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<br /> � 11!i. 'f'i�s f3rnefiei:�ty may,hy n�britt�ll iDSl111111ent ex�,.i�tcd nisci ne�:�iotiileAgccl Ly ilc►ecfieia�y,i�►ailct�to'1'ias:ors�izQ recurtt�c9 i�� r;
<br /> tha Gounry ln cvhich fhr progcrty ie Ia:at�+J aitd i�y ait�ci���i�:c ct�;����iyi��g e�ritEo tlt;;�i;uvi�iw!3 of'ti�a r:j3�?lic�'�lc 1��;+Rf�I��;tilrt::��S �_
<br /> KebraiicA,u►brs4itutn a buccts►or to Ilx'truxttc�wmod hercin oe nc9lag I�cr�ut►der. '�'
<br /> 1f. 'This a4od ot Truat AppNa to enA inurea to the bonsfit af and bind�all �riit9 heteta, �helr luixa,persotu�l rtpresKntative9,
<br /> wooeswrs and�uigru. 'fhe tent+"[iancpclary"st�li nuan the owt►cr nnd ho1dG�oi tha note,�vhe�hcr ot�oat namcd us 13eneftciary
<br /> hzrein.
<br /> 1T. 1'li!kr�t r.�'�+��g�ha!!!!billly e�f nnv ottkr�crson liabio Cor tiw�+ayiucni oi'nny obligntian hcrcin mcntional, end cvitho�.it
<br /> aiYectinR 1he lien or ch�uae of thd;poed of'fn�st upen anY pon�on of the praperty nut thcn or ttkrctoforc relcasod as security f'ur tix
<br /> R�q p�yrnent c�f a!1 u�ipaid abligalions,the @eneticiary may,from timc to timc anQ without naioi::(�)nleaso any persona so li�blc;
<br /> (b)extcnrd the rtwturity or alter any of Ibe tanns of any such obfigstion;(c)grant other indulgences;(d)relcase or rcconvey at tt�e
<br /> Hcncfciary'e option any p�.mel,portlon or:dl of the property;(e)take ar rcicase any other or:�cltlltaonal soCUdty for any obli�ation =
<br /> hcnin mcntioncd;or(�mnkc compositions or oiher arrangements with debtors in relation thcrcto.
<br /> 1�. This IJxd of Tnu!shsll be gaver��ed bY the laws of ihc State of Ncbr�ska and,in the evtnt atry one or morc of tl�c�pcc�vviis.ione
<br /> oonlainad hr,rcin,ar the note or any other sentriry ins�ruinent giveR in wnna:tion���ith this transaction shall be for any rcasan t�,t3d
<br /> to bc invalid, illeg�l or anenforceable, in any respect, such invalidity, iilegality or unenforceability shail not affect arry c�her
<br /> peavi.siof�s o:lt�ls G:M:a:Tr.a.,�.:e tt:�L�!of Tn!u chaii be canstnud as if such invalid, iUegal or ur�enfarc�eable nrovision had _
<br /> n.eti•er bccn conta�ned herein or thercin.
<br /> 19. My f��bearancc by t1u Beneficiary or T[ustec in exercising uny dght or rcmafy h�ercundcr, or othenvise affarded by
<br /> applicable taw,shall not be a waiver of or prxlude the excrcise of any snch right or nmaty hcreunder. Likewise,the waiver by the
<br /> Beneficiary ar Trusta of any default of thc Trusior�ua-►dc�Ehis 8:.:�1 of Ttu,:t shall ncs!r_c!e_�to be a wa�ver of�ny�her or
<br /> similar defaulc subsoqoendy oosurring.
<br /> 20. Upon the written�uest of the Hcneficiary statiing that a11 sums secured hcnbY have be�n paid,and upon surrenckr of this
<br /> Deed of Tnut and the note to the Trustee for cancelladon and retention and upon payment by Tmstors of Truste�'s fees,Tnistee shall
<br /> r�oonvev to Tnstors, or thc person or persons legaUy cndtled thereto, without warranty, ai►y ponion of tha property then txld
<br /> t�enun�ter. Rec:italy in such recomeyanoe of aay matters or facts sit.all be conciusive prwi oi i;�uutiu�u:.:.;�::c..�.�.`. �:�a:�=n
<br /> tLe reronveyance may bc:described as the"person or persons legally entitled thereto."
<br /> IN WTTNESS t'�I�EREOF,'Trustors have executed tlus Ae�f.of Trust on the date first nated abov�. _
<br /> � _..�--.�
<br /> �
<br /> GLA D.McTAVISII p�rtncr
<br /> . T �
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<br /> STATE O�'NEBRASKA) ITH J.McTAVI3H, pertner
<br /> )58
<br /> COUN'1'Y UF II�►LL )
<br /> The foregaing ins�irnent was acicnowledged before me on Mxrc6 3, 1995,by DOUGL,AS�.McTAVISH,
<br /> p�ctner,��d KEIT�J.McTAVISH,partner.
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