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<br /> . ..�� ', ' . �,i. � . � (:' L f ( -I 1�.i�tr`!:t ... ;� .
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<br /> . , . •. 1.
<br /> �, 5_ �1n1�.S9 � :_.
<br /> r '`Y . TOCiETHER WITH nll thc improvements now or hereafter crected on thc property,'Ip�3ii easements,appu�tcnances, aad , .. -
<br /> , fixturra now oe 1�eeeufcer a part of Qic pro�arty. All replacemenu and ad�itlons sball :ilsa be covered hy this Securlty . •
<br /> [nstrument. All of thc furegoing is rcfcaed to in this Sccuriry I�strumcnt ns the "Propcny�."
<br /> ° BORROWBR COV�NAN'i'S tl�at Borrnwcr Is Inwftelly seised of thc cstate hcreby convcycd anJ l�ns the Nght to gra�it �►nA
<br /> . - ' � convey the Prap�rty and �hnt �he Pro��eny iR uncncumt�red, exccpt for cncumbrnnccs of reeord, Borrowcr wnrrnnts and will , .
<br /> � ' � dofend genernlly U�e dtle ta tha Propeny nga!nst all claims nnd densands.subJect io nny encumUrnnces of rr.cord. .,
<br />� .. THIS SL�CURITY INS7'RUM[iNT cambincs uniform covcnnnts for national usc nnd non-urlfom�cavenmtts with Umitcd � , .
<br />. vnrlAtiuns by jurisdlcdon to conatitutc�unifonn sccuriry instrument covcring rca!pro�cny. • , � ' •
<br /> UNIfORM CUVBNANTS. Borrawcr and Lcnder covennnt and agrte as followa: '.,
<br />= „ ' L 1'wymer+t of Princlp�ol �nd interesN. Preppyment und Lute Ch�rges. Bonowcr shn11 promptly pay whcn dee th� .
<br />�_ _ _ � _- _ }trinciDal of cuid interest on the dsbt ev(dencu!by the Note aad nny prepayment and lute chsrges due under the I`1ote. . . .
<br />' 2. �nds for T�xes and Iasurance. Subjcct to a��licable law or to a viritten waiver by Lcndcr, Burrower shsll pay to � .,.,,�#,; _:
<br />._ , �,�..�
<br /> ' Lender on the day monthly pnyments are duc undcr dtc Note,untit dic Note is p�id in full,a suhr.('Funda")for:(a)yearly taue� ' ,�,:1��L�;��,,;.�
<br /> '�._ and assessmenta wdich mny attatn priority over this Se�ueity Iastrumcat a�a lien on the Pro��erty:@)Yearly leasehold payments ;,;��:;^,;;.;_.�:
<br /> � or ground rents on the Pmperty,if aay;(c)yearty hazard or property insurance pnnuumfl;(d)yc:arly iiuo�l Iusuraace Fc�miums, ,�. • � � _"r
<br /> � if any;(e)yearly mortgngc inourance premlums, if any; and(�any sums payable i�y Pl�rnowcr to I.eader.in acxordaaoe with .. «�•---
<br /> ,� �-;�-°—_-.
<br /> � the provisions of para�raph 8,in lieu of the paymeat of mortg�ge jnsuraace pnemiumn.These items aze callcd"Escrow Items." tu�-��•:_
<br /> Leader may, ut any time, collect and hald Funds In an amount not to exceed t�e ma.�imwn amount a lender for a federally ��'"���'`�
<br /> .t_ %� r• ;._-_`---
<br /> related mortgage loan may require for Bonower's esr,row account uuder the federal Reul Estate Settlement Procedures Act uf A.."-`��----__
<br /> ;gae�.,..�-
<br /> i�7y a�:n,iei�d�from ti�c t�tir.;c. l2 li.S.C.S�t:on �G�J! rt s�q. ("R�SPA"?,�.�nless anether]��!that appliPS to th�:Funds .._. •• ��.�w-�_.—
<br /> , r• �;;,���:
<br />'. � sets a lesser amount. If so, L.ender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an ainount not to eaceed thc lesser amaunt. :�,;,, ,-
<br /> ' Lendcr may estimate the amount of Funds due on ttte basla of current data and reasonable estimnte�of eapegditures of futur� � u��i;;4;�,�
<br /> '� Escrow Iteu�s or othenvise in accordance with applicable law. •;:?t�? r
<br /> The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits arc insured by a fed�.ral agency, instrumeutality� OT CII�Iy ��iy yr���� .
<br /> ,;. ` • �,•-.,r
<br /> (including Lender,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds m pay the ;`�i�:''`� '
<br /> �.,. . ,•
<br />. �'1n Escrow Items. Lendex may not charge Horrower ior noiding and app3ying u�e Fuuus.iuwun;�y anaiy�tt:g th�.:�cra�:.xouttt.�r '��"'"
<br /> verifying the Escrow ltems,unless Lender pays Horrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits L.ender to make such �•;,
<br />- � � a charge. However, Lender may require Borrower to pay a one•time charge for an independent real estate taa reporting service F:.;';i,; .;.;r
<br /> used by Lender in conn.eccion with this loan, ualess applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is mnde or "r;;!�'?r,'r
<br /> ��� applicaUle law requires int�rest to be pnid,Lender shall not be re�uin:d to pay Borrower any intemst or eaminge on tha Ftitnds. ''s�
<br />� �� f• Bomower and L.ender may agree in wricing, however.that intereEt shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Sornswcr. ����'
<br /> ° without chazge, an annual accounting of tha Funds, showi�g credits and debits to the Funds and the pu�pase for whfch each � `��� ".
<br /> debit to tho Funds was made.'ihe Funds aRS pledged as additional security for�Il sums secured by this Securiry Instrument. �'���s '' �
<br /> �•°�, �' If tho Funds held by Lender ezceed the amouuts pemiltted to be held by applicable law, Lender shall account to Borrower ,, �'�
<br /> ::?�; :�.w .,:;
<br /> �� for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirement5 of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lendsr at any
<br /> ";,:;:�'' ''�C..
<br /> time is not sut�cient to pay the Escraw Items whEn due,Lender may so notify Borrower in�vritiag, and,in such case Bormwer _ '
<br /> ��`�•`'� ' shall pay ta Lender the amount necessary to mnke up die deftciency. Borrower shall make up d�e deficiency in nu mon: than . r .�
<br />-:=�s}�'� �° twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discretion. ';`.•,;,".•• � !�'�' �
<br />-�.�.•l _,;•.. , . L..._
<br />- ' ' ;::'�� • Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrumenc, Lender shull promptly refund ro Bonnwer any ',r'^'�`r
<br />- ���;�,)�,:;�,.� Funds held by Lendcr.If,under paragr�,ph 21,L.ender shall acquire or sell �he Pro�rry, Lender,prior to thc acquisition or sale '`��
<br /> .�„ of the Properry, shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisitivn or salc as n credit against the sums secw+ed by •���'r'`�
<br />_. ' a..: '�';:j'''.
<br /> - this Securiry Inscnunent. 'd"'x ;,;,
<br /> �'�1;• 3.Applteat�on of Feymeuts.Unless applicablc luw provides ot�erwise,all payments received by L.ender under paragraphs ,��-
<br /> '�`� 1 and 2 shall be applied: first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note; second, to azuounts payable under paragraph Z;
<br /> �f,;i�-�'�• third,to interes[due; fourth,to prwcipnl due;and last,to any late chu�es duc under tUe Note. .,:�;
<br />- • ;;:'�' 4. Charges; Lien9. Bonower shall pay all taaes,assessments,charges, fines and impositioas �ttriLutauto w tiie Fro�rry ��
<br /> ;;,��.::�.
<br />_ � �• which may atttiin prioriry over this Securiry Instmment, and leasehold payra.°,nts or ground rents, if any. Botrower shall pay
<br /> � �:� these obligattons in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that mswner,Bonowcr sliall pay them on tlme d!recdy '
<br />_ �;;,.� ��: to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptty furnish to Lender al(notices ofi amounts to be paid under this paragraph. I
<br /> 3',"' If Bormwer makes these payments directly,Bonower shall promptly furaish to Lender receipts evidencing the paymenu.
<br /> Sorrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees in � ,
<br /> = wdting to the payment of the obligation secured by the liea in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good faith the lien j
<br /> , by, or defends agtinst enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings �vhich in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the �
<br />-. f enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfnctary to Lender subordinating the lien to i
<br /> 1 diis Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any pan of th�Property is subject to a lien which may attaln priority over
<br /> : ..I this Sccurlty Instntment, Lender may give Borrower a n4tice idrntifying the licn.Borrowcr shall satisfy thc lien or ta}:a onc or ;
<br /> ' � more of thc actions set forth abovc wid�in 10 days of the giving of notice. ; ,
<br /> _ , � Form 3028 i
<br /> �.. -. .-----',,•'-.' �.6a1HEl 19f061 Pe9��of 6 INII ,_ _. ..__ .
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