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<br /> �' •, ' ' 17.Transfer of the Property+or u Deneticinl Intcrest in Borro�ver. If nll or 1ny pan of che Propeny ar any Interest in it ` �
<br /> is sold or transfcrrerl(or if a bsneficial lnter�st in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borro�ver is no;a natural person)r�ithout '
<br /> • Ler.der's prlor wrltten consent. Lender muy, at its option, require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by thie ; �:
<br /> Security Inattvmei�t.However,this optian shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of the date �
<br /> of this Security Instrument. '
<br /> _ �-. If I.ender exercises this aption,x.ender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of not �
<br /> less than 30 days from ttie date the notIce is dclivered or mailed within whlch�orrower must pay �II sums secured by this
<br /> , . Securiry Instrumeat.If Borrower fails ta pay these sums prlor to the eapiration of this period, Lcnder may invoke any remedIes .
<br /> perwitted by thi�Sccurlty Instrumcnt without further notice or demand on BoROwer. .
<br /> 18. Borrower's Rtght to Refnstate. If Borrower meeto certain conditions, Hoaower shall liave the right to have •
<br /> enforcement of this Securiry Instrument discontinued at any Csme prior to tde earlier of: (a) S days (or such other periud as -
<br /> applicable law may specify for reinatatement) before sale of the Property pursu�nt to uny power of sale contained in this
<br /> � security lnstrumenr or(b)entry of a judament enforcing this Security lnstrument.'i�hose conditions ane that Borrower:(a)pays � --`-�"'-
<br />= Lx.nder all sums which then would be due under this Securiry Instcument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurred;(b) '
<br />_ :'�'�.'i,,;,;;�., cures any default of any other covenanu or agreements; (c) puys all expenses incuned in enforcing this Security Instniment, I
<br />- -�, "�, includlug, but not limited to,reasonable attomeys' fees; and (d)takes such action as Lender may reasonably requue ro assure � . . . :___
<br />•-;,k � that the lien of[his Securiry Instrument, I.eader's rights in th�Property and Borm�vcr's obligation to pay Qte swn.s sectued I�y ''��,
<br /> � ;'� this Security Instn�ment shall contlnue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Horrower, this Security Instrument and the {,�, �,,��__..1
<br /> =��:�• • obUgations secured hereby shall remain fully effective ns if no acceleration had occurred. However, this right to reWstate shall :
<br />°`����' ~'`�`:;�•.•� . not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph I7, _
<br /> ••�� � 19. Sale of Note; Change of Loaa Servicer. The iJotc or a partial intcrest in the Note (together with this SecuriYy �;
<br /> Instrument)n�ay be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the entity(known "� �
<br /> �' ' as the "I.oan Seevicer")thac collects montWy payments due under the Note and this Security lnstrument. There also may be one � °� '; ��.
<br />° .�.:�,'.,;'.. �,,,:���:.; � �,{,�.,--,,�,
<br /> . , or more chan�es of the Loan Scrvicer untclated to a snle of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Horrower will be �;:t,__ � -� _
<br /> . � given written notice of the chan�e in accordance with paragraph 14 abave and applicable law.The notice will state the name and s��=»•
<br /> address af the new Loaa Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice will also c:ontain aay other •��'�'� ��, :-
<br /> � information required by applicable law.
<br /> �...:. .�,:�. -��
<br />;�;iy;;. 20. Hazardous Substances. Borrower shall noc cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any � �
<br />�;:;,����• Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall n�t do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the �,;' �� ��
<br /> :---`--- -:�:::- t•roperry that is in violatian of any r.nvironmentai iaw. The preceding cwo seniences snall noc appIy co we presence,usn, �r
<br /> ,,,r;�,., storage ou the Property of small quantities of Hazardoac Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal � ., ->� �
<br /> •�":� :�•��� res{dential uses and to maintenance of the Property. �,,::
<br /> Bonower shall promptly give Lender wr�tten notice of any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any ,� ��<<g
<br /> i�;, govemmental or regulatory agency or privat�s party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or�nvironmental Law • , ..
<br />: :+• af which Borrower has acival lrnowledge. If Borrower l�arns, or is notified by any governmental or regulatory authority, that
<br /> any r�movai or other remediation of any Hazardous Subatance affecting the Properry is necessary,Bonower shall promptly take . .
<br /> all necessary remedial actIons in accordance with Environmental Law. .r,
<br /> As used in this pazggraph 20, "Ha�ardous Substances' are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by ;
<br /> �, Environmental Law and the following substazices: gasol3ne. Icerosene, other flammable or toaic petroleum products, toxic 'x'�f.=.
<br /> pesti�ide.s and herbicides,volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or furmaldehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in �.'':.. •`��3��+
<br /> �'`�. this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Properry is located that
<br /> '�.;;;-�'� relate to health,safery or environmental protection. � :�' `� '
<br /> 'd�':.°. NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bonower and Lender further covcnant and agree as follows: '"�^��'�
<br /> .>. . �:•. , . ,ry : .�. ,.
<br /> ��';:.�.• 21.Acceleration;Remedles. Le n d e r s h a 1 1�f v e a o t t c e t o B o r r o w e r p r E o r t o u c c e l e rn t l o n f ollow ing B orro��er's brench � ;,,;i _
<br /> . of nny covenant or agreement !n t6is Sccur[ty Ltistrumeut Nut not prl�r to acccleratioa under puragraph 17 upless i , ,
<br /> appUcable law prAVides otherwLe).The aotfcc yhall speciFy: (a)the defeult;(b)the action reqidred to cure the default; �
<br /> ' (c)a date,not less ihan 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrower, 6y which tl�e deFault must be cured;and '
<br /> „ (d)that fatWre to ctere the detault on or before ti�e date specifled in the notice may result in ucceleration of the sums �
<br /> ;� � secured b�this Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The noUce shall further inform Borrower oP the rlght to '
<br />_ 4 reiust�te after accelernUon end the right to bring n court ncUon to assert the noa-exLstence of a default or uny otfier •�
<br /> y defense of BoiTOwer to acceleration and sale. If the dePault is not cured or.or before the date spectfled tn the notice, � '��
<br /> L,encler� ut[ts option, msy requtre dmmedlate payment In full of ull sums secured by this Security Instrument without I •
<br />. ' " furthcr demand end mny invoke the power of snle and nny other remedies permitted by upplicuble law.Lender shall bc �
<br />- entkl�d to collect all expenses incurred In pursuin�the remedics provided in this paragrnp5 21,includlag,but not Iimited i ��
<br />° �" ' ta,reasonoblc attorncys'fecs and costs of t[tle evtdencc. • :�,
<br /> ?�::��'��.�.,• It the power ot ssile is invokec�, Trust�e shall recorcD n not(ce oP default in each county in which any part of the •
<br /> - . �'���:;:",.�. Property is located and shall mail coptes of such nntire in the mnnner prescdbed by eppiicable law to Bon�ower und to � •
<br />; ;""�,;:'�,�; the other persons prescribcd by applicssble Isw.ABier the time required by applEcr►ble Inw,Trustee shall give public notice i
<br />�:•.;�;��: • �" oP sale tu the prrsoav and in the manner prescribed by npplicuble law. Trustee, witlioat demnnd on Borro�er, shall seU i
<br />_-_ . tho Property at putslAc auctlon to the hlg6est bidder at the tlme and p14ce und�u�der the terms designated(n the notice of �
<br />= . sale in one or morc pmncls¢nd in any ordcr Trustec determines. Tnistce muy postpone salc of ull or nny parcel oP the ;
<br />- , Property by public unaouncement at the time and pince�f any prevtously scheduled ssite. Lender or its designee may
<br />_ '� purchnsc the Property et eny snle. '
<br />,_
<br /> � �� •. Form 302 90
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