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<br /> � nNe o�or rnu�r. Ite�txfltiQ 11i6 Altsit�i�tY t1P ttEMYa u�a T�a9 B�CUam► INT�g4r IN me RENTA AN� f�aBtlNAS.
<br /> �� Pil�l�fii� t9 afit�N TO ASCUliL' i!PAYiI�.JiT QP 1M91AtD€�TEttTt£8�A�il1 i PFRFl1N11A1tt.Q�P AtIY AND AL�C811QATIQtt9!QP ,
<br /> ., , f '
<br /> _, . _ ' ' 7Rll:Yt1R I�iU�Tf�tA�1L'�Zt�3 R�3.ATED QOCtlMEN1f0�AM9 TtA��t#' 1'. 11Na @�D QP TtillST 19 QIYEti A10b AGG�PT�Y1 ( ��
<br /> -- --- - �
<br /> �' -, �^ _ ._ ` ttq TMB E'06�.OWINO TEA1t81 :
<br /> � � PAYIA�NT AHD PEAF017d�liCB. EnaD1 u oth�wl�provtd�d In lhl�Owd af'Prust,Tnnta ttWl psy to lmda�N amaunb tooure d by t h►�t TOa A i ,
<br /> ` - . . - d i�uri a tfl�/��aud,ir�i if�itriac�i flr'�i f�i�G��i�p'v,��.-m��Gt'Pru�tc�'6 c�Si�sa�as�:s tt�t�,lt�i N.�af Tt�.end ttt3 ; .
<br /> � RN�Md oanunwRb. {
<br /> .. � - PQ��DtqN AND YAt11i�NlWt�!!OP TI�'1 PR01'�liTr. Teustot��ttt�i frustt�posxa�ton atd use of tM Pruperhr bh8t1 de aov�rnod by i
<br /> . .... tM lorowl�p provhlom� ' '
<br /> ' pba�Mion�nd 9ltt. Ua�l ths oonurrenoo W an Ewnt o1 D�hub.Tntsta may (s)remaln In possas�ton nrtd cnntral oi lhe P►opeAy� (b)use� t
<br /> . op�rna or miln�Itr Propary.�nd (ol catNoi any Rsrtb Arom Ih�PrOp�ty. � �
<br /> Ouly M M�Mt�in.Tnuta a!W rtuFntatn th�Ropaty In f�ntrbN condlHan�nd prompW pertam+aM repatre,rsAlacamento,�nd malntananae � ' '
<br /> , , . �c�s�ry to pressiw Ib valw. �
<br /> s iYs�rOow�uDst�c�s. TM irm�'1na►rdo�a wuN"f�sudou��ubahnoa"dliooswl"�Yotsicw"md"Ihraotaned releaee;ns usad�n tt►t9 '
<br /> Oad W Ti�nL����t������W�N1 falh In th�Campnbarolvs E�Nronrrnntal RMpo��,Camp�nutton,�nd llab{Ny Act at
<br /> 198Q,u enrn�0,12 U.9.C.6ocUOn q601�ots�q (`CERCUI'�,llw S rtd Mwrtdnwnt�RnB Reaulhurir�Uon Aci oi 1988,Pub.L.No. �
<br /> _ '� �'� 99-�Si9��A�iA7.Ur Flarardou9 Matwtag Tra artqtloo AcL 10 U.S.C. tton 1801�ot aaq.,tho Husnurce CcnservaUon end Rscavery Acl, . .
<br /> • 49 U.O.C.Soolion 6001�Nwq.ar ottwr tpA��N�y1Y OI FYdorYl l4we.ruleP,ot ropulnllur►9 adoptod ptxsuant to any o}Iho taoQdnp. Tho ,
<br /> Mrmn�sardo�a wuM•and"h�zardou��ubstartce•�lut�also Inctud�,wlthwA WmttpNOn,potrobum e�nd p�trotium by�produata ar any tracUoo � �� •
<br /> lhereof an0 asMa4a. T�usta apr�nb and wrrren�to Lond�lhsl: (a)Ourin�th�palnd o1 Tn�ta'e awnorehip oi 1he Propwtyr.11wro Nsa �
<br /> �� \ baon no uw,p�nKatlan�manut�ctun,stornp�,6�xtmenl,dispoeal,raleo.zo ot llue�kned�eloasx of Any hwr�lous waato or subatanco by anY i
<br /> p�on on�unde,a about ltwPropMy,� �b)Tnnta hts eo knowNdpo ot,a roesan to baNevo fhal thero h�baon,w�copt aa prevlousry
<br /> ��� dbaloe�d lo Rnd�tAcno�wlsctp�d by l.e�nd�►In�w�ltlnp� p)�tny ua�,p�n�rt8an,mfnuhctura�,etaa9s.traatmsnt,d►sposal,�laaee,a thre4taned �
<br /> �Mns�of a�ry I+�urdou�wast�a s�s4na by any pda ownKS or accupanb ot Iho Prapmrty ar (N)anY satual or tivestorMd HtlpaUon or E �
<br /> ' cWmf M�tmr klnd by am►pwioo reyUnp to wcA m�ttws;and (o)Excapt aa pr�Aousy d�sdosvd to and acknawiodped by Londsr In wdU►p, f ,
<br /> • (i)i�Mttw Ttwtia oo►�tny tentni eontrtn!cr��penl a otMr authorirod ucw o!Ihp P�rapaty ohaN use,ponetate,manutaoturo,etae�treat,
<br /> a�po..a,o��.a�r n.�dou�wstt�a wDstnno�on,undw�or aboW tM P�opw1y and (li)any suah Rctivity ehali b�co»ductod In
<br /> compN�no�w1tA�II�ppYoaNa Wdoru,atat��and loaal laws,rop u4ttlota and otdlnanopa,includlnp�nrithout UmltaUon Ihosa Iavre.rept�laUons,and
<br /> ° c�dinanns d�erftwd a�nw. Trusta�uthalnas Londor and Ib�pant!to ontor upon ths Wope�ly to make eueh In�eotioiu�nd tosts,al � ;• '�
<br /> ' Trutta��xMns�,sa L�nntiw may dMrn appropdab to dqtamtn�aompMana ot tla Propaly wtlb Ihts�ntlon ol lhe ReoO a!TNS� Any , • •�;'„r:��
<br /> � ltuqolbns ar hab mada by I.�ndw f►WI bs ta I.�nd�'2o ptrposae ony and sha11 nol bs conshuod to create�ny►sspar+s4b9ity a NabW t y on the . _
<br /> p�al L�ndw to Tnntor or to any atMr p�on. The ropr�senuUOna and warrantlaa ca�alned heran aro basvd on Ta+stors du�dflip�nco in ...,,,���y
<br /> �� � � 1. . ' (mrtllpatl�p Ifw PiroDMb ta h�nudou�wuN. Tnator�wwr�by (a)rqoata�0�0 watv�any tutura atatms o�ainat Len�w for trtdomnlry or �s
<br /> eontribullenin tM�we!trustor b�aama tlabN tar cle�nup a othor cosb under any tuoh tawe,and (b)�pre�s to lndemniy and hWd harmros9 ' ,-•1 �•.i
<br /> �. I.M�prtrat�ny and a!I cWms,las�s,llabYlUw,da�.P�n�M�a.�nd expsmos whbh Lend�x msy dlrecUy a Indkacityr ewtaln a�utte� � ��
<br /> . � ' mWlnp tram�br�nA W thb acUon of Ih�O�d ol Trus1 or aa a atinseyuence ot am►uso.penarntton,manutaotwa,sta�ge,dispos�1,raleass �, .. ,
<br /> or 1Mnt�rnd rMwt�000uMnp ptla to Yrualor'�ownhtAlp a tntK�sl tn the P�opar�.wtwlMr a nat ttM aame wn a shoWd h�w besn • •
<br /> ,;.. known b Trusta. Th�provhlonf of thl��scUon M th�Owd W T�us1�tnciudtnp the t�bllpaUon lo IndemMy�ehAN aur�i►�o th�paynwnt of ttw �`:':`.• � ;..° '
<br /> ' Ind�blodn�f and tM w�ffihctton tnd neoowyanos ot itw iien of ihts 6eari of��si an3 shai�roi M aiiec6e3 by ter�3aPa��i a� �-�--�---�-: -
<br /> ' � ,''� ., Intw�l ln Ilw Prap�ti.wtwllwr by(aaotosuro or otlierwise. � • '' !
<br /> , . . .. NWw�aa�iN�. 1'nntor�hnN oot aiuse,canduct ar p�rtnfl any oWsa�raa aar cammtt,pormll,or suHer any atripptnp of ar waste on or to Ilw � ; };::,,��,
<br /> wno.r�,o ar 8ny oortton w th.�rop�_v. wtmou��rntann the oenenutr at ct�taeoolnB.Ttustot wlll noi cAmove.ot arAnt to any olhw parly Iho �_J� s..,• .!'
<br /> `` ,r .- +�!o r�sYa.er►fl tlrM.�er.mtn�reh(Indudlrp c+l!er�@r�?,tu�M,�evi�cx c�k prQduch wiuioW ttr pdar arit�n coru�nt at tanoor. � -. � `�r�
<br /> 5 . ''.x".r
<br /> . , RrMa�`ai ol lrt�prov�m�lnts. Ttusloe ehUl not domdist�cr remove an Improwmenb from tha R�nl i'roperty wilhput lha pda writtsn consaM �,:' �, y'` i
<br /> � ;;�''`' , , ol 1.�n4er. As�oanditbn tu tlw nttav�!ot any 1mprownwnt�Lon�may r�qWra Trusta to mako 4rtanpomonls aat��totory to lsndor to ;5:.;. • ;,
<br /> . re�leoa aucli tmprowmK►ts wltA Improwrrt�nta at al baal equal vatur. �'' " `
<br /> • 1.�'a F81pht b F�Mr. I.�nd��nd i10�ponb�nd�epresontatlwe may�nt�upaa Ihe Reei P►opelty d s�l�easannhie tlme�to oNflnd to ^ ;�',��
<br /> • ' ,� L�i►tf�l'o a'Aonab�nd t0 Inspect!h�P�npe�ty fpr putposes of T�usta'o oompll�nce wllh tlt�tetm9 and CondlUons o1 lhis Deed ot Ttua1. � • , •
<br /> ; ''; .��;.s CompNane�wtlh OovN�MnNttaf R�qt�ir�mmta. T�ustu�etWl promptly ComPN with ell laws�adinanoe3�and ropuk�tlonl�aow a l�en�lfler In �,;� .
<br /> ��;; Ntat,of�M ppv�nm�nW AulhaiWis appYo�bl�tu Itw u�a a aocuWno�r o91he Propwry,Includlnp without Ymltatlon�the Amwkana With ++ .�
<br /> ,�� �� �� � . Oi�bWU�11ct. T�tar m�y coniKt In�ood fatlh Rny tuch 4w�adna�a,a��putallon and wlthhold aomplianc�durtnp�ny p�aooadiny� �
<br /> . ' . ,, p�ctudtrq ��ppp�w bnp n T�nta hes�otfMd L.�ndK In wdtlny dor to dolnp w and so loop os�In t,w�d�soN opldo�,
<br /> . :;:;;;�. �.�r��n�insb�n th�PrapKty uo��c Hopardmw. uno�r mar Q�g�n Tnn�ta to post adoqwtq aaouriq or a turay bone�nasorwbty � .��
<br /> • .: a�Y�t�ctary to t.�ncf�r,to�nqa1 Nnd�lat�b �'�:i.
<br /> �• � � 0uiy b Prot��Trustw�pra�s nNllwr lo Rbtndon�or Wa►w urwNonOod tha Pirupaty. Ttuator shaN do aN ollwt Qata,In addiUon b those aota „ ''
<br /> � �� �M I o r i A A a t�ow In I A b i w a d o n,w l tl o h(r o m t M a h a r�c t o r s n�0 u o o 0 1 i M P r o p a t y u o��a a m r+a b t y r w c o s s a ry t o p ro l e c t o n d p r o s e r v o l l w P r a p e r t y.
<br /> a • '�.
<br /> • � q!8 ON 6ALff»•�tSONB�NT 811 LEK�DBR. 1�n6�mty,al lb apUon,Wclure InrtwdiQtaty due pnd payabb nN aums seourad by Ihb Raad of 7rust
<br /> • upon th�et7o ar tnmb►•wllhoul Ilfa I.endw�prlor writiw�cons�nt,ot oll oi ar�y paA ot tha Rar!Propwy,or anY Inta�YSt In lM Re41 Propwly. A
<br /> ,. , yal�or trana�'m�ua lTN oome1ranor of Ral Propwty a any dpht,tI1H or IrAorasllhwNn;wlwthw Waul,borwflcW a oquitadle;wlwthsr•4roluntnry
<br /> ' �� or Involur►t�y;wixlt�b�r out�d�eN,dwd,Imwrrtwnt�contr�ct�land contr�cl,contract tor daod,W�sohoid Intorest wlth o twm prpa2er ttwn
<br /> . { , thrN(3)yws,I�saoplton cantracl,a by e�lo,a�s�nm�nt,ar IrunNr of any b�lloiat�+t�t In a to�ay�nd trusl hadtn�UI�!o tho Heal �
<br /> ,;,: ,ar by any othw mNhod of comwyano�M f1N!PropWfy Intw�l. N any Trnslor 1�a corpa�uon,parlrarohp ar Ymllad NabWty oomptd, s.,
<br /> +,,9 ,. rntntn�o k�xlM my ch�np�In owrnnfilP W mon thao tw�ntwllw p�nt(Q69r)ot tM voUnp ttocN,partnWShip Intorosts a Nmlled Y4bUt�y � .
<br /> :, � �` :�. . aomp��Y k�Mt�t�.as It�ca�rt�y Q��af Trusta. How�vw.thto opfbn WaY not bs oxorcqod by I.ondor H auoh warohw b prahibltad by tedera ,l. •'
<br /> 4w a br t�bra�ica kw. ,•. .
<br /> ' � TA1tE8 M1D UENB. Tha forowing prcvltlons rotaUnp to tha taxa�and Wra on tha Propaty are n part of tht�Oe�at T�usl. ��::„�� • '
<br /> , � --- -._.. ..J.. Ps�►n�rtf. Ttu�eta�hwM pay whm dua(tnd In al ovenb pr{or to dolinquonay)aN twca�aA�l tqxas�aisessmanW�ctuupes tlnctudne wator '�:�?� ,
<br /> „ . u�d��Nnwi and Nnpo�Wora Mvhd�pulr�sl a on axount o1 t1w Prape�ty�and shaMpay when dus aN ot�fms fw work dor�on a fo� �;•, .
<br /> � y � , � wrVlo�t�ndu�d a nrMrMl hxt�khed fo tt»Prop�tlr. TniYta stwll m�tataU lh�Prop�AY w of�II Il�m I�Nna pdalty ovar a ual to the
<br /> • • ItKr�l d L�r uMar thb t?�d of Tn�st��ftor tha tlsn d faxN and aasasrtwnli ac3 du�nrtd nxcapt�otharwh�e provlded U Ihls Oeed f ,
<br /> ,, � ---- ._ .
<br /> -_— _ . _-:_ �� . - - -- - -
<br /> •� o ' W�t To Con1Nt. Tn�tta may withhold payirwnt ot any hx,ass�asrtNnt,a dNm in ccnrwctton with�poud f�llh disputa over tM obUpatlo� �
<br /> • �� to p�y,so toro a Lw�"s Int�t In ttN Pro�Ay b nui If a IMn�rha or b filad a o�auil of nonpaymonl,T�ustar sfwY wlthin I
<br /> . ,� Iflt�n(16)duy��Ror Ih�li�n�rhM a�H�Wn p NAd,wl hin�ia:�tis�dar.na�rruaia nae�oua w ena wr,�,soouro tlw disChar{tia at the
<br /> t� ° �`'�•� Uon,a N�puM1M by l�►d�r.d�p osN wHh L�ndN cash or�tuMcNnt eapaab�1r�ty bond a othw wouriry utlsAtctory to I.�nd�In an
<br /> � ' amouM wtACNnt to dkchv�!hs Nun piw any cacb and�ttaM�'low ar oltwr charp�thal cautd aoaw a v�a�utl of�tar�ctasuro a 4nte I
<br /> �'i; �� . • undw ths Ym. In any contasl,Tnqta theY dNond 11t�N and L�r�dw and thNl Ktbry any�dv�uw Judprtwnf b�for+mto�ment�painat tho
<br /> s,' Rrcp�rty. T�utta M�Y nartw L�nder w an addftlonN obMpN undw�ny turollt boad turnfth�d In ftw conta�l proowdtnp�. �
<br />� �Y; .
<br /> Y � , E1rWra�e�W Py�enl. Tnxtor�huupon�rund bxnl�h to Londir tatltfaotary�vldana ot paymml d th�hxN a aaa�sfrtwnt�and thaM
<br /> z aullwAza tt��pptoW4M pwwnm�ntal�tMr�af to dWtwc to t,�nde d any tlr►��wd(tw�4lafortNnl 01 th�t�ow and assassmvnt9 apalnsl!tw
<br /> .• Pr�b, � ,.
<br /> ,. NoNe�W Catsl�itellon. Ttulta thtll notlty I.�nder at Na�t llRrm(18)d�r b�fo��ny work b comrtwnrAd,any twle�ato hunig�wd,a any f
<br /> � • m�NiW�w s b Ih�Prap�►.N�ny m�oh�NO'i IMn,rtr�wm�ny wn,w othN Ilm could bp ats�rtod on aacounf of lh�waN. �
<br /> - . � arNc�a ma�Trusta rrfM upan nqursl o!L�ndN lurnhh to L�ndw advano��aswanoa wltafAClory to I.w�dK th�l Tnuta c�n�nd wW � •
<br /> ' • p�y If�cal of such krprov��nentf. �
<br /> �:� � PAOPEAtY OAMAGB iNSl�1ANC8. T►w foNowirp provfsloro��Yro lo UasWnp ttw Rtopwty are�PQA of Ihls Oood of TrusL �
<br /> (•
<br /> . qd�HNwtCO W InNKr1q. Tiultw sf W ptocun and mdni�ln poNCiN o!Ik�Iraun►nc�w�th�4ndud�xbnd�d covN�andas�monts on a I
<br /> . . ' r�p{�oKrnM bai�br ItN N kaunbM vdt»cowdr��11 Imprownrr►ti on tha RMI Prop�ty M Rn�mount suMolKd to Avo{S�ppYc�llon ol�ny
<br /> ..,.�. �� � : aoN�r�na dMN���nd wNh��trnd�rd morlp�pN d�tw In wrar d I.NUMr. a�nta�I��lw praourr and nrinWn comprtt�nflw pa►arel ,
<br /> ' ` ,. �
<br /> ,. ;�� �� . -vr
<br />- j --- :. . ..
<br /> � h
<br /> w 'I �.
<br /> � .. . . .. . ...
<br />