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<br /> � � .
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<br /> c�vENau�re t��.���`,�u�'��n -
<br /> 1. Paym�vu. Barower eprae� to meke all gnymnntp on the secured Aebt when due. Unle�c O�Awer and Londar eproo otherwl�a, eny I
<br /> peyrnnnta Londe� recelve9 from �orrower or or Borrower'o beneflt will hs epplied flrst to eny�mounto Borrotiver owe�on tho eecured debt , .
<br /> not i�sd ici or exeuiiiny ie�hid�I�M paymsnt untU the ie und debt li pild In tulla�p�ep�Y�cnt of tha.eecurod debt occuro Par eny rbeaon,It wlll _
<br /> �,C{I�Im�ApMn�t 71W.Br�rrow�►wIN p�y atl tex��,�tu�on�nt�,a�d oth�r chup���ttributabl�to th�property wiz�n due�nd will dofend titl� "
<br /> � to tM prop�rty•�I�Imt any clalms WhlCh would Imp�tt tt»Il�n of thla de�d of truet.L�nd�r m�y r�qulre Borrow�r to e���9n�ny ripht�,ctalm�or
<br /> defente�w� hlch[3orrow�r m�y hrv�l ipY!nat p�rtin�who eupply lebor or m�te�l�t�to improvs nr mainteln the prapnrty. _
<br /> 3.M�tn��. Bonowor wlll k��p th� property Insund under tume �cc�ptablo to Lend�r at Borrower'� expeme �hd fo►Lender'• benatit. f�ll _
<br /> Ineurartcs policbs�hNl Inniud���t�ndard mortG�pe cl�w�In f�vo►of L�nA�r.L�nda wlll ba nemed a los�paye�or u the Inwnd on�ny wch -
<br />- In�ur�nc�policy.Any fn�ur�nc�proc�ad�m�y b��pplied,withln L�ndv'�discntlon,to sith�r th�raitoration or rspdr of the d�msped prop�rty
<br /> o►to tiH ucund d�bt.If L�nd�r�eQuira�mortp�Qe inaunnce,Borrow�r�pre��to malnt�ln�uch Insunnce for ao long e�Lende►tequlres.
<br />- � � 4.Prop�rty.Borrower will kesp the property In pood condltion and make all repaln rearonabiy necee��ry. •
<br /> 6.Ex�uu. Borrower aprees to pay ell Lender's expensa� IncludlnA rea�onable attorneye'fee�,if Borrower braeke eny covensnt�In thle deed �• �
<br /> of trutt or In �ny obligatlon�ecured by this deed of truat.�orrower wlll pey these emounte to lender as provlded in Covsnant 8 of thla deed of ._ .
<br /> trust.
<br /> 8.Prlor S�cu�y Inte�sU.Unlesa Borrower firet obtelns Lender's written conaent, Borrower wlll rtot meke or permit any chanfles to eny prio► •' '
<br /> aecurity Inte�e�tp. Borrowar wlll perform all of Borrower's oblipetlone under any priar mo►tpepe, dead of Vudt or other securlty eyreement,
<br /> includinfl Bo►rower'�covenant�t�mske paymante when due. _
<br /> � ,
<br /> 7.As�rxn�t of R�nta�nd Proflu.Borrower essipns to Lender the ronte nnd pruflts of the proporty,Unleca Barrower and Lender hava aproed •+�^'• � -
<br /> • otherw�sp In writfi�, Borrower m�y callact and rotein the rent�es lonp ea Borrower le not In default. I}Bortower defautU, Lendar, Lendar'� ..yl.rya>>c-
<br /> eymt,or�court �ppalntad roceiver m�y teke poe�easion and msnape the property and caltect tM rent�. Any rant� Lendsr collecU sh�ll be ' ,..x ��'"'"-,�
<br /> i appii�d fint to tha cosU of m�mpinp the propertY. Includirtg couK costs end ettornoyn' feei, eommisolona to ►antal apeM�, �nd my other � `�' • �(�:�;;=.
<br /> i , reeceeetry rolatecf expenaes.Th�romaTning emount ot rente wtll then eppty to paymonta an the eecured dobt na provided In Coven�nt 1. f i�- + 5��r,J �� ,
<br /> ,.I . '
<br /> - y ' !.Lw�hoid�}Ct�ndortAtAums7��nned Unit U�v�lopt»�nts•Borrower eproea ta comply wfth the provlalona ot any leate If thls dned ot vust�s on + ,...� i��nt x��i`
<br /> '.�'J' ,� �.:.;•-�:`•� a I�es�hold. If this daed of tro�t i�on a unft in a condominium or a planned unit tlevelopment,Borrower will pariorm all af 8orrowsr'�dutios �P �'�•;.�� '�;��"�`�����'°"'�
<br /> ' ,• under the covensnt�,bylawa,or ropuletlona of the condomiMum or lannod unit development. �?f�;i 1";,{.I' t'54��;<}``;%�_••
<br />' ` , P t�f.'�a.,;. .�,....�..,
<br />. .;. �,' 3... . ,1�_
<br /> _�� t, 9.Autifority of L�nd�►to P�tiorm for Bor�aw�r. If Botrowo► 4afls to perform any of Borrower's dutiea under thle deed of tru�t, Lendor may , +,�
<br />� perform the dutle�or cause them to be performed.Lendor mey elgn 8orrawer'e neme or pay any emaunt if neces�ary for performanc�.It eny �"..• ;,�.�
<br /> . i conatructlon on the property fe discontlnued or not carriad on In e reasonebte menner,Lender mey da whetever Is necessary to protect Lender'e ',.. ,a�w�_
<br /> s�curity intv��t in ihs propn-ty,Thl:may lncluda aamplattrsp tha cnrtstructlan. "`'-•_�--_
<br /> Lender'�ftlluro to perform wiil not preclude Lender}rom exerclsinp any of Its other riphts under the lew or thia deed of trust � ��e`_—?
<br /> Any�mount�paid by Lender to piotect Londer'e eecurity In2sreit wlll 6e secured by thio dead oi trwt. Such emount�wlll b�due on demsnd � °-
<br /> and wili b�er interozt fram tha dato of tho payrttont unttl patd In tuli ot tha Intereat rote In cHect on tha cecured dabt. -� �
<br /> -- I 10. D�f�uf! w�d Accol�ratlon. If Borrower }efto to make any ptyment when due or break� eny eovenmte under thi� dsed of tru�t or �ny � `
<br /> � obltp�tlon wcund by thlt deed ot tru�t o►eny prlor mortyape or ds�d ot tru�t, Lendsr m�y rcceNnt�th� m�turity of the acu►ed d�bt�nd , u,
<br /> - -- - d�:r.�lmrr.�'.�Le ga;mznL�n�!i.^.ey�.^.ynkw thw n�war o}uls�nd sny oth�r remedlaa aermltted bv�ppllcehl�I�w. �
<br /> Vr. •• -
<br /> 11. R�qw�t tor Nottc�of D�fautt.It 1�hsreby rsquntsd th�t copl��of the notice�o}d�f�ult md ui� b��ent to��ch p�rcon who I� �p�rty �� V��
<br /> Mnto,�t th��ddnu of stch tuch penon,u ut}orth h�tdn. t��� • .�r�
<br /> 12. Powa ot aN�.If th�Lend�r Invok��the power of eate, the T�u�tse�h�il tirst record In th�offla of the repistn of de�d�of��clt caunty •; • ..
<br /> wMnln th�tru�t prop�rty or som�pa►t or paresl thereot Is sitwted a notice of de}eult containlnC the Informatlon required by I�w. Th�Trustee ,
<br /> shall�Ito mell copb�of tF►� notla of dstault to the Borrower,to e�ch person who Is�party hereto. �nd to other pnson�upr acrib�d by '
<br /> appllc�bl�Isw.Not I�e� th�n one month �ftar the Tru�tee record�the notice of default or twa month� If tha trwt prop�rty 1• not fn any
<br /> InCOrpont�d city or vitl�y��nd i�ut�d In farminp ot»ratiom o�rrl�d an by ths trustor,th�'Fru�te�sh�ll pivs public natice of sds to ths penon� ti:
<br /> md In th�manner prsacribed bV�eppplic�ble law. Trustee,withoux domand on Borrower,ehall�ell the propo►ry et publlo auatlon to the hlphest ,�,;
<br /> bidder.If requlred by the Perm Homeste�d Protoction Act,Tru�tae sh�ll offer the praperN in two seperete eate�as rsquired by�pplicable Isw. ;il�
<br /> Trustu m�y postpone�ale of NI or sny parcel of the property by public snnouncament et the time end place o}eny prevloutly tcheduted sete. ,; �
<br /> L�nd�r or It�de�innee mey purcha�e the property et eny eale.
<br /> ;p'.
<br /> Upon nceipt of piYmsnt of the price bfd,Truatee shall dellvbr to the purchaaer Truatee'e deed conveyinH the propeny.Ths recitfals contained i� } .
<br /> Trustea'�dsed shall b�prim�iscte evfdlencs of tho truth of the etatemcnt�contalned thereln.Truatee shell epply the proaeeds of the�els In the �
<br /> folbwinp order: (e) to ell expentes o}the enle, Including, but not Ifmited to, reaaonable Truatoe's feea, roaaonable ettorney'e feea end � '*' a;
<br /> rainshtement fees;(b)to all sums secured by thls deed of trust,end(c)the balence,If any,to the persone Iegaily entitlod to recelve It. ;�,,1c•: �'
<br /> 13. Fa�c7wun.At Lender'a option,thla deed of truat may ba foreclosod In the menner provide by applicablo law for foreclocure ot mortpapoe � �`_
<br /> yi�'/., '
<br /> on red properry. ,
<br /> 14. Intwotlon.Lender may enter the property to Inapect it ff Lender givea Rorrower notice beforehand.Tho notico must etato tho ronsonablo .
<br /> c�use ror Lsnder's Inspeation.
<br /> 1 B.Cond�rt�n�tlon.Borrower assi8ns to Lendor the roceeda of any awerd or cielm for damagos connectad with o condemnatlon or other taking
<br />- ; of sIi or�ny put ot tho praperty.Such Drocooda wiP be applied es provided In Covonant 1.'1 his aseignment ia subJect to the terme of any prior
<br /> security ayroement.
<br /> f "
<br />.. � � 18.W�Ive. By exarcising eny remedy evnila6le to Lender,Londar does not give u�any rights to later use any other remedy. By not exerclaing ����
<br /> ' eny temedy upon Borrower's default, Lendar does nat walve eny right to later cona der the event a default if It heppene egaln. i
<br /> = 17. JNM�nd 6�ved LI�bliitlr• Co•sipna�; Suac��sws �nd Aaiym Bound. All dutiee under this deed ot trust aro Joint and sovoral, Any ,
<br /> Borrower who ca•Up�i thie dead of Vust but doea not co•aign the underiying debt Instrumontlel daea ao only to prant and convey that
<br /> -- Borrow�r's intorett In the property to the Truatae under the terme oi thle deed of trust.In edditlon, such e Borrower eprees thet the Lender and i �.
<br />- any other Borrower under thia deed of trust may eMend, moditv or make any other chenpes in the terma of this deed of truat or the sacured �
<br /> = debt wlthout that Borrowo►'e conaent end wlthout releaelny that Borrovier from tho terma of thle deed of trust. ,
<br /> � Ths duties�nd ben�fits of thi3 doed of Vu�t ehalt bind end benefit the eucceseore end easipns of Londer end Borrowor. '
<br /> '' 18.Notk�.Unlet�otherwlae required by law,eny notice to Horrower shell be glven by deliverinp it or by muiling it by certlfied mall addrosied to ,'
<br />��� Borrower et the property eddress or any other 9ddress that Borrower hee given to Londer. Borrower will pive eny notice ta Lender by certiffod
<br /> :� . mall ta Undsr9 addreae on pape i of this dead of trust,or tn eny other eddroas which Londer hac doalgnated.Any other notice to Lender shall i
<br /> s' be aent to Lender'e eddrese as steted on pnga 1 of thla deed of trust.
<br />.r
<br /> �
<br />� Any notfcs sh�ll be deemad to heve been piven to Borrower or Londor when given In the manner statod abovo. ,
<br /> - 19.Tr�rwt�r of RM P�op�rty a�B�}Iclal lot�nit in tM Borrow�r.If all or any part of the property or eny Interest In It fe sold or trenaferred
<br /> wlthout Lender'� prlor wrftten conaent, Lender mey demend immediete payment of the eecured debt. Lender may nlso demend Immedfate
<br /> � demindtpiymtntin tha ibove ituettoni�lf ipls prohlbted by federal law ai of the date of thli deed�of trrust nsterrcd. Howevar, Lender mey not ;
<br />_-
<br /> x .' 20.Mteeonvo�a�c�.When the oblipstion aecurod by thie deed of truet hee beon paid end Lender hae no furthor obifgatlon to mpke sdvancea
<br />•--- -,-_-- .....�...►...i...�.......,.•.N 1/VYM�11*� ur�u�d hv rh�a d.nd nf rrunt.ehe Truatee ahell uoon writtan reouest bv tho Lendor.roconvev tho uuet
<br /> -__:_ -�-- -°-----..._..� _. _ .__..._...- ---- -- -• - .
<br /> � prop�rty.The Lender ehsU aollver to the Borrower,or to Borrowor's eueceaeor In Interosf,the trust deed ond tho noto or other evidenee of tho
<br /> _ obt pi �tion�o i�tistied.Borrower shell pey eny rocordet:on coote.
<br />,.a;
<br /> ,�� 21. Succatror TtuttN. Lendar, et Lender's optlon, mey remove Truatee nnd eppolnt e eucceesor truatee by ilret, malifng n copy of tho
<br /> � eubatkutlon of trunee es roqu(rod by applloeble law,and thon,by fflin�the subatitution ot Guutoo for record in the offiee uf the rogfster af deeda
<br /> o}eech county(n whiCh the trust propertV,or some part thareof, 3s eitueted.Tho succoaaor truetoe,wfthaut conveyanco of the property,ehrfll
<br /> • � eucceed to ell ths power,dutfos,nuthority and titlo of tho Truetee named In tho deed of truet nnd of eny succeasor truetee,
<br /> �� ' �
<br /> ,�• ' ,
<br /> '�.' . ,
<br /> �n.r '0121
<br /> B+WKERS BYETEM9.iNC.,tiT�CLOUD.MN 6E307 It-s00J87•43411 FONM OCP•MTO•NE e/1 k�I81
<br />;� • .
<br /> � , ,
<br />