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<br /> ---'�-"-�''-''_�,z;. Iha�alrom all ta3l��n0 ap�nu�InCUUSQ by 1t in cOn n�Ct�otl wrth�uch prnce�di,upon�ny�ndoUlvJ���io 3uwrcd ho��hy onU In cuch ar��r a6 LOnC:r m.y d9tGrmtne.�r i�
<br /> � - - rpply�11 tutn Nra:NO�.d9���uch d�duclidn�.to Iha a�toral�on ol ih�Proputy upan such conrliu0n���L�ndu m�y dtlarmm• Any nifDhc�uOn ol P+ocada l ' ,,.,�,,,
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<br /> '�J'�'�~:��� y, ryppr�pnuYyA�nAS�.lnll�rewr.tot�orraw�r'�IUlurotopnrlorm�nyof�h�e,ov�nonU�oremmmoMOpnypaymonbro�uu��h�aby.onl+ny�etuukmor �
<br /> �� Np�lprocwdmpcomm�nc�tlwn¢hmal�i�atty�Ifa��l�nO�Y�mNi�tlmin�Prop�rly.Lantivm�y�n�t�ownRncrtlwn.bulwilhoulo0lap�qontod0�o.enJwnhoulnut¢ �3;<,�__
<br /> --z �_?� �oortlem�ndupqn8orrow�ri��Awuhoulr�t�i�inp�orrow�rlrom�nyoq�ip�UOn.do�nyulwhieD�n��orrovnrh��rpr��Ohu11��t�:uQapndm�ya!�oAOtnyolher�cl� ���r
<br /> d-'m�n,^�r.s-r.�y tn prntec��ne eecunly hereu�Oonowor ahNl.�mmed�ateW upon qomand Ihnrntor Cy Lentlor.pry lo I.onucr nll eou�end eKpont9��ncutted�nd tum�J �::
<br /> ..- --��-� �rp�n�dbyL�nO��inCOnMtt�00w�tbih��r��CltaDyLinc1Ut01fh�longomqupr.u.�op�tnervnmmiens�unreone��n��o�owo��aea�nih�No��..�;:�cn�fiGllb�COU:dtl�f �,:.,.
<br /> �,�,_� '- IM�nd�bNdnns Mcur�tl MteDy Lendat�hal!nol�ntW�ny penon�l I�aDtlily Cecause ol�nythinp�I m�y tlo ot pmd 10 Ao ho�euntler � �-
<br /> ' S �wnN of Od�W6 Thp loltow�np th�il constrtute un evenl ot Anhutt undor Ihis pcetl o1 Trost. -':,�:-
<br /> ..�.�•� (�) f��IwslaFay�nym�lallmenlolprmc�polmmloreslotonyothm�umiotuatlharabywhondue.orladurelopaywhlntlu9�nyolher�ndtMtdnet�o'� '+'=-
<br /> �,,,,;t-r Borrow�r to l�ndu. f��`
<br /> .�,�:�';; (b) A bre�eh ol at del�ult untlnr�ny pro��aton contametl m�ho Nale.Ihif Dood of Tms1.any doeeimonl whien secums Ihe N4te.�nd nny o1Ge� `�;�.
<br />-=�7�;r � �ncumbranc�upon th�Property: �4^�
<br />-ait.cy�„ � (c) Aw�tlol�x�cuUOnoratucnmeMOran a�mdai eoces�ehnllUOemere0a a�n.tt3orrawart�h�chsha�lbecomoelmnonlheProportyor�nyport�on �+��'
<br /> Y P � ' .�t_
<br />_-_=� thOnot o►fnroiest therein: �"x."�-
<br /> "��i_a`_'[ �
<br /> -� -*i.■ (d► Th�n�ball be 1�1ed hY or aganst Borrowar an acuon untlor any prosonl o�lulure IaOaraf.sUte or othor qatule.I�w or raqulilian r�luunp to �=�-
<br />---��,;;;:�;,• baakruptey.msalveneyorothe�rel�elfordobtors:orthereshanbeappolntetlenylrustao.rccorvmorl�qwdarorol8orrowe�urolalloranyparlullhePio�riy,or - --
<br /> �.-_°,�L'�„, Ihe nnb,latuec or protrts Iheroof,m Borrowo�shall maka any genoml ass�flnmant lor Ino bonalit ol croArtora �"`"�v
<br /> wur=
<br /> '`�t��'•''' (e) Tn�sat�.tromisr,ase�pnmant,conveyence ot furiher encumbranta ol all or any patt ul o�any�nturost m the PropeAy.e�ther voluntanty or
<br /> �._::lT'.�y`' o.nit•`-.
<br /> _.� .; �rnoluntaNy.wqhoul tno sxpress wretten tonsent o1 LenAe� _�
<br />_���;�y� (Q 11 Borrower Ii not an Inalviduel,the sale.lrynsler,asslgnmenl.CornCya�ce oreneumDrentE ol mOro Ihen p�rc�nt ol pl a eorpor�uon►U� -
<br />?;:,,��;�iq{i�: �sfued�nd outatandmp stoek or(ii�p�ilnorsnipy�-p:.mcnt of p�rtnenhip mtcrcets �-'�Y;y
<br />'-3`�.�''�`•'; p M�IN:AeuNtNlonUponD�isu�4.IniheevenlotanyEven�otOolau�ILenGCrmaytloclarenllmtluhteGnoseaecurodhero0ytabedua�ndpaya6�eandt�e �:i�
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