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<br /> _ • . -- � � +� . .' . .i .. ' �' ,i. � ' .
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<br /> _--_.._ {I,'..«...� SZ+�_.._. �. � _- �.�
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<br /> . �� ' ' , r%
<br /> _ ,`V � a _� ' YA(�CiTNUi WI1F1 W tAt 6nptovemente npw or hertatter erscted on ttw property, and �II Eoeerner�te, �pa�Ren�rtcca, and _ � �
<br /> —,,,��„ �;,,;.-.-,� . P�xivcRa nuw nr Iro�'++�R�r a p�i oi tho pto�t�tty,A.�tep4ltteserr►to end nddflluno ahaN etso bo ttevncd by Ihta Q�tcu+iry InsUu�meL � .
<br /> ..�:.....,.. r -_. IaN uf the t�rc�nLyg la rst�re�1 to 6i thb Facurtry tnatn►ment ue tho`Fhaprity.' �, ' •. -
<br /> � ' 13ARRQM�N Q01�NANFe7 thd Dor►ow�r ta I�wiutry eated af tAo eetate haaDy oanv�rad and hea tha dgtst to gr�n1 snd �� • � ���-
<br /> �^� -�{��� convey th� RapKty enA itut lhe Prape�ty la ununcumbet�d, except for encumb�nnaea o1�eaoni. aarrower�ntunints and �rLl ° ' " � � "
<br /> �QS�R�i?�y4���?' • , . .��.`;
<br /> di',�nct pea��ly the IItM ro the Propary��tnet�li clwtma end dsrrunda,nubjeci ro any o��cunau�ncea at�ec�nrd. �
<br /> �--:�- ---_�-`a Tt�l9 C�£OUAI7Y 1!lSiF1UMCNT Gnmbino� unNatm c�vtm�nte tor a�tlona! uco nnd rtqn•tinttortn covenanta �v�h I�m�tad t. � ' ,�� -��-=
<br /> -- .� _.'� vartrtlnn�by Jurlidtntlan to aanetkute A unUam aanurcy Wmtrume��t cov�tt+tp�e�t prop�sry. _ � ,�
<br /> _ - � tlNl�t3�iM�l1V�NAN1�. Ror�nwer a�lende►cat��t ruid a�s te W�sar�; � -�
<br /> .�;�.-�,��" i.�aym+�t�t t+�pHn91�1 end ItttR�e�i P�tlp�►ymant utd 1�@t�gsa.eartuwer eh�ll R►amPtiY e�+whan •� � - --�-� �_
<br /> ___ �- -.� due tfts pdndpal ot�d k�t�eet on�ns debt aldenood by the Note�nd�ny pmpa}��uU and tate annrgna due unde�the Nate. ��
<br /> i�. Fun c ts fer Yuc�s a��d tn�urana�.suoJec�to�pp t ra�n te�aw or to e w,mon vr�;vc�by��n a�+,BQ1iOtYIfT D M W�I p i►y �.` .. —, ::: "�•"'
<br /> S;��' to Under on tM d�y monthy paymente�re dus unds►the Nate,unLq the Not�la pn.41 tn fuN,�eum ('Fu�da')for. (�)ye�rry � ' ' '
<br /> -�.z��•`� t�aa and Ranaeamente �+►htoh may �t�tn pdortty over thla 8ecudry InntNmenl �a a Urn on tho Propr�ty�,,(h� yearly taeahoid � ...
<br /> .�;���-�;._:;���-,. paymante or pround rents na!he PrapeAyr, 11 eny; (o�yea�ty hozerd or ptapaAy Innt+mnae premlum�; (E►ycWb°flaod Inaunmae � ,,"..� ^•�
<br /> -- ����•,�. .
<br /> • :_ ,i prentluma,H tny;(e)ye��ty mongaQo Ir�auranoo pmmlums,If any; end(Q eny oump pnyet�te by Qanqwer to Landet In tcnoManoe
<br /> � r _z�-� •,. wtth tho provbtana ot pamprnph 8, N� Uw of tho paymant at mortQnge Inaurenaa p�emtemA• Thpee Itema era oaNed '�e6row ' . . _ _--_� ;.
<br /> �-�z`��n-��°`�^ � - Item�" landeP rtu�y, at cny t{ma, aalleal and hotd Fundo In an Rmoum nat ta oxcna�l thu mndmum amount e la�da for a ,
<br /> "'` � tederaNy rot�ted mart��a loan may requlra tor 8ortowo►'e uscrow acaount undc�thn tadstmi I��tN Eetato 3atllement Praoodure� � ,
<br /> �' ' :'�,� ,. Act of 18r4 as amonded hom ttme to timo. 12 U.B.C.�Z80f et seq. ('RFBPA'), unt¢�s� annlAtx I�w ih�t eppRee to the Funde ��.*., ,_
<br /> " .� ��:��� e�t�• tesaa amuunl. If ao,Lende� may. Rt any iNne, oa@act a�d hold Funde In en�m�unt�ot ta exaaed tho teaaer amoun� ` 1" "
<br /> ; 4`�,- "
<br /> "'°•� 6ender m�y a�tbncte the um�ouol of Funda duo on tho baeb at cuRent data and ronaonabla ealinwiea of vxpenditures ol Nturo
<br /> . .�.�t�;.�,i�. ;'' .;,�,
<br /> Eeaaw Iteme or othern��e tn aaaordenae wtth epplioabt�lew. E
<br /> �",;��; The fund�eh�ii be h�ld in an InatituUon whoee depoalta aro Innutod by u taAaml uffan4y,QtaUUmenteliry,or antlry(inctudtnp �
<br /> '+�`{ �. �;; Lender.11 Lander la suoh an InstiCctlon) or In any Faderal Hame laan Bank londnr ohttY npp�r.�hh Funde to pay tho Ca� . '"��:�. �
<br /> �..4�� . itemo. Lender mny not charpe 8aro�ver tor holdlrtg nnd appt�Mg thfl Fundo,annuaYy anc►ty,�ng xNp ettcYOw accaunt,or vc�tSy�ig � � t,;��'y�',
<br /> ' `'c, r:r the Encrow Itane, �n'eas lcrtder paya 8oaower Mterost on thv Funds �nd �pllc�ta Ia�a pnrr�lt� Lertdet to maY.o auch a ' � ;^►��•
<br /> � 1°' -�-�.,, '� nhuqe. However, laadFx may roqulro Borrowc•r ta�y a onat{me oharge 1or am Indu�undunt rcal�aat�to tmc �mpoRtng aorvtco � , � � , �'-
<br /> �i.� ,�`.,`� . used by Lender (n oonneic4'.on Nitfi lhla tapn, un10.90 applicutr.a law prov�os �;9�rwlsa. UnMl9 an agrsom�nt la ma�'o or ���,� ,.,�
<br /> :� ,�'�'�nr��,�,�F'. egpl�sbla faw requlres 9�teresl te be�af�.4er+dw s�a0 not tre mpu.►vd to �.ay Etu+rowa� any L�tv�A cr eamings an tho E'un�a. r�4, �`��`,'�' �
<br /> , 7� ���'�:�,y` ;;'� 6s�ao»ms artd LendeP m�y a�►�r In �vriiln�}� however, that k+t��al �hai!C�g�va�+ an th� Fu+�'g. Ssnder ahaR�ive ta �aaa�uer, �,..�'t�c`;`,�`,�'h.'�•. -'--
<br /> t t.. -f ?�? �,i��,
<br /> • ;,f�°i?���`°,:'�.` ?` d�eblt 2o the F�vnM rrasuit►�de�The Fuedshere ut�g,ad aa addiUe�al soca,�l etor��11 gumu�evcur d b tthv�a°u�liy!stium n1.�D1i `l�tir,l,ti��',<<;;�r�4';1':'�'.'
<br /> r.. . '•:�;: P fl �' , y ,.�.,`l`,�r:`.,•,,�:,•,�i.i.�
<br /> � ;�'����, ' ��tAa Fun�s hotallAy l.enda exceed tho emounls pe�mittad to bu heW�ilr�,qpt��+Ela low, LOtldat Oh01)11CC01lT11 t0 gORAWOT �;,.\,;,�,�,;,;.�\i�, ,
<br /> .� • 1Y��1fti -•„ tor thv excesa Fus�s�n saaordenae wNh the ce�uiromonts of eppltanbie taw. ft 0`�a amaunl,01 lhe Funds heid by Lencer et ony ��:�,,,,�.:';�••l i;��� ��:
<br /> 4�.,:���*- � ' �'..�:-,.. ,• tlme 1�not aufHcient to pay the Eaarov�Itema when duo, Landcr mny oo no4�y Cunowr� U1.w�tlnp,end,In ouoh easo Horr�n�er ,�•+' � .:�,T. �
<br /> ' �iu1„�.�,.:..:�:,•_ ehsY pay to LenCer the omouM noaeas�ry to mako up ihe deticiency. Bormi��er ehpY mara up tha deftcler�ay In oo mora than �._�
<br /> ('m•1+t:iy=''"r+
<br /> � 4�;�,,,.�,�..r.�. `° tw�tw monthy paymants,st lenderb sole dlec�eUon. _
<br /> , �;:�„ � Upon p�ymerti 6.a tuN of aH eums eecumd by this 8ncurlry Inatrumont, Ltr+dar ehttY pmmptry ratund to Borrower eny Funde
<br /> �''"� � held by Lender. It, unda p�n��ph 21, Lende�eheH aoqulre ar aoH thu Propmty.I.mdra.p�4or to tha aoqutslUon or eate ot the �::���_�.
<br /> � ': '�, ` PmpaAy,eh�N�ppy Qny Funds held by landa►at the Nme ot wcqulaHton or sAto ea s eroQt! Rp�innt !ho eume eeeurod by thta ,,�,��: �
<br /> � g.���� � 8�cu�ity InsWment. • ;
<br /> ��..,j , :- : �. Rppiioa�ion oi Paytrttnts. tfiieae �ppflcabte i�w prwidaa oihamFab� rii �.ymente faa�nYed �r i.�t6a� un66F I _��
<br /> "" b�- � panpr�phs / aad 2 eh�ll be�pppeQ: tlrat, to�ny prep�ymont cAupoa dut►undar tha Nato; aecund, to�mounta payabte under = •� -
<br /> �� �. . panpnpA 2:thiM,to IntKeit due;tauKh,to pdnatpd due;and laaf,to eny UCa charpea due under the Note. I `�'
<br /> 4. QMt��s; Ut11�� Borrow�r eluiN p�y �p t�xe�, ��aee�ma+to, oh�,rqeo, Anea �nd tmp�+attlons �ttrlhut�bta to the __��� �
<br /> _.. • - j ' prap.�ty wluch ntiy.tnh pnany cvr mt�e�curtqr m�vumm�.ma ra�u�na�a wm►mu o�a►ouaa nrm,n anr. aa�owR�i�■� �-�-��:,
<br /> � �';�.' p�Y tha� obii�tbna In th�mmnN provid�d In p�r�pr�pA 2, ae il�at pMd In th�t rt�nner. OoROr,re ahaN pay tANn on tfine ; !�!'
<br /> �.�• '�'��,• dir�oty ta tha prnon owM p�yment. Bonowx ehiN prompUy Nmbh ta Londer all notice� ot emounte to be p�id unda thla , ��
<br /> ,� ,,,� panpraph, il 8ortowe► nt�k�s tha� p�ym�nto dk�atly, Oor►ower eht►Y pmmpty Nmtah to Lender reac5iipte evldenalnp the � ,�
<br />. • ,�a.A_�+•�'= paym�nt�. ;�°`' .w'�
<br /> : t�Ti�:�� Bon�w+r eh�li promptry dtaoh�tQs�ny ilen whlah hta p�otiry ovs�1hM Sauuily Inet�ument unteaa BoROwer: (a) apreca in ��
<br /> �.p;�:: • wdUnp to th�p�tym�nt of the ohYyatlon seaured by the Ilen In e mannro aat�optaDlo to Londer, (b� conteste In pood falth the ��'. �
<br /> '��a`• Nen b , or d�land� a�inst entaroe+nant of tha Iten In, 1 roceedh� a wAl�'�.In tho Lender'a o Inlon o emte to rc;vdnl the „�'..;;'����I ��
<br /> ��"' � eniorum�nt of ths Nen;or (o) eeouroa hom the hotder oe1 hA Han en aproemont aatlataotory to Lender eubordinotlnq the Iwn to � "•;�`,{4��� `
<br /> . � ti thh Seourtty InaUUm�na.il I.enda determk►�Ih�t�ny PaK ot Iho Propt+�iy le aubJoot to a qen whloh may attaln pdo�ity over thls ���:
<br /> ' � � Sea►rtty�nsbument, Lenda m�y pNe Bo�ower�aoUco identirying Ihn Ilen..8ortowo�shall eatiaty the Ilm or t�ke ano a►moro ot •�
<br /> �� n;: the�ettons�N tqAh�bove withb 10 daye o1 the yMlnp af noiloa. �
<br /> . •:��.':,'� 6. H�ard or P�op�rty Insur�noe. Borrower shaU kccp tha Imprwementa now ax�stlnp or hereaRer ereated on the ' ���•'�.�
<br />- • ",�.�'''�ti:� PrCpMy Irtsund�{NMnet toae by Me, hwrda inciuded wilhln thp toan,'exlandad aaverage• and any other hwrd�, Including , : Wt� ,
<br /> .'}'� Aand� or AoacYnp,to�whlah Lender requkea Ineunnae. Thia lnsumnaa ahall ba rnatntnlnod In the amounta end for the partoda
<br />� �� ;.;�.;:;�; : thtt Lende�tequkes. fie inaurenoe aar�er provldin�ihe inaurano�shQh be choaen by Borrowor aubjeot to�ander'o spproval -
<br /> - - F��y, ;, whlah ehaM not b� unro�aon�bry wRhhdd. B Borrowor ir�tla to mttn7nh coverapo deaa�ibed abova, lander may, at lander's
<br /> +X�r. �, opllon.obtatn cover�,e to proteot Lender'o dflhto In the PropaRy fn n�a+rdnnao with pa►agreph 7.
<br />_ x . A!I Irtsunnc�pr(llclea md renewale eh�N be �ace�ot�bio fa lmde►and sh�Y Include o etAndnrd mottg�pe ohtuse. Letider
<br />_ � � �f,::.;�;, eh�ll hav�tho dphi to hotd tho patieloa nnd ronswato. II Landor roqu:res, Bortowcx ehaU prompty gNe to Lender aU resanlpta o1
<br /> �T paid prerNums and�enew+�l notice�. In the avent ot Iosa,8oaawar ahn0 gtve prompt nottco to tho Ineu�ance aartior end Londer.
<br />: � , �;�+� Lender nwy m�ce prool 01 loae II not m�de prompty by Bonow�x.
<br /> �T^ .�n�_;;+;�� Unteae Lender and Bortower othemise agroo In w�ting, lnsurnncv procoods ohaii bo eppitod to �astoreUon or tepafr of tho
<br /> RropMy dam�ped,If iho reatotwUon or rep�b Ia oaonamlcaly taaslbla end Le+�der's secudty la nat lesaened. N the reatareUon or •
<br /> ` rep�k la flot aconomtc�Ny te�tetble or Lender'a aeaudry woutd 6o fe�s�o�ed,tha Inauranco proceada ahall be applied to tha auma • �
<br /> `:.?_ ____� e�curM by thts 8ecudry InaWmant, whether or aot then duo, wltA any �xae9e patd to Borrower. ff 8onawer abandona the ,
<br /> __ Praperty, o�doea not anawa wHhin 30 day�a notica hom Lenda th�t the Ineu►�nco artie� hae ottered to eettle a clatm,than . ,
<br /> — Landu may aoNeol the Ineumnae proceeda. 4onda mey uee tha proceeda to ►eprir or reatore the PropeAy or to pay aums
<br />���� ��
<br />.. �
<br /> -- --- s�aur�by th18 8ecvrtty Ina�umanL whethe�ar not th�due. The 3Q�d�Y perlod wlil be�when tha no��ts Qtvvn.
<br /> ------- - --- , . ----
<br /> -- Unitns landa and Bortower aihawlae Rprae tn wdting, any appacatlon o1 prncoeda M prtncfpal ahaH not oxtend or �
<br /> -'�"°=- = pcstpon�ths du�date of the monthy paymenta reterted ta in pi►agnpha 1 and 2 or chnnpa the amount ot the paymenta, 11 , •
<br /> u�cN► p�r��roph Q1 the PmpeAy�s aaqulr�d by Let�der, Borrower'e Apht to any Inaunnce policbo end proaeeda rasutt4np hom •
<br />-- ` - dami�to ths Properiy pdor to tha acqule�tan ehtN p�oe to Lendar !o tha extanl of the eume by thia 8ecuriry Inntrumant
<br /> -_ -_�_'�•� Irtem�di�tey pdor to the�ac�faltton.
<br />- -��� d. Oaoup�ncy, Pr�sorvAtion, Malnt�nAnoo and Prot�cNon ot th� Proporty; Ba�rowar'� Loan
<br /> AppllaKlon; I.�u�holds. Bonow�x shaA oacupy, ostabtlah, and use the Property ae BoROwer's pdnclpal �osldonco wlthln
<br /> • „.,:" nlxry days eita tho exocuUon o1 thia 8ecurtty inotrument and nhafl continue to occupy thn Property as Boaower's pdnctpal
<br /> ; �„�;;, i raaldsnce tor at leasl one yaar afta�tho date o1 occupancy, unlosa Londer otharwtsa egroos (n wrflinp, which conacnt afinR �ot
<br /> a-`�`� be unreaaon�6ly withhatd, or urtlaoa axtenuaUng clrcumstancna oxlut which are 6eyond 8orrawet's aontnol. Bortower ohfl8 not �
<br /> - ', , deaboy,damape or Impalr tha Proporry,ellow the Propeny to detedoratv,or oommlt wasto on tha Property. Bonowar shell�o ln
<br /> � ,�.,�,,� delru8 H eny forfetiure action or proceeding, whz�her cNil or ciiminal,Is bogun that In 4ender'o flood talth Judflment could roaull ,
<br /> , �`-•' ��, In torfeltura of t�he Prc�porty or othmwiae mtteriuly tmpalr tho Ilen croated by thls Sooudry Inatrument or Londer's aocudty interost.
<br />_. � , p
<br /> ; •� ?, °j";;
<br />,� .
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<br /> F1319.1M0 p0/9q Paqo 2 018 � ,�,�,,,�, �
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