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<br /> GF�RAL FO'11�E�O�AT1�tN'EY
<br /> - I, H:xanah C. ARyerb rc�siding at 118 5. Inga11� 5t.,Grand Isl�.nd, NI?
<br /> - 6�801, hereby appoint Delores I►4. BQwdc;n of 113 H�rciy 1)rive, Inwa�d,
<br />- Wr✓a 2�425,a�d Cer�ld A. h,�iyers of Rte. 1, Doa� 67�,Estelline, SD 57234, us
<br /> = ray AtYorneys--in-Fact, to act in my name aad place, and fox ray be�efit an
<br />; my behulf with authority fio do the fo�lowing:
<br />- 1. Opeu, maintain ar clase baalc accounts (incl�diag, but n�L
<br />-= limited ta cheeking acaounts, savings accouats, and
<br />.i ee:���p�;���s of c�Annsxt�, brokexage a�ctiurats,and other
<br /> - sirr�ilar accounts with finan�ial instituti�as.
<br />-' a. �onduGt any busin�ss with any banking or fina�cial
<br />=� institution wi�th re$pect to any a�rt�y accounts,
<br /> - includiag b�c3 x��t lipnited to, making deposits an�
<br /> - wath�rawals, a�btainiag Uank statemdeats, passboaks,
<br />•� draft�,money o�rd�rs,warrants and certi€icates or
<br /> = vouchers payable to�e by am� persen, �xrn�,
<br /> � corporation os political entity.
<br /> _ ..
<br /> b. Perform any act nec�ssary to deposit, negoiiaie, seL.,�si
<br /> �: transfer a�ny aote, security, or draft of t?�� United
<br />,� States of America, including U.S. Treas�ary
<br /> � Secu�ities. • �
<br /> �� c. Have access to any s�fety d�p�sit boa that I �i�ht own:, •
<br />�� Ynclus3ing its conteats.
<br /> ,�
<br />,';,; 2. Sell, exchang�, buy, invest, or reinvest any assets o�r property
<br /> �� owned b�me.
<br /> �
<br />-_� 3. Take any and all Iegal steps necessary �o collect any amonnt o:
<br /> _.�
<br /> debt owed to me, or to �settle any clai�, whether madc ag�iast
<br />'.'�� me or asserted on�m�� �i�b.alf agaiust anp�ther person or
<br />- entity.
<br /> 4. Enter inta bindnsn,� contracts on my behalf.
<br /> 5. Sell, convey, l�se, �no� tga$e, m�nage, insure, improve, �epair,
<br /> or perform any ather act vvith respect ta aay of my property
<br /> (now owned or lates acquired), including but aot limited tm,
<br /> reul estate and x�eal estaSe ri��gs (including thr �ight to
<br /> remove teaants and to recover possession).
<br /> �
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