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� <br /> : . <br /> —� � -`�.__ -- ---'._.__.. .. .. . . . _.._._.____ __.�_____._ . .__�.__.._.____ __W._... ......____. ,�._-. e __ .�_.." _ <br /> _ �.: - - - - <br /> � . •ria�:�ne�.. . : �. . . ., . , . . . , <br /> _�..- . ,. . . �" , � - <br /> _;�� � � , , - J� _ <br /> ., <br /> --. . . _ „ <br /> _ . ,. ; /.s'' . . .. . .. ,_—... ---- - - - ...---- :-� <br /> _� . . . _ --- — - <br /> - �.. ,�.. � . � , • <br /> i� . . n -�-�- -- � „ ' ' . - - . - ---- - ` —, —=-- --- <br /> i'— . d A . <br /> � � n �� n <br /> , c i'�, �� ! . 1;� , . . , � - ��:`'� � � <br />-�.� � . . .. . . ' ' ' ' . � � - . . . .� � . ' �. <br /> - .. , , . ,+� � - .. . . � •. . . . � '— <br /> S. . R , __'__ .-...' a'__'—..._—.__����—»�_—:.. . . ,.. ._.."" _' ' --_"'__'_'�__" —___—_'_—_--_._._.__, ... .. .._... �S_.. — • , .. �. <br /> __ .n" '. I . � . <br /> - __ . • , _ �R��°- �,l'1���� � .� t. <br /> �. ,�- 't���'['H�It V!/ITH a!1 tha isnpmvements no�v c+r hetcastil e�eted oa tRtc1 prope�tyo d uli e�accmex���uP��ute��au�3.and . �� <br /> � _ _ - , <br /> _�....�; __ �-. _� t�cturc�naw ar h.�cafftra a tpcut of thp(uap¢rty.AJI rcplc�Gtt��tts nnd ct�dlt�c�n,q sNtll eLSO bo covct��d by t!t!�Sc�usity It�strumcnL �: . .. = <br /> All of 1hq far��oing ls�rfcrt+cd to In this Sa:urity(ostrutnent an tRo"Piaperty," � � <br /> .�.� ..��. ..'��` .n� UURIiUWBR CnY�TANTS Itfnt Domawer is lawfulty scised af tha estnta hereby ronvayed and hav Iho dght tu grent nnd � ... ' . <br /> � - coavay tha Propeny and �tiat tho P�roperty 1s unoncumberod,oasept far e�ncambmnscs af��rd. t��rrc�we� �v�n�,y sn�i wiil � . <br /> ���'�"�=-"' � defend gcnomlty tho dtla ro tho Property agal��st Nl cluim9 and demnnds�suAkct to any encumbmnca�pf rocard, ! <br /> '� '"`"�'� 'I'FUS SSCIJRI'PY INS'iRUMEMf combines unifium oavenLnts far nutlanu! uso tutd nan•uniform cnve�um� wi� limited �� ` � � <br /> . :� . , . I . ' .. - <br /> . variattans by Jwisdlcdon to wnsdwto a unlfam�security in9�unumcnt covcring neu!prqperty, � , , <br /> � ; � U1Vi�ORM CO�►BNANTS.8orrower and l.enaer oovennt and c�rec�nv fallawp; � <br /> � ., 1.Payment of Frinctpal�Qd Intarestt 1'repuyment and lL�ts Churges. Borrower shnll pmmptly nay whon duo tho � <br /> Principal af and interest on thd dobl ovidartaod by No Noto ttnd ttny prepnymr,r�t ond lalw chsuges duo under tRo NoW. � ' <br /> ' , 3.H`unda tor Tw�es Artd Insurance. Sub}cxt w aypUcublu luw ar to � wrtttcn wnivor by Lender� Aasrnwer shall puy to � �� <br /> Lcndcr on tho d�y monthly paymonl�am dua undcr Iho Not�,until tho NaW la p�ld in f1�11,a�am("F1in�is")for.(n)yc�riy uua9 , ., � <br /> . � nnd ussessmcnts which may aunin prioxlty ovcr this Securlty Instntmcnt as u licn on tho Propertp;(b)ycurly ICnsehold paymcntv � � <br /> � � oi�raund rents on tho I'roperty,lf uny;(c)ye�uly hu•r.tud ar pmpe�ty iosura�tco premiums;(d)yearly Qaod inaumncci pn^aniums�if , <br /> any;(e)yc�arly mortgago insurunw prcmiuma.if rotiy;nn�(�uny sums RAynblo by Borrower to Lcndcr,in accardanco with tha � " <br /> p�vislor�y of pvngr,�h 8. in lleu of tha payment af mar�qagp insumnco premiuma Tlicso items uro cnilod "Bscrow [tem9" • <br /> • l.ender may.m uny timo.collect and hold Furtds in an amouns not to oaceod qio mweimum umount a Iender far t►fcdecNly re4u�c1 � <br /> __ � ,. mottgago loa�muy requira for pomowar's accrow account undcr 1ho fcdcral Rea!Bstnw SctUcmcnt Prnccdures Act of 19?�d� *- <br /> '� �� nmendod�'rom tima w dme. 12 U.S.C.Sccdon 2d01 et s�q. ("I�SPA").unless nriothcr law�hut nppltas to tho Funds sefa n tcx��er � ,:.. � <br /> � �� ampun� if so.i.endor any tlmo. callcct n�d hold FTUads in nn umount not ta oxceed tho lesser amoun� Lender mt�y � �'�r�L,;��'__ <br /> i ���, csdmato tho emaunt pf hunds duo oa th�bavia of cwrent d.zt�c►nd rcasonnblo actimntes of oxpenciiwres o�tluuro Bscmw Itcmv or � -: =-� <br /> , , ,:� othcaw�so in nccc,rdunco wlth npplicublo luw. � . '�'.. <br /> Tho Fund9 ahaU be held in an fastitutton whosc+depavit�nro insurcd by n fodcral agency,inswmentality,ar endry(lncluding � ^` �'�— <br /> •� �-� I.cndcr�lf'Lender is such an lnsdtudon)or in en Federal Home l.oan Bank. l.ender ahull a 1 Ihe Fands ro - �� - <br /> Y PP Y irtY tho Bscrow , ,'" <br /> ,� $- � � Items.[.ender muy eot chargo 9amawet for holding ttnd a�lying tho Funds,unnuatly anWyzing tho escraw t� vcrlfying � ' <br /> t ' �,.:.,: . °. 3 ttus 8scrow Itcans,unless Lc:nder paya Bairower intceest on tho Funds artd uppitcablc law permits Lcnder to maice euch a char�a '_�� <br /> •" • �� ' � Howaver.Lendcr may requiro Horrower to puy a one-time chsirgo far aa indeperedent real csmto wc reporting rervico nsed hp � � �;'�` ' <br /> . : , ��. ' , <br /> .° ` , Lander in wnnecdon with this loAn�i�ntesv applicubto taw provides othenvlso. Unlass an agre�ment(a mado or t�Dllcable��i�1 .�._ �. .____ _ <br /> � ,;� ,. ;,' requirww lnttravt W bo pald.I.cndcr shutl not ba rcquimt�to p.�y Barrawer any interest or�imings on tho Furtds.Bormwrar t�n� F ' ,-"� <br /> , _r',:;::�'�. �. �� <br /> ,;,;:.:.:•,. l end�r muy agrcc+in writing.howcvcr�ihat intarast s,ha?9 b�paid a�tha Funds.Lendt�shail give to 8orrowcr,n i�Pub�u!chur� �;�, , <br /> '�t;;�' � �nnual a�cow�dn Of QtD fr'�Dl�S9,ISItOWIfI credlts und�',�s to tha Funds and tha �'`,� ,=� <br /> 8 8 pu�nc�far whiGh c�ch dcbii Ro 2ho Flindv was ,,a �_.,_,.- <br /> ,xi�a.�,,��, '_�__:: m¢�do.itto�Ottdv�o pIacfi�e�aa additionai scutiry[at an sums secured ey ws securis�Insnume�. � �:�r�i, - <br /> ' , If tlro FUnds hald by Lender ozceed tRa�+mmounts permitted to bo hold by applicublo Inw�Londe.r shall accaunt ta Hom�wer for �"� <br /> tho wccASV Fluids in uccardnnrA wlth tha r��aircmenta of uppUcnbla taw.If tha tunaunt of the Funds hold by L,cndcr at any timo is �` '4� <br /> •''' .� , not sufflcient to pny tho Rscmw�tema when dua,Lcndcr mny sn nntify 8orrawcr in wrlting,nnd,in such casc+Hor�owcr at�all pay t " � � <br /> ' � + W Londer tho amount necessery to msilcca up tha do�ctency. Bprmwer shull muko up tho deficioncy in no moro tlum twolvo � �'��._-R.;,�- <br /> � mont�ly pay� Landcr's solo dlscrotion. ,74 <br /> � , Upon puyment In fuU af tUl sums secuTed by this Sccurity Insuument,l.endor shNl prompUy rcfund to Boreawor any Funda .�::'=: <br /> �,'�• .• ''� � hold by l.endttr.If,under puragrnph 21.I cndcr ehall ncquiro ar soll tho Praperty.L.onder.priar W 1ho ucquistdon or salo of 4h� ' . :'��`� <br /> ` Preperty.FhnU apply uny Funds hvld by l.endcr at tho�imo aP acquisldon or salo as A caedit u ainat tho sums secured b �h3s � , ���.',,; <br /> ' .�� 8 � ,. '�•_. . <br /> .. SoLVUlty Instrumant. :�� :��r•:�, <br /> ' 9.A licatbn ot Pa ments Unta�.9 a licublo ta�� rovldes othcrwisc+ aU �:;�,` '�� <br /> pp y . pp p s , p�rncnt�recoivcd by l.�i�dcr undcr p�r�h,v ' .,±�°!�� <br /> . � 1 nnd 2 shall be anplied: Msb ta any pre�s�,yment chsuges duo under thc No:e;sc�cond,ta wnaunta puyablo under pAragrap�i'; �;�,r ;y�,,,' <br /> .,}' �,�ti�.,�,T� <br /> � � , :;�;���c�t third�ta intcrest due;fourth,to prlrtcipal dan;8nd lugt�w any laW chtugcs duo undcr¢Ao Nou+. , ' ,�,•,,;,r:`.,;..... � <br /> � ' ' . 4.CdArgeat l.lenA. Horrowcr ahnll pny ull taue,a.K,�cessmont�,chnr�ca, flne.v tuid ImpasiclonA atMbutable W!ho Property ��'•`�'�;;```'�'_y,���_ <br /> ""'`�� � � which mn attain riari avcr this Sccurl Instrumcns,mnd leaschald a mcnt�ar �� '`��'�� � <br /> �r .•'.`. . Y P �Y �Y p Y �ound rent�.1F any.Harrowcr RhuU pAy thcso <br /> ,,:� �1., � • , <br /> �- .�t.- adligationa in tho manner provided io pamgmph 2�ox in not paid!n that manncr�Sarrower shall pay them an timo dlrecdy to tho ��. :�'ti, � <br /> ����' �� ' , porson awed paymenl. Har�ower ahaU promptly fumish ta I.cndcr a13 nadccs af umaants to bo paid undcr this paragroph. If �:,;;:. ' <br /> >,���` • Barrowcr mukus thesa payments dircctly,Horrower ahali Qrampily fur��cTr tU l.ender rc�ccolpts avidencing tho paymentv. � . <br />-��;::;��i, � �' Baaawer shaU prompily dlschtuao any UCn which��s pdorlty aver this Sec��y lnatr�unent unle�s Hor,r�»»r: (a)ogrccs in <br /> !' ��'`' t'� � �� �vrldng to iho payment af tho abli�utlon secured by the C��in n munner accepwr7a cm i.endcr,(b)contests in��r��faith the Iten <br /> .�;,., <br /> � �� �'�� � ' by, or defends ugainst cnfarcement of tho Ilen in, lcgal proceedinga which in thc Lw�des's opinian oparaco to provent tho ���,�' <br /> cnforccmcnt of tho licn;or(c)secur�,w from�ho holdor of tho Qcn an agreamant xatisfuctary to L,c�ndcr su6ordlnuting tho Ucn to p� � ���;��;'� <br /> - ' thia Securlty Instrumen�If Lcrtder dnterm+nes 11tat any psirrt of tho Praperty is aubJect to a Uvn w�:�may attain prioriry aver�.ia l �,'�.',�`;t,::���' <br /> ...:._ ..., �.. <br /> � ' Securlt}r Inswment,I.ender msy givo Harrower a natice identlf'ying tha licn.Borroa•cr ahatl satlsfy tho tien or t�ke ono ar mora ',, � . ' ,'. . <br /> . _. � :� .. <br /> :: .,. � .....,__._�_ �—_-._.- <br /> — � - of tha ncdona set fonh above witfiin i0 daya of�ho glvtng of notieo. ;::^�"�'�•,- <br /> ,. �: Form30IIe O/o0 ��������� <br /> , . ' �-eR(NE)toa�el oaoaamo Init�aq: <br /> Y � � <br /> .��. � � I <br /> •� :r°�'� •' ' � <br /> �. � ' ` . _• _"' .. .. . �_ _......_ ........�. �.... .. .. .•.._.. •�,.�-. _.. _......_._'_� �����._�.-�� �.�.-_.... ._..... _ ..- .. <br /> ! _ • ` . . . . � ' 11 ' ... 1 . <br /> � .. . .. - ' - , ' ' , . . .. � .. . <br /> r. '�7, . � , . <br /> .t4 ti, •Ar�. ' .r � � � r � , '. ' . ' '' ..�, � „ '. r . <br /> '.�. 9• , <br /> ,'�r •�.�4r.,���''/� . . ( - . � n , '- . . . ' . . <br /> Q., � � .. �L� � � .. _ ._ � .. . .. , . . <br /> T� •'� , ? .- . . . � � .. � . . - <br /> �;. . . ' . - � � - . . � , ' . . - . - . <br /> • .. <br /> . ._, <br /> �_�6 . . . " .. . ' . - _ . � . . <br /> �„ :�. .i- ..� - ... 1/ .�. .� � �. : , _. . . _. . .. _ ___..___ _'�_�'�__� -__ �'�._. _-_�_._� _...__ . . ._. ..__..__._. <br />