; �+-�--• << ,. � �, r � ;�
<br /> k:• ' . _ . .. `��._ wC ~ .' ' . � • f ' C � ` . . � �. ; . � ., `, C� � �. , t . -
<br /> [` . �•t ' �.ti„ ' 't �;-� ,(, C, G ` �tt� � r � •� •4 � . ' . �� . ! , �'' ' • -
<br /> `.A,•itt" -�A). . . � . —t__... . . . - - . ___ _
<br /> _"- ' i � . � '� . _-
<br /> _ 1ZS3i7�-tit- �:� : ( �k��._��� .� � �5—����i �� � _ � :� 'F�, , � .'`-, -
<br /> - ) ��.., .. � ` a c
<br /> ��� '�= � � � a �aanis�a oF�w�o��rv:ASStiMPitOy.N efl ot ntry patt o!fhe prapmriy or isRersat theia�ta eo{9.tran6farrad nt . .. ' ' , `
<br /> . cth�rwtss ecnvsysd by Tn�ar w3tmut Bsne�fary's prior wt�hn eonsanL�CdInS(e}tf��era�ion of a Qsn ar anaombrann --. - -- - -
<br /> �'".�,.`��:,,: `._ � a�r�toth�Dwd olTt�aL(E)Bts enaL'mi of a putd�as�iratroy wuuity►tntsrest for housohakt aDP�sn�,(cj e ttanster by '_ — _
<br /> :_ ,..r, .., . : .. . .. ,..;.... .
<br /> _ - - ---- ��r�t��te�sr�iar�alfayv�anth�Qa�hofejairt�narRoi(�qs�gsartolarrykas�hotdU�otthraoysanottn�s - .. "._ .` -
<br /> -- . , rtot�!Nn�en o�an to purd�ass`aueh edJon tt e bransh otthls eqt�m�r�L artd 8u►�inryt may.at 6�n�&Isys vyti�.dieTnce . : ..
<br /> � � , ai ths aues steund dy tt�Ond ci Tnat to bo�m►n�y dic�ert:f paya9i�.ar e•aus�th�Cruate�0�t�e natfa of dsta� . "":,"��`'":"'. :,:. °..
<br /> •. '..:: , Ber�sEc�ary atis�f�ew tao�rad�h o�tien to aeakr�i�Frior to ttu safa trrms[er of wmtiymie�B*n�ACisry end the p�tso�tii . . -
<br /> - ed
<br /> •���.`'r;:. ::',;� ' wRom th�praputy b ta h�eofd or transfartad rseeh e�man!�v�rdlnp tlsat thi esd3 of zueb pusan b s�ry to B�n�Sdaryr ,� ..
<br /> • : � artd tRet��i�r�stpayaDl�on ih�tuttts saetuad eytAfa Deb of Ttustehali bct e!su6b�ats et B�rt�y tlfaU t�qtt�t � • ' .
<br /> -- . • � � ACCQ.6�A11Cis U?ON DEFAULT:R�/�7�1E8;SAIE TRe fa�uur�r Dy tha Truamrm matu eny paymsrt orto p�rfortn arty o4 � • •
<br /> �'. ,..i 8tstvmsertdcoad3brlsotthsNobarerrynn�xa�.mcdiBmtlonsora�ans�mthenct.orth�paymssctofarryoltrirtnda�tsdrt�ss ,
<br /> r�,.;, � . .
<br /> ,�:e�_..�.-s�"e:• �aiwd Ranby cr in ths perf�rms�n o!anyt of thr eav�nanLs ar egri�rr.��horeundor ahaD tre n 6n�fi af Wa egreamord and the
<br /> --- -`= �'--, gan95�'ary may dsdan e dsiauB anA msy Qecare eD sums a�arred h�roDy tmma4fata,y dus arrd pe+yaLis�!ths sasns stfell _ _ .
<br />- .;`;�'.t��`.:..�:. tharau�an bewms du�msd psya�f�w3ho�psesqntrnar�t d�mand.pmbst or notic�af arry tdnd.Thors�fir.BsnaAdary may dafcvar . . �
<br /> .�' ".�:�. W YYusW a writi�n d�ration oi dafau3 and d�mand tot sat�TntsOor e�c�ea art�ts�rsby p3enb thd th�Tncs�s aAnD hnre tha .
<br /> .�=: J::'�' Rawu u}seTr of th�Prog�rty and�BenaBetasy deddes Cu Prop�rty is 0��aaid 3 she9 dsFosd wdh Ttaist�thts Oe�d ot Tnnt ara!
<br /> •ra."
<br /> - @�s Ncts or nafvs artd arry a9�ardocurrtmb�viMrtang�xp�r�ditrms sscctrid henDlt.and sltal!d�fis�r to Ttustea a v�dtsa rtotia o! .. -.- - .
<br /> °� ±c...�;'". . � �trr�artd sfattion�en�tRs Ptop�rty to Q�sofcti ans!Trustew I�mm.shefl prapare n a�ru7nr rtc�6�ths tmm requined�y 4r� . . .
<br /> vfiieit�sD b�dnt��ed tar roeord by Trustes. , '
<br /> :"�� :: � (aj A1t�r ths tr�of auch tim�as nuy bo reqsi�rad 6y!aw bSawinp ffie ra�rdat�n a!Natia of O+f�u�end NaOCa af Qsfc�,
<br /> - �Y<e..� and Nofieenf�havtng b�en Biv�n as teqrttred by 41w.Truata w3hout damend on Tn�sLor,stra8,saff Me F.ropaAy in au � ��'-�
<br /> �:•- . ._ , ;-:>
<br /> �,4 " . ' o�more�am�6 in cuel�ordsP as Y�tELa►may d�btmfi�o»tfis dam and th�fhn�and p!ae�deaigsfa0trf fn aatd Noti� , ;,,.� ;'.
<br /> r: of 6ak.at pub5�aitdxat to ths higR�st bl�idar,th�pu�fias�priw pnyabie in e�in Ia�NI mo�y oF t�t.Qrbd 8tntas at ;,,. ��-., r
<br />- '�`{ , �>." th�tuna af sa.�' .The p�aonduetlng tha Qale may.for arry ear�s�he or sfis deams�t4 B�the sats fiom `.;k; �1z,r�f lss�� _. ,
<br /> ,` f' : tlmato tim�w�]i!chaV kR mmptK�d ene.tn sir�ry sur�cnsQ notirs of pastpan�mlRtiltEIICb�i41$jl P��1 , �
<br /> !.`".
<br /> _ �i � ' 9imo1!sy iucfi p��san�t tf�fims ar.d plaa tasi appnlnUd for ths�PmviEed,d tl'.��m���tiad tot tonpa Qian � �'��><a'`�."�'`.�
<br /> y ..ii s:.:, r' - _ :}.f f.'.���-:�
<br /> �,T:1::..:--'�':r r- . ������Y�YOItO flte t�QDSI8R8fQd itl tA��IOtiO�O}SaI1.qGUC�UlefAG�EhIID��.�1.'f OI Ut@ C�i RINI!!!�B t�fl! ,,����_i,_-
<br /> ' orig(naf NaSce of Sal�Y�shaU exea�and deiiver Lo fhe pun:heser ds OAed enmreyln�tha f�operty so sogi.but ' "'"'?��
<br /> � t : withaut e�ny wwnuR or�antyr.e�ress.or impGsd.The recdals in the W�d o1 arty manne�3 orfa,�shaD 6a condusiu� +.� �',;��.3�'1
<br /> :. ,y�4, ;i• -�.; � -
<br /> � praotaith�truthdilnesst�eoiArryporson.fic'tt�n�.4Gm3ation8amf�aty►orTnu�l►mtryDura�as�att8�satt�. =g�:�.--
<br /> sa
<br /> _ -.:.r. r : t;::�:��r. '. � • 'a{ p= -
<br /> � (b) Whsn Trus�ssQa p�.,s�t fa fhe powe�s hsraln.Trr,�L�o eGnll aPAty!he pracaeds c�fi±�sais to pmyment af the taafs� �
<br /> , 't,r , s..���«" ' and��ntas of�xort�tnD tA�pow�r ot sab artd a1th�sate�tndud'mg,ra�o�Gm�Sm:th�paymuttof TnisL�'s F'aa _" �r
<br /> -i .;? � ,,, 1 �- ina�aed.�:�Trusus e Fees sha0 not 6�ths nqgreg4ts mccead fhe ta4nr�icsp nrnuur�b baa�d upon tf�qunaunt eeaucd __ '�a`�ra.� _
<br /> h�nby r�a6�ame(ntr�g unpaid:S poroene;sn on ffia 6atanos 4hareoR end then to tAe drms in suLpa�:s(c)ht th�order ;°�**fr
<br />- � �;�`•'' �� ��.`f��.��`r,`:.::� 191�[Y 6'�Lat�. ' . � • ' ' S _
<br /> ', .� ••.FS:�.(ti�» . �
<br /> . ° �t,: �:�c.`.';:.yi,,?.;,�`�r;.,; (�) A1D�r Payb�p t!►�ibma spaaf�d in subyara9rapA @).if ths sato ts by Trustea. or tFo�p�ar oourt and othar ooats ot -
<br /> ' _��:� :.;: , ,,• , tore�fasura end rat�itthb sate Fs pwsuartt to jadiGa1 fora�aaura.ffie praeeads at eate etusfi ho a�5ed in the order staied
<br /> �t,;:� ,%:<<,�ff�� bobwtotbpaymantol: � �
<br />�• '���,,,: .�;.,,r, (tjAtmmsyshaaanaaostsofeoUe�n: .`
<br /> r..;�,.,. :�,}. ,.. : ,.
<br /> { .. .:....::.:. �., Ca)Cost ot arry�v!�une�af tit�pmc�usd in wnnaetlan wnh surlf sa�and af mry revemie nqutred Ga i��ra�; .. � F.
<br /> ,.•+ ,IF (9j M aEBgatlon9�scured 6y thts Tnut dsad; � �--.`" E,;
<br /> � ..l{It E-�, m a �
<br />_ . ..�.�•;' (4�Tt��remafrtder,if a.�y.to the person iaqeQy enLmed ffieretc. ',��,�'^7}►'" r'
<br /> ;,.;.:, ,
<br /> ,. � ' .���r�.;�� .
<br /> .. ,i,�s3� -. ' , . 'c}t> �•
<br /> � 7. ADClTtONAR8ECUFililf C!f�UMEMB.TrusWt.at�aer.perisa.xd0 e�tecute and detnta�.'frtCls B�nsfk�ry.prompttS/cqssnr, ���)�f �;•'•``
<br /> domt�4.auCh se�r.'`:,{msbumatfss r�.v may 6e caqutnd 6y Benefictary.in tortn and substen�sBL�stectory W 2�ilfic�tty.cavsrht8 � !f: .
<br />��'' �' .
<br /> . •� ,, � arry of fhs P�op�p xr�y�d by t�is Oe+�d of Trust whktt eseurHy htstrume�atr�l bn add6onnl�urKy far?'rustafa ta3hhil ;:�,.;�g�';
<br /> � � � �� �'� � QaRormnnea o1 e0�C:�brms,eavener�ts and aonddFona of this Oeed of Trust,tJte pr:mi,sory nobs s�e�tcsd hardpy.and atry oth�t .' .� '
<br /> ' � ���;: ,:" , sscuirty trtatrum�nm�xscuted in car::sectlon w�thia hansaeGOn.3uch Instrumenb shaA tie recorded orfited�Truators expens�. • '� y
<br /> ' ` ,,5' %�r e. APPdINT14lENT OF 8U�34R YRll9TEE Bo n�£e�r y m a y trom time to tlme.b y¢ett3ten fistruniort�axacutad nnd -3�;`i i°�'�
<br /> ::,�,,-:�:;%..
<br /> �° �� .�1.;%',.� aetmowtrdp�d by Bmsl�aary. ma�t.�d to Trustor anQ�rdsd in tlie�uMy or�unt[�s in whls�tl:�Prop�rty b[oeaad and b ''���'��,����'_,
<br /> � .f•:1;... ` Y <• �./ ;:a
<br />- ath�rvr�camplytn�wttl�ths provESiona af the ay�licaDto tawa ot ths Stats ot Nabraake eu6suMa a suxfasnr crcyaacsoR to th0
<br /> .y ' Trustee nam�d hmtn or aetln�h�rguntler. `� '�`
<br /> • � ;;�:'i°.:'•, ' 9 IIVSPEiCT10NS.Bsndrda7�,cr-db a��nte.rsAnssr�etives ar wodonn►.ate aWtorfzsd t�er�r at atry waronabl�thn�upon . -.. .
<br />- , :';: ..'r';�'�r��:�,t;:,'_� ' ar�s e.ny ptn oith�Prop�Ry for tt�psr.�oss of inapedlnp the sartro und for ths purposs of pedo�mt�anY of ths aas R b euthc�fsmi
<br /> " to prrfarm und�r tts�hrms otthsR�of Tnisi
<br /> t,,�. �,.};,.' �C� , .. �. .
<br /> �
<br /> _ s ' � : ' 10 CPTIOU FI]�AEC!_OSE Upan the caxur.�-,�s ot arry breacM and uDon the dedartrtioa b4 4euwg h�mar�sysr,Baneflctary ••�� . .
<br />_�, • . shaDhav�ffi�o�u�ioradosethlsDeedofTrus3snthemannarpmvld�dbytawtoitheforedosaraoPmortget�¢aanreatproperty. •
<br /> - .;•..;t�;, ' 11. FOAEBEARADiCE HY F.S'�TCUIHY OR?RU9TEE NOT A WAIVER. My ionbeertartd by Ben�flGe�y or?Nata�In .
<br /> �;'::,,•,,,;,� ' ex�rclsirtp any�ht or rom�Qy t�r.dar,or otherwlss afforded by�pplleahte{aw shaD not 6e�+u�v�r of or pnep�de the sxmelss
<br /> :,;1;�.;_,�:; ot erry such rt�►t or romedy herautdm:Likewlse,ths watvsr by Bqn�flelaryr or Tmste�ot m�y dafur�Lt of Tnistor undar thts Dsed of . "
<br /> ,,;,'b:`',;, Trusl aht�not b�dHm�to bs ewaiver of arty othsr or s(milar de��stibseqttw�dyt����{�
<br /> . .i ,,,::1'r'�;i{,'��:ilgq;�,=.� � .
<br /> . ' 12. TRUBTCA NOT RELF.ASID.Extenatan at`tihe tlmo tor pnynHlnf IN�M3��pr�redtbn a1 tho ouma sacuwd by thls
<br /> ; ';:•:;''r�;� � OMO of Trori prentW by Bm�Adety to eny succeasor in int�cst!o1Yru�R6Alf�rW�!!np���,�l�es�,tn etry mannsr.N�lieb�dy of ' �
<br /> ° .:;�::� th•ar�ma�Tn,smr ena Trunor,aueeesam in inmrest 6eneftelary ahe0 rio!w�nq�,t�s(.Lv�xrir.?+e+ee prooesemgs a,qafiat sucn
<br /> aueee a W'
<br /> ''t.r��:�•..;•:;,:�i'. suewssor or rofusa t�mQuiO Cnsa far paymrr►t or othenMss rt[adiy amortimtlon of tlro suma mn�ured by thta OssO af Trust isy �
<br /> ;;i:-r.':';�'�'�r": r�atanatanyd�rttandmad�bytAavrtginalTrtt�o�andTniatafseuoosasorsinirfinst , �
<br /> •�, .�;�:'. ,:�. .. .
<br /> .`.• : ` 19. BEN�iCiRfiY'S POYYERS.Wdhout ef0�np ar tsknsfig ths GabilRy ot tte TruaEor or eny other person�abl�for ffie I
<br /> . .;...�...: ''..� ,�" Dayrrunt af arry ab9geQ)sn h�raln rR�rrtian�d,ats�vrithout aH�cNng th�lisn or chatge of fhis Q�4 ot Tmst upon eny potdon of the
<br />� Propariy eat th�n or theratotor�rtteesed e�cee�udy tor ths tu0 amourd af ell unpaid obOg�iarte.Lem�iary m�,hom Ums to tims
<br />- . and wdhaut not�atth�nqu�at of one or mon Tnrstors(i)nS�ass a�ry p�rson io 1'iabla,(u)axtmnd ai nnswth�m�urity ar ager any `�
<br />__ � . ot th�urm�ot arry such obupartons,Gu�qrant oth�r indut�nco�,(iv)roNaa�ar noonwy,or eeuat to E�nl�usd or reoomreyaa at �. . .
<br />_ ' asy tlm�at B�tufluery/s aptlons enY Pata1 portlon ac aU of th�Proparty.(o+)tak�or tc4�ets any oth�r oi add�nel seeuriry tor arry f •
<br /> • -'���.: aD6�atian A�r�ln m�nllon�Q(vQ meks aompasitttana or othsr aRangsmuiGi wRfi d�btors tn nledon th�roto.RU 7ruatore shall 6e ( ,
<br /> _ � . jolntly atte snrorelty oD(iEabd and bound by th�arttana of the BertsBctag►m any trustor ea heraln steded �
<br /> . : • ��.� f4. AITORNEY FEE9.CQ8T8 ANO EXP�743�9.(t tfi�B�nefletery otffiI�Oaed o1 Trust b a hank e�d�5n�d by NabrasSte law. (
<br /> . any sta0tm�nt�nta9i�d In arry other seetlon o!thb deed noiwRhalnndlnQ,ih�BenefKlnry shaD not he entit6ed to recelve oT take and �
<br /> . ' •� � Q:.fllar eh:D not bs aEligat�d ta pay ar{�Ive;nny caMesslan nf judgme�power af estLomey to oonfes9 Judgmor�t power of attamey to � . .
<br /> _ � •• eppear ier e boaav�er in e�uQ&lat prcceeding or ngreemeM to pey the�sb o?celte�Gon or the Ntomsyo fes�.unless the Inferes! i ,
<br />- !�' " ��. payabts by fA��rm�ot ttts No-t�rsfrrrod to tn ihb dNd b 1 B96 pat annum or(aa$m tha nats ret�md ta in this de�d 4 repayable in
<br /> rivo ar mam�qua1 ar uruquaf�erns and avrr a poriod of mosa tha»on�hun�rid torty-fivs(t45)months.ProWdsd.however, i
<br />- � .. thet th�s�eNon Qaa na!epP1y to ths truaus fe�t�isrred to In Peragreph 8.6(b).Prwld�d turlher that thie PerngnpA 8.14 sha0 not j
<br /> nPAH��+�Daed olTrusL if the Benefic�y harsln I�aat a 6ank
<br /> - ..1 .. .
<br /> ' '..�, bAtQlI�tAL(n �
<br /> , . , G07071R�t/.143N06biL QOiiROYVEi1C0�V(1) 00752CO3 �
<br /> i .
<br /> . . ' . ' BETEHItONCOFY(t) M �
<br /> t'� . � _
<br /> - -
<br /> . i. .. 4' .. .i -....— ..__ . _
<br />