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<br /> — .- �. _ . • � . _ _ _ _ _ . _ . -
<br /> • A �tact �F I�nd corapsising a,part o� Liic Horchwest'QuurEe� of thc ' � � , .'
<br /> � . �H�=theas�Qpart�r (t3W.�t��}).a� Section �fgh�[een (I8), TownsS�3p Hine (�?j • ` �
<br /> � H�rtb,.t�ange Ten�(10) itest and.part of th� N�rcl�east Quarter of the Northxe�t . � •, -
<br /> . Q�tarler (NF�NN}) of Se�t4on Efghteen (i8�..;.�'oi�siship Ntne f9) Narth,� Rtznge `
<br /> , ', Ten Ei4) {�Jeat of �eh� 6tta P.Ei.9 Etall Coua�yf.tJr�b�aek.�, moie part3culaily . � , �
<br /> � desctfb'ed as fo�lo�s: I�eginnis�g at t[ie Nor�u'tQva�ter,(tif), cc�rner af said • � . .. .
<br /> . � s�et3on 8ighteen (18) thence running`Easterly ott Cfle Horth line of safd• ,
<br /> , , . tiotthr�eSt qaacter ef`the Naxtkeast Q�arCe+r (194,!}dE}j ,a distanEe af �e • � � • �
<br /> . � �Siun.dred �at�d'�tto ttu�dred¢fis (20�.OU3 Feet.;`�henc�,d�flectfng ti.�itt NfineCq - . .
<br /> . degrees� �90 dagr�s} And running 5outh�s�.�..a d3staace of Ffve IIundr�c�;.`�orty ' ..
<br /> - and• Ho �iundredths (54U.:OA) feet; �hence dfe�,�:�efag tigat Ninetp'deg�e�a • • �
<br /> (90 degr'sea) aiid rum�irr� �desGer�.y para������,¢he.Narth iirse af eaficfi t�eirt9�u�:s� � •• � •
<br /> `Qusrter a1� the Norticeast E�att�r �NW�t:a�}�;r� ��¢�isce .of'One I�undr.e� an� nd � . ..., � .
<br /> � Itundredebs {100.e0)_ €eet, tPencz�e def�ecR3�is� I�ffi t�inety de�rees,(90 degrees}.;, . •
<br /> �tnd� runp3na Souther�v � di�taace oE_2'��s2¢-��llundred TGisty-two and Hintetg ���
<br /> tluadredtbu (332.9U).��eee; thenee d'efle���ng right �3ghty-nft�e de�re�es. and .
<br /> . � Fifty-Five Hinutes.-(G�_(sic) degraea 55°� and runx�ing W�sterly parallel fo ' ' . . ' '
<br /> . . . the North Line of said:Nnrthestst (�uarter of�the 1�azthwesE l�u�iter (��[�til}� � -- - �_. '
<br />� a,di�tance of Four (t�radred Thisty-five.find Bigh���ive ttundredths ¢14r�;85) ' " •- .
<br /> ,..�;,,;,.
<br /> geet; thence defl�cring right NineCy. degrees (90'@egrees}.assc�•runnis�� � • ,�-;,rs�',,
<br /> , Northarlq !o the N�rEh �ine pf said NortheasC.Qut�rte; oF tGe Notthwest . ' �
<br /> Quarter tN8}NW}) a dlatance of �i$ht linndred Sevea�ty-Two and N3nety,.�c►ndredthg � '`'`�'-
<br /> (872.90j feet; Uience deflecCing Yi�ht Ninetq de�,�rees t9U degrees) ?���sunn;og <•';;y���;;w_� '
<br /> Quarter of tl�e Nortl�aaest �`'�� � �`-' "�� ' .
<br /> Easterly on the N�xtl: of said Northeast Q���= • �;',•;�,
<br /> (r�sjAwf� a distanc�e o£ Tour Hundted Thirty-Seven and I"ifceen`}IundrE�'-.'��� , ':,,'t•
<br /> (437.15} feet to Ci��x point of beginnin� ' ' ,
<br /> • t, � � • ; .
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