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<br /> TU�L'TNGR WITH ull tl�c Impravcmcnts now un c�rr:►Rcr crcctcd a�n thc pn�p�ny,c�iPcd�a�cmc�`(i�hSA�i�w,�md
<br /> �RItlf48 p1)�Y 11Y hcrc:tftcr u p:�n oF tltc prar.ihy, Al) rcplucemcnts uttd additi�,nv �huU nt,►� bc rov�a�l by Ihi+ Sacuriiy -
<br /> In�titrument. All uf th�fi�rc��iing ica rcfcrreJ to in this Sstiurity insuvmcnt ns thcs"Pr��pe�ty." ��,,
<br /> BURI3nW�R CAV6NAN'TS thnt Himuw�r Ir+(nwll�lly hLised aP U�C estntc hereby eanvcycd und ht►v liu:rilti�i!u�;unu und
<br /> runvcy thc Prc��krty �lnd thul ttro Prn�+crry is unencumhcrcd. caecpt i'i�r rtt�uiflHistrh�e+��P r�'�c:n1'c1. Lit�ru�ti+:zr war�:eit� an:1 wil! � �
<br /> dcf�nd bcncr�ily thc dtlu t�i�ho Pruperty uguinrt ull cluimv uud demim�l», t,uhJc�t t�i m�y enruntbr�iur�y uf rc�ur�L .
<br /> T{IIS SIiCUltlTl'INSTRUMF.NT amit�incv�miti�rm cavcm►ntv iiir nutiun+d usr imd nnn-unili►nn covcnunts with limitcd
<br /> ��nriutium by Jurisdiriiuu tu cunaltiate u un}fi�rm securlty�nstrument eavrein���.al property.
<br /> UNIF[1t21►9 CAVfiNANTS.su�ru�vcr und l.en�lcr riwenant und ug�cc c�.r fi�itu�vx:
<br /> 1. N�yment of 1'rincipnl and I�tcrest; f'repnyment and [.ute Chnr�.�cs. Burrawcr xhuli pramptiy pay �vhen duc thc •
<br /> principul ot'imd intcrc.rt an d�e dcht evidcnccd hy thc Nutc;ind nny pmpayment i�nd lute�:hurgcs duo undcr thc Nute. � ,_.
<br /> 2. d��nds Par Taxcs und Ittsurutt��c. Sut+J��t t��uppUcablc luw or to u wr�ttcn widvcr by I.endcr, B��rrowcr shull puy tn �--_
<br /> Lendcr an thc duy manihly paymcntx nrc du^,undcr thc Notc,tmtil tho 1Vote is paid in 1'ull,u�um l"Funds"1 Pi�r,(u►ycarty tuxrs -
<br /> ond s►sser.r►nents whicN nu►y iipitin prlorhy��vcr thiy Security Insirument us u licn an thc Pmperiy:(h)ycarly Iea�rhald paymuntx �;, ..
<br /> nr gmun�l rents un thc Property. ii iu►y;(c)yeiuly hivard ar pruperty in�urunro prcmiums;(d'�yearly Iluud inruru�uv prcmiums, �
<br /> if uny: (c1 ycacly murtQn�;c insurnncc prcmium�, iP uny; uml (il uny hums paynhlc by 8anowcr tn l,endcr, it�ttccurdnncc with 'i�•.
<br /> the prnvisian9 af par��t;�upl�H, in licu�f thc paymem ui'man�uge i��urance premiums.Thesc Itemr i►n cullal "�scrow Items." ,
<br /> L.cndcr may. Ul iillY �I111C. cullcct und hald Funds in an i�mount not tu cxccc�l thc nwximum iimaunt� Icnder fi�r u fcdzrally
<br /> rclnted mc►rtguge loun may rcquire fa� B��rrwver's c�cn�w i►ccuum�mder the federul Rea! ��t�to SMtlement Pn�cedure.r• Act of
<br /> 197A as mnended frnm timc to time. 12 U.S.C. Sectic,n 2G01 er sc���. ("R�SPA").unlesv un��tt�cr I��a��hui npPlicy c��ihe Funds °
<br /> seth o Icsser nmuunt. If tin, l.ender muy, nt nny timo, rollect nnd h��ld Funds in nn nmount not ta excccd t{ic Icsser�mwunl. �-
<br /> I.ender mny cstinmte thc um�unt oP Funds duo un tha bt��is i�f currcnt duta und reatic�m�blc esdmutes��i�xpenJiwnr��f future �=='Y^
<br /> k�scraw Itcmq or athenvisc in nccordnncc with upplicublo law. ` -
<br /> 'I'he Hundy �hull hc hcld in un inntitudan whuro �lepusits uro i�ti+ured by u fcderal i�gcncy. intiirumentality, nr enti�y �'
<br /> �,-:.
<br /> (including Lcndcr.il'lAndc�•iy such an inrtitutiun)��r in nny Fcdcrul Hc�mc l.oan e;►nk. l..cndc�shall appty thc Funds to pay thc :-a-_
<br /> Esrrnw Itcmw, t,cndcr muy n��t churgo Barruwcr for huldin�;and upplyi���thc i�unds,unnually anulyzin�thc etirrow nccaunt, or `�`"
<br /> verif}rin�ihe F.srro�v ltcros,unlcvs l.cndcr pays pnrmwc�imerest un the Funds und upplicublc luw Pcrmits Lcndcr tc�mal;c nurh —
<br /> u ctuu•gc. Huwcvcr, Lender m�y rcqui��o ponowcr ta pay c+nno-timc ch�rge far un indcpendent reul estutc tnx rcpc�ning servicu
<br /> used by [.ender in cunnectiim with thix luun, unles� uppUritble law provides otherwiae. Unlets un ugreement iti a��tde or --
<br /> np�rl�cs�ble law rcNuires i�teres� to bc pnid, l.ender shall nnt bo rcyuirul tu pay Burm��•er any interest or earnin�s c�rn thc Funda. - --
<br /> B��rr���vor und l.endcr may n�;rce in wriUng. hc►wever,tR�t Interest shnii ho pnici on fio�ands. Lenci�r sh�i givc ta Enrmwer, _^
<br /> without churge. nn unnuul uccounting uf!ho Eunds, ahawing creditw ured deblts t��the 'f�unds and the puipnw far which euch
<br /> dcbit to thc Funds«ns madc.Thc Funds urc ple,�igvd ns ndditiunul sccuriry for ull sumv securcd by thiv Sccuriry Inytnimont. --.
<br /> if tfitG �utt�ficid by I.cnder c�ccccci tico mm�uni�perniiiic�#iv�i�ei�i t�y��s3�::ai��a�, �.,�:s;ctc;aha!!a�u�!tu 8arns�:�r
<br /> fUr thc cxccsn Funds in ucccu•dance with�ho requlrementR��f uppUcublc luw. If thc��mount��:'thc Pundn c�id hy l.cndar at any -
<br /> tinic 1�nut sufficicnt t��pay Qtc�srr�n�v Itcmy whco duo, [.endcr mi�y xo rtoNty Barrawcr in w�iting,und, in�uch casc Barro�vcr - -
<br /> r�hnll pay a�I.cndcr Ihc umuunt ncccssury ta muko up thc dcGcicncy. Boreowcr rhall makc up thc d�Acicncy in no marc thnn _
<br /> twclvc man�hly payments,ut l.cndcr'n sulc diccreN��n. '
<br /> Upon �ayment in fall nP ull sun�r sr.rar.txl by this Sccurhy lnsttumcnt, l.cndcr tihnQ promptly ntUnd ta Horrc►wcr nny
<br /> Fundx hald by l,encicr.If,under parngr,iph 2l, Lender shull acquirc or scU thc Property,l.ender.priur to�he acquis,iUan i�r r:ulo
<br /> oP tha Praperty.shall npply any Funds hcld by l.cndcr nt thc timc��f acquisition nr+ulc i�.y u credit u�;ninwt thc tiumx sc.�urcd by
<br /> thi5 Srcurfty I�strumcnt.
<br /> 3.Appllcutian af Pnyme��te. Untcrs iiF,plicublc law pravidcs athenvihc,all puyments rcccived b?�l.cnder under pa�agmphs
<br /> 1 and 2 xhnll be uppNcd: tirst, ta uny prepaymcm churges duc under tho Notu; accond,to ami�umv p1nyablo undcr paragraph 2;
<br /> third,tu Intcrcst duc:fi�urih,t�princlps�l due:t+nd luvt,ta iiny latc chargcs due under thu Nute.
<br /> 4.�hur(;cw; l.iens. Dnrr�wor shall puy all tuxes,usscssmentti.churges, fincq und impnsiticros aurlbutublc to 1he Prape��ty
<br /> which may attuin pric�rity avor lhiw Secudty Iostru��en►. und lu►schatd paymenty ur graund rents. it any. Borrawer ahall pay -
<br /> �hcsu ubligudons In thc munncr piuvidcd in parugrAph 2,ar if nat p;iid in that m,mner, Bnn•mvcr shnil pay them an time directly
<br /> to tt►o persnn��wcd p:�ymcnt. 8urr��wcr shail prc�mptiy fl�rnlah ta l.cndcr ull nc�titcs af Amaunte to br�paid undcr this parugruph,
<br /> If Hnrr��wcr makcs thcsc pnymonaA directly. Horrowcr shal!�rnmptiy Il�rnish t�I.cndcr receipt�cvidencin�tho paymcnte.
<br /> 4�arrawcr shull pramptly�:is.�hurgc uny licn which has pri��rity ovcr thi�;Sccurlty Insirument unless Barroa�c�: (iU u�racs in
<br /> w�itin�;to th�puynunt of thc uE�figaU�n securcd by thc licn in a manncr ucccntabla ta I.�ncicr;(b)contcsts in good faith thc licn
<br /> by. ��r dcfendti uguinst enforccmem c�f ihe licn in. Iegul prncccdings whirh in the l.cnder's upie�iun operute to prcvcnt the _ _
<br /> enforcemcnt�if the licn;or(r)ticcurcs from the I�older nf tt�a licn un Agreement sutixfuctory to L.en�rr subardinatin�the lien ta
<br /> this Sccurlty Instn�mcnt. If I.eatcler dcterminec that c+ny purt of tho Prapercy i�subJect ca a licn���hirh may uttain priarity avcr
<br /> thi9 Ses:urity Ins�rument, l.enctce m�y givo gorruwsr u notisc idcndfying thc licn. B��rrawer sh�ill sutlsfy thc Ilen or tlikc ane ar
<br /> mnrc�f thc acticros tict fimh nba�ti�e wlthin lq duyy nf thc giving of nodcc.
<br /> Fotm 5028 OI�Ja --_
<br /> Papo]010
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