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<br /> [Spacc A6ovc Ti�lv Une For Rccording DAtaJ �����6 /�G}s��"`
<br /> z,-:-
<br /> DEEI) OF TRUST'
<br /> P�TL!°PZ T0: :p�10�+�p'oAL��p�'Bs�1K NEBRASKA, N.R� ��. -
<br /> 1�.0.UL1i1 �Sy�� `p .—
<br /> OMAhl,�,d��C 68103 --
<br /> -- pTTN: PHYIiSJEt�S�£619 —
<br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST("Sccurity Instrument") is made on 02/16/95 .'I'he tn►star ia
<br /> Bret S Geugenbach mnd Liea L Gengenba�h, husban� and w3fe
<br /> (^Borrower").The trustec is Norwest Bank Nebraoka. National Aeeoci.a�3csu
<br /> ("Trustee").The bene�ciary is Norweet Bank Nebraska, Nationol Aesac3aC3an
<br /> which is organized und existing under tne iaws or United States of Aiasriea '4"��;��'� __
<br /> uddress is �p� W� �hi.rd SC. Gr�•nd Island, NE 68f30�
<br /> l.cnd�r"). Horeower awcs Lendcr the priRCip�sl sr.-:���'F
<br /> Ten Thousand One �7undred Eight One and 50/100------Dollan(U.S.$ 10,18! �0 ?.
<br /> This debt is evidenced by 8onower's note dated the same date aw this 3ocurity Instrument("Note"),which pravide�s for
<br /> monthly payments.with the full debt, if not paid earlier,due and payable on Fabruary 16, I999 •
<br />_ This Secwity Instrument secures to Lender. (a)thc rcpayment of the debt evidonre,ci by the Nate, with interest,w:d all renee�•als,
<br />- extensions nnd modifirations of the Note: (b)the paymont of all other sums. with interest, advanccd under parugrapF� 7 to
<br />_ . protat the security of this Securiry Inswment: and (c) the performance of Horrower's covenants and agroements. Poc this
<br /> . purpose. Borrower irrevocably grants and conveys to Trustee, in trust, w•ith power of sale, thc follo�ving described prnperty
<br /> locuted in Iia11 County,N�bru.glra:
<br /> Lot 10, Slock 10, Ashtan Place, City of Grand Island, Hull Cauncy, Nebrt��k�.
<br /> !_:;.
<br /> V �vhich has thc address of 2517 td. Koenig Gzand Island ls�rcc�,c::y�.
<br />� Nebraska 68803 ("Property Address"); ,�
<br />_ �Zip Cafc�
<br />.� TOGET3�iER 1VTTH all the improvcm..e:^.ts now on c�reafter eroctod on the prnperty,and ull casements,appurtenances,;z1a�J
<br />;; fixtures now oe 6ereafter a part of the'�°�perty. /�II replacements and additians sh�11 also be cuvered by this Sc;curiey
<br /> Instcument.A�.',l�u thc foregoing is referrui 2n in this Security instrument as th� "Prnperty."
<br /> 80RR0'1V�R COVENANTS diat Borrower is lawfully sciscd of the estate hereby�com�ey�cl und h.tis the right to grunt and
<br /> ec�nvey the Propeny and thar.Che Property is unencurnbered, except for encumbrnncrs �f r��cord. Hurn��ver wam.�nts and will
<br /> defend generally the title to the Protx;rty aguinst all claims and dem;uids,subjc�ct to any encz�mbntnces oF record.
<br /> THIS SECUWTY INSTRUMENT combines uniform coven:mts for national use and non-unifomi covenants with limi:ed
<br /> varinttons by jurisdiction to constitute a u�utonn security instrument cc�vering n;al property.
<br /> - UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lcndercovenant xnd agree as follows:
<br /> . u...._..... ..e n.:.,.a.,o� ond intarocle i�rn:�vment und Latc Cl�uree�t. E3omowcr shall promptly pay �vhcn duc thc
<br /> .. ,..�....... ,.. ....._,.� � �.-----•
<br />� principal of and interest on the debt evidcnced by thc Notc and any pmpaymcnt a�x1 late chargcs duc undcr the Note. f
<br /> 2. F�nds for Ta�xcs and Insurnnce. Subjcct to applir.�blc law or to a written�vaiver by L.rndcr. Borru�ver shall p;+y to I
<br /> - [,c�ider on the day monthiy pa,yments are due undcr the Note,uruil thc Note is paid in full,a sum("Fun�l�"?fi�r� (o)yc:�rly taxcs �
<br /> and nsscssments which may attain priuriry over tl�is Security Instrumcnt as a lien on dic Property;(b)ycarly Ic;uchold payntcnts
<br />— or ground rcnts on Uie Propeny,if any;(r)�carly h.u..mi or pmpeny insurunce premiums;(d)ycarly Floud insur.�nce pnmiums.
<br />— if any: (e)Yearly mortgage�nsur.mce premmms. if aeiy:and(� any sums payable by Borrower tc� Lender, in accordarne�vith I
<br /> thc provistons of par.�graph 3, in licu of thc paymcnt o(martgagc insur�ncc prcmiums. Thrac items ure callttii "Escroiv(tcros."
<br />"- LcndGr may, at uny time, cullect and hold Punds in an ami�unt not to excce�i tlie m:ixinwm amount a Icndcr i'or a fuicrally �
<br />� r�lated mortgage luan may require firr Borro�ver's escrow account under tlie federal fteal F.state 5ctdenunt Prurrdun�s Act of �
<br /> ' 1974 as amcndcd Gom limc to timc, 12 U.S.C. Scction ZG01 et sry. ("RESPA"), wilcss anuthcr lau�that applics t�i thc Fun�s �
<br />° scts a lesser amount. If so, I.endcr may, at any time,cc�llcrt and hoW FonJs in :�n amount �iot to cxcc��l tl�c Ics�cr amount. i
<br /> Lender may cstimate Uie amount of�ur.ds d��c on thc basis of current datu and reittiO11:1bIC Cti�11111tC5 Of�CXpCtl�IlWtl'S�11 (UfUtC �
<br /> - Escrow Items ar other�vise in acroniance with applicable Inw.
<br /> i NEBHASKA•Singlo Family�onnle RAaelFreddis Mac UNIFOT'vM INSTRUMENT form 3020 9/90 ,
<br /> �NI 12TS7 MTO Vh1PMOI�TGAGEFONMS 131312931l100 i1300152�7?91 P:�v 1 u�4 Qmondecl Gl91 �
<br /> � _1 .
<br /> + _ __ _ '
<br />