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<br /> : ;��; . ,, . . This DEEIa OF TRUS'C is raade this 3rd day of MArch. 1995, by and arnong McTAVISH _
<br /> ' B1��TD3E�tS PAR7'IeJERSHIP, u Nebrasks� generr�l prrtn�nt�i�, hereinafter referred ta as "�'ru�tore,'• � ,_..-
<br /> `:f�; , ':. . .a . I' , , �
<br /> °��=�= ��s , wliether one or more, whose mailin�address is 11700 We�t W i l d w n o d D r i v e, W o o d R i i v c r, N e b r�t�k a 6 8 8 8 3;
<br /> 'II'A��'TA'II'� �A1�7�C C�C CAQL:�, a Nebra�lsn �ar�liia�� Carpoe•eeio�, h�reinaftsr referred to as "Trustee." " -'..
<br /> `.� � ' '�� ' whose rnailing address is F�oa 42A, CRiro, Nebra�ka 68�24; ne�d TIIE STAT� HANK OF CA1R0, � ,
<br /> ;. � .
<br /> NebrAS{c,��w�king C�rpora�tion, hereinafter referred to as"Benttisiary," wh�se mailing nddress is Sox 42a, �
<br /> .�.�k -`'�f"� .
<br /> � �'�.���•`°'"�� C�iro,Nebr�ak�68524. , '�
<br /> " ' �� Fot valu�ble consideration, Tn�stors irrcvocnbly granc, transfer, convey and assign to Trustee, in trust, ,
<br /> � , �vith power uf sale, for tlie ben�fit and securiry af Beneficiary, under snd subject to the terms and canditions of 4`
<br /> -� � thi� Deed of Tnest, the follovving described real property IocAted in HALL Coianty,Nebraska: :"
<br /> f
<br /> ' • A tr.sGt of l,�.nd comprising a pan of the Soutl���st Quaricr(SE f/4)of Scction Six(G), To�vnstup Tcn(10)North. � • �`
<br /> Rangc Ten(10).West of the 6th P.M..Hnll County,Nebr�ska,more parUCUlarly described as follows: Bcginning ., �s°;�'�:�_,
<br /> y...,., r .�ri�`°°-°
<br /> >',,, . at the intersecUOn of►he soiitheasterly riglit-of•�vay line of Uie Union Pacific Railroad�vitli the ca5t line of sald s,;,,;,,,,,,;,�'-�� �
<br /> --• �outhcast Qv.'�ster(SE 1/�); the�ee south���esterly along said railroad right-of•way line a distancc of 9l 1.58 fcxt; ';;:�;?�;=a`�1°�Y�`��
<br /> � thence southerly parallel to the cast line of said Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) a distance of 873.U8 feet; thence 'F•M'�Y�:�=� ----
<br /> � r._�t.:�
<br />� , northeasterly pazallel to said southeasterty rdilroad righhof-way line a distance of 911.58 fcet to th�cast liac of .,�.�_;--
<br /> ��,:.`,w.n..,.�u
<br />= said Southeast Quaner(SE 1/d):th�nce northedy along the east liae of said Southeast Quarter(SE 1/4)a distance u,y,_.-.�--� -
<br /> ' of 873A8 feet to thz place of begianing, '�-�
<br /> �....�.
<br /> � �`� ' fixture�, streets, alleys,passage�vays, easements, rights, privileges and � �
<br /> � :..� togetl►er with all buildings,innprovements, __�-
<br /> �� a p p i u t e n a r►c e s l o c a t e d t h e r e o n,a n d a ll parsonal pro pe r t y that ma y be or hereafter became an integral part of such ____ �
<br /> � builalings and improvements, all crops raised thereon, and all water rights, all of which, including replacements �,�,�_
<br /> ��+� and additions theretn, are hereby declared to be a part of the real estate conveyed in trust hereby, it being agreed ��.�--�-°--_
<br /> ... � "
<br /> . .. � n. n • "t'_tI L._ 1.... w: w � elo♦ P�� PT�I/11 S��'.`__.��
<br /> ' :•,�: t�ltli �l OI L�IC IO[CbUlllb�t�iw uc ucrciTiaff�r r�f..if..°'�t0.....�t., PreF.. .� __ __
<br /> '�-
<br /> � •i`.
<br /> a. Payment of indebtedrness evidenced by Tnastors' note of even date herewith in the principal sum of
<br /> . .; . $50,000.00, together with interest at the rate or rates provided therein, and any and� aU renewals, m�difications
<br /> and extensions of such note, both principal and interest o�► the note being payable dn accordance with the terms
<br /> ', set forth therein,which by chns reference is hereby made a part hEreof; >v`J�.�
<br /> ;,,,.,�.
<br /> .. � b. The performance of each agreement and covenant of Trustors herein�ontained;and : �
<br /> ;��--
<br /> �"�� c. The payment of all sums advanced by Beneficiary under the terrns of this Deed of Tiust, together �vith _ _
<br /> ;:�.. _- ,,`•.
<br /> ',.,m•t•,- � interest thereon at the rate provided in the note. �� :=:=�_
<br /> - '� d. The above amount is secured even though all or part of it may not yet be advance.Future advances under ,��>�sf�:::�'��=��-__
<br /> « :�';,�` �he ageement are contempla-ted and will be secured to the san►e extent as if made on the date this deed of trust is �' ` "�- � --_=
<br />. ''• " � ` executed. ���'���;'�'� �
<br /> :� � �
<br /> � �1:r,• ��,;�i
<br /> - ' , .1' f,M , rt.•.
<br /> � �'•i.. :. .~.�``��q+'�-
<br /> p` t��<rti; t ri --
<br /> -.t_i. }' ,+�c: � ±{�7Un�iwf�if
<br /> -.;•;;���- �-- i. To pay�vhen due. the prinripal of,and the interest on. thc indcbtedness cvidcnced by the notc,charges, fees and all other ' :�;,�,�,^'
<br /> sums as provided in t6�e loan instr�ments. I;' :��' . '
<br /> ° Y. Trustors are the owners of the property and have the right and authority to execute this Deed of'Tn�st in respect to the �
<br />_ ` , , properry. �.
<br /> ' � 3. To pay. when due, all tvccs. special assessments and all other chaages against thc property, before th� same bemme I`"�'�
<br /> !�',�c••• �� delinquent. Tnistors shall pay all taxes and assessments which may be levied upon Bencficiary's interest herein mr upon tlus Dced of �
<br /> Tnest or the dcbt sccurcd hcreby, «�ithout re�ard to atty law that may be enactcd imposing paymcnt of ihe�vhole or any part thereof j
<br />_ , upoii the Bcncficia►}�. f
<br />_: 4. To kccp the improvcmcnts no�v on c�rcaftcr located on thc properq�insurcd a�amst damagc by fire and s¢ch othcr har.�rds as �
<br /> � tlie Beneficiary may require,in amounts and companics accept�ble to the Beneficiary,Sucl�insurance poliry shajl oont�in a stan�rd
<br /> � . mortgage clausc in favor of Beneficiary. Tntstor shall promptly regair, maintain and replace the pmperty ar any part thereof, so
<br /> - • • ihat,except for ordinary�vcar and tear,the property sliall not dctceiorate.
<br /> S. in the event the nroperty, or any paR tliereof. st�all be taken b}• eminent domain.the Heneficiary is entitled to collect and
<br /> • � :eceive all compensadon wluch may be paid for any property taken or for damages to property not taken,and the Beneficiary stiall .
<br /> _��_�. _.�.r.....,..�...,.,.,e.... �_
<br />- `� "�'"°°" --� apply suel►eompensation,at us opnon.eitner co a reduccion oi in�inuw«���s��:u�a...�«��.��.v.�r�:a..�.•..�.�.�•••-r.••,�-�., �-- --�=
<br />- �
<br /> � so takCn. .
<br /> ' 6. The Beneficiary mav. but shall have no obligation to, do any act�vhich Trustors ha�e agreed but failed to do, and tlie
<br /> � Hene(iciary may also do any act it deems necessary to protcct tl�e lien hercof. Trustors agree to repay.upon demand.any sums so �
<br /> �� ex��endcd by thc Bencfcciary f�r thc abocc purpascs.and any sum so expenda!shall bc added to thc indcbtedncss sccurcd hcrcb}•and •
<br /> bcc9me sccurcd bq thc licn l�crcof. Thc Bcncfician• shall no incur an}• liability bocausc of ain�thing it may do or omit to do
<br />- � hcrcunder. '
<br /> „
<br /> +__:,- �
<br /> u�•-
<br />_ ��..
<br /> ;. -- -.. .. . ... __ _ _„—�. --------- ------ - _ ___ __
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