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.. .. , .. • _�. .. «. � .� , .�� . . .. r' ...r., . .. ';'.I��:S.'� .-- <br /> ,r�(' () � � . ' "_ <br /> ' Yp}�7��-y� .\ .. ., <br /> - • '•'-��A , L����'�'.t��M-. r�� �....LYNdI� �-_..t........lM.TI - .<aId701oYYe JMMMWI{ ' • � . <br /> ��.. <br /> ��... �,�il� �fMrru�1�.+�.:�.......�......._....:.,..a...:- � `'.•�J...lE.. TY.�.�""'�n:" !e-+�.ru l) <br /> -'_" ' " .�S�I:]Y/�.rwi�iiww� ......u,�a.�a�""..a �,�.. ...w Cil...� - <br /> —__��•.�.e.ry. !. . . ' . , ._�. <br /> �►�J� ° ����•'�`�'� <br /> - • ±:•,�� 0. il�audou�iWst�dd��Truator ehall kc�p tho Property In compllance wlth ail oppllcnble laws,ordlnanceg and rapulntlone � ' <br /> i;;,';•� . - <br /> ;:.;; � '�-��+.t retetlny to Induat�el hyalene or envlronmental prateatlon(collectively rete►red to hareln as"Hnvlronmontal Lawe'7.7ruetor ehptl <br /> e�.�-•.:� ;:};,;,, keep the Property 1►ee Irum etl eubatances deemed to bo heuirdous or taxic under any Environm�ntal Lawe(collectiveiy reterred to <br /> -��'.;���� heraln e�"H�zArdoue Materl�la").Trustor hereby warrante and repreaents to Lendar thet there are no Hazardoue Matnrlels on or ` <br /> - � un6er the Properry•Truator hareby a0reea to Indemnity end hold hnrmlese Lender,fte directors,otticere,omployeee end e8�nt�,end �� <br /> ti.:�,,���.:�.;;, , any eucceaaora to Lender's Ini�rc;.t,tram and aQeln�t nny nnd an clelme,demnges,lossea and Ilabltltles arislnp In connectlon with ,, <br /> '"'"�-��-=vy the proasnce, uee,ditposa�l or henaport at sny Hazardoue Materlale on,under,trom or about the Property. YM�FORECiAfNq � <br />""��'�� ' ` ' INARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS,ANn TFIUSTOR'8 OBLICiATI0N5 PURSUANT TQ THE FOREOOINQ INDEMNITY,SHALL 3 <br /> -. :.,..��;�r ' SURVIVE RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEEO OF TRUST. , rovlded that Truator � • . <br /> •� ,. 10. MiIQfl1P1M10I RM1i.T��ustor hereby esslgns to Lender the rente,Iasuea and profits of the Prop�rty'p . <br /> ;,?���. `'�_��� eheil,untll the occurrence o1 nn Event of Deta�alt hareunder,have the rlgtit to collect nnd retaln such renta,Issues and protlte ne they <br />';�_�,,� .� become due and payable.Upon the occurrence ot en Event of�efault,Lender may,elther In person or by agent,vulth or wlthout <br /> ..n• brinQlnfl�ny nction or proce�in�,or by a recelver sppolnted by e court and without regard to lhe edequttcy of Its se:.urity,enter <br />�•�, ;; • �.; r.:^�;�� upon end tnke posaesslon�+t dia PrapArly,or any part th�reof,In its own nama or in the name of tho 7rustee,and cio any ecte whlch It `j••_ <br /> ' t deem�neccssary ar desirEible tA prnsorve tho value,marketablliry or rentabllity oi the Proporry,or any pari thereof or Intoreat thereln, <br /> Inr.roaeo the Inaome th�brofram�r pratect the security hereof Rnd,with or without taking posses5lon ot the Property,sue for or ��� , <br /> r� �� otherwlsa collect tho rents,Is�uos and pr�tits thereoi,including thosa pa:,t due and unpeld,and apply the samo,less coste and �.,, , <br /> � .r ' •� `� expenaea of operation and collectlon�ncludln�sttarneys'faos,upon any indebtedness secured hereby.all in such order as Lendar ;,i: ;- <br /> �fi°��' ,; mey datermfne.Tho ontoring upon and taking possesslon of the Property,the collectton of such rontfl,issues ond prof1W and the ���R, <br /> --•;�,;,ti •;�' ,.; ppplicndon thereo}es aforesaid,ehail not cure or walve any ddtault or notice of default hereunder or Invalidate eny act done In �j.j_�r� _ <br /> -- ' rsaponso to such datault or purauant to such notice of detault and,notwithstanding the continuance in posseaslon of the Property or .1._,_,�5'xVF�•s.�=_- <br /> _ , . ' , .,.��E ---- <br /> the coUectlon,receipt and applicatlon oi rents,Issues or profite,and Trustee and Lender ahall be enilUed to exercise svCry ripht .,.�:�,.,Y�.�..::_�_ <br /> : � , ,,� provided for in any of the Loan Documenta or by law upon occurrence of any Event of Detault,Includtng wlthout Iimitatlon the rightto ,.,�_ ••',=` - <br /> .�„ <br /> --- exerCise the power of sale,Further,Lender's ripHts and remodies under this pnr�agreph shall be cumuletive wfth,and in no way a ..,,.��- <br /> Ilmitation on,Lenders rights and remedles under any assignment of leases end renta recorded agalnat the Prdperty.L,ender,Trustee � � `;i.�l��,�,;` <br /> , 'r and the receiver ehall be Ifnble to eccount onty those rents actualiy recoived. __ <br /> '� _ _ _ . �� <br /> �, , -• � 1 i. tv�nw oi G:i.tiii.Tha foNoti�tnp ahQll�nnstitutd an Event of Dafault under this Oeed ot Truat __Y_ �£,��,_-. <br /> •- �+ (e) Fallure to pay eny Inatallment of princlpal or Interest of any nther sum secured hereby when dun, ce_:_._ --��-�-�-�- •R- <br /> (b) A breach ot c►defeult under any provisf on contalnod In the Note,thts Deed of Trust,any of the Loan Documente,orany h�;;�__ <br /> �� � other Iien or encumbrance upon the Propertv; N"'�"� <br /> •• {c� A writ of executlon or attachment or any almilar procesa shell ba entered agafnst Trustor whlch ehall become e Ilen on �,�� ^��. <br /> ��;�`�,:�:,,n� <br />� '"_�k the Properfy or eny portlon thereof or Interest ther�efn; ;r� <br /> ;:�i . (d) There shall be filed by or egalnat Trustor ar Borrower an actlon under eny present or futurc�tederal,Atata or other r.:,��y� ��� <br /> sffitute,law or renulatlon rolating to benkruptcyi,Inoolvency or other reilef for debtors;or there shali be appointed any ttustee. '• �,: <br /> � , •'?'°•� receiver or Iiquidntor of Trustor or Borrower or v f a ii or any pn��i oS t��o��o�:t y�ar��%��nt••���..°s°4^`n.nfltn thsreoL or Trustor ` '._•� <br /> • � �:;�;�'�" or Borrower shall make eny general essignment for the beneflt of creditors: ��'�"'� <br /> rn�.. <br /> , ;; ':r;' (e) The,sale,transter,lease,assignment,conveyance or further encumbrance ot elt or any part of or any Intereat In tfie ,�� , <br /> ;��g��'; Property, either voluntarliy or involuntarlly,wlthout the expreas written consent of Lender; provided that Trustor shall be .� �: <br /> permltted to execute a lease of the P�operry that doea not contaln an optlon to purchNSe And the term ot whlch does not exce9d �,,. <br /> .:, � one year,' <br /> • <.t' ' (Q Abandonment of the Property;or <br />.,`-I;:�',,,�,, ;�,� (p) It Trustor Is not an Individual,the Issuance,sale,transfer,assignmont,conveyance or encumbrance of more than a total <br /> p}.�__percent of(it a corporatlon)its Issued and outetanding stock or(It a partnership)a total ot percent of , �;. <br /> �� pArtnershlp Interests dJring the perlod thls Deed ot Trust remalns a Iien on the Property. <br /> ' � 1 p, pen�dl�s;Acc��ntlon Upon Dd�uit.In tha ovent of any Event of Detault Londer may,without notice excopt as requlred by .. <br /> Inw,declare all Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shall thereupon become due and payabte ,. <br /> • ' ��• without eny presentmant,demend,protest or i�otice of any kind.Thoreafter Lender may: . , • �� <br /> �� ��� (a) Demttnd thet Truatee exercise the POWEFi OF SAI.E granted hereln, end Trustee ehall thoreafter cause Trustor's � -ec <br /> ~ � �"''�� � Interest In the Property to be sold end the proceeds to be distributed,ail In tha m�nner provided In the tJebraska Trust Deeds ;�A�_,� <br /> . Ac� :i'F s�"•._.�'- <br /> ;.�. � � (b� [xerciso any end all rlghts provided for in eny of the Loan Documents or by law upon occurronce ot any Event ot Dotautt; ,:*��*�+��. <br /> .. `_-`��',. <br />'-,`;tr . ' ', A�q4�t � <br />_ .,f, ;:�� and(c) Commence an action to foreclose this Deed of Trust ao a mortgage,eppolnt a recelver,or speclficaily enforce any of the •� . <br /> :�. <br /> covananta hereof. • =�*•• �- <br /> ' � No remedy herefn contorred upon or roserved to Trustee or Lender Is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein,In the �;.n �:;. <br /> �� '�,;,:=;� Loan Documente or by Iaw provided or pormitted,but each shell be cumulative,shall be in addition to every other remedy given ,�. <br /> , ' . ; �'':��' hereunder,In the Loan Documenta or now or hereatter oxlsting at law nr in eoulty or by statute,nnd may ba exerclsed concurrentiy, '.'�'i� � <br /> •• Independe�tly or�uccessivaly. '�: "� <br /> 13. Trust�e.7he 7rustee may resign et any time without cause,end Lender may at any time and without caus0 appotnt a <br /> succossor or substftuto Truetee.Truatee shall not be Ilabie to any purty,including without Ilmltatlon Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any „ <br /> - ' . purchasor of tFte Property,for eny Iqss or damage unless due to rockless or wllltul misconduct,bnd shall not b�requlreo to take any <br /> � ' action In connectlon wltN the enforcomont of thla Deed of Trust unless Indemnitled. In wrlting,for all costo,Compensatlon or <br /> ' expenaes which may be assoclated therewith.In addition,Trustev may become a purchasor at any sele of the Property Uudlclal or <br />�• � undor the power oi aele granted hereln);posipone the sale of all or any portion of the Property,as provlded by law;or seit tho <br /> ' •�• Property es a whole,or In eoparate parceis or lots at Trusteo's discretlon. <br /> 14. Fs�s and Exponps.In the event Tn�atoa sells tho Property by exercise ot power ui sale,Trustee ahall be entftlod to apply <br /> Any oale proceeds first to payment of all costs and oxpensea oi exerclsing powor of sala,Including all Trustee's foos,and I.ender's , <br /> and Trustee's attorney's fees,actually Incurred to extont parmfttod by applicable law.In the event Borrower or Truutor oxmrclses any - <br />- ' rigfit p�ovided by law to cure an Evont of Defeult,Lendor ahnll be entltled to rocover trom Trustor all coste and expenses actually <br /> � _ � incurred as a result of Trustor's defaul�Includinfl�vfthout Ilmltatlon eil Truatee's and attorney'a fees,to the oxtont permitted by <br /> . appl►cable law. <br /> _ ` � •,'.� 16. Future Adranc��. Upon requesf of Borrower,Lender may,at Ita optlon, make addltlonal end tuture advences and re• <br /> advt�nces to Borrower.Such ndvancos and raadvances,with intsrest thereon,shall be secured by thfa Deod of Trust At no time shell i <br /> �- - ,._---�,- -'- the nrinclual emount of the indebtedness sctcurod by thls Deed of 7rust,not Inaluding sums advencod to protect the socurity af thls I <br /> ..M{wMw..n�{o n uOf�� L�_ <br /> .._..__ . _..._� • tnv�.._�nai�.n�t�v��v�v .�r '..�.�.' ___... . � <br /> --�"''R Qeed ot Trust,exceed the origlnal prinClpat amount stated'nerein,or a =^ �" "° ' n r -- <br /> "� • 18.NAIecNianwu�Providons. � � <br /> � � ' (a) Borrow�r Not�i�tn�ed.Extensfon of tho time tor payment or modiflcation of amortlzation ot the suma secured by this <br />__ri . . Deed of Yruat granted by Lender to a ny e u c c e 3 s o r I n i n t e r e s t o S B o r ro w e r s h a l l n o t o p a r a t e t o re l e a so,in an y manner,the Ilabllity ; <br /> � ot the origlnal Barrower end Borrower'e auccossore fn Interest.Lendor shall not be requirod to commsnco proceadings agalnst � <br /> • such�uccessor or retuse to eutond time tor payment or otherwlse modity umortizetlon ot the suma secured by this Dead ot Trust i <br /> , by reason of eny demands mnde by tho originsl Borrower and Borrower's successors In Interest. � • <br /> �a� (b) L�nder'�Pow�n.Without eitpcttng the Ilabfllty of any other person Iiablo tor the payment of any obltgatlon hereln � <br />— montioned,end without oNucting tho Ilen or charpe of thls Deed of Trust upon any portlon of the Property not then or theretofaro <br />_ � ' reloesed es sacuriry for the full nmount of all unpald obligetlons,Lender may,trom tfine to time and without notice(q release uny <br /> � person so ilable,(Iq extand the moturity or alter any of the terms of eny such obligatfons,(III)grent other indulgenco�,(iv)rotease <br /> or reconvey,or cause to b�roloaGad or reconvoyed at ony tirne et Lender'e option any parcol,portlon or ail of thd Property, <br /> (v)teke or release any other or addltional socuriry tor eny obligatlon herein mbntloned, or(vl)make compositions or othor <br /> , L-� ,;,� .,'. � arrangementa wtth debtore fn relation thereto. ' <br />�;m � <br /> j,s. . . . --. . . . ..._ . .. .�. . . <br />