�__ .. . '1\ . � �..i'.�. . .• - . . � .. . .1 � . ___ __' `'.'"_. ._ ..._.._.. .. . ,
<br /> : ,�
<br /> .�.. . � : . .r : . " " ' _ ' _ _" ^ -
<br /> -��� - - '�� ._ •. . _ .. .. - , �r., . ' � ' , . --- . ._. ._^. U -- . . . .
<br /> •= � . . , , . .
<br /> - - --�=- = — _ _. _ _ . _ _..
<br /> "-.-."-� • _ .-`----'�'--r--_ r.:,. . �. . ..- -' --- - — � ' , .. . ' � .
<br /> ._..:_...._ � '_"_.,'_"_:: -. , ' .' - —.. . . , — . -.. _-. . - , . � - - . .
<br /> - . ..."'",Ti"-
<br /> _ , , '. �y d.i'�iR��ra�� .'��� -.�._...__��t�t� �.� � ��. . .. ...-: .}--�•---... . ... ..,. —_7�_:�.....__._._., ... . . .__..._:... ___...._'__.J.._...�'�-...'_'f.�`.` - - .._ . .
<br /> . _- • .. __._...�e 4�. a . ' .
<br /> �.tiM'i`� ' ! � ' . .,
<br /> i�C.`.i��•
<br /> --- _ - ., " �� :�. �' • • 17. t'P�n�far at the €�rap�rty ar w 6tn�italu lntsr��t In 8orrawer� H dq or any p�r� o!Ihe RiuptvlY ur. •.•
<br /> _.� �—�L—'_'_.'...�'T .. .
<br /> =�h.-...:- :.-..--- eny tnteteel tn 11 te solA or tranatwrud(oi It a b¢t�atlr:t�t tnt�oat ln 8attmvet 1��ot�!or t�enetc�r$d and Oenowe�Is nat e neri�re�, � . �
<br /> ..:._T.:... .. . .�t . . .
<br /> pe��oa)wtthaut Lencter a prtar wdtten connent,lMde�mey,allte optlon,requlre tmmRdlxte paymenl M tuA of etl o�+ms eec�tre�1 b
<br /> : '�:' =�'_� thte 8eeudry hnt�►n6nt Naweva, thl�o�itan ehn11 not De exde+sed by Lend�►H oxaclee Is prohitrlted by tedernl lew ae ot th� �
<br /> �'�`° `� ° � Mte of ihl�Bacurtty(netiumcnt.
<br /> V� � � ,.
<br /> �:f� • - 11 lendw uc�rcJsp�thli oP11on, I.s��da� ahafl�rra tiano�vc�nattce of aocatcrat3on. Tho nolleo et�n.H provtcfa a p�rlod ot n� t - -
<br /> -- -�- - ° ie+js ffHUi �t1 efayt+ �m thA dais the twtice 1� �1pt�ret! oi tna�Hed �lrtttlil whtCh H41PPVit�t tsu►et Ray �fl et�me �ecutEO bY thf-� L �--- '_
<br /> �cF�r.�..s�«.-, '
<br /> _..� a° ..- 8..-au�3ty tn�tntmsttt. 1�@Df1CW�t 1�10�j/llt!'�4 6tlfi19 pf1D�k�fh€f 4%,��fR1ku1 ai tN9 pMlCd, Lrnder msy Mvoke eny�n�va� � .
<br /> °`., ' p�te�by tht�Securtty Ineln�ment wlthast SuRh�x notice or d�nand on�oRa�va, .�a � .. �; •
<br /> � r.;,'� 18. �otrtsw�r'� AIQNt Qo ��In�t�tM. II �oiruwcr moMe aertain co�dtttono. QoRawer ohnll heve tha �ighl to hsvo� �� � � � � ,
<br /> _ _,�,:,;��� • cntoras�ant of thls E:ecudy Inotrume�tt dtaoanttnued at any tksta prtor to the eatller of: (a) 8 dny� (or suoA elher pedod asN . .
<br /> '` •:..��•-z;`{;' appNoable I�w m�y epecty tor rainetetement)betore eate of the Propi»ty purousnt Ic+eny pnw�r of eato contalned In thla 9acurty „ ,
<br /> '� ;-'�l�''"° _ Inahumt�►t;a► (b)er+try o1 a)udpmenl entorctnp thie Seaurlry inn�rument. Thone condNlana ero ihat Omrower: (e)pnya Lender all
<br /> _ � ..�,, . .
<br /> •� �-�� �� auma whlah than woutd be due under t�te Becutlry Inetrumenl snd the Note po il no ecnetereQon hnd occuROd; (b)curoo sny . , .
<br /> � ` dataull of eny othnr covondnl or egreemente; (a) puye ell oxpenees Inourred In eniorcing thio pocuttty InaWment, IncNdinp,but .
<br /> �ot lfmited to,�eaaonabla�ttomeyo'teea; and(d) tskes auch actlan aa lender n�ay reunonebty raqutro to ssauro that tho Ilon u1 , �,
<br /> � thta �acuriry InoUumnnt, Lander'e dghte In the Properry snd BoROwor'a a�'r::�on to pay tho eumo eecurrd by this 8ecudry •
<br /> - Instr�m�nt ohail conUnuo unchang�d. Upon r�instatemsnt by Borro�ver, thts Secudry Inetniment And the obltdetlone e�ecured �
<br /> „ . ;;;.,�
<br /> hureby ahatl remdln tutly atto..KNo as tt no uccetemflon hnd occuRed. Ho�rever,thlo dght to rc+llnatate ehaU not appy In tho cnso ,
<br /> • �..,„•F of accelereUon undar parapreph 17. ., . :
<br /> 4,�. � ��'t!i;,�;•; 14f. S�tl� ot Not�; Ch�n�� of Loaa�+ �roa�vlcer. Tho IVoto or � o parltnl Intcrost In tho N�t�t;oaa�!,a wnn 9r�is :,^�• � ,��,
<br /> � �i'�.,;����:;�� 3aaurt�v InehumenV maY ba aotd ono or mo�o thnaa��ilhout pfior noiico tv E1n�a�r•vr.A eutlo mmt�yy�esult In a aYtanBe m IQta ooti�! "�'��;�i' `��-�,;
<br /> . .;,,,;.,,,,�E , , l.� :,�.;`,s,;;::.., .,.
<br /> .; , � �•,;,,:.;.•� (tnown na tho I.an:�S..VVlcer)thal catltects mont'��paymento duo under the'Na9a and tMs�eauriry Inatruman2 T?ioro n�o n�,�y ;_,
<br /> � ' ���':�:� •
<br /> �' ;'�'�•;"����'•°���� be one or moru ahange� 01 tho loan Szrvfcar unrelatvd to u ealo 01 iho iVota. H thero is a ohanpo �f t�a Lnan S�.^rvlcar,
<br /> , �.1�����'A`,. (`.:�'-�:�1.1�1 ��- . �. ` �
<br /> ,:,7�,.�. �.;��:�;;�•�. 8orrow�r wl�l bo titv�n wdtien notice o1 tho ahango In aacordanco with paregraph t4 ebovo and oppllcabta Is�v. Tho noUao wlll ,
<br /> ��5�� ' atate tAe nnme and eddraaa of the naw Loan 8crvloar and the add�eaa to whtah pnymanta nhould bo mado, Tho noUae wlll alsa ,
<br /> �`'�°4 ., � contaln eny�1her IntptmAtlon requlrod by eppitoablo law. �* � '
<br /> ' Z0. HaY�rdou� 8t�bstane�a. 8ortawo�eheli noi oauae or permB the proaence,use, dlapoeal, atoraqe, or retoaso el ' �� �
<br /> ��.
<br /> •.,„s any Meu►douo Su6atancea an or In the Propaty. 9oROwer ehdl not do,nor allow anyone otse to do, anything attecting the . . � _,�_
<br /> --�r F'►aperty th�t la In vi�kqon o1 any F.nvironmenhl L�w. The preoedinp two eentencoa ehell not eppy ta Ihe proaanae, uoo, or . �;-
<br /> � � . �� " ato�ap�on the PropaRy of anwll qu�ntHlea of H�rtrdoue 6ubatanao3 that sra ponen��ry racoflnl�ed to be apptap�late to aormal ' , �„��
<br /> -: -. . :s.�� ��sld�nW�l uac��nd to m�tntmance ot tho Fropmty. r-;" ;_
<br /> .. .`�� Baroww �hWl promptt�r pN� 4�ndw w�tt�n noUce of �ny Investtp�tion, ckim, demand, laweull er othe� antlon by any ���
<br /> ,,,, .. .� povm►m�ntd or ropu!�tury�pe�oy or prN�ts Mriy InvoNMg tAe Propetty �nd�ny Hu�rdaue BuhaLnce or�avtronmental law o} ��' !
<br /> �• • whtnh Borrower hea actud knowlsdps. It Boaower le�me, or Is nollAed by sny govemmantal or reput�tory autho�lty, ih�t�ny �'�'""'
<br /> ' . - rsmeYel or ather remedl�Uon o1 any Heterdoue 8ubatence pdeot�ng Property la nnoeaanry, BartawM ehatl promptry teke atl i.:. �
<br /> ..
<br /> - - . sss�sssr��!a�u!s ae�ss�sas w�l�£n�te!l.�t� -- :. '�- -
<br /> �� Ae uaeQ In Uis panpraph II0, 'H�urdouo 8ubatanooa' aro thoso aubatancas dailnod an toxlo o�hasardous oubatancas by •
<br /> . � . ' . Cnvkanmel+hl law and the toNowtnp eubstenoca: g�eoltne, keroaene, otAar 1{ammable ar toxlo petroteum produata, toxlo : �- �
<br /> '� � . ' '. ,• peaQoide�and heibtaldea,voktile eoNenta,meta�tnin containing aabontoa or formaldefiyda,and redtoaalNe materlsla. Ae usod in
<br /> �n�:,�r•�.�-_a.. � puagnph 2D. "EnvYonmental Law' mYn1 teCaal Itwo�ntl tawe ot Ine Juhadtation whae tt�e i'►►opary ie ioa�tad ibd ro44e to ��_ _ _.i„�..�;.�
<br /> - .`'��, he�dh,e�fery or envlronmantal protection. � ��� ,
<br /> " . ,• - NON•UNIF0�,11J COVENANTB. Boirowm and 4andor NAher covonnnt and epreo ao follow�: ��� : ;
<br /> - • �� • Zt. AccQ4�ratlon; Rottt�dl�s. I.�andor qhall ylvo �otico to 8orrower prlor to �acelerutlon '
<br /> � �. � : follax�rct�,� Iearrowor'� br��al� of �ny oo�oensnt or aprasmpnt 1� thls 8ecu�ity Inetrumant (but nM "` ;
<br />� � '. prlor tv a�.c��r�tlot� undar p�r�pr�ph 17 unt�sa �pplioablo I�w provle9�s Mhanvisa). Tho aotlae � � '�
<br /> ., t. � '� ' � . � �hall spo+�'fy: HaA th� d���u1N (b� th� aatlon r�qulrad to cu�a tha dvfAUili (oj a d�te. not less thm � ' .
<br /> �;` ;,•t.`:.� ''.�, ; . 30 daye ho�tt�� d�t� tha �otla� is �Iwn to �orrower. by w�h�loh th� dsfeult mws�Y � curod; und ,.. ,
<br /> ,s� � ; ;...,;�: (d) th�t taflur� to our� ths d�ftuit on A� b�for� !h� d�te spooNt�d In tho nataF�► vn�y result In , .
<br /> . , �oa�t�rtlton af!h�euma s�aurad by thi� 8�au�iry Intt�um9at aad oal� af th� Proparty.Th� no21e�
<br /> . � �htll tueth�r inform 6orrowsr of th� �ipht to r�instato aitsr aeeole�atlon aed tho rlght to brinq a • •
<br /> '. �• aourt �ctton to �s��rt the non-�xist�fle� o} • d�t�ult or any olltor dotona a9 9orrow�r to ..
<br /> -- � �teedsratloo u�d sals. If th� dsfe�ult le not oured on or baM�s !hs c�a�ts spoat�A Bo th� �atlao, ,. , � �w. .
<br /> � � ' � I.and�r at its optton m�►y r�quU• Immedl�t� paym�nt In iull of all surtrs saaured by this 8eou�ity .:�:,, �
<br /> Instrument wllh�ul turtha� dompnd and may lnvoko th� powor of �nfo and any othor rotnRdlae � �` � ' ' .
<br /> ` ''"�''��'�"""� ormi�tsd by �pplto�bl� I�w. I.�nd�r ohatl bo enlltlod to oolloat ali �x �nsos Innurrad In ursul� �`'�'`� �
<br /> :�:�,.:��.; ., P P P 9 � � �
<br /> , th� r�msdi�s providsd In thi� Pa�aarpph 21� Inoludlog. but tto! ilmit�d ta� �eaoonabl� uttaraoyA'
<br /> � .'�' t��i tnd ooxts af tHl��vidmc�. '
<br /> � � = Pf th� powor of �al� I� invokod� Trustao ohali raonrd c� nottao ot dot�ult In eaoh county In f .
<br /> ',. . ;r.- F�b which aay pa�t af th� Proporty 1� loaat�d and shat! m�il coplas of suoh notico In th� m�nnor �
<br /> .. ;,, ..,;
<br /> : =--" �-;�- pr�sa�ib�d by �pplicabl� law ta Ba�aw�r �nd to th� otl��r porsons p��aoribad by opplicabl� Isw. ,
<br /> -';'�,. " Aft�r th� tim+� rAquired by �ppllawbl� law. Tru�to� shaU �lvp publlc aotico of �al� to!ha paraona
<br /> �;. ���;�� �,�.:,:;_i�4� and in th� manner pr�scrib�d by applicsblo law. T�ust��� without d�m�nd an Bor�ow�►. ahall ao0 �'
<br /> ,-_— ,. �.
<br /> th� Propa�tst at puhliQ �u�ztaon to th� hf�hva! bfddor at th� tirna and p1AOa Ar�ci unc�or !h� t��ma
<br /> �Y W,. �;,�. � �, d�sl��i�t�d In tho notlao af �i� In onp or moro paroolo and in any ordar Truatoo doterminoo.
<br /> ^� ���'� •� Trust�� n�sy paslpon� �Rh of �11 or �ny paro�l ot th� Proporty by publlo aonounc�moM �t tho .
<br /> h`.� ��� .I� r '�- timo ��d pl�ca o? �ny pnvloualy sahodut�d sda. L.ondar o► Ita d�sipn�o may pu�ohaeo !ha i
<br /> Propsriy � �ny ss�.
<br /> �4. ,�, „� Upo�n recNpt c�! paymont of th� prico bid, Trustoa� ahail dolivor to ths purchaao► T�ustea'8
<br /> ,�.� ;• '� dtod convoyinp th� Proporly. Tho rQOttalo in tho Tru�tno'a dood ohall bo prlmA t�cla evidonce of
<br /> >t�'� � '. , t1�� t�uth ot th� otatsmonto mcdo thorefn. T�uat�e ehAll appty tho prcaaoods of tha eal� In tha
<br /> :,^ ,. .. tollowing order. (�) to all oosts A�d oxpon�ee ot exorotoing tha pawo� of eal�� and tho sale,
<br /> �"� ''; � � �,r, Includl�g th* paymont M the Yrust�e'o teea a�uatiy inourrad, not ta oxaeod t�es
<br /> �{ r� 96 0�tho principaf amount of tho I
<br /> ,,�' ; .. ; �:!:�=,',,r. � .
<br /> Y .. ;,..,.; 1 na3� at!ho tim� of tha daolAratton of detautt� ans! roaaonablo ettornoy e toos aa pormittod by lew;
<br /> ' ���'�' � (b) 4o aii wuma socurad by thla Scaurity Inst►umont; and (c) any exossa to the pe�son or pe►sone � �
<br /> .,�; ',,, . ,
<br /> � ' � I�galty �ntitisd to It. `
<br /> .'� 'vN��.--;�.r: 'yj/J I'
<br /> -�;'- • t v�t'rp�:�i �r. l� it'�"�'"'
<br /> ��'` � '�• .��fT F7319.LMQ(10/04) Ppqe�01 B �
<br /> ;.�i� �.�;"ti�•�'i�.),�.��� �
<br /> �a �:c
<br /> �:. . . .._ esnn'I
<br /> :. , .
<br /> '.' ,. .. '
<br />