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<br /> i �`�:r,.�tDW�..EDGC'M�f'�NT �- ---
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<br /> - THE U1dDEIdS1GiV�D'L'�U9'i'��'i ticreby Rcl:nowiedgds and un�iersE�nsls th�t (a) th� � -
<br /> _ - sccurit,y dacurtcont t�lotv to�o�xecute�i is n�'ru�i�ed t�i �i a m�t���e� (t�)the�ewer o` _--
<br /> _ v
<br /> -- � s�le pmvidcd fi�r in thr.Ttu9t D�d�ravldc:�aub4tunti�lly diff�mnt�i�hts and abl8�udons to tho
<br /> ��� 'Y'n�tor ti�an a mort�age in th�cvent of�defaGlt or brcach�f obligution. The'fYustar further �
<br /> �`= reprtsent,v And ug�ees that thia certificatton Ihzt:�becjn reud und axec�ted in connecdon with, but
<br /> ��;� prior to, tho 7'custo�s exeaution of tho foll�owin�Trust Uecd. - �
<br />���,:.� '
<br /> --�,y DATCU�_.�_.�..�� 1995. .'
<br /> �-.-
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<br /> :--i� L'" �� � / �! ._
<br /> /t.+.e.t_.�,1" L __ '
<br /> I c�.�.:
<br /> �K.Pearsoa .�,.,� -
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<br /> �:�.3<, ;k���:
<br />_�_14� Sr. '`-_.
<br /> �wi STATE OF N£BRASKA ) �'�
<br /> � `,�y COUNTY O� HAL.L ) �� ��'�`��"
<br /> —::-;i r•.�«��.:;;.:;
<br /> •.�;� n�,c•_,,�.
<br /> �.;n Tho faregoing was acknowtcdged before mc on the CL day of , i�S• - °
<br /> �.;,� " � by Louise K. Pearson, a 9in$le�rson, to be her voluntary act and de�d. ______
<br /> }`.� . �" —__
<br /> _ .��:� �At�TN�Y�qAI N Ma�tu � S��.s/Lr� � • �/�-�- . ----
<br />,�,. �,�� o�wioqooHMeN Nat�ry Public
<br /> �:
<br /> 1�1r Coa�.Exp wZ 1,1999 —
<br /> _'�jS -
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<br /> = '{�:� THIS DE�p OF TRU5T is made cr� thia �day nf.._.QZ���• 1�. 'ftw
<br /> T–=.a � Truatar i�i..fluise K. P�uson,a sin�18 person. ("Barrawar"). The`iYustee is John R. Brnwnell. _
<br />- �:�� Attorney at Law. ("Tcustee")• The benefiatary is th� Hall County H�using Authority, 911
<br /> _��;� Baumann Drive, Orand lsland, NE 68803("Lender"). 8arrower owes l.snder the principal sum `
<br /> .a of'Cwenry Thaugand Seven Hundred and Twenty-Five Dollurs ($20,725.00). 'I9�i9 debt is
<br /> ;;� evidenced by BoITOwers' noto dated the same date as t�cis Security Inspvment ("Nate"). which _
<br /> :��? provides f�r a�`ixed payment five years f�om the date hereof. The Se�urity Insuument secures
<br />��'°� tc�Lender: (a) the repayment af the debt evtctenccd by the Note. with intccesc.and aU ren�w�ls� -
<br /> -�'� extenvions�nd madificadons; �b) the payment of al1 other sums, with int�rest, advanced under
<br /> paragraph 7 ta pratect the secur[sy of tCc;s Security lnswment; and (c) the performau�ce of
<br /> -= Borrowera' cove�al�ts and agr�eeinr�nts. t�or this purpose, Horrower irrevocably grant� sutd ----
<br /> _.._ . = canvc��.�u Trust�ee, in trust, with power of sale, the following descrit�d property : �
<br /> _- �.. --
<br /> – l.ot Twe��.t�(ZO),Buhrman SubdivlaiAn,An Addltion to the City of Grand Isiand. ---
<br /> Wail C�s��� Nebr�ska �-°�_--
<br /> ...---
<br /> `-__=�
<br /> =_�_::a� . 'T�'� meilina a�ldce�at;��e burrc�►ti+er �s 1415 N. Piper, Crand lsland, Nebrask� ba8Q� ____
<br />._._._. F„_-
<br /> -_ TQOE'TH�1�WiTH all the impr���mants aaw or he , � r erected on tha propeety.end .,'.:��=�
<br /> �ll cassments, rig�ts, uppurtona�tces, rents, artd itutures hereaft���u purt af the prc�erty. AIl .:�;y`.
<br /> � r�placements arui additions shall atso be covered by thi9 Securiry lnsuument. All of the � .
<br /> ` . fotegoing is referred ta in this"ecurity In.gtrumont as the "Property".
<br /> ��,�
<br /> --�.� BORROWER COU�'sNANTS that Boerow�r is lawfully seis�d of the estate h�reby •;
<br /> _:�`:� conveyed anaf h�.g the right ta grant and convey the Property and that the Property is
<br /> -; uner�cumbered, eace�t for encumbrances af rer.ord. �arrower wamant,v and will defend
<br /> - �''I
<br /> ==::1
<br /> _,, 1
<br />;�
<br /> -..�,.�.
<br />