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<br /> � • &(NDW Al.t_Nl�N� BY TiiE8E.PRLSEI�'f'S that Princ�pal Re�entiaf t1�qrt$�gos [r[�c.; ai► lawa , �
<br /> . . �jtpt�tla�t,with i�Harrte Offcce at�tf WIgh S�'eet.t�es M�t;tes.[Cr�ta.irt c�s�s��a�ta��t��Uta stcni��, ;' • ',
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<br /> � ` 'and ott�er good and er�luaR9te cansideratian tn hand paid, rer,�E{3�:of�.whiCh is h�rt��,f�:�ma�+rledged, ` � _
<br /> ' de�es.Eteieby �grant, �argatn, sefi, comey and confirm unio ti7n 3e�at,�ry af F��ru.�n�a�� llrban . " _-
<br /> . .�.- � ;��r�s!j.R�� i�tc�,RC..arc offi�sr_ot t�e U�ited SCate3 nf Amerir�.��hti�succai�ors tn affice _ � .
<br /> � . � ' and assk�nns„t��foltawing d�ed real e.,tiat�situaie�in the�unty af —:�-- ' . , --
<br /> St3i�o�I�bmska;and mo�e.pacticularity deccribeti as fattow��G-vii�. ��' ,
<br /> - �T q�g�y.�tp {.�), IN H8AD6yI E.HflK SIIBDIVI8IOZt,. YNJ.HAT�L' CQiJ1��1GA
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<br /> . , together wiih&A,3ise tenemerns,hered�tarrtents. an0 aPPu�ten,ances thsreuntn be�ung;i�9�and a,l the
<br /> es�ate��t(e.right o#horts�tead.claitn or demand whatsos�rer.oi Princigal Fie�id�miml{�lfodgage,inC:� .
<br /> . . � af.in,�r to the same ar arry part thareaf. . ' ' .
<br /> . ;
<br /> � � � . TO HA1iE ANp�TO HQI.D the ahove describe8 ��nntoes with tP�� ap�tuR�t�tarses, unta the
<br /> , � .� Secretary ot.Houatng ar�!lrban Oeve4opment and to his�u�cessars in aSiice and a.a����s torc�var,�nd � � .
<br /> Pdncipal Residenttat t,llongage,Irtc.doen covenant,tor it�elf and its succfls�aro and a�stgrts,iha!it Is •
<br /> IayYfuiy seiz�d of tha premfses and has gaod and lauYtul Yight io seti end ca�vey sama�and that it wiN
<br /> war'rant asid�detend the tiUa to satd premises unto the Secretery of He�sing and U�b�Oevet6pment
<br /> . and his successo�in office and ass[gna forever agaIns�ths lawtul ctaims and demand'�v1 atl persons , _
<br /> whamsaevor ctaunfng by.through or under P�fnclpal Restdgntiai Mortgage,tna.,bui nailatFterwisa. .
<br /> . � , . ,. ,
<br /> IN WCf11tES5�WHEREOF sa�d P�inoipal Resideniiak'Martgage,Inc.has cauaed tltese present�ta •
<br /> b8 Febr�ua�i���duiy auth''�z g5 f�cers and its corpasate seal aEfixed hgretu t�ta 2�a daY n} •
<br /> � PRINCIPALRESIQEL�ET/�tt.h�UAT4�i7tG�,i�1C.:.� '. �
<br /> . ' ' � � .�,,�r°=': � • ' . ''• •
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<br /> ` .. . �!, � ; U. ,;. J a Se as Va� ,PrRS. Adm.
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<br /> � � � . �8. A�:. e , Vic eo.• a�c�: t�f�u,t�t t4�+s: . ,
<br /> �- ::s` ST�ITE OF IDWA . . � . . �� .
<br /> .. ' � . ss. � .
<br /> � �, '�� . CEIGIiVTY�F PQLK . ,: �
<br /> .,. `�:.f , '. Qnthis 2nd ' day of Februarv .19 95 .,�e��ur�me.�notary putoiic irs and , � _--
<br /> ..;;;;' '
<br /> � ,�� � tor said County,personally came the above name,d� G. w. Jones ' .. _
<br /> � and ' E. A.. Hn�nei who are personalfy kno�m tn me to be the idenUcal Y_
<br /> . persons whose names are affixed to the aBove deod as Senior V�.ce pree. Adm._ �
<br /> and Viae Pree. � Sec. Default Ad:u.� ot�saldcoryoratlon and aeknotiv�edged the instrument � �
<br /> , � � F..
<br /> �tv b�thefr votuntary act and deed and tha voluntary;act and deed of said!ca�poret�on: E`
<br /> .�
<br /> � � � WitneS�my hand and seal oi o(fice at De9 Mainea;lowa,tha�tate�foresaid. .
<br /> ; � • , e i
<br /> . - � ��-,,,�uuuu,,,q �if.,id—�"3i��� !�.eG .
<br /> . � •.�' " t `'�tblary Pubiic in and for Paf'..Gciunty,lowa .
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