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.� _4� . . — L� <br /> .y,. „ y- <br /> .t ,... : . . <br /> - .,Fr,,,�, •;'�,�� <br /> ��•:,,°•�"°ttt�','4"v'i.X7tL�i' ,. . •. - <br /> . . .. .... . . , , ,. • � -�. <br /> ., .. . .. . .... . . ..._ -• -..- <br /> . . . .... - . . . .:..... . ... <br /> � <br /> , -.._ . . <br /> . . ... ....... . . . . . <br /> ......_... .._ __.... <br /> , . _..--..._ .... .. <br /> --.. <br /> ,� i , <br /> �� �. �,Q)��� , <br /> . . • 'n ruvcmcniti now un c�rcaftcr crcctcd on thc propcny, an��ali�cmcnt,. appurtcnancc,. and � � <br /> � TOGCTNL'R\VITH nll cl�� n p <br /> ,.. ,. <br /> ' (ixtures now or licrcaft�r n parl uf thc pruperty. All rcpluccmc+u� und nddiuons yhull :il�u hc cuvcrcd hy this Sccw•uy } .fL <br /> �;;;:'^ .. Instrument. All uf thc fnreg��ing iy rcfcrrcd tu in Qii�5ccurity Instr��mcnt i�ti thc "Pnq�crty. � - <br /> R , BORROWEiR COVFNANTS thnt BorrawCr iti luwftdly +cucJ of lhe c�tutc hcrchy ronv�ycd iutd ha�thc right tu Erant tmd ` ` <br /> ' comcy thc Prapeuy und Ih�it �hc ['ropertp is uncnrumhcrcd. cxcrpi t'nr rucun�hrinccti �,I rcrurd. l�arrowci wnrrant+ and will i <br /> ' • • � dcfcnd gencrulty thc tidc !o thc Nri�pcny aguin�;t ull clainn and dcmm�d�.>.ubjcct to��ny cncumhranccs ol recurd. <br /> I <br /> THIS SECURITY iNSTRUMENT combincs u�iiform f��r nutiunal uy�:md nun-unifurm rcrvcnantti with limitcd I <br /> - �� v:�riations by juritidiction ro ccinstitutc a unifi�rm�ccurity instrumcnt cuvcrinN real pruperty. , <br /> • .•N^"'" UNIFORM CUVEIVANTS. Borro�vcr anJ l.cndcr cuvcnunt.ind u�rc�'.i+t'ullow,: � <br /> . 1. Puyment nf Principnl und Inte�•�.'�t: 6'repu�•me��t und Lnte Chur�;es. Bon•�,�vcr ,h.dl prump�l)• puy when dur thr i <br /> , principal of and ioitere+t c�ndic dcbt evidenccd by the N�,tc und any pi�P�iyment und latc churgcti duc under thr Nutc. <br /> 2. Fw�ds for Tux�s a�nd ln:�uruncc. Subj�ct tu applicublc la�v or �u a wri�trn waivcr by LcnJcr. Horrnwcr yhull p:ty tu i <br /> l.cndcr on thc day montialy paymcnts.�rc Ju�widcr thc Nntc.until thc Note is paid in tiQl,u,um l"FunJti"1 fur:(ul ycarly taxcti } <br /> and as�c�,►u�ut,vrhi�;h may'uttain priority��vi��IHIti SCCU�IL)' II1bl�U111Cl11 ati u licn on ihc Pmperty: (l,)yeurly IcuscholJ puytncnts ._ .. . <br /> or ground rents irn thc Properiy. if any:(c)ycarly har�rd or pri�percy insurxncc prcn�wa�tr:Id)ycarly iluud iu,uiuncc j,�t���iusits. j . <br /> ' if�ny: (e) yearly mortgage in�ur�nce premiums. if any: ,ind (� any �ums payable by Borrnwer to l�nacr, in accurdunce �vith � <br /> _ • ' ., tlic provisions of paragraph S, in lieu of the payment of mvrtgage in,uraiice premiums. Tliese item+are raUed "Eticrow Items. ( <br /> � Lender may, at any iime,coll�ct .md huld Funds io an nmount not to exceed �Itc max�mum umuunt a Icnder f�tt a fcderally l <br /> �� related ntortgage loan may require for Burruwer's escrow ucrount unJer the federnl Rcal Estate Setdr�nen� ProceJures Act ��f . <br /> 1974 as umended from timc to timc, 12 U.S.C. Scction 2601 rr scq. ("RESPA"l. unlcss anc»lier luw tl�at a�.plics tn 'ie Funu <br /> �' se[s a lesser amount.If �o, l.ender may. at any time. ce�llect and hold Fund� in an:ur.ount not to excced the Iesser amount. � <br /> .. � k.. . <br /> _ ' _ ... <br /> Lcnder may cstimatc the amount af Funds duc on thc ba�is of current Jatu and reasos�abl,cstimates of expendiwres uf futurc � <br /> Escrow Itcros or othcrnisc in.ic�ordxncc with applicubfc law. - �• - <br /> Th�: Funds shall tu hcld in un institution whosc depc�sits arc insurcd by a federul a�ency, instrumentaliry, or enutY ;, ,i�-,:�.`; <br /> `��� (inr.luding L.cndcr, if L.�nder is such an institution)or in any Fcderal Homc Loan Bank. l.endcr shull upply the Funds to pay die <br /> ;� Escrrnv Items.Lcnder»tay not charge Borrowcr for holding and applying thc Funds,unnuully analyzin�the escrow xccount,or `����� <br /> verifying the Escrow Items, uniey,l.endcr pays Borron�cr interest on thc Fund�and applir.iblc linv perntits L�:nder to make such <br /> _ a charge. Howevcr.I.ender may require Borrowcr to pa)�a one"imc,cha„g�eVf��`+n'thc��rw se cUnless an tag cem nort�n p�de`�r v .� . <br /> ' ° used by Lcnder fn connccuan WI[I7 ltll� iu:tu. iiii���o uj.(:.:.:....:. .�-.. r.. <br />, , � applicablc law rcyuires intcrost to bc paid. Ltndcr tihall not bc rcyuircd to pay Borrowcr any intcrest or cumings on the Funds. N9t9" <br /> Borrower and Lender may agrcc m writing, howevcr, that intcrest shall be puid on thc Funds. L.endcr shall give to Borron��r, r•. <br /> without charge. an annual accounting of the Funds. �howink credit::and debits to the Funds and the purpose Cor which eneh *�.�r <br /> ���'��� dehic!o the Funds wati made.The Funds are pledged uti additionul seeurity fur all sumti secureci by this Security lnstrument. <br /> ` �� (f the Funds held by Lender exeeed the amc,unts permittecl to be held by applicable law. L.ender shall account to Borrower <br /> for the exccss Funds in accardance with the reyuirements ��f applicable law. !f the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any <br /> timc is not suft�icient to pay thc Escrow items whcn duc. [_ender may so notify Rorrowcr in writing,and, in 4uch case Borrower . <br /> shall pay to Lc:nder thc a�nount necesyary tn maLc up th; deficicnry. Borrowcr shall makc up the deficicncy in no morc than ��. <br /> nvclvc monthly paymcnts, at Lcndcr's sol;:di5crc�ion. <br /> Upon payment i�i fu�l of adl sur.ti�; �ecurecl by this Securiry Instrumcnt, Lender shull promptly refund to Borrower any <br /> ' � " Funds hcld by L.ender. If, undcr pxragraph 21, L.endcr�hall ucquire or sell thc Property. Lendcr, pr�or to the acquisition or salc �� <br /> � . o f t h e P ro p e r c y,s h ull a p pl y an y�uttds lield by Lcndcr at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums sec:ured by ��` --_ <br /> ' this Sccurity Instrument. '—` <br />� . •'`����'� � 3.Applie.s�tton of Payments.Unless applicable luw provides otherwise, all payments received by L.ender under paragrnphs �-=P��-� <br /> �,;. <br /> � � 1 und 2 shull bc upplied:first, tu uny prepaymcnt rhurges duc under the Note;second,to amounts payable under paragraph 2; <br /> � , "j�µ ,��" third,to intcrest due; tourth,to principal due;and last,to any lutc chargcs due under thc Notc. . <br /> �;.3 4. Char�es; Ltens, Borro�vcr shall pay all taxcs, assessmcnts,char�es, fines and impositions attributable to the Property =-�_._ <br /> �• �� wliich m3y attain prionry over this Sccuriry Instrument, und lcasehold payntents or ground rents, if any. Borro�ver sh:ill pay <br /> •� '�� thcsc ubligatinns in th•�m:+mier provided in puragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borcower shall puy tliem on time directly ��'^--- <br /> to thc person c�wed payment. Bortower shull prcnnptly furnish to I.cndcr all nouces of Umounts tu be p�id undcr this paragruph. ��F'-� <br /> :'�i If Borcower mukes Qie,c puyments directly.Borrciwer shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments• ��_�-6------_ <br /> ' Borrower shull prompUy discharge<m}�licn which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (.t)agrees in �F-�i��i,, <br /> �Atl�r <br /> ti��riting tu the payment ut'the abligation secureci by the lien in a manner ucceptable to Lender; (b)cuntests in good faith the licn ____,__ �x <br />= , • , hy, ur dcfenJ� ugainst enforrement uf thc licn in. Icgal proc:ee:dings which in the Le►ider's opinion operate to prcvent the ,,,, ,,, +� <br /> �.:,,ts• .. �:;.' <br /> ...;�:;` �r w <br /> " enforcement�;t ihe lien:��r(c)secures from the iu�lder of'the lien un agreement satisCuctary to Lender subordin�ting t e �en to � � <br /> ,;:;ti!�'`.,:;:,.:.:. <br /> - this Securiry Tnstrument• If Lcndcr detcrmines that any parc of thc Praperty is subjcct to a lien which may attain priority over ,�,��.�Y.`,,r�Fx„ <br /> : ..r ... .�.-�4�,.�:�. <br /> this Sccurity Instrumem, i.cndcr may give Borr��wcr a noticc idcntifying thc lien.Borrowcr shall satisfy the licn or talce one or :.,,'�:r.y,s;,,,,,. . <br /> �r.�_.•...... <br /> •..,��.i.lf.•.:. <br /> � morc of the nctions sct forth abovc+vithin 10 days of thc giving af noticc. `.�;���., _••r�^.�,. <br /> • C•orm 3o2e slso r;:�• . <br /> ' r;'�i <br /> . . Pnno T o�G .. .F c::t�„_ <br /> _ �� . j"_��,��•�' �� . <br /> _ . . <br /> .._. .__..-----��.- - �----- ----- -- �- <br /> - �--------•-�.n..�-.-.-._ :� . . . , . . . . - , -� ..; -i-_ � <br /> ., �� ---'- - . .. . <br /> .-..�, <br /> .-r--.-�—+�- <br /> .-. . .-—'--'-–_'----'._... ._.. -r_..�...�., � .�.�.. � .. <br />�-. . .. .. .� ' - . <br /> -_-' " .. .. .. . . .. ' ._ . . <br /> - ,. _ ... .. .., ... , _ .. . . - '.A <br />- � �S __. . . .. ... • __' '__"_'�'�--_. ._ , .:..""_""'"_ _'_ __—"'–_... ' �. .. . <br />- , l) '. .. Y,) .. '., - _ .. <br /> ` .. - .. . . . - 1' . ' .. . '- . <br /> ), <br /> ' � <br />.! , . .. . ._ ... . �..1.. . _..'__. ... __ <br />