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<br /> •,.Af�er,Re�ording R�1:ur.n 9�oi -
<br /> --=`:. �.,:-.. +•.» . �Lairyoio Titla inaurnnae Cor.nnrat:ion `
<br /> e��'' . ..,,. eyO
<br /> ._�::+�s,; . CH7CA�0 NATTOl7AL piVIQION ����'� ���a�pD.7 .
<br /> --°..�_�,tv;F.c�,�. Ona Firnt Nt�t.ionul Pinur� " °
<br /> :�=r�'���s�' 1� 10 South Uoazborn, �uiGc� 3250 ���j.I. C �
<br /> _�_w;���*:._:::+ CF�icago, IT, G0�03�2093
<br />�_"��y��,�.;.,.�a� CHI-2 095o S�Bp�mATION� NON-DI5TURBA.NCL AND ATTORPIMEN'T AGREEMENT � �
<br /> r. ....
<br />.._,','.�F��� - . ...
<br /> � � THIS A►GRET�MC�NT, mado ns of tho ],g�Yi�y of �n�Y, 19� betwee � ts
<br />:,�,,%����; �, with a placo of buainess at 311t. w G_o - Ry Pk.�ta__.c;,-a„-� Ta����ST �d •
<br /> ���'� � HItID�ESTOYTlF'[ItL�STONC, INC.,a�Ohio Cacporation, having an address ac 2550 Wes:Golf F�a;�,
<br /> ��, :
<br /> � Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 (Tenarat). - ..
<br /> • ;;;:.
<br /> �"'���'`" WITNESSETH: "
<br /> .�:, _ . . „
<br />-•: '.;,s;;' ';,`,;�; .,,; ,,; �
<br /> .��•
<br /> , � , � ,�,�, ,�i WHEkEAS� Mortgigeo has ant�red into a moctgago with_M�P1 Inv�es�f..nts.Co. haviitg aa �„���^y�
<br /> , + offire e3 Q.o. �.��9. o�1v{d citv nm �g��2(,��rre.+G^r�y; and � �
<br />�?p'Sq,7f1,.." . w ,.
<br /> .. • ' ��,J...C�^�,.
<br /> ' x I� )�. � •.V�.�s
<br /> ,�, . . WHERE.�S, tho Mortgago securd Laadlord's obl��stions in connection with that cert�in parcel r,.�'," � ry''�i"���:
<br /> v�+ � , � >.r,
<br /> of laad owned by Landlard end described on�xhibit A anae�ced horato and made a part hereo�to�ether =,�;: f �z -� .�
<br /> � r;f � ;�� lVIL fhn im.�rov�nnece� er_cted thereott(s;id putCal of lr.r:d:.��imp:�v;�mca�s thc:e�n�o;� herai;�at'�r � ._ ��' ,,.�
<br /> s��,7;,;�;:u calicd the P�xlsat); and ,, -:,�`•�'y ��._
<br />. nl, , .��" l . �`+Ky.R�
<br /> _ , T�' ,..�.}.'._.�_=,.e
<br /> �� WHEREA9, by�cetta,�n le��se hc�etoforo entered into between Landlorcl �nd Tenant dated as af --�����--
<br /> . october 19. 1994(hereinaRer rofecred to es Lurse). I.aadlord leased to Tenant the Premises; and • �'�^� ��
<br /> a:::,;�� ; "
<br /> A.1 C �1 �•
<br /> � WAEREAS, a Short Form or Memorandum of Lease is intended tn be recorded in;hn Offi�r 4f f "�� '-:= ' `��`
<br /> ' �' ` � tho Recorder of Deeds in nnd for�j��,1 County� State of N Yaaka � And `�
<br /> ; .,��,, ��.:r,�,: �•,,y:
<br /> .:;;: �
<br />"'�`'�' :s��� .i` WI�ItCAS, a copy of the Lease has becn dolivcrcd to Mortgagee� tho recaipt of which is h�rcby �"'.,
<br /> ,:;•� ;;,'�� aclmowledged; and "` "
<br />_ ',�., ,:�''l;i:,,'; ':�,
<br /> ',�;����',,. ,. . -:,� WfAERE�+iS,tho parties hereto desiro tu o8ect tho subordlnadon of tho Leasa to the Mortgage and _
<br /> �:;?',:Y..., �. W provide for the aon-dishu�an�e of Tenunt by the hol�cr of tl�o Mort$ago. , -ra - j
<br /> . . . � '��5'�13W�
<br /> . - ' ......,hb..
<br /> , NOW, TSEREFORE, in consideiarioa of tha promi,sw and of the mutual covenants and � ,• .
<br /> ,� , agreaments @erein contained, the pa�tees hcc�eto, intcnding to lto legally iwund heceby� agree ps follows: ,, ',;.;;:,
<br /> ::.. ; ( . ��• '
<br />:�.,,�.;,.�-.� , 1 MOrtga�CC hsrCby CoI�seIIt9 4o ead�1gplovCS tho LC.1so�td tho tG�m t11Gi�of� i�Cludi[t� 41te optiox�s . .....,,�y,d�.�
<br /> : � to cxtond tho tonn as set forth in tho Lcaso and covennnts aad agreea that tho oaec�isa by Tenant � _ ;
<br /> . ' � ��=.� of aay of tho rights, remedies and options thcrain contaiaed si�all aot cons�tuto a dcfault uader ' ",;��. �
<br /> ''��" the Mortp�ge. �. •..�,�
<br /> -� :4;: .•w..,.L��M
<br /> �� ::� �-.�,.�.,;-
<br /> ,: ,..
<br /> ` Z Teaant cavenants aad ag�ees with Mortgdgeo that tho Leaza hereby is mado aad shall co�nue ( ��,1. �
<br />�:�:.,:..
<br /> r� hereaRer to be subject aad subordinato to the liea af tho Mortgago� and ta aU modifications aad I ,��'�'•
<br /> - . extensions thereo� with the samo fo�ce and offcct us if tho Mortgago had been oacccuded and � ���'�
<br /> ,,• �;.,,
<br /> � delivered prior to tha execution and delivery of tho Le�so and without ragard to the order af � . •
<br />`��,;:;��� �: �� priority of recarding the Mortgago aad the Short Focm or Moazo�im of tho Lcaso, a�ubject, � � � '
<br /> . however, to the provisiox�s of this AgxcameIIt � ���`
<br /> .� 3 Tcaant certifies that tho Lease is preseatly in full forco aad ofi'xt and wunodifisd and Tenant as
<br /> - of this dato has nn la�owledge of any chargo, licn or alsim nf offset teudcr tho Lcaso. ��
<br /> •. � �:;. �.:.
<br /> .,,'�� , , 4 Mortg�geo agreas ti�ut so long as Tenaat substantially ptlrfo�tho obl�ga�oas impoaed uador its
<br />�;,•� Lase,tho Lease shall be in full force and effa� �.,,� ..,. `,:.. .
<br /> -;:,.� , ;, . ..
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