyreieaaedandwatve�a:t
<br /> _-- ',-.;,--- :--: .'.-•., .oi:tVJ�t6inctecdingrepiaasm�tsarsdsddt�onstherc�tb,it�l�rabYdeclaredtobeapasa�E�arealestate4Qcureabythaltanafthta -_ — -
<br /> � " Qb�tit oi T�ust and a!!ot U[e icregaing detnD reterred m h$rafi a9 tt�e°Properly". - -
<br /> .. .._�: .
<br /> __, , . , • ��rs
<br /> _- _ • ;°;;.�:TNis Oeed ot Tmst atia�i seoure ta)th6 p�yment ot the pdncipal sum and interest evidenced by a pramissory note or c:es`�.ut ���
<br /> " „�,:�::� . •
<br /> . ':�,��asment Qated ��'ch� i5th I99S having a madirfty date a�f , Seotee�her i lth &595 • ___ __ -
<br /> t;;,'.,;.;`. • . .' "tn t#�e arigTnat pdncipal amount of S 115.0Z@.5Q �antl arry and aif:t�dtflceUona extensmr�ai��riewsts =
<br /> .;.,,` ' thereot or thereto and
<br /> . � •;•:_:.r: ' erry and aii tuture advanses and readvances to Bonower(or��/'01 them H mare than�n�Rereia4c�
<br /> � � •'�'����� pursuantt�oRear mn�re promisaory notes or credtt agreemenfs(heretn calted"NotB"►;(C}�e payment M othe�aum�apVarc�d by. .•
<br /> • '�'��" L�artdartoproLecttt�asecunryottAeNot�(c)thope�fortnanceofallcavenantsaridag�ntsa?Trustoraetfort�heraxn•.snd(6)atI
<br /> ` . .. � . p�ent and tuture indebteQr�ess artd o$1lgatlans oi Borrovrer(or eny a!fhem N more ti�an ane)to Lender whefhsr�indtrec;
<br /> . absoht6�ar canUnaertt and ww1»efher ariafng by noLe,guaranty,ovardraR or atherwise TYia t�lote�this Oeed at Truat�arry art0 a(l. _
<br /> �' ' , a9[erdocuartbihataecuretheNOhaorathervriseexecutedinconnectlanthsrewith,inciudtngwfthoutllmitationguarar,:aea.securtty - - -
<br /> �
<br /> � ,� agreamenb and assignmants ot leases and�ents.shall be refeRed to herein as the"Loan Dacuments.
<br /> __ � . . Tru�tcr covanrin�artd agrees wlib Lendar as toltows
<br /> -- t.P��n�M af tnd�ONdn�.Ati Indebtedness secured hereDy shail be patd xfien du�
<br /> '��' � ' �TlB�,Trustor ts the owner M th9 Rroperty.has the Rght and autharl to con the Pro -
<br /> • � tY �►sY PsnY.end w9rrents fhat the lien =
<br /> .. . � • crtit�WQ h�r8�yt is a t�rst and p�lor.lien on the PropeKy.excepl tor Uens and encumDrances set faM�y Tniamr ia;writln�and •r
<br /> - Qeltvared to Lender betore execuUan oftnlaQeeG of Trus�aadthe execut�on and deltvary of U�is 0aed olTrustdoea*n�CV'otat�arry ��-=-
<br /> � •�� ° oontract ar ather obligatlon�whlch Trustor i9 subjeet '. . , �• . �-
<br /> ��'.',= .� '' '.'' .�.f; S.Ta�w,Aw��nti.To pay betore Qelinqueney a!f taxes.spectal assesaments and ail o�ier�es egair.^��T,e P
<br /> ,"�'`` ° .��."'' rtow ar hereat�er ii�vled � � -- ---
<br /> , �, , _`_
<br /> ff 4. tnMU�nce.Y�keepfhePropertyinsuredagalnstdamagebyflre.ha;ardsincludedwithinUtetem'ia�c".enC�S�rl�rage:a�'�+. �
<br /> ,�. .� ' _ , . � ; ," sach afher ha�n::��s 4asr�r sttay requtr�M amounta and with compantee ac.�eptable to Lender,namin�LB�Ccc.�rte additbnal Ftt���r:��._,�----__�
<br /> . � f4,,,,.�..,«,�___
<br /> �,�,�� named tnaured;vr�th Ie�xs,qs�tt�te to fhB Lend9r.ln case o1 toss under such pofteies,the Lender is authodzed to�ifjt�il,Coiieet and ��c�,f:_,= _ ,
<br /> - ' ; . compromise.allc:�s�rnr�ih�ounderandshallhavetAeopttonofapptytngaUorpaAOltheinsuranceproceeds(i)tpesrp•Indebtedness �•;;:' = ;:�.�
<br /> - _ sewredhembyarrdlr���uehordarasl.sndormaydotermine.pqtotheTru�tortobeusedfortherepa[var�s0ora8cnoftheProperty •'•`��'�i'� .. -
<br /> ' a�e.
<br /> ` ' .. or(ii�tarany�thar�,r�c¢eorobJecteatisfactorytoLenderwithautaffecttngfhelienolthis0eedofTcuat�rtl:ehill�naunteacured• , ' � ':�� �
<br /> ,,,.._..�,�._
<br /> _ � hereby betore sucf�a:zyr�zern ever toak ptar,e.My apDltcaUon ot proceeds to Indebtedness shali rtae ars�nd or p�ne the dae �: �� �r�`-'-
<br /> � • _�•.:�t�.,.
<br /> . . date of arry paymenta unda►the Note,ar cwe any detautt thereunder or hereunder. • ,.;;:r;•.� • •
<br /> ' S. Eauo�.Upon wr(tten demand by Lendsr,T►ustor ahall pay to Lender.in auch manner as Lender may de3tqtc�te.sufficferit ':,;r7�,,. ,�• �
<br /> ,... , ,: r,:. .
<br /> `• • � . � aumat4enabtelenQertopayastheybe�omedueaneormoreolthetoltowing:(i)a11taxes.assessmentsaadotheccSSargesagainat . �. �
<br /> : - ' the PropeBy.(iq the premiuma on the praparty Insarance required hereunder.and(iiQ fhe premtums an arry mortgage(nsurance • �•�;,����ir:��
<br /> � . � ra4Wrad�Y�ende►. ,. %;('�'�}t�t:.
<br /> . 8. ItwM�rutie�.R�pain�nd CampWne��rNA Lar�.Trustar ahall keep tAe PrepeRy in gaod cortdi8on end�epafr.shaU , . �'.,�..',,�f;,
<br /> .' Prompty npatr,a reptace any Improvament whlch may be damased ar QesUoye�aha11 not comm(t or parmUl aa�y waate or . . . !':;,�';;;•.
<br /> • •; " � Qelerlaiarian of iM Rroperty;attall not�err�ave.QemoltsA or sutrstanUatty afier arry ot the impravemgnts on the Ifiana�sy.ahall not • . : .
<br /> . . ° camm3�eut�orPe�milalryaattodedanetnarupontAePropertytnviola�onofa�ryfaw.ordlnanc�arreputatlort;endsl�altpayand . '�;i;i?r:;
<br /> r " ptamplly dlschargti a!TivetoPe cast end expanao all U��.encumbrance�end charge�Ievle�impcsed ar asse�aed agatnst tAe .,(';.'�
<br /> .�s.
<br /> - � " ' Properrya�any,punthareol. � ���,�'•�
<br /> ,- `. ,.�. � ...,..
<br /> .�.�kl 7.E�min�tl QtQeWn.Lender IY heteby a5�ibned ai1 campensaUan.axrards,darnege3 and ottter paymenb ar�ettef(hereirax7ar t ,;,;i:�����'�'� '
<br />