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� ,r <br />. • ,_��" . . .' "��1 <br /> ,r <br />= � . _ :,�r;�i�q.+..�Y=.. , -..'r.. , .. � <br /> . � , �; : <br /> . ._ •� - „ <br /> ,. _ . ..... . . . . .. .. . . . .. I <br />, ,� ����_ 1�1�� � .. _ <br /> 4 I <br /> i <br /> � TOGETHER WffN��II thr impru�•cnunts nc�w ur hercaftcr crrctccf on thc pmperty.and all ca,emcnt�,uppurten.uucs,imd - <br /> fixwrc, n��w c�n c�reaRcr a part af thc pniperty. All rcplxcemuntr{ and additions shall also hc ruvcrcd hy thi� 5ecurity I <br /> intiU�un�cnt. All af thc forcgoinZ, Iti rcfcrreil 1��in thi+Sccurity Intilnitrn:ut�s�hc "Property." _ <br />� '' " BORROWER COVENANTS that B��rrowcr iti la��+fully seiseAl nf Qu cstate hereby conveyed and hati thc right t�. giu�tt unJ I <br /> • '• " ronvcy the Praperty and that the PropertY is unencumhered. exrept for cncumbranccs uf record. Bi�rrowcr wurrants and will i R <br /> defend generally the tiUe to thc Propcny ugaintit all cluimn and demand:,,subject[v�any encumbranceti uf record. <br /> � THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT rumbincs unifi�r+n rnvenunts fcrc natianul use and non-uniform covenants with limitui <br /> `� • � variatiuns by juritidictiun to cunstiwtc a uuiform ti�x:urity intitrument covc.riny real proRcr�y. <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. &,rrower and[�:ndor rovrnunt and xgmc us follo�vs: <br /> - Y. Payment of Prhtcipal :�nd (nteresi; Prepuyment und Lut� Chiir�es. Horrcwcr shull prompcly pay when duc the - � <br /> principal�f and interest on the debt eviJenced by thc Note und uny prepayrnent and late charges due under the Note. <br /> 3. Fund4 For TE�+�es a+nd Ansurance. Subject to applirable �aw or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrow�r sl�all pay to <br />- �� l.�nder on the day monthly payinents arc duc undar the Note,until thc Note is paid in full,u sum 1'Funds")for:(a)yearly taxes <br /> . and ussessmcnts which may attain priuritiy ovcr thih Securiry Insttumcnt us a licn on the Prapcny: (b) y:.arly Ieasehold payments ` <br />- ' � or ground rents un thc Properry, if:►ny;(c)ycarly hivard nr property inyur.mce premiums:(d)ycarly flood insuruncc premiwns, „ ;,,,���.,,,;,.; <br /> ;=:w:•,i��. : , <br /> if any; (c) ycarly mungage in�uraue�premiumF. if any; and (�any sums poyuhlc hy B❑n•owcr to I.,ender, in accordance with , <br /> the provisions of paragraph 8, in lieu of[he piiymcnt uf inortgugc insur�nce prcmiums.Thcse it�ms arc culled "Escro�v Items." �r+�'^�`': <br /> �.�:•, y ;';,.;�:a2L:k?'t__ <br /> �,;,;�_� Lender �nay. at any time, collect and hold Funds in an .unount not to exceed the maximum:�:�ount a lender for u fecierall ,7��1P.,,,',y <br /> �� related mortgagc loan may reyuire fi�r Rorrou•er'ti escrow xccount under the federal Real Estate Setdement Procedures Act of _ <br /> � �u rn <br /> •;1tZ' • Z��.• 1974 as nmendcd from time ro time, 12 iJ.S.C. Scctiun 2601 rt se•y. ("RESPA"),unlcas another law thut applies to the Funds 'F ,,.., �,.�. tK:- <br /> . .1.:.,; ; <br /> ' � sets a lesxer amnun[. If�u. Lcndcr mny, ut a:�y (ii1iC. c:zll:�: ar.•� h^!•_+ F��nd��n ;m amo�nnt not to cxceed the lesser umount. ,•�,�,•,!�:�;ff <br /> . .�.., � s.�s•,.,:�tiwx;t�:_ <br /> Lender ntay estimatc thc amount of Fund�due un thc biisis of cun•en!Jatu and reasc�nable estimatcs o f expenditures of futurc ��.,�;._____ <br />� Escrow Itcmy or othenvi�c in accnrdancc with applicublc law. ��r:?;:'ti"' <br /> Thv Funds shall bc hclJ in un inttitution whnse dcposits arc insured by a fedcrul ugency, instrumentality, or cntiYy �;'•�rA,=—:_— <br /> ; ,.=— <br /> ��:��.��.-- <br /> '�;:�;�� (including l.ender, if Lcnder is such un in�titutiun)��r in any Fedec�l Hc�me l.oun Ba�k.Lender tihall apply the Funds to pay the �_��_ <br />- .�,. <br /> V �scrow Itcros• l.ender may not charge FbuRU+xer for holding and npplying the Funds, annu�illy unalyzing the escrow aceount, or �,�;,�.- <br />• •.:� ._ �� ....�..... r ,. a .� n�.�•r�W��inr��re�<<m che Fundy und upplicable la�v permits Lender to make such ����_ <br /> ;.:�--,— - ..._ <br /> , -_. �eritying�nc c,cww�w����,u..�..�.,....�..e:;.::,�..�_. _ <br /> a charge. Hou°ever. Lender may requin: Iiorrower tu puy a one-time charge for un independent real cstate tnx repoRing se�vice <br /> used by Lender in connection with thi�. loan, unless applicable law proviJes otherwise. Unless an agreement is mnde or <br /> applicable la��� rcyuires inter�st to bo puict.Lender shall not be rcyuirui to pny Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. <br /> - Bon•uw;,r and l.ender may agrcc in �n•ricing, hou�cvcr, that interest shall bc paid nn thc Funds. Lendcr shall give to Borrower, i <br /> without chargc, an annual urcuunting uf che Fund,, ,hc�wing rredits anJ debits to the Funds und the purpose for which each - <br /> �� " dcbit to thc Funds wati madc.Thc Funds arc pluclgcd:u addi[ional Sccuriry for all sums sccurcd by this 5ecurity Instrui�c�t. __ <br /> , If tnc FunJs hcld hy Lcndcr cxce�tii the .smuunt�pern�itte�i to b�held by a�plicablc law,l.ender shall account to t3arrower - <br /> for the cxceti� Fundti in acc��rda�icr ��•n.ft the reyuircment, ��f applic:ible luw. If thc u�uount of the Funds held by l.e.nder at any - <br /> titnc is not�ul'f iricnt t��puy�hc E.��ruu� ltrms whcn duc, lxndcr may.0 nutif} Durrowcr in �vriting, and, in such casc fiorrowcc <br /> " , shall puy to L.cndcr thr iunuunt ncce,s:+ry ti� makc up thc dcliricncy. fiurruwcr tiliaU roakc up Ihc dcficicncy in no morc than � <br />- ta'clvc tnonthly payntrnl+. at l.cndcr'ti•uledi�crc�iun. �. <br />- Upun paymrnt in full of ali sum� +crurcd hy thiti Sccuritp Intitniincnt, Lcndcr sh.ill pramptly rcthnd to Borrowcr any <br /> �� � i�utids held by I.enJcr. If, unJ�r pa:ngr.�ph w 1. Lcnder�hall acyuire or scll 81c Pruperiy.Lender,prior to the acquisition or sale � <br />. ' of the Property. �hall appl}�:�ny'Funds hcld t�y Lcndrr��t ll�c time uf acyuisition or tialc as a criclit against the sums secured by � <br /> „ <br /> this Sccuriry Inswment. <br />: .. • 3.Applicut[on uf Parments. 1.'nlcys applic�hlc law pruvides othcrwi4e,all payrncnts receivcd by Lender under paragrap ts <br />� - f�.� 1 and? tiliall bc xpplicd: tint. to am�prepaymrnt rh:u�tc•duc undcr thc Uiitc: �cr�nd,to amounts payablc undc�parr�raph 2; <br /> :. 1�. third,to interest duc: ti�urth,to principu�due:and I,G,t,to any lale rharges due unJer the Natc. — <br />_ �. 4. Char4;es: I.icns. Borro���cr>liull pa3• :�II tuxcti, assc�smcnts, rharge!,. lines and impositions attributable to the Propeny <br /> whirh mcry attain priority o�•er thi� Security In�tniment, anJ Icaschold p�iyn�cnts or ground rents, if any. Borrowcr shall pay �'��- <br /> thesc obligatiuns in thc m:�nner pr��vide;d in paragraph�,ur if nut paid in tFat munncr,Borrower shall pay them on time directly =— <br />_ to the penon i����eci pryment. Borru��er�hidl promptly furnish to L,tnder:dl noticcti of antounts to be paid under this paragr.�ph. `'�'.C�'v --- <br /> If Borrowcr makc,thcae pay�menu din:ctly, i3unv►u�er�hall pramptly fw�ni�{h w Lcndcrreccipts evidenci��g thc payments. :t'gi; . —._ <br />_ ' . • Borrower,hall promptly dischsrEtc any� licn tvhich h:u prinrity ovcc tltis Securit3�Instrumen!unlcss Borniwer. (a)agrees in •-_�.•:.:� <br /> writing to the payment of the c�blieauon r�run:d hy dte lien in a manner acceptable tu Lender. (b)contests in good faith the lien . .; ; .. <br /> by, or defenJs again>t rnfurccment uf thu licn in. Icgal pn�ce��clings «�hich in the Lender's opinion o�ernte to prevent the , <br /> • cnforcement of the lien: c�r(rl u:cure� fn:m the huldcr of Ihe licn an ugnzement satitifactory to Lcnder subordinating the lien to <br /> °' ' � this Seeurity liistruntcnt. If Lcnder detenniuus thut sny pun uf thc P�roperty iti �ubject to a lizn which may attain prioriry over <br />;�:: this Security [n�nvmcni. lxnJcr nmy rive Burco�aer a n��tice iJcntify iuu thc licn. Borrower shall satisfy the lien c�r take onc or <br />- , . ., mam of thc action�sct timli ubuve��•ithin {0 day�uf thu Eiving ot'�ioticc. <br />"` . Furm 3028 9190 ' <br /> " Pe�u I nf 6 <br /> _ �-�- - ---- - - _ � , i ---- --__... <br /> = � � <br />�--- . ._:,- ,_ . - ' "'-'."—'-.-'-"-.-'-. .-- - <br /> - .. ` -,-. -" " ' <br />- ., -�- --.._.. ._._. _.-�_--... 7-----. . �`--+ � _ <br /> .....---....__.......... .. ... . . .... ... . . . - '".T:: 'r.t" <br /> �, . . .. � .. . <br />"� .. . . � ... . <br />�� ' .. � . - � - .� <br />.� ' ' . .. .. . I{ .. _ <br />� ` . • .1 - I 1 I . .. - . <br /> I�\ . � .. � ' . <br /> �r.. , <br /> !� .. . � <br />