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<br /> r �c-ti `F�l'��'� .i� � .�."'.!1lvt�k_:_ .p.._. Y� �`�-.•.as �'� _ .
<br /> ����reil�l�it�t��ic�� +���� r�,�t ��� �' � ���,�r � � .. .�—�
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<br /> ._._ ._ r _ ��..,_....._.�a�....� _-.._....r�a _._ ---
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<br /> .., . . �.�m„�a --�..�.....�_��.�_�<'.e1 •-�,z:.._.._.,,. ,�.,:m,��.,.,,�r:._ . _
<br /> ._ __..�.,�._�-�� _.�_ .-, ..,�� ��w - ,.__...__.�--- ___._
<br /> ��_�.._.�.�.�.T--�.�.._.....�..____..
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<br /> s —
<br /> t ' �.t:�,�►'d'� �--
<br /> ° ��,�d��yi��ss, 9fio ii�vuw.u�cc ca�slcr{�ravidln�t�d`ii�5umncc nhall bu ch,t�,� l�unu�ver e+ubJe.�:t t��Lcnderl� `
<br /> npg�cuval whtch�f�a11 u•�t tx�u�lrcasanab1y tvithhelJ. i[Botsawcr ftiitv Nj mai�uin rot►erARtt�b����,�;����y� -
<br /> Lcndcrw u�i�►cin,uhtnin cnvcMRo tu protcr.t l.c�dcr�dahtv in tho Fiu�rty ir ncrcmt�.mca�:ith nr:� �t 7• __-
<br /> Aii ii15ATAF.te pali�t�tiitti-#PcAzw�ls aha13!�:sca��e to Le��r an�l uhall Ust�e�l�:n st�ttdctrA mwtgp5o clnusc. Lendur =
<br /> shnil i�uvc tha ri�;ht to hnld the pnllcics nnd renow�ta. Ii l.cndor rcyuiMy�F1o�rQwer shall prom}�tly ptve tu i.ender�il�i�ccipty __
<br /> of patil premium�nnd re�x�vni aottces, lu Iho t+vcnt af tdss,Hur�ncver ahnU give�rompt nutice tu tii�in���rnnco currier and
<br /> �,endcr. [.�cndcr muy mnka prouf uf Iny4 if nc►t madc prampily by i�armtvcr.
<br /> Untcss 4cadc�c+nd Bortuwcr athcr�vlso nprcu in writing,imjur&�uc ptc►rccds xhull ho a�plicd w rerturlti�m ur rcpair��f r
<br /> tlto prc�ccty dunngcd, if tha re�tarnttun ur rePai� Ip cc�nunilcally fenvlhla und l.endcrh �eci�nity ts nut Ie�vened. IP tho
<br /> msh+ratioi���r n�pair is nat ca��mm�irnlly f'cnvtblc c�r l.cndcet�hcca�ity wauld Iw lc��Cned, the Msurnnco pmcceds niinll t�c _
<br /> apNlicd tu �hc 6umq sccurcd hy this ��curhy In��tn��iicut, �vhcthcr ur na� Ihcn�lu�, wlth a11y CxCCaV �1nid hr I3uffuWCf. if _
<br /> i3�nm,wrr��Qranduny tt�c 1�u�x�ny.nr d�xw nut un�,�vc�wi�hln it►duyN ��notfra fr��m 4cndcr thi►t Iho inauranco cnrricr hny —
<br /> ofPercd sa ha��le n cinlm,then l.cndcr m�y collcct�hc In�urnnco pnx:ccdv. LGttt�C�I11Gy U5C ihQ[1ltKCCQY lU[CpO�f Oi fC91000
<br /> tha Nrii{�cny�r tu pay�ums�ccurcd hy thi.�Secu�ity Instn►ment,�vhciher�ir not thcn duo. '11io:�ti��oy�erlixl will he8in�vhen
<br /> Iho naticc is ivcn. -
<br /> Unlesy�cndcr und Bnm►wcr oihcnvlso ng�cc in�vridnp, any appliciuim�nf prarceda ta principal shall nat extend o: _
<br /> pusip�no tho duc d�Ua uY thu monthly pnyment9 rcfermd tn in parng�uphs t und 2 ar ri►nnge thc amaunt uf�ho p�ymcntn. If
<br /> uadcr�ara�raph 21 iho Pm��ersy is acquircd by l.onder, Harrowerk right to any insurance{x�ficics nnd prncecdw n:suldn�
<br /> fcom damaAe tu the Prape�ty prlur ta the ncq�dRiNan r+hnll pass p�L.ender ta thp extent af the sumy::eaurcd by this Secu�iry
<br /> in�In�ment(mmediatcly prior tu tho�cnuisition.
<br /> 6. Occugwrtsy. L'reservAtinn� Muintenanca aad Protectlu� oi the Propc�tyi Dorrowc�'s l.oAn Appllcatian:
<br /> I.easeholda. Qarmwer shall occupy,cstabUr�h,And use tho Propchy aA Borrowerb principnl a�idence within eixty 6ayv afte� _
<br /> tho�xecutinn ui'thlx Securily Instroment and shall cantinuu to�ccupy tha PropettY ay Born�w���Frincip:il residCnco for nt
<br /> lea.gt ano yenr ut�er tiw date of ac�upancy, unlesq l.endor athcnvise A$fiC�9 in writing, which cunssnt Rhall nat be __
<br /> unro�.sona6ly withheld,or unle�s ex�cuuuHn�circumstnncey exist whfch nre bcyand Borro�very contral. Bormwcr ehnit not _
<br /> dcstray.dnma�o or impair th�Pc�{s�.rty t1IIt1W IFtC PI'0})Cfly t0(ICtCI'IUfAIO,or commil wngto on tho Piroperty. Narra�vcr uhail _.
<br /> be in defuult if c+ny fuifuitura actian or pr+�ceeding,whether civil or edminal.is bogun thnt in�.ender!�gcwd fi+ieh Jud�mant '
<br /> cauld cesult in furfeiture of Ihe Property ar athcnviso mntcriuUy impuir lho Ucn crented by ihiA Security Instrument ar _
<br /> 4enderl;sec udty intorest. Barrawcr mny cure aueh a defauit nnd n;inxtuto.c�providcd in�nmg►aph !S,by causinII th�uction _
<br /> or prt�cecding to ba dit�missedi with n naling thnt,in l.endcrk gaoci falth dete�minatian,precludev farfciture of the BotTawcrl�
<br /> intcrest in tho Pimpeny or athcr muteriul lmp�irtnent of tha licn crented by tnis Sccurity lnswment or Lender4 security
<br /> interest. Barrowor Hhall niso be in dofat+lt if &�rrowcr, during the InAn application pta:�sa. gnve ntatcrittlly fniso or
<br /> Lwcc�rutQ infQtmntion or statemcntv ta I.cnder(or fnilcd tu pruvide Lendcr with�my mute�ial in.fannutionl io Fannccdon with _._
<br /> tho lam� evidenccd by the Natc, lnctudin�, t+at not iimiteci ta, entaria�ss ctux��S '�atT��� �up�n�y °f the -
<br /> 1'�roper4y as a prineipal n 9ldence. If thie+Security Instrument iti an n eusehnld,�orrower shall camply tivieh oU the pravlsians
<br /> uf the lea�o. [f Snemwet acyuiccs fce title ta the l�.+�iaxrty,the len.schold und thc feo title shuil nat mes�e uS�Ea�+l,cndcr ngrees _
<br /> ia s3�sn�r'�s!ss Wr�'� •
<br /> 7. Rroietiton af t�eadrr'�ltigAl.9 In the �'n�peMy, If Hormwer fulis tp perfrnm iiro covcna+ii� ait3 a t c�t� _
<br /> cantoinod in thir+ Seeudty"In9trument, �r there iy o� iegal proceedin�thut may aignificnntly offect Lender� ci� t� the
<br /> Property(such uy a pcc�ccedin�t in bankruptcy.probate.far condemnation or fnrfe�tura ar to enfarce InwR or ce�ulatians),then
<br /> L.cndcr may da cu�d�:� fnr whatevcr is ncccssc�ry to pmtect the vuluo of the Pmperty and Lendor y�ights;in tho F'raperty. _
<br /> l.citderk noduns mny includu pnyinF any sums sacnrcd by i►lien which hay pri►ttity avcr this Sccurity Inslniment.nppcaring _
<br /> in caun,p�►ying rcaranahlo uttumeys'fees and cntcdna an�hd Prapony ta mnke repuira. Althaush Lcndn�may tnke actian __
<br /> under this pamgrc�ph 7,Lcndcr dcea nat havu ta du so. -
<br /> Any umaunts dizibuned by l,encicr uncier thi�psuuSraph 7 sha11 t+ecomc additlnnAl dcbt af Barrower secured by this _
<br /> date af diaburxcmcnt nt thc Na op tit X nnd�hul�fic puyublo,1with int re tpu��n natico�f m�l.endcr�to Sanawer cyuc ing
<br /> W.
<br /> p�yment.
<br /> 8. Martgugo Ineuruncc. 9#'3.cndor rc9uired marigngc ln�uranco av n c�mditian of mnking thc tonn sccurcd by th d _
<br /> Security In+trumcnt,�onawer shnll p:►y tho pmmiums requarecl to maintain the mortgu�o inaurunco in offect. If, fo�nny
<br /> reusan, thfl martnAge Insurnnco cavcrnge rcquircd by l.endar lapses or ceusex [a bc in effect. 8orrawer shult pny tho
<br /> prcmluma required �u uMain cavorngo �ub.r•tnmdnlly cqulvalent to thc mortgugo insumnco proviausly in oifect, ut u cost _
<br /> substnnNc►liy cyuivi�lcnt to thc cost ta 8orruw�r aT�hc martgA&e in�uruncc prcviauFly in effect,irom aa�ltcmuto mrntAngo
<br /> inAUrer nppruved by l.,cnder. lf substnnNnUy ec�uivnlent morlgugo inauruncc covcrn�o is nat uvuilUble,Oc�r�mwer r+hull pay ta _
<br /> Lender cnch manth a xum cquul to ane-tweiflh af the yca�ly mongngo insurunce premium bcing paid by 9arra�ver whon tho _
<br /> insuranco coverage Icipsed ar ceused to ba in offect. I.ender�vili accept,use nnd retnin theso p:►yments us a lasy reservo in Iteu _
<br /> aP mangaga inaumncc. La�v rescrvo paymentw may na lungcr bo rcquircd,Al lI1C OplIOD pf LCnaCG iP mongugo inauranco __.
<br /> cmemgo(In tho nmoant and for thoperiad thpt d:andcr requires)pravided by un insurer approved by Lr:�dar agam becomas �
<br /> los iln�bia`vcauntil tho mquAiremcnt for ma�rt;a��n°uranco end in n carduncoAiwith any�wriucnra�rcem n��hctweeo Samawcr r
<br /> ��nd[.un�icr ar appHcablc luw. �'
<br /> 9. lnspectlon. L.endcr ar ite agenl mn��mako nensonublo cntries upon und inspectlans of thc i'ro}�erty. L.endor shaU d
<br />-- 8�4� 1Q C�ndemeautlon.e.�I7iu�pm�oce�of anv.nwSa�n!nr clai�n�for dumnge.9 di�sct n�ont�cquont ule�in c�anncction with uny �`
<br /> :,
<br /> Singlo Fvnf ly--Eannlo MaelF�eddlo Mac UNtC(1RM!N!�Tttiitr5�fi�r..tnrifrn*n C°r�,met, S1.`� t pcRa 3 o f BT»sXr.s! _
<br /> Uroq I,Yd 8artoe�Yam�.loa■ �'
<br /> ip qdtf Gy�t,lpp'�7p?3Y3 Q VAU 014791•t 131 ..
<br /> • �
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