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<br /> t?�t!lc;xt+le tuw��u►y �v.lfy far t�l�stal�a�ent)bufnra sate of thc HnP�Y P�uunt to nny pn1�r _ �cl iu�hi9 _r
<br /> ----- - = ' �l`CUilly IR9WI11Ci11;or lb)cc�try uf u Judgmrnt c�dinYing thiy Sccuri�y�nsirument. 7'hasc cundid��m c�rc thut Borrc►�vice; (n) '
<br /> '�__"___��_� puys l.cnder nll rum9 �vhirh U!�n we�uid hu �iuu under thiy Security Instamenf unQ 1hc N�rie i�.y if na cu:coteratian flud ` •
<br /> _ -_ --------Yy occurrcd;(h)�ureo any defnult nf nny nther cavennnis ur agcceme�Gv;(c)puyH ull oxpenses incur�rd In cnPaming Ihiy Sccurlty
<br /> - -= lnstnintcnt, including, but nut limitcd tc�. re�.sanublc uttamcyy't'uev; nnd(d1 tukcs tiuch uctton ay l.cndcr mny rcasonuhly '�.�
<br /> ��" reclufro tu ussuto lhut thc licn uf this Secudty Insirunteut,Lender�►d�htg in�he Pni��eny nnd Hurc�nvcr��►bll�nti�n to pi�y thc
<br /> �=� Hums secumd hy thia Security inHtnm�ent shall cuntlnue unchun4rd. Upun rein�tutenunt by Horru�vee, this Scrurity .
<br /> - '_--= Instnimcnt nnd tho abll�aHnnS sccurcd hon�hy ehnll remai�fuUy effcrNvc av if ni�aercicmNnn had�cusrcd. Il�wovcr.�hiv �
<br /> F,�r;„�= ? ri�ht to rcinstutc shi�ll nut upply in thc c�.cc of accctcrutian under pafn�;rnph 17.
<br /> 19. Salo of Notoi Ch�nge o!l.ana Servlcec Tho Nuto ar a�lrtiul intcm�:t in tha Nutc(tagcthcr witb this Scrurity
<br /> ` Inst�wnent>nu►y be nn�d nne ur nture ilmea�wittJuu�prlar nutice tu Rarrawcr. A sule amy resuit in i�chungu in the enUry ' .
<br /> -- (knawn nv tha"L.oan Scrviror"SthpOco�lccis,•�tnl�1llg��ayrucnth duc undcr tho Naco iuid ihi�Secu�iry Inytrumont, 7'hcra alsn °^
<br /> mny ta�nc or mrne cht�nges cif th�i..�q��!!(�S»p�N1ultKed td u sulo of tlw Notc. If there in u chwigc��f thc l.oun Scrvicer, 'g'��
<br /> Hurrowcr�vill hc givco�vdttcq���ot oo•ai't o chan gc in aceardunco with pa�agra ph 1�3 abc►vv und u p plicahlc IA�v. The nudcti ., u
<br /> will stnro the name und uddres�of the new Loun Scrvicer und tho addmss to wliirh paymenGc tihould bo mudo. The nnliac wiU .tM -�
<br /> nfso cuntnin any athcr infarmntlan rcquircd by npplicnblc low.
<br /> 20. Has,ardou.v l5ubstanc�. Bc�rnnvcr shall not ci�use�r pc►mtt thc prcscncc,utie,dispostd.staru�o,nr relci�.tie uf nny Y
<br /> Hnxurdous 5ubstnnres an ur i�the Prapeny. earro�vex xhiill not da,nor ullow c�nyo�o olFa tn do, unything nff'ecUn�th� �,,�
<br /> Praperty that ia in vii�lndan�aP nny�invinmmentul l.uw. Tho preceding two Fentences shall nut npply ta tho pr+esencc,use,a�
<br /> sturago on tho E'�nperty uf small quantiUcs nf Ha�utrlous Subctances thnt nrc gencrally recoBnizcd to bc nppraprintc to natmtd t�. _
<br /> �' residentiul uses nnd to mnintennnce of tho Praperty. ' �`
<br /> Hono�vcr shull prumptly�lve l.ender�vritten nnlico of uny invesdgutinn,cluim,demand�luwsuit or other actlon by iuw ., '
<br /> Eovcmnkntni or m�ulntory agency ar pdvnte pnrry invnlvi�g thc Pmperty und any Haznrdaus Substance or knviranmsnta�
<br /> Lnw uf which Borro�ver has actual knowledgo. If Hurcower lcurnti, ur is natifted by uny govemmcatul ar regulataa� � '
<br /> - uuthoritv.thut uny ocmavnl��r ather�mediudan af uny Hnuirdaus Su:�stance uffecdng the Prupeny iy necessnry.Rorm�tiz�r ;t'�'
<br /> -_ - shNl promptly t�ko ull necessury remectiul uctionq in i►ccordunce with Einvlmnmcntnl I.mv, _.,�
<br /> - -- As uscd in thiw paragtuph 2(l."Hw�trdaas Subtitnnccs"are thoxe tiubstt�ncea de�ned av toxic ar hur.artlauy subsinnces by
<br /> Environmcnu�l Li�w und tho fallowin�substAncco: gasolino, kcroscnc,athcr flummnblo or taxic petrnleum product�, toxic
<br /> ' -= pesUcides and herbicidev. voSutile solvents, muterials contuini»g u4bestns or farmutdehydo, and rndiauctivo materl�ls. As
<br />` �'�� used in this pan�ruph 20,"Environmentul Law"mci+n.r•Fedeml luwx und laws af the Jurisdicti�n whcrv the}'roperty ia h�:ated
<br /> ,r - ------- thnt rciflto Io hcnith,snfcty or cmironmental pratcction.
<br /> N�N-l�I�!lFC�RM CC�Y�lANTS. 4�rcQwct and Lcncler ft�thcr caY�sst and agree as€c�!laws:
<br /> �i�4�N 21. Arccleration�Remedtes. I.ender shnll�Ive notice to Borrawer prtar to ttccclerutlan Pollo�v���urt�ower•s
<br /> ` � breach a!�ny cavenunt ur aqfrcmcnt in thts Secu�ity In.4lrument(but rtat prtor to�tccelcrntian under�ar�pRepp�1T
<br /> ---_______� unlesv a�pllcable!�w provtdes oiherwlce). The�totice xhall epecif'y� (u1 the dei'AU1t;Ib)tho actlon rec�uim�l to cur�a�r
<br /> ------ c�tci�i�;Zci n�#iiie�rioi ks�tiiwa 3ii d�}a irnrri�o dnic i1�o nvii�v i�gircn io oormwer�fry rnicit tite mciaui�muso�m
<br /> cueed;und(d)that IAiluro ta cun the detault on or beiom tRe dato epeciiltd�n tho noticQ may resul!in nccclerptlon o! [
<br />�i��1'��.� the eum9 sccurc�cl by this 5ccutt/y Ingtrument nnd onle af ihe Yroperty. Tl�o natico xhWl iUtther inTorm Borrower uf
<br /> - ___ _____ tho rtght tu reinstate uftee ncccleratlon wid tho rlght to bring a t:ourt ncllon ta u�.4eM the nan-existenee ato dePuult or
<br /> __-
<br />