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<br /> ~T�"� ' In accordancQ with the provisions of the Nebraska Farm H�omestead Protection Act, the undersigned, , .
<br />�:F1': :n.�r-�.�,,��. .♦ . ��� t_� ..s r�57i.XK:-
<br />- McTAVISA BROT�IERS PA►�RTNERSAIP, a Nebrsesks� general pArtnership, prior ta executing the ,�:, . ,.�„„- Y.rF,.
<br /> t:�.�:.:.. . �^,��... ,
<br />�'a' ariached Deed of Trust dated March 3, 1995, by and between the undersigned and THE STATE SANK OF `�c.,.^�,,,�:,���Ys,���
<br /> �{� 1y- ��� '
<br /> �.:.+±�'�'' CAIItO, A Nebrasiui BAnking Corporation, (hereinafter refened to as "Mortgage") hereby state and ` 4 y y ��{-
<br /> -, , ;, .
<br /> , acknowledge: , .,,�df,�,t,;�,` �
<br /> .ty -)•.-�.'�-�"_
<br /> • P
<br /> �{ ���E��
<br /> �.i_�3:... . .: . �tclbtSt� �rs,� + ..
<br /> 1. The undersi�ned states, wanants and represents that the'u dcvelling house and ather buildin�s subject to a , ,� , � .
<br /> .,:.,�,.:�...^,. �'�._,... --rr�t�:
<br />_���:�,:`,,,y,,,,�f��k � homestead are presently located upon the following described reat estate(ttereafter refened to as"Parce 1"
<br /> �'ki��� �T
<br /> ��.:='��`,�•�� _ --
<br /> _':;:�:��y,1��.; .:�.. A parc..l of land located in tl:e Northwest Quarter(NW 114)of Section Nine(9),To�n�stup Ten(10)Nortt�,RanBe B c-ven �—
<br /> �;:,.,;:; ,3 (1 l)West of U�c 6i1►P.M.,Iiali County,Nebraska,described as foUows: Commencing at the Noxthwest curner of Secxion 9;
<br /> `'a��;:r• • �k:• lhence N89°S6'20"E, 1,599.89 fcet to a point on thc north line ai Secuon 9 and the northerly tGrnunus of a 3a toot�ir.:� �__
<br /> - �`��"- �� ----�---
<br /> •� easement for in�ress and egress;thence S00°13'40"W along the conterline of said 30 foot wide easement 1,170.43 fcet ta ihe —
<br /> 353.24 fect; theacc S00°OS'30"E, �ry�n.
<br /> - •��"'`���V'�a 53196 fcet�then N89 36'40"Nn507 64 fcet�thenlce N44°�6'30"W�102.6Z fcet�tt►ence�S�0°52'S0"W,367.23 fcet;thence -
<br /> - ...
<br />_.:= �
<br /> , ,.. ., —-- - -
<br />" ... S3U`0�'�t"�ti,6335 fcci:ttiea..:.S55°33'32"W, 1Oi92 fCet:lhencC S87°55'42"W,22U.52 feet:lhence S89°57'S8"W.329.
<br />_�S,r�_ ..;��:;�" . -_---�-____—
<br /> ' feet;t�ence S45°41'S2"W, 191.7G feet;lhence S84°15'40"W, 194.48 feet ta the west line of�the NW 1/4 of section'v,taence
<br /> "'-�~ nosth along thc �vest line of said section 269.57 feet; thence N81°37'32"E,653.10 fect;ihence N48°44'32"E, 477.00 foet;
<br /> '.•:� thence N8S°OI'10"E, 566.32 feei; thence NO2°09'20"E, 55.08 fect; thence S89°17'00"E, 13.70 feet to tho uue point of
<br /> ;:- ,. , �&�g �.------ -�-
<br /> -- �. � _1__ �L. �r �o�1P
<br /> A,.°w- 2. The undorsigned acknnwteub�s���at it�e, h.....a n.P±to make a designation of homestead in the Mortgage �
<br /> ��`-.f��.' � �� . or Deed of Trust for the purpose of affording the opportunity to retain thsir homestead in the event of
<br /> � • '� default and foreclosure under the Mortgage or tcustee's sale under the Deed of Trust. �:_..�.
<br /> ^ r 1� `n1 ' - -
<br /> .'`.'.Y.T;�,�: _ ..
<br /> . . .. r�:i:.�..;: - ----—.
<br /> - ��v%`::•'� 3. The undarsigned acknowledg�s t�►At the executioi�of this waiver constitutes the complete waiver of ri ts _^_
<br />, ; :. „�<:�:��_�;;:,,.., _
<br /> u.��c� �o-:. —
<br />'-��-��->�=-=,', .+. otherwise available far the purpose of affordin�the opportunity ta retain a homestead in the event of a
<br /> '��'�'�=�'yw� � default and any foreclosure under the Mort�age or trustee's sale under the Deed of Trust.
<br /> .,, _;;�,�
<br /> �•�a��='��.
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<br />_`(�",•�:`•de.'.,!iC''� —�. �
<br />:�.;�l` � '�x �: 4. The undcrsigned state that thi9 ackriowledgment an�!waiver is their knawing and voluntAry ac4.�n�l -- --
<br /> i
<br />-�-�- �•-�$f deed and t6e uadersigned do hereby willingly and v�9untarily waive,relin+�noosh and reniise Any a�nd
<br /> ,.:>,<<..,.,��t��:_
<br />.�'���' � �,n:.�� All right to make a designation of homestend in the Mortgage or Deed of Truat. s_
<br />.;,,;;l`��`.�''�'.' --__ "
<br /> �ni�t"..�:._c�•�.. ��r�cis M.=' -_
<br /> _ _ - FITr�A a�n;, _ �•�•-•�-- .
<br /> ail4:e�-..-:*M\.��:)'��.` =,..n.�.�..�.e.::�..
<br />��,?,����� ���';; 5. The undersigned further understand and agee that this acknowledgment and waiver shall be c as � � Y
<br /> _��� �•� r-. Preface to and become a part of the Mortgage or Deed�f Trust.
<br /> ��:=°—
<br /> ::�.. . - -
<br /> �,+ pated: Mstrch 3, 1995 � -�
<br /> -T���,
<br /> " ''Mq^
<br />-- - : ,, .-�_-.
<br /> ,� , iJGLAS D.P+�IcTA�ISn,part�3er !�4��
<br />_,,, .�a; ,,�, �--- ;�~� - -,�,i��=
<br />':Aw.=-�. ,. " ,�'(,vr`v' r �..�
<br /> .� ._:,�.,....��ii r nq . .Y.�
<br /> .�,�?A,'�,';:1,��,��'. - �C�,/ ��,. . , _
<br /> -':}?y�-��;;;�:�'S�,: �ITH J.McTAVISH,pariner ��
<br /> !,::•�. •
<br /> =` ,��>;•�; .
<br /> '��`��� ' S'Y'A'TE OF NEBRASKA)
<br /> i.' _;�° )SS ;
<br />�;a`�:;�'��:�. ' COUN'I`�'OF I�ALL ) ,
<br /> "',.�ti•l,.'�"'. ,.'�
<br /> ."'�'�-' -r ' � The foregoin3 in�trumei►t was acknowledged before m�on Marc�3, 1995,by DOUGLAS D. McTAV3SII,
<br /> �'r.:.��._''�.',° 1 :
<br /> � �' `s: partner,and KEITii J.Mc'�AVISM,�Artner.
<br /> - n .° n �..�_
<br /> •��°�~-� �p EKEMI KOTAAY•State ot r�+ruka ` --- — � � �
<br /> ;`.�ry"�. •.�s � '�QHN J.STOKMAN_� OT Y PUBLIC �
<br /> 4 I
<br /> . �,'::k..r�'�, ��. r����in I�u Jan.22,1996
<br /> �,",sr:�a, � `�' �
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