.. . , :.,•; ,._ , �.. .. _ . . .
<br /> �., :::: , �,:� ;l,�.� �. � -
<br /> - . „ ,., , ,; � =,- J
<br /> <.
<br /> "„!? � ' � ' ' . , -
<br /> ,� .., „ .
<br /> • ..�. . , . :::.�„�»�:.,,:. . ': • � ,..��,. . .. -
<br /> - � � n4,� ....,. :Zii_ . , . .r�+ �pr.aa:t1�G!Ci�sr/ti s„r:. .. ,i� -
<br /> .. .. ..,.
<br /> -_ra.��Y-1-�S�h+ll+fs t�'..-' ..�................�. ''�:�"F.r:'^'d�'..�...Y ..`_=._.c_--�--° -.. .-_ __. _
<br /> .�t�"^i` . .
<br /> .�� —
<br /> Il�� .I�
<br /> (���G��., �:.��� _
<br /> :s,.,. ; , : I(1. SItCC45SQ16'9 RDCI A55�gt19 QOttllti�.loinl and Sevcrnl LlebHily;Ca-sfg�ter�a. 'I'he coven�►nts nnd ngreemenls hercen -_.
<br /> `-'''"' ��'��' ^' cantRined ehaii bind, and Ihe rights heraunder ehall inuto ta, the rasrr.cNve succe.aqo�� and asslgna of lxnder nnd .
<br /> ,-�_:;i6,�".��� . -
<br /> �"' 'F t�orrower� aubject to the provietane vf p�rngr�pn 15 herwf. All covenente nnd ngreementa oF Botrower ahall be Joint
<br /> `�`-'i`_;�;-_'`_,�i�'.w,_
<br /> ---- euad sav�r�l. At►y Boreower who co-aisne thie I�ed of Tru�t,but doea not axecute the Nota:(a)(n ca-slgning thie Dce.d .
<br />'z��=.-:�=-`.:�".'�`� �� of'fru�1 only to grnnt end convey that Bonower'o intero�t tn�ho Property to Lender under the temv of this ikcd of _
<br /> � �"""�'r- Truat� (b)ie not peroenRlly li�ble un tho Note or under thie�eed of Trust, eutd(c)Rgrees li�al Leudee uncl anf otl�ce '
<br /> -�"`�}��r��� Botrawer hereunder ma • reo tu extend�modi ,farbe�q or ma{ce Rny other accommaletiana with regard ro the terma --
<br /> �-:r.,,. ,.�F:t' : Y B �
<br /> -"='::;s`�. ' �f this Doed of Truet or the Note without that[3orrdwer'e coneent end wltltout releaaing that Borrower or�eodlfying tl�ie
<br /> - -�x:�E��� , '
<br /> -F �y�� • peed aF Tntat as to thtt Borrower� i�terut in the Property. .
<br /> -'��-�_..:�`
<br /> �r�;.•�.
<br />� "`""""'�'� � 11. Noti�s. �xcep! for�ny noHco rt,qulred under nppitctblo ltw tn be givca in wother numner. (s) any nottce ta
<br /> .1�,�: .
<br /> `"��; '_:;��>�� E3orruwer pmvlded tor(n thi�Deed of Tmn eh�ll be given by delivndng it or by mailing euch noNco by first clru9 mail ,
<br />-,�°'' •- �� '��` addreeaed to Bonower or the current owner at tha Pmperty Addresa or nt euch other eddress as Bomower mey deaignata
<br /> ��+ . �.,=-_ �.__ bv notice to I.ender ts providod herein.utd�ny othtrpsreon pereona�lly Ifable on thie Note a�t`�r�e�arson's names nnd
<br />`r�2�:�"-":����°}� addro�es eppear in fhe I.ender'a recort�e at the time of giviag aoNee+md(b)any notice ca ar:arirc�hn7�bo given uy first - - -- �
<br /> `�"�"�`�,`'��b'�}� clau m�u) to I.eader's�ddra�stated hereln or to euch other�ddress es Leuder may c3a�iSnate'by nottce to Qorrower =
<br /> -�,;+4.3a�i'�•�:' '. �.
<br /> :w.:y:..
<br />--;�:>:r k�x�'�' as provided 6erein. Any aotice pmvided for in thls Deed of Trua!ehall be deertced t��vo boen givea to Borrower or -; .
<br /> �: . �
<br /> - �-�:�r'h"�•.:;.��'. Y�eader w6en givw ta t6e wwner deafgnated henin. ,� .""�"{����-_ °
<br /> •,,.,_�,..... .....�,�- -
<br /> - J y1 T�r:' � .. -. i Y�4�y• ..�_
<br /> 12. Co�ernfn�L�w;Se�ere�9tity. 'Iho stnte end locul IAws npplicnblo to this Deed of'!'n�st shn10�bo tho Inws of the
<br /> ,'-:�;•'•;�•� -� jurisdictton in which lha Proper�y 1s located. 'ihe foregoing sentence shaU not lirteit tl�e ag�plica�iliry of Federal !aw to � ' .
<br /> ..�-,. ..._ , +.'t,:-_,.�,..�_
<br /> thie Dr,ed of T�v�t. ln the event 4"hst nny proviston ar clause of this pced of Tnist ur��h�Note cnnflicte with applicnble �,�,r.-_••r.:�,.,,
<br /> .' .Y-,• '� :'••' --
<br /> R,-�•-•�ti�-.�_�r� �� Isw, aueb conflicte ehal!aot�ffect other pro�isions of thie Ueed oY'I�rust or cne Noto wf�icn c.9n��:g;iven auu..witlioat _ _�,,�,,.,�,.,,�
<br /> '� °"'�' '� the conflictin rovleian and ta thie er.d the rovisions of this Deed of Tnist snd tho Noto ero drelnred to be severable. . -"_°i�:-���=
<br />;,2 �3,;..'r,,,y1� 8P � P „ �,
<br /> Ae used herein "costs', "expanses"end"sttomeys' Fees'include all sums to the extent not prohil�iteil by applocable law Y'-;
<br /> ��'--•.-`:'it'�. or li�izul herein. � .
<br /> v.�
<br /> : ' ';_��. 13. Borrower's Copy. Bonower ehnll be fu��ished a conformed copy of the Note, tliis Deeci of Tn►st and R3der(s) ''�'��`.' ` , -
<br /> ��'� � at the time of executton or sfter recordation hereof. � �
<br /> ` � ��,� �
<br /> . �. .�
<br /> 14. Rehabilitation Loan A�a�dt�ent. Borrower shell fulfill all of Bonowcr's obligations under any home ,y
<br /> '•�����,•.•.��, rehnbilitation, improvement. re�nir or other loan ngreement which Borrower enters into with Lender. l.�nder, at '�"'
<br /> '� ',;,,..,. I.onder'e option,mey require Bonnwer to execute und deliver ta Lender, in a fonn acceptnble to Lender. an assigranent �+
<br />`�'�'�s�;`:�'"�;u�•�•'�• of eny righte, cloim�or defenees�vhich Bocrawer may have ngninst pnrties who supply Inbat. materiuls or services in
<br /> '�:,:=�-�%-'�':�s.i�, .'
<br /> . :��:,�_,,.�. conneeNon Hith imprnvoments�u+de to the Property.
<br /> ==:.���.,•��•,F
<br /> ` ��•.,_ ,� • 15. 'Q'o�nsfer aP the Pcaperty or a tieneficinl Interest in liorrowcr. Assumption. If nll or nny part�f thc Property ,,. ��,.,.,. a
<br /> ' ,��.•
<br /> � •��%��`•±•� �•.•• � or any interest in it ie sold o•r trnnsferred (or if n beneficinl interest in F�orrower is sold or trnnsferrcd nnd [�orrowcr is •
<br /> . . � :... ..�i;,..�:. . .;:� .
<br /> ��,..;�A,��;�• .•,<< not n na�ural person)witbout l,ender'e prior wrltten consent, L.ender mny, nt I�ender'e option, for+u9y renson, declnro 'r , .,,..;_ _
<br />'..�, � :�,.,n�,. •�.. �•
<br /> ali the aums secured by thle need af Trust to be immedintely due and paynble. Hawevcr, this option sl�all no1 lee , -
<br /> ��q'Yr����� �' ex�ici�ed b I.ender iE exerei�e ia rohibited b Federal law n�of the date of tl�is Deed of Trust. f�����
<br /> - - -�a•,,..,.ri. Y P Y , .,� :�''�-
<br /> � ., ,.rr.,�.�;.:�. .
<br />�-:-:.G�i..�iY.:..���_ . ._} . .,.,, �. .
<br /> �,� It Lendar exercisea thia optlon. Lender sh�l!give Borrawer notice of lccelerntion 9'he notice s}�nll pravide n periad �
<br /> ::�3,'��c.�:.>. ;..r :.:.'s�:�,�� .,: .
<br /> °�. � •±:�, of not lass than 3�dnyo from the dntc the noUce is delivered or mailod wi�iiin which Bonower must�+ny ail sums secured � ' �.;?�'.::..;
<br /> '�''� '' '�" by thi�Dsed of Trust. iF Borrower fails t�pny in full tltese sumq prior to the exp�aation of this period, Lendxr wny ,��'`""`+
<br /> _ , invake any remedies petmittezJ by thie Deed of Trust without fuKher notice or detnn»d on Qorrower. _ �r
<br /> - , ...'v � '�` � _
<br /> :::°n:.�• '..;�•,. :,:�_�; ..
<br /> - , :.„ 71iis Dted of Trust may not bo nssumed by n purchaser without thc Lrnder's consent. If i�n nqsumption is nllowed, tl�e �
<br /> - �`` ``' ' ; I.ertder ma cher a nn acsum tion fee nnd re uiro tim crson s aseum'in tha lot►n to n addilionnl chnr es ns uuUiorized I
<br /> �_�i�•:a��. .,�. Y U a P 9 P O � p Y B • .
<br /> _.::�,._r.:-��- . by Saw. � ,
<br /> - ..�. ..
<br /> • "� - ARTICLE 11 f'��'''` ,
<br /> . .•. .�� °:� (
<br /> - ' , �F 4 ,
<br /> ; � � �* NOIV•UNlF'OItM COVENAl1�'D'S. 8orrower and Lender fuather covennnt and a�reE ns follows: • ��;�;,'•",
<br /> C�=.:'?!`�,.�. .. .r � , ,. �...
<br /> 1 ':-%�1•.�
<br /> -�:?'"�. ' , "•���' I6. �cederatton; Remedies. Upon liorrower's breach of'�ny cuvennut or ngreement of[3ormwer in tl�is Uced � S�'
<br /> ,�: ; e
<br /> ;��3'- �'•�� -• ,: of Trust,tnciudina without Itmitntlon Ihe wvena��ts to pny when dnic any sums uuder Ihe Na�te secured by Ihis � �
<br /> _ ;:'�,�;;+;'�:�, Ueed M'�'e�af. I.aeder,at Lender'�optiau,subject to Il�e folinwiu�sentence,mAy declare s�ll of the sums secured � .
<br /> � .�, :, � by thts Ueed of 7'rust to t,e i�nnyedlalely due end nayeble withoat demmid nr notice stnd may [nvokc th�pmti•er i
<br /> �.._,�--. o�dsll.and�nv ntMww.w..n.tt�........t..�.��.°---.,--..•-•
<br /> —..__.
<br /> ` �"` r••••••••<••••�«N�.,�a.o�r�a.v. rrior io recoraing eny not[ce of defnolt Lendcr shs�li � —'
<br /> � �.,,:;�,-.� ' glre Borrowcr nntice of default ns required by Itnv an�l, in the event of a defuult coiuistinR only nf Itorro�+rr's ;
<br /> -_-^``:°"';° - - '� Pailure tu ntaka a required pAyme�et, Bo�rowcr shaU once, ns pro�•id'ed by law�hnve ta•enty(ZOp ds.y��IYor«����
<br /> -_ _-- -J nntl.y 1�nl7e�:C adi c�:_n_:i��.�a�Tj�'es�r�n���=��ti��.:.aai::d�:�ni ti�c iinu of the fender, will�nut accderniion, i "
<br /> A• p�W pO�r UD(fA�tl CIIAt'�q, A11ler recordtn�n nolice af defnull,l.ender shn18 Me rntillcd lo collcct in sucl�prnceedin�
<br /> . �.-�;�, � au�x���,e, or ra�to���, IncludinR, but nol limited to, reasom�ble nU�►rncys' 1'e� or lrustce's uud cosls of
<br /> *•� alocumcntuy cridcncc� �bsirnct�and litle repoH�.
<br /> - . . �
<br /> :-;-•,
<br />_ _
<br /> _ , �`, ... " k vom�R..o�� f
<br /> � . .. . �1tef�J! fICM1`tINFIN�nNMNlt.l� .
<br />