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S i.iM _ <br /> ;*... , � .. . . r� � .. . . .. <br /> < < . . - . . . ... - . .��lyf'tc�.� „ <br /> �. .'n'.�.;' .. .��. ,...NM., . ' . . .. . � . ;. � � � .. '+1�'M* .. . <br />_�_ � , ,. . . . . �� r, - „ - _ r .. � ., - <br />- � � .._.._H..�._�� .._.... .._i._.._.-- - -... .. .. . ... .._,...... . ._. _. . .:. <br /> �.....W.. ._._.__.._�__..�__. ..._ _. � 9 5-���1�"!'7' , <br />; <br /> paymcnts may no lungcr bc requircd, cit thc uptinn of Lendcr, if mortl;ugc insurancc cc�vcrugc (in thc nmount and fur thc periud � <br /> thut Lt�ndcr rcquires)pr��viJcd by an insurcr approved by l.cnacr uguin bccunus u��ail:�blc and i, c�htaincd. H��rrmvcr�hull pay , . ., y <br /> ' thc premiums rcquircd to muintnin mortgagc insurancc in cffect,or to proviJc a loss rescrvc, until thc rcyuiremcnt far mortgugc •�. ,, <br /> � ,,, insurancc cndti in accorJancc�+�ith any writtcn aFrccmcnt hctwecn Burrowcr and l.cndcr or applicaUlc law. .. <br /> -- 9. InspecYfon. I.endcr or its ag:nt may makc rcnsonablc cntrics upon and inspections of thc Property. l.cndcr sh�ill givc <br /> �,�._} <br /> • ,�F. Dorrowcr noticc at thc time of or prior to an inspcction specifying rcasonuhlc ruusc f�►r thc inspcction. <br /> ' 10. CondcmnaUon. Thc procccds of uny uward or clnim For dumagcs, dircc[ c�r conse;yucntial, in connection with any " . • <br /> candemnation or other taking uf any part ot the Property, or fur cunveyunce in lieu of condemnation, u�e hereby �issi�;nec1 and <br /> „ shall be paid to I.endcr. � ' : <br />'; ° _ : In the even[of a totul taking of the Property,the proceeds shull be applied to the sums secured by this Security [nstrument, <br /> whethcr or not thcn duc. wi[h any cxcess p�id to Borrowcr. In thc cvcni u(a pa��tial taking of thc Property itt�vhich thc fair . .;:..�::..�..✓ <br /> .' markct value of thc Property immcdiatcly bcfore the taking is cquul to or grcater than thc amount of[hc sums secured by this , �- >;,;,��___ <br /> Security Instrument immediatcly beforc thc taking,unlcss Borro�vcr and Lcndcr ochenvise agrcc in writing, the sums secured by ,, -�;:;y�_` <br /> ;;z this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the procecds mulciplied by the follo�ving fraction: (u) the total t��'-';c�;•° <br /> amount of the sums secured immcdiately before the taking, divided by (b) the fair market valuc of the Propeny immcdiately '�,�'�x v;_�_ <br /> ��a, � <br /> befare the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrowcr. In the cvcnt of a partial tuking of thc Property in which the fair � — <br /> :,���. ',�, • •' � market valuc of tt�e Propcny immediatcly hcforc thc�aking is Icss than thc amount of'the sums secured immccliately beforc t:�c �;,�.,,�,_. <br /> �;•c:.r.•. •:.�.. �;,��._ <br /> •, �, �. tnking, unless Borrower and I.ender otherwisc ugree in writing or unless applicablc la�v otherwise providcs,the procceds shall ___ _ __ <br /> , , ;- b�applic�to thc�um��:ecure�d h;thi.�erurity instrument whethcr or nc�t the�ums are then duc. �;< < _ _ � <br /> �, :,m• If thc Property is abandoncd by E�orrowcr, or if,aftcr noticc by Lcndcr to Borcowcr that thc condemnor offcrs to makc an � <br />� • ;.�;,:w awurd or sculc a cl•rim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days aRer the date the notice is given, ' ". <br /> Lender is;wthorized ro collect and apply the pruceeds,at its optian, either to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums � <br /> � • '`� secured hy this Security Inscrument,whcthcr or nat then duc. � <br /> Unless Lender and Bo:rower otherwise agree in writing, uny upplicatian of procecJti to pri��cipal shall not extend or �f�� <br /> '� nosmonc thc duc datc of thc monthly paymcnts rcfcrrcd to in p:�ragraphs 1 .md 2 or chungc thc am�uut of such payments. _ --- <br /> � <br /> U. Iiorrower Not Rrlei�sed;Forbeuraiue By Lender Not u Waiver. �.xtension oi inc iimc iur psyu�n�ii o����odi��a _ <br /> � of.imortiruion uf thc sums,ccureJ hy thi,Security Imtrumcnt grantcd hy l.cndcr to any succcs+or in intcrest oF Borrower shall �.I, <br /> , not oper.uc tu rclra+c thc liubility ot thc��ri�!inal Eiorruwcr��r porr�iwcr's succc�ti��rs in intcr�st. C.cndcr shall not bc requircd ro <br />_ cuinmicnre prorccdinyti ngain+t any+urc�����r in intcrest ur rol'use ti,extend tinie i'or paymcnt nr uther�vise modify amortization <br /> ' of the �um� �cc�rcJ hy Ihis 5rrin�ity In,trumenl hy rca�un ut' uny mudc by thc ari�;inal Borro�vcr or Borrowcr's <br /> su�rc�,ors in intcrc,t. Any furbrarancc by Lcndcr in ex�rri,ing any right ur rc�nedy shall nut bc a waiver of'or precludc thC <br /> � excrcisc uf any right ur rcmcdy. <br /> - „ � 12. Succctisors i►nd Atisl�ns {iound: Joint w�d ticvcrul Llab{Ilty: Co•sf�;ners. Thc covcnauus and agrcemcnts of this <br /> Scrurity In�U•ument shall hind :md hcncfit thc surcc����rti and assignti i�f' I.cnJcr and Bocrowcr, subjcct to thc pr�visions of <br /> paragraph 17. Rorr�nver's �uvenant� �ind a�reemcnt� +hall bc juint and severul. Any Barrowcr who co-tiigns this Security 4 <br /> Instrumcnt but doe� not exccute the Nu�c: la) i� r�r+igning th�s 5ecurity Instn�rnent only to mortgage, grant und convey that R�i;nW. _ <br /> y • Borrower's intcretit in thc Pruperty unJcr thc temu uf this Security In�trumcnt;(b) is not personally obligated to pay the sums ,-,�--� � _ <br /> . securcd by thi�Sccurity Instrmnent: and(c) agrces that [.�nder and any uther Borruwer may agrec to extend,modify, forbear or ���—�-_�---'".� <br /> makc an accomnuxlaliunti with regard to the tern�s of this Security Intitrument��r the Note without that Borrower's consent. �_''�_�"�" _ <br /> Y Hry•':_'_____- <br /> "' 13. Loun Chury;es. It�thc loan secured hy this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, �;�,�?,.,�.; <br /> ' 'r� and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan rharges collected or to ne collected in connection witb the �����---_. <br /> �c_=°-�- <br /> �.-.�jayr+r�...�'"_. <br />� • �.. loan exceed the pern�itted limits, then: (a)any surh luun char�e tihall be reduced by the amount necessary ro reduce the charge . .,,,,�„�,,.��, <br /> � to the pennittcd limit; anJ (h) any wm�alrcad}• r��llerted from Borrower�vhich exceedeJ permitted limit�will be refunded to °.:,y�"'�'ic <br />,� ' �' Borrowrr. l.cnder muy rho��se eo makc thi+ refund by reducing thc principal uwcJ under the Note or by making a direct : ��,.��; <br /> ° • payment to Aorro��•�r. If a rrfund redurcti prinripal. the reduction will bc �reut��l a+ a partial prepayment without :u�y �.��y:~z,.; <br /> � prepaymcnt rhargc unJcr thc Nutc. i.��' <br /> t14. Notices.Any nutirr t�� Borro�vcr providcd for in this Sccurity Instrument shxll bc givcn hy delivcring it or by mailing �� '�:� <br />_ �, . � it by tirst c:la.s mail unlcs�aPplicablc law rcyuircti usc uf anothcr nmthod. Thc noticc shall bc dircctcd t��thc Property Address <br />- . or an)� other adJresti Borrowcr dcsignatc� by noticc tu Lendcr. Any notire io Lendcr tihall be givcn by firtit class mail to <br /> Lcndcr's address stated hcrcin ur�uiy uthcr aJdress I_cndcr J�signatcs by nutirc to Horrowcr. Any noticc nrovidcd For in this <br /> - Security Instrumcnt tihall hc Jccmcd to havn c��n givcn to Burro�vcr ur l.cndrr whcn givcn as providcd in this parugruph. <br /> � + 15. Govern6��; I.u�v; Severubllity. This Sccuriry intitrumcnt shall hc governcd hy feJcral law and the law iif thc <br /> — : jurisJi�tion in�vhich thc Pruperty i� lur.ucd. In thc rvcnt that .my pruvisiun ur cl.iu+c uf thi� Sccurity Intitrument or thc Notc <br /> - � conflicts with applicablc la�v,tiunc�untlirt �h.ill n��t;iffcct othrr pruvisiima of Ihi,Sccuri�y Instrumcnt ar thc Notc which can be `�.:, <br /> �, , { givcn eff'cct without thc runflirting pruvisiun. T��this end thc pruvi�iun�uf this Scrurity Inytrumcnt und thc Notc nrr Jcclarcd <br /> ' �� to be scvcrablc. <br /> ]� 1G.Borrowcr's Copy.Bnrrawcr shi�ll he givcn onr r��nlirrmcd copy uf thc Notc and�if this Security Intitrumcnt. <br /> ' � 1[�; Form 3028 9190 � <br /> -a4+ V <br /> ----. . .-_- '-_-- n..._n..i� <br /> - .. -_ .._�-____ __- � -" . I .-_— ..-.- . <br /> �z'., ---. - � . . ..-----_._ ...-'-_-"....,._..___ . . .. <br /> ic' � <br /> , ...-.-'---..--.-".. ...,.._._._. ., .. <br /> �i ... . � .. . - . ' ' � , - <br /> �S� _ _ ' , ' . - _. <br />:`� .� . � . . _ ., , , <br /> �, , .: � , . ' . ' !/' . . <br /> 4 ,. <br /> �;. ' . : . <br /> • '. <br /> � <br /> ,� <br /> �� _ <br />