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<br /> . .' . . ' � 't'nG4:'f111�?It ��It'1'H al; the im�+rove,mente natv or her�te�'r erected on the property, nnd nll eas�mento, �' ' -
<br /> - �� '•`�. •.•:� eppurtenances,end tixtur�.9 now ar hercatter e part of the property.All replacementA end additiona shall alr�n ba covered
<br /> y�'� ;; by thi�Sxurity lnatrument.All of the taregoing is referred to in this Security Instrument as the"Property." . -
<br /> ,r•�,� E30RR0�'VER CQVk3NAN'TS that Horrotiser is law4ully seiceci oP th�esYato heroby conveyed and hes the right to '
<br /> ..,..�"_,,,�.�� grant end convey the Pruperty and that the Property ie unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. Harrawer .�
<br /> `, ��,�'�.�, ,. werran�n end�vill Jefend generally tho titlo ta the Property againsT eU claime and demaads,subject to any encumbrnnces `
<br /> of record. �� "�
<br /> 'T}iIS SECURITY INS'1'RUMENT combines uniform cuvenente for national we and nonv:..iorm covenant����ith �
<br /> ' � limited varietiona by jurisdiction to constituto�unitorm security instrument covering renl proper�y. ,
<br /> UMFORM COVENAN'i'S.Borro�ver snd L.ender covenant and a�ree as follows: . .
<br /> ' " l.Paymcnt ot Pri¢►cipal�nd Interost;Yrepayment and I.�to Charges.Bonower ehall promptly pay�vhen due � . : . ,
<br /> the principal c�f Qnd interest on the debt evidenced by tha Note nnd any prepayment ond late charges dus under the Note. � . .... .N,;��: F
<br /> ' 2. Pundn for Taxe�rnd Insur�aco. Subject to applecable law or to a written waiver by I.ender, Bonower shall :„ •a.
<br /> „ „ . . ..,,,..:.
<br /> y"� ' °F. ay to I.ender on thc day monthly payments are due under►.iie Note,until the hoto ie paid in full,a sum( Funds ) for: ..�:N_;��.�___ _ .
<br /> _• • (�a)yearly texes end essessmenee which may attain priority over this�urity InoEritment es a lien on the Property; {b) ' . ,';,!�t�s.���u.�:-
<br /> ' ' yearly leasehold payments ur ground rents an the Property, i[any; (c) yearly hazard or praperty insursnce premiums; .y:, � _
<br /> � (d)yearly ilood insurance premwms,if any;(o) yearly mortgage insurance premium:.,it any;end(f)any sums payabie �� �,�'
<br /> =. by Honower ta L en der,in accor d a n c e�v i t h t h e p r o v i s i o n s a f p a r a g r a p h 8:i n l i e u o f t h e p a y m e n t uf mort ga ga iaisurance ". ,�;;��_�L•.
<br /> � prcmiums.These iteme are called"Escrow Iteme." Lender may,st any t�me,collect and hold Funds in an amount not l, ._��;�%��_
<br /> - ' °� i to e�:ceed ihe mnai��iur�i a�—.�ou;�t � len�^: far s federe!!y *elatrd mortgage loa*� may require for Borro�ver's escrow •�.,`�`".,�.'„�'::?�M---,-_
<br /> " account under the tederal Real Estate Sc�ttloment Pracedures Act of 1974 as amended From time to tisne, 12 U.S.C. js�.�°<=•-
<br /> S -
<br /> I.ender mey
<br /> ,;',.i, Section 2601 et seq. �"RESPA"),unless another In�v that epplies to the Funds sets a lesser amount.If so, � ���;_�___
<br /> a� at any time,collect and hold Funds in un arnount not to exceed the lefser amount.Lender may e.stimate the amount of :.,��1��
<br /> �� Funs�c due on the ba..^is�f cutrent data and reasonable estimates of espenditures of future Escrow Iteme or otherwise in •;y�,,�,��..;�
<br /> ,x ��1'he Funds halll be heldwn an institution�vhose deposits are insured by a federal agency,instrumentality,or entity "��.,, �a
<br /> (incluaing I.ender,ii i.enocr ia nu�t�sr�i:��.ii�::�.^.;c:in°.v N=3�:'?1 Hr,mP[.�an Aan1c.Lender shall aUply the Funds to '�-;'�
<br /> °'� pay the Escrow Itema.I.ender mey not charge Borcower for holding and applying the Funds, annuslly enelyzing the ,��1�
<br /> escro�v account,or verifying the Escrow Items. unless Lender pays Bonoa�er interest on the Funds and applicable law �
<br /> �{ permits I,ender to make such a charg�. However, Lender may require Bonower to pay a ono-time cherge 4ox an •,..
<br />' independent real estate tax reporting service used by I.ender in connection with thie loan,unles3 applicable Inw provides ..,{
<br /> • otherwise.Unless an agreement is mado or appticable law requires interest to be paid,L.ender stiall not be requtred to
<br /> � pay Borrower any interest or earnings on t�e Funds.Bonower and Lender mny agree in writing,hosvever,that interest
<br /> ' • shall be paid on the Funds.Lender sliall givo to Bonower,without charge,an annual accounting of the Funds,showing
<br /> cralits and debits to the Funds and tha purpose for which each debit to the Funds wus made.The Funds are pledged as ...a ' � �
<br /> sdditional security for al1 sums secured by this Security Instrument. '''
<br /> �� If the Funds held by Lendet exceed the amounta permitted to be held by applicable law,Lender shall account to . „�;,,, •
<br /> ., ' Borrower for the excess Punds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law.If the amount oi the Funds held ,+ •,„ �_ __�
<br /> Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,
<br /> by L.ender at any time is not sufficient to pay the E.9crow Items when due, ;:,: ;_.� �:-,.
<br /> . ?%�i�';�, ' and. in such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount nece.ssary 2o make up the deficiency.Bonower shall ma1:e ,_
<br /> ' � '' up the deficiency in no more th�n twel vo m onthly paymr.°nts,at.Lender's sole discretion. �-����
<br /> :,,a�,l f. . '
<br /> .
<br /> � ,;, Clpon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lendershall promptly refund ta Bonower ;,.;�,;��
<br /> � any Funds held by Lender. If, under parag�aph 21, Lender shall acquire or sell the Property, Lender, prior ta the •!�`•';��,�•� �;,s; .
<br /> . .,,:.
<br /> ra
<br /> acquisition or sale of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by I.ender at the time of acquisition or ssile as a credit ����,�'`,��y;�,�- ;•
<br /> -�• againse the sums secureci by this Securit�Instrument. �� �
<br /> ,:��.. ;:°�..:•;.
<br /> � 3.Application of P�ym�nts.Unle�s applicable law provides otherwise,nt[ pEyments received by L.ender under � �.,�
<br /> �':�_:,`; paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be a�lied:first, to anY prepapment charges due under tS�e Note;second,to amounts payable . � '
<br /> ' "��'"4�' ' under parap,raph 2;third,to interest due;fourth.to principai duC;a,�u inbc,iu aiiy i8ic c.hncg�s due under the Note.
<br /> � ',�i��z�� - 4. Charges; �.iens. �3orrdwer shall pay all taxes, assessments,charges,fines and impositions attributa�ble to the � � J�a,*"�'�,,'
<br /> _ ,,��;;� property which may attain priority over this Securitp Instrument,and leasehold paymenta ur ground i•ents,if any.
<br /> - '�i�::°�'- Boraower shall pay these obli,gations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or ii not paid in that manner, Borrower
<br /> :' ���:., •
<br /> � _. shatl pay them on time direct➢y to tho per�:-.�n owed payment.Borrower sha11 pr�mptly furnieh to Lender all notices ofi
<br /> . amounts to be paid under this paragraph.If Bonower maices these payments directly,Borrower shall promptly furnish
<br /> to Lender receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> . . ' Borroiver shall promptly disch�rge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a) _
<br /> -� agrees in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender; (b)contests in ,
<br /> , , good faith the lien by, or defends against eniorcement of the lien in, Iegal proceedings which in the Lender s o�inion i
<br /> _ operate to prevent the entotcement of the lien•ur {c) secures from the holder of the lien nn agreement satisfactory to
<br /> • � I,ender subordinatin,the lien to this Security Instrument.If Lender determines that any pact of the PrnFerty is subject �
<br /> ' to a lien which may attain priority over this Security Instrument,Lender may give Aonower a n�tice identifying the
<br /> :� lien. Bonower shall satisty thc lien or take one or more of the actions sct forth abovc nithin ]0 days of the giving of
<br /> - � • noticc.
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