.=�.e�LIFL{t�yt�Sq •�17 tit._ ;._`t�. .. • . : - �7�?7:F:�"' ��_::
<br /> — r,�{ �- .. . �� �s, " .. ?1� , . <<..
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<br /> _;� .r+�• ..n���i�,�'���t"r._._' _�_t.`__.:.;s..�._�'.''f.".�i++.`�41ik?�JF �w..«�.»�+ - _ ys�
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<br /> .a.,...,......_Y.�..• ..,...W,..... .. ..
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<br /> 9. EVENTS OI�1)I:F�Al11.T. Any uf tlie�follnwin�;r�•�nty 9hn11 he deemed nn evi•nt nP defnult hcri��md��r: ;.. �
<br /> (q) Teu.;tai•nhnll hnve fiiiled to malte pnyment uf raip inst:�llment of intereat,priacipul,ur pi�ncipnl und inG�r�•4t nr nnv I _
<br /> otitcr E,um r,ccur��:l 6ir.���by when du�; nr �
<br /> (b)'1'hexn Sttz:t uccurred t�bt'euch uf ur default undrr tuiy t�•nn,cuve�uint.iq;rcrm��nt,runditinn,pr�winiun,r��prr:;rnGitbm_ I
<br /> or wnnanty contuincd in any of the Iuan Inetrumenta. � �
<br />;�.�,. V IU. ACCl:LF�2ATIONUPUNI)i�.I�AU[.7',AI)Il1TIUNAI.ftF:Mh;I)II:S. Shouldaneventnfdefaalt��ccurlieneGciiir��'�
<br /> mny declure ap indehtn��se xecured hereby w Ue due nnd piiynble nnd the eame ehall thcrcupnn bc�vnne�due i�nd pi�ynl�'' :_
<br />-�-`w���������:r:�;(,.';, wit hnut iu�y�reaen tn�ent,demi.�nd,pratest or nutice nf uny lcind. 'I'hemufter}3eneficiary muy: �
<br /> -._..,.. _��•. ,
<br />�'`�- �•� '.'� �' � (i)l�ither in perROn ar by n�ent,with orwithout brintirin{�any a�tion ur proceedin�{,or hy u r�reiver xpixiinted by u cnurt
<br /> , . ' tuid rrithout r�t,nrd tn the n�iequriey of ite wecurity,enter upon and tak�pusseahion tif thc'i`rttst BfliAfL',ur any prirt then�oP,in � � �.�
<br /> � �, .: I
<br />,�,:�;ri;,;-,1�� �,'¢ ite own nome or in the name of 1'rustee,und do nny ncts which it deems necessnry or desirnLle�u p�eserve the vulue,marlcet• '",,.,)'
<br />. _ _�y�� .r; ubility or rentttbility of the TruHt Isatnte,or purt thereof ar interest therein,increuse the incame therefrnm or protect the �i
<br /> � ' c� ' � oecuriry hexeof and,with or without tnking possesaion of the 14�uet F.stcite,sue fur or otherwise collect the rents,lH9U@8(llltl �
<br /> '�'y;;y...� r.
<br /> � �-- ` 'e� profits thereof,inclu�iin�thoae paet due nnd unpaid,nna apply the sume,less coeGs and expensea of oNeraeion and collcction �
<br /> ���� :,+ including attorneye'feea,upon Any indebtedness secured hereby,all in such order ns 8eneficiury may determine. 'I't►e�• , ��
<br /> rl,;�..,t����..� si � .
<br /> y;: , entering upun and taldng po�.5easion of'theT�vst Eet�te,tho collection uf such renls,issues and profite und the applicution i
<br /> �� ' thereof ue af�resaid,ehull not cure or wn'sve any default or notice of default hereunder or invalidate uny actdone in re�ponse {��
<br /> to euch defc�ult or pureuant to auch notice uf default and,not�vithstandin�thc continuance in pos�eaeion�f the 11�ust Eett�te i _
<br /> ` ` � ')� or the callection,receipt und nppi:cntion of rente,ieaues or profits,lYustee or Beneficiury ehsll be entitled to exerciee every
<br /> � •4 right provided for in uny of the Loan Instrumenta or by law upon occurrence of any event of defnult,including the riRht tn �
<br /> .�. . ._�! avmr.ixe Ehe power of eale; � - ' ---_
<br /> " " (ii) i,ommence nn sction tn foreclose this �eed af Trust as n mortga�e,appoint a receiver,oY epec�caAy rufurce aity o. �
<br />��:, •�. '; the covenanta hemaf; � ° �
<br /> (iti� Deliver to TYuatee u written declaration of default und demand for eale,and a written notice of default and Plection ;,�_;�'
<br /> �;; �� ' Co eauee'Iluetor's interest in tho'(YusL Fetate to be eold,whicli norice Trustee shall cause to be duly filed for reoord in the �_� _
<br /> � " ' � appropriste O£ficial ltecorde of tha County in which the Trust Ectate is located. A�.���___
<br /> ��r • �; 11. FO�tECI.(D9URE BY POWER OF SA�..�. Should Beneficiury elect to foreclose by exemiae of the Power of Sale �.. �..:t.
<br /> �v herein containeci,Beneficiary ehall nodfy 1�'ustee and ahall deposit with Trustea thie Deed af'lYuat and the Note und duch ��rs�;,
<br /> � receipta and evidence of expenditures made and secured hereby as 1lvetee moy require. . u�yL��_--
<br /> �? (nl Upon receipt of such natioa froin Beneficiary,Trustee shaU cuuae to be recorded,publ�.ehed and deUverQd tu Tivstor `-----�
<br /> - �r suc�i tdotice of Default nnd Notice of Sale as then required by law nnd by thia Deed of Trust. Trustee shall,�vithout demand _ '" ����___
<br />� "'*�4` � on'lYustur,nftes auch time an moy then be re�uired hy law and ufter recordation of euch Nutice uf llefault and aftFr Nohce of ��. _=_�
<br /> ' ' �� Sale hnving been given ne required by luw,sell the 7Yust F.state at the time und place of eale fixed by it in such Notice of Sule, ``•'. ____
<br /> `'•.��� aithcr He A wholo,or in separnte lote or pamels or items ati 1�vstEr shnll deem expedient,und in euch order n�it may deter• �%�i;;.z�;�•4�'°°,�-
<br /> '�; min�e,at�►ublic auction to the hi�he�t bidderforcash in lawful money ofthe United Stutea paynble atthetimeofenle.TYustee ✓i ,
<br /> � ��� ahc�91 delivex to such purchaser or purchaxere thereof its�;nud und sufficient deed of deede conveyin�the property ao sald,but ;`��'..�;�,;;i!,�_��_
<br />' - without nny covensnt or wnrrunty,expreas or implied. Phe recit��ls in auch deed of any mattere or fncte shnll be concludive �'�f•'� n�"" - .F
<br /> �
<br /> uroof of the tnithfulnese thereof. Any perrion,includin�,withnut limitatiun,T►vetor,'ll�ustee nnd Beneficiary,may purchnse ,. '�r t.
<br /> • t C 1. ��r`w �(1C4Y0 �,�T,•
<br /> `�'�' at such sale and'h�ustor hereby rnvenanta to�ti•arrunt nnd deiec�ci iiie iiiir u�niiCu 7S3T: r�Y�--•--------• '°t _
<br /> � (b)pe mny be permitted by law,after deductin�'IYustee Fees in the umount of SOb.O(1 'ilustea e1is11 apply the `
<br /> � proceeds of the eale in the following order. (a)to all reusonable coats and ex nses of the eale,including,but not limited to, }
<br /> s�ee fees of not moro tt►ac►1/2 of 1')U of the gross sadea pricx,reason�ble att�orney's fee�and coata of title evidence;(b)to ull '�•
<br /> tn, '.t�:,
<br /> � eums aecureti by thie Ueed of Truet;(c)to the payment of junior'IYuot Deede,mortqn�es or other lien ltoldere;tuid(d)the L��:�:
<br /> ` , 1 bulan�e,if uny,to the persan or persone legally entitled thereto.
<br /> ,�, j (c) Tlvstee msy in the m�nner provid�d by I�i�ti,puatpune sale of.tU or uny portion of the'ilvet F•etnte. :�
<br />`�"^'"� " " %'" 12. REMFUIES NOT EXCLIiSIVF..'1'rustee and Kt�nefiriar>�,und each uf them,ehull beentitleci tuenforce payment
<br /> ::r�
<br /> - � nnd performance of nny indebtedneu or ubG�;atiuna necurrd hcreb��:md to e�xercise ull rikhts t�nd power�under thie Decd of � .
<br />-- �•Y� '�� •''''-�,� 'IYuet or under tmy..oun Inetrument�n•c�ther»�.n'eement��r:iny I.twti nmv ur herenfter in fnrae,notwithetnnding Home or nU q,. �
<br /> � ' '` uf the euch indebtedness and ohG�atiun�aecured hereby may nuw ur hereufter be othenvise secured,wh.ther by mort�aae,
<br /> r:, deed of trust,pled�;e,lien,ussi�,mment ar othenvise. Neither the ucce�ptcmceof this Ueed of'IYubt norit�enforcementwhether °:�� �
<br /> - • 'r;.. - Uy court ncti�m or pureuant tn the pu��rr nf�ale ur nther�x�wt�r�herrin cnntauned,NIIRII}l*ejudice or in uny mnnner nffect -+�+
<br />�-K` ;�;• Truetee'e or Beneficiury N ri�;ht to rrulize up�>n or enfurce an}�other h�rurit��now or hereaifter held by 1luetee or Benefici�ry,
<br /> ` ' �'• `��+• it bein�A�reed thnt 1Yustee and l3enefii•iary,und ruch of them.:+hall b��t�nti!!rd tn�nfnrr�this T)�uf'iti'uttt nnd uny other `°' fr''����—+-
<br /> _ ;�, ,:.�.'.. �-_
<br /> .�•.. '�.^^���Ra,t!{{t • security now or hereufter held Uy tieneficiar��or'l'rutitc•��in�u�•h urdcr itnd m�u�ner cir;thcy��r cither of them m.iy in their
<br /> - ' nbsolute discretiun detem»ne. �Io remt�dy herein nmfcrrrd up�m �n•reserved to T�ustee ur E3enefirinry iK inlendrd to be "}���;;�
<br /> _ .. ...''J'� �9lsx.r.wc.�...
<br /> `. r exclusive of any other remrdp hemin ur b}Ir�w prcivided ur prrmitted.but caich yhnll be c•umulnrive amd e�hull be in itddition z}��_'
<br /> o�ver ur remed , x
<br /> to every other remedy given hereunder nr nuu•ur hereafter exiNtin�;at law or in equity or by stntute. H:vrry p Y .,
<br /> ���- �iven by any of the I.u:�n ln:�truments tu"1'n�:�tee or Heneficiun�ur w which either of them mtiv Ue utherwiKeentitled,muy Ue , . • .' ��'•.
<br /> ^�'�'. exerused,concurrendy or independently,fi•um time t��timc:ind a,uften a5 mny hc decmed expeclient by'IYu:+tet�nr Hen� � � .�': .
<br /> 'jj� ficiury nnd either��f them miiy purKUe imm�sisu nt r��medic�. Nothinti h��min�hnll he ccrostrucd aw prohibitin�Reneficinry ���t '�
<br /> 1�•i' f'rmn seekink a deficiency judRment �it;:�in�t tht�'('ruwt��r tn th����xti�nt�uch cicti�m iy permittd by law. ��,i�t;�;,_..--
<br /> .� .�.'.r..
<br />, _.;, y RC(,2UEST FOR NU'1'I('(�.. "1ti•u�t��r hrra�hv reyue5ts n cnpv uf iuiy notiri�ufdefuult und thut tiny nutiri�uf r�ale hereundrr I ':•,�
<br /> : ' be mniled to it ut the addre�sg tict turth in tne fir:at p+�raHmaph �d thiK Il��ed uf 7'ruet.
<br /> ' 1�l. COVCRNING[.A�V. 'I'his Ih��i nf'Prust shull hi•�;��vi�rni�d b��the law�;of the Stnte of Nebraska. In the��voi�t thnt �
<br /> � � any pmvieion or cluuse uf im}•nf thc In�an f n4trum��ntti cnnllic���vith:ipplicable I.iws.Nuch conflictx c+hidl not tiff�ctothcr
<br /> • pt•nvi�sionti o£sueh I.�un Inatrum�nty which can be�,riven��ff��ct«•ithuut the conflictin�;provision,und tn thie+end the�ro-
<br /> visiond of�he I.oan In4trumi�nGti ari�d�•clared t�r hi•����•�rahl��. "I'hi�intit:ament cannot he wuived,rhunu�'d,dischur�;ed nr
<br /> '.�, tcrminuted ornlly,Uut only h�•nn inxtrument in ��•ritinR�i�;n�'d b�'the piirtv:i�;uintit«•hnm�nforcrnx�nt of any w+iiv��r.
<br /> °" ` chun���,dischartie or tcrminution is����i�ht. '
<br /> :���i' .
<br /> 1L. RF.i:ONVFYANCh;fil'TRI�ti'fF:A:. Up�ro wntteti r��qu���t uf IienehciarvKtutint±that:�IlNUms ticrured her��inr hiiv��
<br /> � • b�vrn puid,i�nd upun Hurrcndfv��f thix I)crd��f Trust:ind th+�N�di�tu'lYu�t����fnr canco-�llntiun and ret�r.tiun iind upun puw i ,.
<br /> _;'.;� � ' ment by'llvsccrr of'IYuytee'x fc���x,'iti•ustcrahull rca�m�i�v t��'1'ruvtur,or the peryon or peryon�;le�;nllv rntitled theretu,withuut ; ,
<br /> .f, -;�" �varrunty,uny portiun of the'Crust I:state then held hereundi�r. 'I'he mcitsild in�:uch reconv�����+nce of c�n�•nu+tters nr feu•4ti
<br /> � �hull Ue canclusive pr«if of the n•uthfulneas�hereuL 7'he�.�r�intce in.�nv recunvey.uice mny he describt�d a::"the per�:��n ur
<br /> ��.�: pereonci leg:ally entitlyd th�r��to". •
<br /> • ���7�. 16. NOTICL:S. \Vhenever Heneficiarv.Trustor ur'I'rust�•t�eh.�ll desire to�,�ve nr::erve uny notice,dem�+nd,request ur �
<br /> . - .... ._� _ _ a_........t w ....*..v..fharrnmmunu:Itlutl�hnllbe L—.---.---
<br /> '' -� ,� �-.-_�-_.. - OL�7C'Y C0111fI1U111CRhOri tVlth PPepPC[Ln[nit3 i icvti oi i�iiei�c�i�n e.,..�..,:;::. ...............:iL`.._.•_..--•-- �� -----�-�- -.. .
<br /> `�'��`. in writing nnd Nh�uU bc effcctiv��unl}•if Ihr:;nm�i�di�li�•i�ri�d ht•p��t�unnl si����i�•���rr maiIEY1 ii��i•��rtifird m�tiL pn�+Gt{�c prrpiiid.
<br /> � � mturnr�reiptrev�uest�rl.udclr�•sKaituthcaddre:�s���tiin•th:uth��hi��,nnnin�:uftMiylk�i•duCll•uvt. Am•pnrt}'mnYi�tthir:tim�•
<br /> R.�-=-- -T-�- cuuuur iie a.'.:::esti fur�:urh n��ii�i��li���lelive�in�;ur nt,iilin�:tu thr�,th��r p:irtir,heretu.uN ati�r�wa�id.n nnti�r uf�uch ch+in�;�'. '
<br /> .,.,.� .. -, ,_
<br /> _,, :. ' 17, ACC:RP'l'ANCh:!31''Cltlfti'1'H:M:. "I'rustt��t�c�•��pt�tlu�'17•u::t�vhon thtK 1 iri��i u('t runi.�iui�•rxt��•ul��d,utd tu•kn��«'-
<br /> " '' led�;ecl,is niude.t puhlic mrnrd;is prnvided I,}� l.n�•.
<br /> • IN�YITI`'I:Sh WHF:RI:OI�.'1'ruvhrr h.i.i�x�ruti•d thi�I1���•J��('�'ru�t :i���f thc da�•++nd��:�iu•(ir�t �ihu�•���ti•ritt��n.
<br /> ' '('RUSTEE:. 'I'rustcr :►rc����t� this 'll•uvt �vh�•n thi. I)��od ��I 'I'ru::t, dul}• r�cecuti�d +ind :u•kn•�����
<br /> =`•i;: led�;�wi.ib madn,u public rrcord,i� pn��'id�•d I�v I,m�.
<br /> � , IN 1VI'r'Nlstiti Wlll•:l{h;OI�.�fru�t�rr h:i�i•xirulyd thi� I lrrd�d'I'ru,t :�,�,f thi•di�y�:incl vtvu•tirtit :ih���•���ti•nttrn.
<br /> _; ,,.. ' x �.�-�.._� � '
<br />- • � ' SEE ATTAHCEb NOTARY PAGC x0 D L. ZOOK" fl sl (� '
<br /> ' -f�.• �I�-
<br /> x � C�N�`1��uK
<br /> :. � ; �
<br /> . �
<br />