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<br /> '1Y141L•"Ctil�-tt�V1TH n11 thc tmp�vement9 nfl�v or h�r�++lt�erntect 4u��Fro prc�rrty,nnct all cutic , 6�tccs�
<br /> �n��Fixtun�*-Q aaw nn c�rcailer n pan af'thn pmFcrty. All t�pluc�n�rnt9�m�!�ut�liti��n�ytu+ll ptsu ho cuvcrcd by thir S��curity
<br /> Instnuucnt. All of tho fiircanin�Is retcmd tn in thiy 5ccurlty Instnimcnt us tho"I'r�prny."
<br /> Dq�tRO\11F.R COVENANTS thnt (�amnvrer is in�vllilly ccised�i the e5tnro hcrchy�unvcycd uud hn�;�he Rgfit u�gnnt -
<br /> e�ad coiivcy�he Propeny nnd thiit�he Piuperiy 1�unencumbcrcd,oxcrp�f�r encumbmnccv ai raonl. Harmwcr�r•ciRCUns«nd .
<br /> wlll defend beneralty tho Ntlo to tns 1'r�perty agninst a11 clnims nad c4emnnds,�;ub��ct to e��y encumhmneey�►f recurd.
<br /> THIS SE?GURiTY INCTRUMENT rombinr� unifonn �v�venants far nati�nal u�o und non•unifi+rm cuvenantv witb
<br /> lin�itcd vnriutions by jud�cticdon t��cimtititutc a unifum�sccudty fnstrumcnt cuvcring►�cul prupc�ty.
<br /> UNI6�RM COV�'NANTS. Burrnwcr and Lendcr rnven.�►nt nnd agtrc ag f�U�►�vs:
<br /> t. P�y�ucnt o!Princlpal and I�tcrcsl;Prepaym�nt and I.ate(:hue�es. Banowcr shail pmmpUy pay when duc thc _.
<br /> principa1 uf n►�d iatcrcst nn the dsbt cvidencecf by tho Note and nny prepayment ared inte churgrs due unde�the Note. --_,
<br /> a, Hltnds for 7�xes ond Insuranrn SubJc��t ta Applicabl�low ar to a writtcn wnivcr by l.cnder,8arra�vcr ghnll pay to ��`�'�`
<br /> [.ender on thr.duy man�Aly paymcnts iuc due undes thc NMe,unql thc Nate ia pnid in full,n c:um("flmdy')fur:(u)yc.�rly
<br /> taxe�nnd a�scssments�vhich rtwy nttuln priwity aver thiA Sccu�ity Insaument a�a►tco on the 1'�perty:(b)xcariy teasehaid
<br /> payments or graund rcnty an thc Propcay. iP ciny; lc) ycarly htw�►cd ar prapCriy in:umnco pmmium9; (dl ycsr�y flaod -
<br /> lnsumnc� premium9, if nny; (c) vcarly ma�giigc insumnc�premiumx, ii'uny; iutd (f1 uny sum.g payahlc by Bam►wcr t�� �``�
<br /> I.�nd+:r,lr�uccordi►ncc with thc pn►visianv of p,�mph R,in lieu of thc Qaymcnt af moa�ngo insurancc pmmlumr. '1'hcsc � �`,�
<br /> iu:ms nre cniled"Bsc[o�v Rems." Lender may,i�t uny time,cullect iuid holJ�ndw 1n an umount nnt ta exceed the mnximum �: ,
<br /> amount u tcnder for n fedcrully r�elatc�ci mnrt�agc laan muy ccyuire fo� 8orrnwer�escmw accaunt undcr t he f c d era l Re�l
<br /> 8statc SctUcment Praccduttiw Act of 1074 as nmendcd Orm timo Ia time, !2 U.S.C.§26111 et sen�.("�tESPA"),unlrs�tmathcr ___
<br /> Inw that npplies to thc FLrtd4 sctR o Icsser umount. Ii sa,t.ende�moy�nt uny time.cof lect wnd hold�nds in;tn amount not la �4--
<br /> oxcced tisc lesscr amount. [.cndcr may cstimatc the amaunt of�nds due on thc hasis a!carrcnt ciata nnd reasunabie �-_��
<br /> esdmutes of expenditurc�af futuro�scr�w Items or otT�envise in nccardance with npplicable Imv. __�
<br /> 'iho [7und� Fhafl bc hald in nn institution whosc de�msitc nre insurcd by i►fedcral agcacy. i�cRa�imcntatity.ar cntiry __
<br /> (lncluding�.endcr.if Lemlcr is ruch a�institutior�l or in uny 1�cdernl Hamc Laan Bwik. l.ender shall:�ply Ihe F1►uds tu}tny =�---
<br /> the Fscn�w Icemv. L.cndc�may nat chargc Burcawcr far holding .�nd applying thc Fua�ds, annuuiiy anatycing thc cscrow ___
<br /> accaunt,ar vcritvin� thc Escrow Itcros, unlcsg l.cnder pays Barrowcr I�tcrest on thr Fl►nd� cind applicubtc la�v permits
<br /> L,cndcr ta muke such u charge. Hawcvcr,Lender may myuim Hnrrn�vcr ta p:�y u onc•time chatgc far an indepemL�ent renl
<br /> cstatc t:ix re[x�nln��crvlcc uscd by Lendcr in rnnnectian with this lcv�►n,unlesy�pplicablc law pravI�lcr�othenvisc. llnlcss tua
<br /> og�ecment is mnd.-ar applicable 1:►w requlres intcrext 1c�b:paid.I.ender�h:�ll aot ho rcquim�i ti�pay H��nrnver nny intet�e.st or
<br /> enmin s an the FLndsi. 8nrm�ver urtd l.cndcr mny agree in writi�g,hu��'c.vcr,thnt interest shaU bc paid on the FLndv. I.ender
<br /> sh�ll���n to Bomnwcr,wilhout c6tuce.an annual iuraunting nf'thc P�nds,shmvin�.cna�its and dcbl�v to tAc Fltnds and thc �--
<br /> pu�pc►so far which esch dcbit to tho Fl�ndv wati madc. Thc FLnds nro plcdgcd u�ad�'li;i�n:�sccur�ty�ar uii�,ums��umd by
<br /> this Security Instn�mcnt.
<br /> If thc Fbndv hcld by Lender cxc��cd the umaunts permitted to hc hcid hy i���"_i�,�Dle luw. Lc��Jer shntl necnunt ta
<br /> �far 2!�r�s.�:.f'1s�sl.:3R s�xussl�^L'�1!!z!�req!�Qm!`n!c n(t►.�+Iicahle lau. Uf�he tutwu�l snf thn�'unds ficld bY
<br /> Lendcr nt nny timo is n�t�uflicicnt tn pay ti�E.icc�nv Iteim�vhcn ctue. Lcadcr ma3 aa nvtit'y Bormu�er in tis�riiissg,unil,�n ---
<br /> such ca�c �i�rca�vcr c;huil pay to 4endcr thc nmaunt ncresu►ry to makc up thc dc4aciency. Barrowcr qhall m:tke up the
<br /> dc�ctcncy in nn monc than hvclvc manthly payments,at L.cndcrb sc�lc discrctian.
<br /> Upan paymcnt io full uf ai! +umc nccured by this Secuaty Intitrument. Lendcr shall pmmptly rcfund to 8o�rc��ver uny �� -_
<br /> E�n�y hcld by l.cnckr. li,undcr paro�mph 21,l.codr.r�hall acquirc or ne0 thc Prupcny,l,cndcr,prlor to th.,acyuisidan�r �
<br /> satc of'thc Pm}���, s.hal�ppply any hl�nd. hcld by Lcndcr iu thc limc of cicauisiti�n or,;alo as u crcdit agulnst thc sums
<br /> �;ecured by thix S�:uti�ty I�tiuumcnt.
<br /> 3. ApplkAtMn af i'�yntetttsti. Unics.r• uppllcablo law pmvides athcrwise, nll puymenty receivod by L.ender undcr --
<br /> paragmphs I c�nd 2�hall Me applicd:fic�t,ta uny prcpayment ch:ugcy due undee the Nnie;sccand,to nmauntq pn�a�«uadcr
<br /> paro�mph 2;third.t�intcrost dao;founh,to principa!duo:cu►d last,ta any IAtc churgc�dur undcr thc Notc.
<br /> 4. Clwrgcs; !.lenv. Borrawcr shall pay all taxe�, c�.cscssmenu+. charges, fines nnd im�s�,t���:�v atuibL:a�?a: to thc
<br /> pmperty�vhich may uttain p�lariry avcr this Securiry Intitrument,und leaschald p.rymints or gmv����st:�,if nny. �3urmwcr
<br /> shall pay thcsc nbllgaUona i�the manncr providcd in parugraph 2,ar iP not p:dd in that t�anncr.Har.�.�a�cr shall��:�r.hcm an _
<br /> dme direcUy to the per�nn aweJ paymcnt. sarmwcr sha11 pmmptly fumish te►iw:ndcr�i!:c�otices of amauntA to b�:p,r:i�undcr
<br /> this��raph. IF Honower m:►I;es fhesc payments dircctly,Bnrmwcr shnil promptiy t�xrni,h w l.ender receipt�v r�+de�cing _- -
<br /> thc payments.;
<br /> llotra�ver shall promptly dischnrge nny 8cn whlch hav priariry i�vrr�fils Secutiry inst�mcnt unlcss�orrawcr.(o)agrcas
<br /> io w�lUng ta the payment af the obligatiun secured by the lien in a munnrs aceeptable to L.emter,(b)contest�in gaad faith Ihe
<br /> lien by.ur Qefends agalnst cnforccmcnt of the licn in.legul pr�ccedinga which in thc Lendcr's op9nian aperntc ta pceven!the __
<br /> enfarcement af the licn;or(c►scru�s fiom tho holdcr af lho Hcn un ugrcament ratisfac�ory ta L.endzr�ubardinaCk,.g thc lien —_
<br /> to this Security[nstrtirnem. If L.endcr detemdnes that nny pnri oi'the Pmperty is suhject to u lien which m:►y ut�nn priodty --
<br /> avct this Sccurlty Instn�mcnt.Lcnder may givc satrawcr u rtotico idcndfying thc licn. 8orrowcr shall sutiAi'y the lien ar tnke __
<br /> anc ar mc�rc af thc uctianw tict forth nbovo within lU duys af thc SivinII af nuticc.
<br /> S, a[atard or Properiy[n�urs�a�r. �omowcr r+hall kce:p thc improvcmcnis aaw oxisUng on c�rcaftcr crectcd an thc � _
<br /> P+mpeny insurcd agninst lass by firc,hazurds irtcludcd within the tenn"cxtcnded coverage"nnd any�ther hA•runts,iacluding =_
<br /> floods or floading, for whlch Lendcr requi�es insurnnce. 'Ihis insurancc shul! bc m;antniaed in the umaunt� �d for the �
<br /> • Form 3028 9l90 1 paxe 2 0,(6 pugca) - _
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