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<br /> �•��° �Qi�,a���
<br /> 5, i1a[�r�l ar 1'r[eperty iasurancc. Eiorrot�cr sltciii kccp thc fmpmvcmcnts nrnv caistin� ar h�raai't�r rt�tc�i un Eha
<br /> Pcupc�ly intiurcil n,qainst I��sy by fir�, hulunl�includc�l wfthin thc tcrm "rxtcuded�y�vcrugc" u!�d nny i�ih�;r h,ttunis. including
<br /> nIH�OV 11�Q/HNIIfla, PUr WIII�I1 IAl1tIC1't'Ca�ll{I'Cti(I1�UfAl1�C. 'I'1i1y in+.umure shull br muintuincJ in thu iunuuntx und fi�r tho peri�xt9
<br /> thni l.cndcr rci�uiico. 'Thc inr•urunrc c.u�lcr p��widing thv in�u�un�r x{udl bc cha�sen hy H+�re���vcr suh,jr�•1 tu t.andcr'+�p�n�vul
<br /> tivbir.h shall n�►i lx� unrci4wunablp wl�hh4ld. IF 8urru�►•cr fuilH tu mttiiquin cuvcraE�c destribcd ah�tvo, I..cndcr n�:ty, at I.cadar's
<br /> uptiun.nhtnin ruvon�;c tu prnta:�-t L.und�u's�f�htw in Ihn Pmp�ny in ur�,�rdancc witl►plmgraph 7.
<br /> All ins,ura�u�c pnliatcy ur�) rcnrnv:rlw hh;dl bc .►�ccrsuhio t�, Ix�id��r untf sh.dl lucludc u +tan►IuN uuirt�;n�;u ciuur.�. l.end�r
<br /> tihc�111u��•r 1hu rbBht iu hnld tlu�pnti��ies�uid�enctv:d�.IF l.ai�dar rrq►�ires.Hurru�ver shttll prampqy give ta l.cnde��ll rcceipix uf
<br /> pa�d pr4miumv nnd renc���ul m�ti�.rs. ln�i�c evcnt ot'loi,ti.Barr��n•rr sha11�iv��pr�mtpl noticc tu thc insuam�r cu�cirr�uid l.cndcr.
<br /> Lunder mny make pn►iii'ot lu.rr if nui niudc prump�ly by Huer�.wes.
<br /> Unic��lA�idcr iu�d�u�TUwcr athcrwl.e ubrcr in wtitini�, in�uranrc p�n�tiv1�;�tu�il�uppliai to rcrt��nti��n��r repair ot the
<br /> PN�pc�ty damaficd.if ihc rc�turutiun��r rcpair fti ccunumically Pcatiibfc und lxudcr'v hccu�ily is nni Icrscned. If th��rrrtarutinn ur
<br /> tcpa�r i+ nul crunumieally feayihlc ur l.cndcr'e��ecurlty w�a�d�l bc iet�enrd, the inwrance�tieurceds stu�tl be applicd ta thc tiun�.v
<br /> sccurnl by this Sceurity InsU�umcnt, whcther o�n.►t tiun duc, with nny exccsti paid to Burrmver. If 8anowcr uhanduns titc
<br /> Pm�ny,ar dixs nc�t un�«•cr with�n 3O di�yv u natirc fmm I.cndcr tAut thr in,uruncc carcicr hav c�ifcred t��scitte a c1Aim,lhrn
<br /> l.endcr may rnlicct thc in+urattec pra��cc�is. l.rndcr muy usc thc pr�nrcds to repair or retita�c the Praperty ar ta puy rum3
<br /> �ecurcd hy thfs Securlty Imtrument.wttelttcr ar nut then:lue.The 3U•duy�x.ri�xl wlll begin whrn tha notice iy given.
<br /> Unic�, Lcn�lcr ui►� Burr��vcr athcrwi�o a�rcr in writiiig, uny uppUcatiun ��f pmccc�ds to prin�ipai shuil nat cxtcnd nr
<br /> prnt�mr the dae cl:ite u{'the munthty puymcntti rcfcrrcJ tu in pamg�upliy 1 uii4 2 ur chango thc umuunt of ihe p�yn�euts. IP
<br /> u[tde�pa�aFrapt�2) thc Pn�perty is ucyuirc�l t�y I.cndcr. 8urruwe�s rigiu ta uuy insuruu�v:Fx�licies a�1d p�aceed�resulting fram
<br /> dnm;�;e to the Pm�cny prio�•a�the;rc��uisiti�m r+hall p:�+v to l.endcr to the extent of thc sumy sccurcd by thi.r•5ccurity Instruutcnt
<br /> immcclfutcly prlur tu the ucyui�itiun.
<br /> 6.Aciup�►ncy.Prcur�alli+��, INaintenancu und P�v►tecNon uP the Praperty;Iioern�►•cr'A I.oun AppliFatiun;Lcxschnids.
<br /> Fic�rro��rr shull cxcu{�y,cswbU+h,�ind usc thc Pm�►crty u�&►rr�wee'ti principal rcridenrc within sixty ciuys�4ie�the executian uP
<br /> this S�wurfty imtn�ment c�n�l�huil�untinue tu�kcupy tiro Propcny a.r���rniwer's principal residencc fiu ne lca5t onc yeur uftcr
<br /> thc datc af cnrupan��y, wilcsr I.cndcr uthctwisr ii;;trey in writin�i. whirh ru�ncnt ti4a11 nut b,:un�rawn�btti �+�iihl►eld.�e untess
<br /> extenuuting rircumslsnrc+ cxisl which nrc bc��and iiurn►a�cr`s rantn+�. �nrmwcr ahuti n��t dcstroy. fiat�o m impair fie
<br /> l'ropeny. all�+�v �hL Prupeny tu cteteriunto. ��r cummit wurtc �n the 1'��}�crty. ilt�rr�wcr yhall be in default if nny forfcitun:
<br /> Actian ar pracc�in�. �vhelhcr civil nr criminal,i.r• t�egun that in l..ender's guud fuith judgmcnt cuuld resnit in forfcituro of the
<br /> fi�+p�,'�irr�:ii-ceiwit+v��ioiciiaiiy im-p�3i iitc ikr�c�tc3 t-iy iAi��w��y i�;�u;��ar l.��:;;�..-u�ity t�-�-�. �-s.-r.n;�--��:
<br /> cure sucf�a defctult and ninstate.ns provided ia paragraph IR.by cau;�ing the ucti�m or pr�xeedin�to t+e dismi�.ced with n n�ling
<br /> tAat. ln l.cndcc's �aKl fiii�h detcrminz�Nun, prerludew fi�rFcitum oF ihc Barruwcr'x interest in tho Property ar nihc�mntedal
<br /> impairmrnt of thc Iicn crcat:cl hy Ihir: Sccurity Instrumcm or t.cndcr'� �ccu�ity intcrc�t. Bc�rm«cr shuil ulca k�: in dcfadit iP
<br /> Biurowcr,during thc Inaa upplicatian pracc+ti,guvc mutcrlully t'ulsc c�r inurcuratc infurmation ar stntcmcnts to Lcndcr(ar fuilccl
<br /> tn provide l.ender wit'�,.�� ,utt�ri�l infi�rmntionl in rnnncctian with the k�an cvidcnccd hy the Note, including.bvt nat limitcd
<br /> to,�cprescntations rnm., +t�u Borrc�wcr's uccupanry uf the F'rc�perty av c�prinefpal rcsidcncc. If thiy Scruni�y lnstrunicnt is on n
<br /> Ica�ch�ld, B�+rrowcr sh;�lt cc�mply wi�h i►U the pmvi.i�m+ of �hc lea�a U &unnvcr c�cquirey fea title t� �hc Property, the
<br /> Icasch��ld uiuf tho fcc tidc�hi►II no1 mergo unlcsw L.cndcr ugrecs a�thc mcrgcr�n writin�.
<br /> 7.Ptoteetlun of Lender'R Itighth In!he Pmpe:9y.If 8urr��wer&�ily tu perform tha cc►vcna»�a nnJ agreemen�c contAinod in
<br /> thiH Secucity Inrtrument, o�there is n Iegal proceeding thut moy ai�ni�cuntly afiect l.�;ndci�righ�ti io the PmpeRy (hut�h�.s n
<br /> pr�xe��ding in tsankruptcy, pr�bate, f�r candemnntian ur fi�rfeiture ur tn enfi�rce luw���r�rgulatiu+n). then I.ender may do uud
<br /> p:ry fnr whatever is neccssnry tc�pratcct thc valuc of►hc Property und l.cnder's rfghls in the Praperry. Lender'A uctions may
<br /> iacludc p:►ying any sums sccurcd by ii Ucn �vhich has pri��rity avcr this Sccurity lnntrumcnt. uppcarin�} in court, �►aying
<br /> rcasrniahlc uttomcyy' fccw und cntcrinB��n thc Property tu mnkc rcpairti. Although I.cndcr im:�y tukc nction undcr th1A parl,srnph
<br /> 7.Lcndcr dc�cs nut havo t��do su.
<br /> Any umounts disbuncd by Lender under this parngruph 7 shull becomc udditional debt ��f Borr�awer securcd by this
<br /> Sccurity Instrument. Unler.r• Bu�rowcr und I.cnder ugrec ta olhcr tcnm uf p,►yment, thcse amaunta shcdl t��.ar Intcrest Prum the
<br /> dutc of dl!;bur:.cmcnt at �ho Nota rntc and shall bc payubic. with intcrc�t, upcm nnticc from l.cndcr to lionawcr cc+�tit:uing
<br /> payment.
<br /> 8. Mortgoge Insurancc. If 4cndcr rcquircd ma�t�;agc insurancc u.ti n candition af maki�tg thc lann sccural by this Sarurity
<br /> Instrumcnt, Bm��wcr shall pay th�prcmiumv rcquircd ta muintuin thc �yzongn�c i�suruncc in cffcct. li. for Any rcasan, tha
<br /> mangage iasurnnre c�vcmgc rcyui�ed hy I.endcr lopses ar ccasca ta be in effect, Bnrrowcr shuU pay the pncmiumz roquiral to
<br /> abtain cavcro�e subsiantiully cquivulent ta the martgoga insumn��c previausly in eifect,ut a cost s�ubstantiully equivulent ta thu
<br /> cc�to.°•csrnsu;r.r o5 tha mursgag� im�anraa.�r prcvioasty �n cft'trt. froat as ahcrnata nta�gagc insatcs appravtii by l.cr„..-r. ff
<br /> substunti�lly eqaivalent mortgage insuauc►a covemge is nat nv�ili�ble,Borrower shall pay to Lender each month u�um equal to
<br /> nnc-twclflh of the ycarly mort�agc ins:wranw pmmium being paid hy&►rmwcr when�ho insurance covcrn�o lapsod or rc�asecl t��
<br /> be in effeci. l.ender will uccept,use anil retain thFSe paymemfi as u luss �escrve in lieu of martqage insurunce. L.osy reserve
<br /> Form 3028 �/00
<br /> Pea�3 0�9
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