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<br /> ..,�;.�;,%�.`-�:�'�,.�'��. TFNS I�S.910NAA�NT OF R�NT8 RlDER M made�nd eoacuNd lhM,�,�,,,,+1�y ol �A�'�.I�. �.��, �nd b ,
<br /> =l°'a...�'.�,` k�e�aribd InW �nd ah�M b� dMnwd to �d �nd suPP�1 tte�Nlortp�ps a 0�1 oi T�ust. h�nh�ftK n1K,sd io u u� "S�►eur�y .
<br /> �"��'*"`;::''T'"2" kn�tn�rt+�+t"� M tM wr� d�N pM�n by the und�qr�d, huNMMr nwrtad to u tM "8orrow�r'� to osc�xa Borroxw'� hd�bt«ln�t��
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<br /> - -.-�"�L �� prep!�ty cb�cA�sd h t"►��curky M�trwrKe►t ond bcaNd aC
<br /> :��•�;:{' � I ,
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<br /> - - -- , WHEi�S,Barows►�nd L�nd�r h�w�prwd th�t�ny �wits Ynd proNts�ttrDutrbM to th� prop�ty ahouid constkun oddRtiontl s�curity
<br /> " �- ... .. ta ttw UncNr fcr tM D�►Ym�nt of tM Noa; '
<br />,.�<.:�.: - , .
<br /> . _ . .j N�rN.TF1Ci�FOF�. N fs��eod that th�Soctxky Inst�um�nt�htY b��rtwnd�d Mr�by�nd de�m�d to hcUd�lM Pobwlrr�ptovltbnt: � _
<br /> --.��•�V1���� ' l.i.;'�,.;��- 1•)' i,y�. ....:. ri
<br /> r"5��'�t'� ``•`*�`Y 1. At�n�n of Fi�nb �nd I.�ndK FYntal Cohctfon AtnAb.Borrow�r MnOy �btoWtNy rnd uncondkionafy assipns a�nts. i�wrs ,. •� ;,.�..:.ti���':
<br /> -`_,��; .,�..�'1���`t" �nd{xo�a a!H+�prop�rty to B«�MIcl�ry. L.ond�r�h�hav�th� �tptN.Pow��nd wtharkY durtnp th�contlnuanc�oP tM S�curl[y Instrum�►t :
<br /> .f � -
<br /> .:., . . � t0 coMct Y7�►a nnts,kwM�nd prollts of th�prop�rty md of ony p�sonal prop�rry focafsd thsnon wkh or wkhout takinp poss�sabn of tM a ^�c� ,.�w fe-�--
<br /> _ . . 'p,i,f t�c�r--i.r-.-.....
<br />-- �npwty�lhehd h�nby. l.�nder, how�wr,h�n6y contents to Baruwers coMctlon �nd rM�ntion ot such rw�ts,k:uM�nd profRs as th�y , •.,��«.;,. _:w:
<br /> y � ; � �cc� �nd b�COrt� pqr�M. so lonp u BarowK 4 not� �t such tirn�� In deGu�! wRh �ap�ct to p+�yrtwnt ol �ny indWt�ss sacunA .o . -n}:�.'��=�.=�
<br /> _.4'.. �. '' �y�
<br /> ' � �� {II� ��� t �R�. lk., .A'�_:�..-_—_
<br /> �: Y. � Y�R�� �'s:
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<br /> _ • 2. A000MtrrMnt of wcN�rw. B�ny Mnt of dMeuk In r�sp�.K to tM S�urllY InstrurtNnt sMl haw accumd�d M conthutnp�I.�nd�r. .:�?-::;i`---°—_
<br /> . �� a.ntia.r a rt{�nt ma wkhout natic.co earow�r a.nyon•ciarnln�una.►9orrow.r�.nd wtnan n0erd co Hr,v�k+.d ct»au.��staM« ��+'.:yr�_�:',�� --
<br /> :�tr,.•�;-� --
<br /> - fiw Luww2 G4 IiA C�nTukR QiWPiN,tls�htw ttf�ripht to�ppy to�ny CouR havitip juri�dfatlon to�ppofnt n rctr:.�t Q!th0 �..�'C�f�. •i.�°. _
<br /> 3k�°-_
<br /> 'x'°'tT'�
<br /> � 3. H�itEt to PGai�ssiDn. k1 CaN Of d�Mtt h tl1e po.ymint of th�s�W pri�C�d NOl� or inter�st,or�ny port tMnOf,af R stW rtMtW+�, �.' +�� ---
<br /> • M 'iy`• or b ttN Cas�of MA�Na to kNP a P���ny of Mi convwmnb vr�iNnwnb con4ln�d In !he SM:urityy Inttrurt�t.th�n lh�I.�tldlt. ks �' .
<br />. ��r� .��
<br /> . .�� • suoasaoes or �utpnt. tlw b� �nd k h�aby wthoHsd �+a «�omw�nia to f�u rmwa�aN po�sossion oi cn� wio vr.n.:w in..:� �y ,,
<br /> -`,�p d�ecrb�d�nd to coN�ct tM�ts tt�r�kom,4td to appy the proast4ts�1+wiwf to th�peymr►t ot th�Ndb. �`�i'�`_
<br /> r ` . �� 4. AooNc�Wn of Fim�s. IssuM�nd ProNts. A�nnta coi��:d by L�nd�►aQ e.h9 c�c�Mhr sh�tl b��ppW�d Hrst to p�yrn�nt of th�coata ���r� -
<br /> � y
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<br /> ,, • tMSOnabf��ttar��NM,�nd tMn to lM aumt s�curod by th� S�curUy Instrum�nt.LendK utd E�rAA raCeNK 6ha1 b� If�Dia t0�cCOUn!oniy �+^�`�;
<br /> . . ,''•:.. 10�th0li hflb aClWi�l fI�G�A1rd. ��r,e •'r
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<br /> . �. . . s, �p�spuctbn of IF?Qrylons. F.ach W th�prr,vbions conLhed In thM Asslpnm�rtt of FMnts Rkle�and th�Strcunly tnttreimmt shaM, ,
<br /> �. . .� , unlK� o1hMwR� N�cMa1Y nqulnd� b� constrwd in accad�na wkh IWbnska kw. and h tM w�nt v►y provicbn hw+in of tMraln •,r �, .
<br /> �� . � cont�M�d ahar b� dtl�rmhW by a couR oi comp�t9nt jurlsdiutlon to b� unsnrorc�ebM, th• same shaM bs consW�d u tharpA such •�'�-� ,
<br /> . ,
<br /> ' unanlora�bi provMlon vr�not Qar4 Ivsaof or th�nof.
<br /> �.� , .
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<br />,_.�:r.y. . . . 8. �_��r. �x�pt as speclBc�y modMyd by or Incenslatent wZh this Asslqnmsnt ot 6ier►ts Fild�r or by Ny oth�r�ppYC�bM
<br /> � rid�,aU of th�tKms�n��rovMtona contah�d In tha 5ocurity Instrum�e�t shal con!�:�c in tul toro�ond s�YacL ���
<br /> .`'�°' ;-��:'`�"• �yyf��
<br />.• •�. ,.•,•.�rx.��; . ,. �.�-- -
<br /> ,,� ';�}`•:'�� , IN WITtrES3 WHEFEOF. Borravrar has r�cut�d this Asalpnment of Ronts an th�dab'frat noted�bovs. :•� ��
<br /> ' .. �:• �:� „��� /.tti� ;,�.
<br /> _.`.... . . .' .21Y:, EOffONN/�./e H NIYa 8l1/�/HW�I � I 'a'i..'��.�..:.r-.
<br /> Z{ �.�.�at.!'y..
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<br /> ' I .'•��.;{•hr
<br /> .. _ : eorrow � A I
<br /> � . STATS OF NEBRASKA � .
<br /> � ' � GOUNTY QF HALL �sa: � ;':
<br /> .. � ,.,•
<br /> ' On thts 3rd d�y o� Marcfe . 1996 . ba(on me.tt�unwrslpnad. �f�oUry Publio d��y comatFsEloned nnd i
<br /> � � y,�d lor�Id counry� p�soaay cam.AL1RW1 Y�9RllBI1KARAN and LR�i�IA KIRUBAKARAN ; �
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<br /> b� tha IOenHad�na►(s)whos� o�ms(s) hla�wbscrb�d to tha torsyotnp hsuument, and hers:�aithry acknowi�dy� th� o�aocutbn thereof !
<br /> _=L.::�_ ' . �,:�[.• to b�hM�R�eMh�Ir wbnt�ry�ct�nd dMd. � •
<br /> � w�s mr n.nd.nd Noc.r�s.�.�GRAND tSI.AND ,1htDR�ASIC/1 ei����h stld counry�the �
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