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<br /> G. AS4IIQ�i�l�9�1�7'QDL�1.CA:�E�..4. Upun I..cndu�', rcque:,t. l���rro+t�cr shall assign tu Lendcr nll Icn,eti„f tlic .- ,�
<br /> Pro crt md :dl ticcurit dc tiits nuidc in cattncctiun with Icascs of thc Pro crt . U 00 IIIC iI551 nment, I..c�tdcr 1D'==�
<br /> P Y � Y �• P Y p S �
<br /> sl�ull havc thc right tn mcxiify, extcnd or tcrminutc thc exi+tiug leascs�md to cxccutc new Ic:iscs, in l.ender's salc g��<.::::
<br /> discrction. As uscd in this pari�graph G, thc word "lease"shull mcan "sublcasc" it Um Securiry Instrumcnt is on 't: +:
<br /> ll�CAtiC�IO�I�. -�:;.,
<br /> B�n•ro�ver abs��lutely and unconditionally assigns and transfcrs to l.cnder all dic rcnts siid revcnues("6tencs")of �`��
<br /> thc Propz�ty. rcgardless of to whom the Rents of the Property ure p.tyable. Borrower authnrizes I.endcr or �;�,,,'_^�
<br /> I,endcr's agcnts to rollcct thc Rents,and agn:es that eacli tcnant i�f the Propcny shi►II pay thc Rcnts to L.e.nder or 6��°=�_
<br /> Lender's agents, iiu�vever, Bu�ruwc� ,I�uli rzcei�e the Rents until (i):.c:a:3wc hc:::given Borrot:er nntic�of de.fault !��"�`"�
<br /> G-,.;�."
<br /> pursuunt tu purngraph 21 of the Security lnstrument und (ii)Lender has given notice to the tenant(s)thut thw R�:ntu r-�:%
<br /> are to be paid to i.e�ider or Lender's agcnt. This ussignnunt of Rents constiwtes an absnlute assignme.nt and not —
<br /> an�usignmcnt for additional security o�ly. _
<br /> If Lender gives notirc of breach to Borrawcr: (il aU ltents received by Borro�vcr shall be held by Borro�ver =_
<br /> us trustec for the benefit of Lendcr only,to be applicd to the sums secured by the Security Instrumeitt: (iil Lcndcr =_
<br /> shall be en[id..�i to cullect and receive all i�f the Rents of the Property: (iii)Borrower agrees that each tenant of the _,_
<br /> Property shall pay all Ctcnts duc and unpaid to Lendcr or Lendcr's agents upon Lendcr's written demand to the
<br /> tenane: (iv)unless applirable law provides othenvise, all Rents collected by Lender or C.ender's agents shall be .
<br /> applied first to[he rosts of taking c�mtrol of and mana�;ing the Propeny anJ rnllecting the Rents, including, but `
<br /> not limited to, �ttnrneys' fees, receiver's fees, premiums on recciver's bonds, repuir and maintenance costs,
<br /> insur�nce prcmiums, taxes,.issessments and other chargcs on the Propcny, and then to thc sums sc�urcd by the —
<br /> Security Instrumenr.(v)L�:nder,Lander'ti abents or:►ny judicially appointeJ receiver shall be liabte to account for
<br /> only those Rents actually received; and (vi) Lcnder shall be entiUc�i ti� have a receiver appointul to t:ilc� �
<br /> posscssion of and managc thc Property und collect the Rcnts and profits derived from thc Property without tiny
<br /> showmg as to tne inadequacy ut the F�ropeny.GS tiecuriry.
<br /> If thc Rcnt� of thc Propcny arc not sufficicnt to covcr thc costs of taking canrol of and mana�;ing thc
<br /> Property and of collecting the Rents any fu�ids cxpenJed by l.ender for such purpases shall become indebtedness
<br /> of Borcowcr to Lcndcr sccured by thc Sccurity Insnument punuant to Uniform Covcnant 7.
<br /> Sarrower rcpmsents and warrants that Borrower has not exccuted any prior assignment of t6ne Rents and hus
<br /> not and will not perform any act that would prcvent l.ender from cxcrcising its rights undcr this parugraph. °
<br /> C.ender, or L,endcr's .�gents or u judicially appointcd recciver, shall niu be rcquired to enter upon, take —
<br /> control uf or maintain the Property before or after giving noticc of defuult to Borrowcr. However. Lender, or
<br /> Lender's agents ur a judicially appointeJ reccivcr, may do w at any time when a default occurs. Any application
<br /> of Rents shall not cure or wuivc any dcfauh or invalidate any othcr right or renudy of l.cnder.This a,signmcnt of �
<br /> Rcnts of thc Fropeny shall tcrniinate whcn all thc sums sccured by thc 5ccurity Instn�ment are paid in full. .
<br /> I. CROSS-DF.FAUI.T PROVISION. E3orrower'� default or breach wider�ny note or aEreement in which =
<br /> Lendcr h:�s sn interest shull bc a b�each undcr thc Security Insu•ument ar.d Lc�tder mny invokc any of thc remedics e,a�:
<br /> • perntitted by the Securiry histrument. r��°
<br /> SY SIGNING BEL.OW. Bnrrowcr accepts and agrces to the tem�s and pPOVisions rontflinul in this I-4 ��__-
<br /> Family Ridcr. �:���°-
<br /> <<_ ---
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<br /> .�1A.�uu�• � ��:_
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<br /> FF�NCE�VE K ZOOK Rorn��ccr -Bomracr
<br /> Form 3170 3/93
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